首页 理论教育 英汉翻译理论与教学研究:英译汉语篇分析


时间:2023-11-29 理论教育 版权反馈


第一章 英译汉语篇分析


One might ask why speculation is permitted when there is so real a danger of loss.The basic reason is that speculation can perform useful functions in the economy.Buying a commodity or stock in the belief that prices will rise speeds market equilibrium and encourages faster entry of more suppliers.If the price change lagged until after an actual commodity shortage had occurred,the fluctuation would probably be sharper and more sudden.Remedial supply action could be further delayed.Similarly,if speculators foresee a surplus in some commodity,their selling of futures will help drive the price down to some extent before the surplus actually occurs.When speculators foresee a shortage and bid up the price,they are also helping to conserve the present supply.As the price goes up,less of the commodity is purchased;a rise in price encourages users to economize.Similarly,a lowering of price encourages users to buy more,thus helping to sell the surplus which is developing.





首先,第一句中“when”引导的时间状语从句转化为“既然……”的原因从句,与“why”引导的宾语从句相呼应。同时,把句中的被动语态转化为主动形式,并增加“人们”以适合中文表达习惯。译文第一、四、七句和最后一句都采用直译法。第三句话使用包含“that”引导的同位语从句的动名词短语“buying a commodity or stock□”作主语,译文中加入“投机者”作主语,把动名词短语译为小分句,并加上“这样可以”与原句谓语部分构成结果关系,符合汉语表达习惯。“faster entry of more suppliers”的翻译采用了词类转换法。“their selling of futures”也是动名词短语作主语,译文处理为从句。



The Renaissance embraced,first of all,an impressive record of new achievements in art,literature,science,philosophy,education and religion.Although the foundation of many of these was classical,they soon expanded beyond the measure of Greek and Roman influence.Indeed,many of the achievements in painting,science,politics and religion bore little relation to the classical heritage.Secondly,the Renaissance incorporated a number of dominant ideals and attitudes that gave it the impress of a unique society.Notable among these in general were optimism,and individualism;but the most significant of them all was humanism.In its broadest meaning humanism may be defined as emphasis in the human values.It was a term derived from Cicero,who used it in the sense of devotion to the liberal arts,or the subjects most compatible with the dignity of man.The humanists rejected the Scholastic philosophy with its preoccupation with theology and logic.They strove for a smooth and elegant style that would appeal more to the aesthetic than to the rational side of man’s nature.





译文第一句采用直译法,并使用增词技巧(增加“诸方面”),第三句的处理手法同第一句,也增加了“等方面”这类范畴词。第四句中把“in general”提出来,译为“大体说来”放在前面。译文第七句把“who”引导的非限定性定语从句译成与主句并列的小分句。最后一句也采用了同样的处理手法,只不过这句中是“that”引导的限定性定语从句。同时,还需注意,最后一句的“more□than”结构表示对比,意为“是……,而非……”。因此,翻译时需有意识地关注英语中的一些习惯表达和固定句式,避免因此而导致的误读和误译。



British towns and cities have at least one municipal park,where people go to relax,lie in the sun,have picnics,walk their dogs and play games.Most US city and town governments also provide parks.They are open to anybody free of charge.The most famous parks in Britain include Hyde Park and Regent’s Park in London.In the US,New York’s Central Park is the best known.Open-air events,such as plays and concerts,are sometimes held in these parks.At night,however,many people are afraid to go into parks in case they are attacked.

Most British parks were created in the 19th century,when more people moved into the towns.Some still have a rather old-fashioned,formal atmosphere,with paths to walk on,seats or benches,tidy lawns,flower beds and trees.There are often signs that say:“Keep off the grass”.A few parks have a bandstand,a raised platform on which brass bands play occasionally during the summer.Most parks are protected by iron railings and gates which are locked by the park keeper each evening.

Many parks have a children’s playground with swings and round-abouts.Larger parks have a sports field,tennis courts and sometimes a boating lake.In the US softball diamonds are marked on the grass and in Britain there are goalposts for football.Large parks may have picnic benches and,in the US,barbecues.In the US it is usually illegal to drink alcohol in a park.In many parks dog excrement is now a serious problem.

In Britain there are country parks,large areas of grass and woodland,where people can go for long walks.Some charge an admission fee.Many have nature trails where people can see interesting plants,birds or animals.National parks,such as Snowdonia,are areas of great beauty protected by the government.In the US there are both state parks and national parks.Many provide a safe place for wild animals to live.


公  园








译文开头把原文第一句包含“where”引导的非限定性定语从句的偏正复合句处理为汉语的六个并列小分句结构。原文第六句中使用了被动语态“are sometimes held”,考虑到汉语中被动形式较为少用,译文把这句话处理为汉语的无主句。第一段最后一句也把包含“in case”的复合句转换成汉语的两个并列句。


第三段第一句中“with”译为“配备着”,使用了词类转换法,把介词转化为动词。第二句中“and sometimes a boating lake”译为“有时还有可以划船的湖”,短语处理为句子。本段第三句是“and”引导的并列句,分别说明美国和英国的不同,译文处理为两句话,用句号分开。标点符号的正确使用和适当转换,是翻译中非常重要的处理手法。



Starved of Help

No human right is more clearly enshrined in international agreements than the fundamental freedom not to go hungry.In 1974,the superpowers assembled for a World Food Conference and anaesthetized themselves with rhetoric:“Within a decade,”they proclaimed,“no child will go to bed hungry,no family will fear for its next day’s bread.”Challenging stuff.

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations,the body which has dispensed billions of dollars on advice and billions more on dispatching Western experts to the Third World to stem the rise of poverty and famine has for the last decade,promoted an annual World Food Day to draw the world’s attention to its failure to feed the hungry.For its first Day,the FAO commissioned papers by experts which were to be published in many languages and sent to national committees all over the world.

The writers included the distinguished social scientist,Dr.Susan George,associate director of the Transnational Institute,which studies the disparities between rich and poor nations and develops alternatives in order to relieve the sufferings which such inequalities cause.

Dr.George has acted as a consultant to many UN agencies and has worked closely with governments in the developed world and the Third World.Her professional credentials are impeccable.Yet when the FAO received her paper,they didn’t like its tone.“Although I accept-ed changes suggested by the World Food Day staff,”she has revealed,“and avoided unfavourable mention of specific countries,publication was ultimately refused.”Dr.George had not provided the anodyne re-assurances which have become a feature of handouts from the World Food Day secretariat.Perhaps it was her opening shot that put the FAO off.“World Food Day calls for commemoration,”she wrote tartly,“but surely not for celebration.How could one‘celebrate’a day on which as many as 40,000people will succumb to hunger?”

Estimates of the number of chronically and severely malnourished people in the world range from the FAO’s conservative 500million to the World Bank’s one billion.Not only has the problem not gone away,it has been compounded by the failure of official agencies to address the political issues which nourish the roots of hunger.

In her banned paper,Dr.George called for the wiping out of the Third World debt.She suggested that countries where repressive and rapacious regimes were in power should not be bolstered by aid.There were other recommendations,too,which implicitly criticized the status quo whereby rich countries controlled the destiny of poor countries.


过分的“援助” 饥饿的根源









此外,译文还采用了一些翻译技巧,如第一段第二句话,采用分句法,把原句译为三句话,并作了句序调整。同时,本句的选词也较为到位,如“饥肠辘辘”、“飘飘然”。“challenging stuff”本为短语,也转化为句子。第二段第一句是典型的长句,译文根据句意和译文表达习惯,把原句拆为两句。本句中,同位语“body”后跟“which”引导的定语从句,这是英语的一个典型结构,译为并列分句。本段最后一句话也采用了分句法。原文第三段是一句话段落,译文处理也较为到位。采用分句法,把定语从句单译成一句话,补充说明前面的信息。整段译为两句话,以非限定性定语从句的关系代词“which”为分界点。



If Symptoms Persist

In the labour ward of our hospital,young women don’t give birth to little boys or little girls:they give birth to social problems.Male social problems are destined for prison;female for mental hospital.

From the moment of birth,the juggernaut of compassion rolls,social workers,health visitors and district nurses are alerted and—to change the metaphor slightly—descend on the infant’s household like vultures on a carcass.It is an ill wind that blows nobody any work.But destiny is not to be denied by all the machinations of the social services.

Last week,I talked to a mother-to-be on the ward,her pregnancy recently diagnosed.In our neck of the woods it is considered indeli-cate to ask who the father is:it is taken as an accusation,not a question.Nevertheless,in this case I ventured to ask it because the girl(she was only 18)seemed so young and vulnerable.

“And who,”I asked,adopting my equivalent of Mrs Thatcher’s interview compassionate tone of voice,“is the father?”

“My brother,”she replied,with a pertly triumphant expression on her face,the kind of expression adolescents have when they know they are shocking their elders.

I admit I was taken aback.Thoughts of ancient Egypt swirled through my mind.All medical textbooks that deal with the subject mention pharaonic incest,and we know the disastrous effects it had:Egyptian civilization lasted only 3,000years.On the other hand,of course,it is probable that the Pharaoh’s social circumstances were rather different from my patient’s.He didn’t have to live on£37.22 per week from what is known locally as the Unemployment;and he had soothsayers instead of the social workers.

“What are your plans?”I asked,the names of gynaecologists who might perform the necessary operation running through my head.

“I want to keep it,”she replied.“I don’t agree with abortion.”

You could have knocked me down with a surgeon’s glove.However,it is part of the doctor’s aura of infallibility never to appear surprised or shocked by what a patient says to him.

“My brother didn’t force me,”she continued.“I’m as much to blame as him.It was different with my father.”

“Different with your father?”I repeated,adding the interrogative inflection.

“Yes,he forced himself on me from when I was eight.”

I am afraid that at this point a rather frivolous question came to the forefront of my mind.Would the offspring of the illicit liaison call his or her father Uncle or Dad?The question kept at bay my feeling of utter despondency.

But whether the offspring be a daughter-niece or son-nephew,we stand prepared.On one side of our hospital is a mental hospital,a Victorian cathedral of madness.On the other is a prison,a Victorian castle for the undeserving poor.Not all the doctors,nurses and social workers can prevent the dénouement of this little story.





















Modern Warfare Is Planned Right Down to the Last Dead Body,


And 60,000,which does not include any Iraqi casualties nor any Western hostages,is by no means the highest the toll can go.Doubts about the alliance remaining steadfast,particularly about some of the Arab forces fighting alongside Americans and Europeans,cast long shadows over hopes for a quick,relatively painless victory.“More dangerously,one would have to worry about Iranian loyalties.It could be that an attack led by the Americans would force the Iranians into some kind of an alliance with the Iraqis.Certainly one would worry about Iraq’s response perhaps involving a strike against Israel.This situation is fraught with very dangerous potentialities for escalation and a much larger conflict which would approach global proportions.”

Jim Blackwell says there are no computer models and no estimates for what would be the Third World War.But he believes President Bush will have been apprised of calculations very similar to his own,with the additional benefit of classified intelligence sources.Once again there is little comfort here.One intelligence titbit recently let slip by William Webster,head of the CLA,is that Iraq,in addition to its conventional and chemical weaponry,also has a biological arsen on a hitherto unexpected scale.Whereas chemicals will disperse in the environment relatively quickly,biological gases,carrying viruses and dis-eases such as anthrax,blight the land for decades.

The gungho President Bush of August has given way to the time-biding Bush of autumn.It is widely believed that counting potential casualties has given him somber pause for thought.



而且,这60 000人绝对不是最多伤亡人数,因为该数字并不包括伊拉克死伤人数和西方人质在内。对于盟国,尤其是对一些阿拉伯国家能否和美国及欧洲国家一道作战,仍然是疑虑重重,这些疑虑给希望速战速决、赢得伤亡相对小的胜利投下了长长的阴影。“更为危险的是,不能不担忧伊朗会不会尽心尽力,美国发动一次攻击或许就能迫使伊朗同伊拉克结成某种联盟。当然,还得担忧伊拉克所作的反应,或许伊拉克会卷入一场反对以色列国的战斗之中。如今的局势表明潜在的危险随时可能逐步升级,而且波及全球的更大冲突一触即发。”





译文标题是根据文章内容添加上的,而把原来的标题处理为副标题进行解释限定。开头第一句把“which”引导的非限定性定语从句译为偏正复合结构。第二句话采用分句法,把信息量较大的简单句译成两句话。引号里的前两句使用了合句法,即译成汉语的一句话,这在英译汉时较为少见。第三句话则使用拆句法。第二段最后两句采用了一些翻译技巧,比如副词(“recently”和“relatively”)前置(“最近”和“相对来说”),拆句(主语部分与表语从句分别译成两个单句),词语(unexpected scale)译成单句(“其规模之大,以前是不可想象的。”)。最后一段第二句也采用了分句法。

