One cannot see too many summer sunrises on the Mississippi. They are enchanting. First, there is the eloquence of silence; for a sleep hush broods everywhere. Next, there is the haunting sense of loneliness, isolation, remoteness from the worry and bustle of the World. The dawn creeps in stealthily; the solid walls of the black forest soften to gray, and the vast stretches of the river open up and reveal themselves; the water is glass-smooth, gives off spectral little wreaths of white-mist, there is not the faintest breath of wind, nor stir of leaf; the tranquility is profound and infinitely satisfying.
the eloquence of silence→万籁俱寂
a sleep hush broods everywhere→静谧笼罩一切
the haunting sense→(感觉)萦绕于怀,挥之不去
the black forest soften to gray→深暗的树林渐渐呈现灰色
gives off spectral little wreaths of white-mist→白雾袅袅,萦纡迷离
英语原句描写密西西比河的黎明,文笔极富文采,遣词空灵,运笔朦胧。大概是其最大特色。eloquence(雄辩)居然与silence(寂静)搭配。动词broods的主语竟然是hush,非常规之搭配也!haunting sense又是一种怎样的sense呢?谁也说不清,谁也道不明也。black forest soften to gray,动词soften之妙,也许只可意会。spectral little wreaths的直译,就足以让读者头晕,其直译是:光谱般的圈状物。对于这些空灵的遣词,朦胧的运笔,汉译也未示弱:或文言今用,于古朴典雅中绘写意境;或文采斐然,于写意泼墨中白描情愫!
The scent of beans, wheat and water-weeds wafted towards us through the mist, and the moonlight shone faintly through it. Distant grey hills, undulating like the backs of some leaping iron beasts, seemed to be racing past the stern of our boat; but I still felt our progress was slow. When the oarsmen had changed shifts four times, we began to make out the faint outline of Chaochuang and to catch the sound of singing and music. There were several lights too, which we guessed must be on the stage unless they were fishermen's lights.
The music was probably fluting. Eddying round and round and up and down, it soothed me and set me dreaming at the same time, till I felt as though I was about to drift far away with it through the night air heavy with the scent of beans, wheat and river-weeds.
月色便朦胧在这水气里→the moonlight shone faintly through it.
仿佛是踊跃的铁的兽脊似的→like the backs of some leaping iron beasts
渐望见依稀的赵庄→to make out the faint outline of Chaochuang
料想便是戏台→which we guessed must be on the stage
或者也许是渔火→unless they were fishermen's lights