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时间:2024-05-19 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:Unit 7Wonderland庞华亲切的问候,轻松的游戏,可以活跃课堂气氛;在游戏中学习,在学习中娱乐,还可以极大地提高学生学习英语的兴趣。1.能根据Wonderland中的句子替换说话。2.能阅读理解Wonderland中的词语。Oh,there are some new words in it?T:Showing some flowers.Let me smell the flowers.P:Make some sentences with“Let me smell the________.”4.T:P:Pupils choose the correct word and read it after the teacher.T:Listen to the sen


Unit 7 Wonderland

(New Century Primary English Book 4B)

庞 华














computer,slide,some fruit,some drinks


一、Pre‐task preparation

1.T:Greetings by an English song:Hello.

2.T:Let's go to the word family.(Play the computer:

There's a word family.)

Wow,Room 101,what's in it?

There are some words.Let's make a rhyme,OK?

(the words:do,fly,look,walk,run,climb,swim,read,



P:Make the rhyme with the words and do actions.

Make rhymes like this:P1:Eat,eat,you can eat.

            P:Yes,yes,I can eat a cake.

            P2:Drink,drink,she can drink.

            P:Yes,yes,she can drink Coke.




3.P:Ask and answer in lines.(Using the words)

(1)Can you…?

(2)Can he…?

(3)Can she…?

(4)What can you do?

(5)Can you…or…?

(6)Who can…in our class?

二、While‐task procedure

1.T:Children,let's go to Room 102.What's in it?

(Play the computer:The door is opened.)

Oh,there are some new words in it?Let's learn,OK?

2.T:(Play the computer:Showing three words:catch,touch,match.)

Listen to the sound and choose the correct word.



What's the Chinese meaning of it?

P:Read it after the teacher.

T:(Play the computer:Tommy is touching the orange.)

Showing the sentence:Touch the_______.

P:Fill in the blank:Touch the orange.

Make some sentences with“Touch the________.”

3.T:Say“smell”while gushing out the perfume.

(Play the computer:Showing three words:smell,small,sell.)

P:Pupils choose the correct word and read it after the teacher.

T:Ask and answer:Can you smell?

T:Showing something let pupils smell.(orange,pineapple,co f fee,lemon,milk.)

T:What can you smell?(www.xing528.com)

P:I can smell…

T:Showing some flowers.Let me smell the flowers.

P:Make some sentences with“Let me smell the________.”

4.T:(Play the computer:Tommy is tasting the fish.)

(Showing three words:test,text,taste.)

P:Pupils choose the correct word and read it after the teacher.

T:Listen to the sentence and fill in the blanks.

_________does the_________ _________?Is it_________?

P:Fill in the blanks.How does the fish taste?Is it nice?

Read the sentence together.

T:Showing some pictures.

P:Two pupils make a group,ask and answer.

P1:How does the…taste?P2:It's nice./It's not nice.



5.T:Ask some pupils to taste chocolate.How does the chocolate taste?

P:It's sweet.

T:Yes,chocolates are very sweet.

T:Showing the word:sweet.

P:Read the word.

T:Let pupils taste lemon.How does the lemon taste?

P:It's sour.

T:Yes,the lemons are very sour.

T:Showing the word:sour.

P:Read the word.

T:Showing two boxes,one indicates it is sweet,another one indicates it is sour.

Showing some food and fruits.

Let pupils divide them.Which is sweet?Which is sour?



6.T:Showing two cups of drinks.Which one is hot?

P:The tea is hot.

T:Showing the word:hot.

T:Showing some pictures.What/Who is hot?

7.T:Please feel the apple.How does it feel?

Showing the sentence:How does it feel?

P:Read it after the teacher.

T:Chinese meaning is感觉怎么样?

T:Touch the apple,how does it feel?

P:It's smooth.

P:Two pupils make a group.Using their things to ask and answer.

8.T:Showing two sentences:How does it taste?How does it smell?

Showing a flower and a melon to pupils.

Let pupils put the correct sentences on the things.

P:Read the sentences together.

P:Four pupils make a group.Using their things to ask and answer.

三、Post‐task activities

1.P:Read the Wonderland and Farm land after the tape.

2.T:Ask pupils to finish a survey.And make a short dialogue.



Survey Table

Touch the___________.

Smell the___________.

Taste the___________.

How does it feel?___________It's___________.

3.T:Play a guessing game.

4.P:Listen to a story and do the exercise.




