首页 理论教育 修改由现在分词引起不定式破句方法


时间:2023-03-29 理论教育 版权反馈





误:I spent almost 2 hours on the phone yesterday.Trying to find a garage to repair my car.Eventually I had to have it towed to a garage in another town.

正:I spent almost 2 hours on the phone yesterday,trying to find a garage to repair my car.“Trying to find a garage to repair my car”是一个破句,同时缺少主语或动词的一部分。


误:She was at first very happy with the blue sports car she bought for only$500.Not realizing until a week later that the car averaged 7 miles a gallon gas.(www.xing528.com)

正:She realized only a week later that the car averaged 7 miles a gallon of gas.“Not realizing until a week later that the car averaged 7 miles a gallon gas”是一个破句,同时缺少主语或动词的一部分。


误:He looked forward to the study period at school.It being the only time he could sit unbothered and dream about his future.He imaged himself as a lawyer with lots of money and good women to spend it on.

正:It was the only time he could sit unbothered and dream about his future.“It being the only time he could sit unbothered and dream about his future”是一个破句,缺少动词。


误:I plan on working overtime.To get this job finished.

正:I plan on working overtime to get this job finished.“To get this job finished”是一个破句,修改由动词不定式引起的破句的方法:可以把动词不定式加到前面的句子上。

