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时间:2023-03-29 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:It is a fact that technologies have brought tremendous benefits to students,especially to their study.Study has become easier for students than ever before in many ways.Above all,technology provides them with many kinds of new devices,like MP3,MP4,ebooks,instead of the old fashioned tape recorder.Other products,like I-pad,with many study soft wares and APPs,offer the students a visual banquet while help them practice listening.Besides,with the help of new technologies,classes become more


Sample 1

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Migration

There is still no consensus about the issue of migration.Eor a long time,there has always been arguments about whether migration is good or not.As for this matter,I also believe that opinion varies from man to man.

Migration has been a fashionable trend these days.Many people from developing countries are willing to move to the developed countries to make a better living,because they believe the living conditions and standards in those rich countries are much better than those in their own.And those migration lovers generally hold high expectations and illusion,to some extent.It is true that moving to developing countries is profitable.A particular example is that the welfare is abundant there,for instance,they have good medical system,insurance,education,welfare and so on.

However,some negative sides of migration are also undeniable.Adapting to the local environment is the first obstacle in front of the migrates.Some of them perceive that it is really hard to become a real member of the community they live in.Racial discrimination is also a sensitive issue migrates face.It seems that they can hardly get an equal opportunity and equal pay with the locals.Another urgent problem may be the language barrier.Many people discover that when they move to another country,even an English speaking country,they are likely to misunderstand the locals because of their accent.Last but not least,culture difference is another factor that will inevitably influence the living quality of the migrants.

Based on the above analysis,we can draw a conclusion that every coin has two sides,and migration is not an exception.As far as I am concerned,although many difficulties may await you,migration to a developed nation is still worthy.It could broaden your horizon and give you a chance to change your lifestyle and to view the world in two different perspectives.But remember,be well prepared before your action.

Sample 2(www.xing528.com)

Technology,Student Helper or Not?

It is a fact that technologies have brought tremendous benefits to students,especially to their study.

Study has become easier for students than ever before in many ways.Above all,technology provides them with many kinds of new devices,like MP3,MP4,ebooks,instead of the old fashioned tape recorder.Other products,like I-pad,with many study soft wares and APPs,offer the students a visual banquet while help them practice listening.Besides,with the help of new technologies,classes become more and more interesting and colorful,which can greatly attract students'attention and improve their efficiency.

However,it is a little bit haste to assert that technology is definitely a helper for students,for it also has some disadvantages in some aspects.Eor example,computers,as we all know,help students a lot in various ways,but meanwhile,they also have many negative even harmful impacts on their users.Most students nowadays play computer games,sitting in front of the table,staring at the screen,clicking the mouse.That may lead to physical exhaust,visual deterioration and time waste.In addition,chatting online is another great way to kill precious time.And one of the negative side effects of keyboard typing is that many students now can seldom spell correctly.What's worse,according to a survey,students spend much time browsing porn movies and unhealthy books and photos.

In conclusion,students certainly want to learn more and more quickly.But merely technology itself is not the solution.Study itself is a skill and it only develops by practice.Computer and other hi-tech devices can surely help,but they offer study no shortcut.Technology can definitely provide no way to laziness that everyone has by nature.Study has never been easy and will not be easier merely because of the help of technology.What it actually requires is the learners'continuous efforts and determination!



