3.4 搭配(对比)成义
有的动物词语本身就有明显的喻义,而有的则需要在搭配或对比中产生喻义。如“cat-and-dog life”并不是“猫狗不如的日子”,而是“一起居住者经常吵架”,而并无生活水平低、日子过得拮据的意思。
In today’s rat race,neither you stay ahead nor bail out.当今世界人才济济,不是一马当先独领风骚,就是人仰马翻一文不名。
“rat race”(老鼠竞赛)喻指激烈的竞争,增强了语言的表达效果。
Every time I see my grand father,he gives me a big bear hug.每次见到爷爷,他都要紧紧地拥抱我。
“bear hug”常用于口语中,可以想象让熊拥抱是怎样的感觉:结实、有力,现在这个词也在中国青少年中使用了。
If the fatherland is sound,my personal troubles are only a flea bite.只要祖国安然无恙,我个人的烦恼只不过是跳蚤咬了一口。
通过“flea bite”这个喻体有力恰当地说明:和国家的安危相比,个人的问题微不足道。
其他的词语如:lion-hunter(巴结社会名流的人);hen party(女性聚会:只有女子参加的聚会);calf love(少年的恋爱);parrot cry(人云亦云的呼喊)。(安晓杰,2005)
flea market跳蚤市场
ostrich policy鸵鸟政策
night owl夜猫子
cook one’s own goose杀鸡取卵;毁掉自己的计划(希望、机会);使彻底完蛋
play the bear言语粗鲁
He is such a bear that nobody likes him.他是一个粗鲁无礼的人,没有人喜欢他。
That scandal cooked his goose.Now it’s impossible for him to get elected.那件丑闻使他彻底完蛋。他已经不可能当选了。
Last night they talked about their plan to cook the guy’s goose.昨晚他们商量要一起干掉那个家伙。
kill the fatted calf设宴款待
《圣经》中记载了一个在外浪荡多年的浪子,他挥霍掉所有的钱财后绝望地返回家中,受到父亲的热情款待。他的父亲非常高兴,命仆人宰一头肥壮的牛犊。因此,成语“to kill the fatted calf”表示热情款待或者欢迎离家多年的人。
He welcomed me at home by killing the fatted calf.
John was the cow’s tail at the exam.约翰最后交卷。
dark horse黑马;实力难测的对手
Bill had been a big bug in high school.比尔高中时是班里的尖子。
He had got a black dog on his shoulder this morning.今天早上他生气了。
“a black dog on his shoulder”有“闹别扭、脾气暴躁、容易发火、不开心”的意思。
The grey mare is the better horse.
直译似乎是:“灰颜色的驴是一匹更好的马”,而真实的意思是:“女人当道,凌驾于丈夫之上”,“grey mare”借指女人。(谭亚平、黄永安,2003)
eagle eye鹰眼(锐利的目光;目光锐利的人,明察秋毫的人)
horse back未经充分考虑的
rabbit foot兔后足(迷信视兔后足能避邪)
lion’s mouth虎口(www.xing528.com)
cat’s eye猫眼石
water off a duck’s back鸭背之水,毫无作用
Better be the head of the dog than the tail of a lion.宁为鸡首,勿为牛后。
have a tiger by the tail处境比预料的困难
have(hold)a wolf by the ears处于危险境地
have a bear by the tail遇到难以应付或控制的事
在这些搭配中,有的器官是所描述的动物身上没有的,形成了搭配错位,乍一看荒唐,却能达到使喻义新颖深刻的目的。例如,鸡作为禽类是没有牙齿的,英语却说“as scarce as hen’s teeth”,比喻“稀有罕见”;蛇本来无脚,因为“画蛇添足”的典故,现在用来比喻“多此一举,弄巧成拙”;马没有羽毛,但是在古英语,有“horse-feathers”一语,意思是说话没有根据,空穴来风。(赵伟礼,1999)
fox’s sleep假睡
Better be the head of a donkey than the tail of a horse.
Better be the head of an ass than the tail of a horse.
Better be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion.
It is better to be the head of a dog/lizard than the tail of a lion.
Would rather be a big fish in a small pond than be a small fish in a big pond.
Be a big fish in a small pond rather than a small fish in the ocean
Rather be the head of a chicken than the tail of a bull.
Rather be the head of a cat than the tail of a tiger.
neither fish nor fowl
neither fish, flesh nor fowl
neither fish nor good red herring
neither ass nor horse
When the cat is away, the mice will play.猫儿不在,老鼠当家。
He that makes himself a sheep should be eaten by the wolf.自己甘做羔羊必为豺狼所噬。
They are like cats and dogs.他们彼此水火不相容。
The sheep who talks peace with a wolf will soon be mutton.羊向狼乞求和平,很快就会变成羊肉。
The life of the wolf is the death of the lamb.狼的生就是羔羊的死。
Eagle fly alone,but sheep flock together.鹰爱独飞,羊爱群集。
西方文化中,“sheep”和“goat”都是“羊”,却有着迥然不同的文化内涵。古希腊的最高神宙斯的化身是双角弯弯的绵羊。《圣经·马太福音》中,耶稣自称为牧羊人,把教区的民众称之为“sheep”,用“sheep”形容人性容易迷失,必须依靠信仰的力量感化,使迷途的羔羊回头是岸,所以“a lost(stray)sheep”指误入歧途的人;“sheep without a shepherd”为乌合之众;“follow like sheep”为盲从。因羊一般是斜视的,“cast sheep’s eyes”比喻送秋波,以目传情或局促不安。
“goat”向来被认为与罪恶和魔鬼有关。相传魔鬼创造出“goat”,因而“goat”常被描绘成魔鬼的化身。“goat”还是好色、淫荡的典型。在希腊神话中,好色的森林之神就具人形而长有山羊的耳、角和尾巴。因此习语“separate the sheep from the goats”意为分辨好人与坏人;“get someone’s goat”意为惹人发火,使人失去自制力,因为山羊被激怒时用角顶撞以示报复。(曹容,2005)
“The birds and the bees”让我们一头雾水,其实这是性爱的委婉说法,起源于1928年Cole Porter的畅销曲Let’s Do It:
And that’s why birds do it, bees do it.
Even educated fleas do it.
Let’s do it, let’s fall in love.
这个短语的使用频率低于“have sex”,但是比“make love”要高。