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更新时间:2025-01-06 工作计划 版权反馈


老挝教育部高等教育司副司长 布恩桑·法西波利奔































Speech of Assoc.

Prof.Bounthene Phesiboriboun Deputy Director General,

Department of Higher Education,Ministry of Education,Lao PDR

At the East Asia Higher Education Cooperation Forum 13-15 October 2010,Kunming,Yunnan Province,China

Distinguished His Excellency Mr.Yuan Guiren,Minister of Education of the People's Republic of China,(www.xing528.com)

Distinguished Excellencies,

Distinguished delegates,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

On Behalf of the Department of Higher Education,Ministry of Education,Lao People's Democratic Republic and on behalf of Lao delegation and personally,I would like to expressmy sincere thanks to the Ministry of Education of China and the People's Government of Yunnan Province for extending the invitation to the Lao Delegation and facilitating our participation to the East Asia Higher Education Cooperation Forumin the beautiful City Kunming,Yunnan Province,People's Republic of China.

On this specious occasion I would like to congratulate the Minister of Education of China and the People's Government of Yunnan Province to organize the Forumfor the cooperation exchanges concerning strengthening higher education in the East Asia.

Distinguished Delegates,Ladies and Gentlemen,The East Asia Higher Education cooperation and exchanges is very meaningful for enhancing the students and staff exchanges and cooperation in the academic mobility.TheQuality of Higher Education will be very critical for sustainable regional development.

As we are all aware that the higher educations institutions have the traditionalmandate to provide education,undertaken research and provide services to society.At present the higher education institutions have the functions to provide education for citizenship by undertaking regularly the higher learning through lifelong learning.Besides higher education institutions have an important role to contribute to develop the culture,socio-economic and political developmentand is a pillar to boost the solidarity,democracy and peace.Through the globalization,themain benefits to be gained by higher education institutions across East Asia countries entering into cross border collaborations include the sharing of resources,the exchange of knowledge and information,the exchange of staffs and students based on mutual interest and solidarity.

At presentCross border higher education collaboration through the regional cooperation gives the opportunity to discuss on the trends of higher education,the issues and challenges and to identify the areas of cooperation.The cross border higher education collaboration was also able to achieve success since globalization and links between countries are now an internationally reality and these movements also requires cooperation and competition among developing countries.The national development potential and global opportunities enable the country to participate in the regional and international integration.

The import and export of higher educational programs and the distance learning is also critical and could affect the quality of delivery if there is no regulations and standards to govern and if the educational systemis not readable and comparable in terms of promotion of pathways between each education level and the recognition of higher education degrees and certification.While in some countries the national quality assurance frameworks,accreditation and the recognition of qualifications taken into account cross-border higher education,in many countries they are still geared to addressing the challenges of cross-border provision.

Through bilateral and multilateral cross border higher education cooperation at themacro level and institutional level,the national,the regional and international network through this spirit and the signing of agreement between universities itself will serve as a good platformto exchange information and good practice,disseminate knowledge and increase the mutual understanding on the quality and relevance of higher education which fits into each country.The promotion of Asean dimension and international organization cooperation through this policy dialogue would be a good platformand offers the most promising strategy for strengthen higher education across China and East Asia Countries.

The East Asia quality network should be strengthened and linked with China quality network through cross-border higher education that meets human,social,economic and cultural needs.The regulation framework for cross border higher education should be developed,disseminated broadly for differentgroups including government,higher education providers,students,quality assurance bodies,etc.

The academic freedomshould be undertaken step by step based on the capability and the efficiency of the university and should be parallel with the respect of regulations,the capability to demonstrate their accountability and transparency which will lead to university ranking.

Higher education institutions should be strengthened through collaboration between competent research teams within universities to address critical regional problems and through the links between universities and institutions and within governmentministries and through partnership with academies of science.The university research can be broadened through the national and international networking and research cluster not only within universities but also with the public an private partnership through participatory research,action research andcollaborative research.The need of expertise in Science and Technology is still a need for human resource development for East Asia countries.

Distinguished Delegates,Ladies and Gentlemen,Higher education in Lao PDR plays a very significant and important role in human resources development.The Government's national development strategy highlighted that human resources development should be aligned with the national development strategy,relevant to economic components and structure of the country and linked with the global economy.Furthermore,itmust facilitate and make the country's economic infrastructure strong,based on science and technology which would develop skilled manpower equipped to support the country's industrialization and modernization plans.Building capacity in human resources will produce a highly skilled manpower and respond to the socio-economic development needs of the country.It will also propel the country's integration with other countries in the region,particularly in East Asia and beyond.This requires support and investments in all levels of education.

In order to realize the development strategy and the Government's policy,planning in higher education should be relevant and meet the demands of the labor market and all economic sectors,both public and private.Higher education should produce academicians and researchers with skills and abilities in certain areas and levels of knowledge and expertise required to develop the community and the country as a whole.The strategy and master plan prepared on higher educational development by 2020 is financially and academically supported by the ADB within the framework of the strengthening higher education in Lao PDRproject,which is prepared as a reference for formulating higher educational plans since it is aligned with the Government's socio-economic development plans.In addition,it is used as a strategic and policy documentation referred to by the public and private higher educational institutions as they implement academic training as part of quality improvement in higher education.This is in line with the three action plans as:(i)increasing equity access to higher education;(ii)improve quality and relevance;(iii)improve governance and management.

Strategy and master plan on higher educational development involved the parties fromline-ministries,higher education providers,actors and stakeholders across the sectors concerned in higher education through the means of survey and data collection conducted in the central and some provinces in the southern and northern regions.The higher education master plan 2010—2020,is composed of the vision,mission,programs,targets and goals pertaining to strategic options such as:

* Building,improving and expanding higher education;

* Reforming higher education;

* Development of teachers and administrators in higher education;

* Improving quality assurance in higher education;

* Promoting research and research development;

* Improving higher education management information system(HEMIS);

* Improving governance and management in higher education.

The master plan on higher educational development is divided into two phases:1st phase by 2015 is to formulate programs,targets and goals,and activities taken by higher educational institutions emphasizing on the specific areas of training and financing plans used for implementation during 2010—2015,and proposed to the Government for funding,and thatmay be proposed for the grants or loans allocated fromdomestic and external sources.2nd phase(2016-2020)is to identify for the major preparation of higher education to support the country in the process of industrialization and modernization.

The actions suggested towards regional quality of higher education and promoting regional economic development and talents cultivation,fulfilling the role of higher education in the sustainable regional development and strengtheningEast Asia education cooperation and exchanges include the following:

>Set up standards for higher education system including standard of higher education institutions,curriculum,equipment,facilities etc.

>Revise curriculumand the delivery modes in all higher education programs to meet the labor market by promoting credit transfer and cross-border higher education.

>Promote academic exchange and mobility regional and international cooperation through bilateral and multilateral cooperation between and higher education institutions with regional and international reputation in order to share experiences and best practices and to reach international standards on a long-termand sustainable basis.

>Put in place a regional/international quality control and accreditation arrangement.

>Introduction a mechanism for a good governance and management of higher education by supporting a transparent and accountable management.

I do hope that the East Asia Higher Education Cooperation Forumcould contribute to resolve the common issues and problems and strengthen our further cooperation in the field of education in general and especially in higher education for sustainable development in the region and wish a tremendous success East Asia Higher Education Cooperation Forum.

Thank you for your attention!



