首页 理论教育 责任发展观研究:负责任的多元视阈及解释


时间:2023-11-27 理论教育 版权反馈















(1)Responsibility to someone or for some activity.

(2)The state of being accountable;liability to be called on to render an account;accountableness.

Synonyms within Context

Accountability,accountableness,bounden duty,call,call of duty,duty,imperative duty,liability,moral obligation,onus,responsibility,what ought to be done.


有义务(accountability,incumbent,amenability,obligate,under an obligation),有责任(liable,responsible,accountability,responsible for),可说明性(accountability),问责制(accountability),责任(responsibility,blame,duty,liability,incumbency),援助责任工作组会议(working group meeting on aid accountability),问责制结构第一阶段项目小组(structure of accountability phaseⅠproject team),管理问责制特别咨询委员会(special advisory committee on managerial accountability),伊拉克安全责任调查小组(security in Iraq accountability panel),关于转型期经济体施政中的财政问责制的区域战略(regional strategy on financial accountability in governance for economies in transition)。



подотчетность(accountability,accountableness),пoдчинeннocть(accountability,jurisdiction,subordination),пoдвeдoмcтвeннocть(accountability,jurisdiction,subordination),пoдoтчeтнocть(accountability,jurisdiction,subordination),отчетность(accountability),ответственность(onus,responsibility,amenability,liability,accountabil-ity),Программаповопросамотчетностиитранспарентности(programme for accountability and transparency).


Verantwortlichkeit(accountability,liability,responsibility,accountableness,liabilities),Nachweispflicht(accountability,proof of identity),Verantwortlichkeits(accountability).


rendición de cuentas(accountability,rendering of accounts,statement of account,statement of accounts),responsabilidad o rendición de cuentas(accountability),obligación de rendir cuentas(accountability),obligación de dar cuenta(accountability),responsabilidad(responsibility,accountability,liability,amenability,answerability),Responsabilidad por sus actos(accountability),Responder por(answer for,vouch for,guarantee,guaranty,meet),responder(reply,answer,respond,to respond,riposte).


responsabilité(responsibility,liability,accountability,blame,duty),imputabilité (accountability,imputability,causality assessment),responsabilisation(accountability,responsibilization,empowerment,empowerment of Women),obligation de rendre compte(accountability).



准确地翻译accountability的概念,必须考察其来源和发展,以及其所使用的意义和所涉及的法律制度。accountability使用的广泛性,主要有三个来源:①最初的起源显然是会计责任,即强调责任的经济性、可计算性;②从行政责任发展而来;③国有企业的责任,正如前文已经指出的,英国在20世纪60年代发表了政府白皮书,其中就使用了Financial and Economic Obligation的概念。随着私有化的产生,逐步使得责任进入了公共领域,从而导致了accountability的形成。


沃尔克(Harry I.Wolk)和特尼(Michael G.Tearney)在分析会计目标的时候,将accountability作为首要目标,认为这一概念更注重竞争群体和收入、财富的主张权利中的平等。[91]

对受托责任最为经典的表述,是著名会计学家井尻雄士(Yuji Ijiri)提出的。他指出,“受托责任的关系可因宪法、法律、合同、组织的规则、风俗习惯甚至口头合约而产生。一个公司对其股东、债权人、雇员、客户、政府或有关联的公众承担受托责任。在一个公司内部,一个部门的负责人对分部经理负有受托责任,而部门经理对更高一层的负责人也承担受托责任。就这一意义而言,说我们今天的社会是构建在一个巨大的受托责任网络上,毫不过分”[92]




(三)Responsibility vs.Accountability的关系(www.xing528.com)

1.国内对于Responsibility vs.Accountability关系的区分


Responsibility与Accountability两者的意思看起来很接近,都跟“责任”有关,不过如果在同一个句子里面看到这两个字,如果都当做责任解,恐怕就不大恰当了。Accountability的意思是要有人负责,或要对别人负责,出了岔子要拿人是问。英文里常说:the buck stops here,就是说,责任最后由我来负。而这句话后面的概念,就是accountability。比如说,There should be accountability in the management of funds,言外之意,如果查起账来,要有人出来解释、承担责任。万一都是呆账、死账,问起来互相踢皮球,那就是没有accountability了。



(1)There should be accountability in the management of funds.


(2)To establish accountability in the new government.


(3)The accountability for the behavior of the soldiers rests with the commander.


(4)In fact,YouTube could be seen as a new tool for political accountability.As a G.O.P.official notes,“If you don’t say something stupid,you don’t have to worry about YouTube.”(From the Aug.28,2006issue of TIME magazine)上面一段话说的是参议员George Allen口误,被网站YouTube给逮住,无法赖账。所以上文也就是说YouTube可以用来作为强化责任归属的新型工具。既然“你不说什么愚蠢的话,就不怕YouTube”,反过来看,一旦说了什么愚蠢的话,则会有人来纠你辫子,hold you accountable的。



例如:Mary is a low performer.She has a lot of responsibilities,but she is smart enough to find out that her colleagues are held accountable for the mistakes that she makes.(玛丽的业绩很差。她的工作范围倒很广,可是她这人很聪明,知道她犯下的错误总有同事来替她兜着。)



3.国外对于Responsibility vs.Accountability关系的区分

What is the difference between responsibility and accountability?

(1)Responsibility is doing what you should do.

Accountability is doing what you say you will do.

(2)Responsiblity is when a task is up to you to do.

For example,it is a parent’s responsibility to change a child’s diapers,feed it etc.

It is a pet owner’s responsibility to ensure for care of a pet.

It is a teacher’s responsibility to ensure safety of the children in the class etc.

Accountability is when someone else holds you accountable for discharging a responsibility.For example,like going to jail for leaving your kid in a hot car.

Getting a ticket for not feeding/watering your pet.

Getting fired for leaving a class of children unattended.

It’s when an outside authority enforces your responsibility.

(3)Responsibility and accountability should not be scary words to you.You should be comfortable with these terms that are part of knowing when you are doing the right or wrong thing.When you begin to understand these virtues better and incorporate them into your daily living,you will invite the opportunity to take ownership for your good and bad behavior.You will accept your human nature to make mistakes and will want to repair the hurt through an atoning act.You should not try to ignore the impact of the hurt you have caused,because you will become a better person from your struggle to discern what is right and wrong.Imperfections are what make your life challenging and rewarding.You can work through humiliation,conflict,and other difficulties in your relationship to gain valuable life skills.The fight to do the right thing will become the foundation of your growth as an individual.In order to grow,you must learn how to display responsibility,accountability,and acts of reconciliation for those times when you do not do the right thing.Undoubtedly,you will hurt others even when you have their best interests in mind.Through atonement or problem resolution,you can take responsibility for hurtful actions and demonstrate acts of love,respect,and honesty.

If your acts of hurt,both subtle and violent,continue to occur without your taking responsibility,your partner in your relationship will grow distant from you.He or she may end all contact.Do you really want this to happen?You may end up doing something you will regret the rest of your life.

(4)Responsibility and Accountability.

These two words are often used interchangeably,however,they are NOT interchangeable.

The accountability is a term to describe when something went to wrong,who is the one we should blame.One can only be held accountable if the authority/power and resources are given but the job cannot be done properly.

If someone,for example a manager,is not offered any power and resource to finish ajob,we can not blame anything to this guy.For instance,if a manager has no right to decide the price during a negotiation,and the negotiation leave him no time to ask her company,thus the order is lost,we should not blame him for not getting home an order.

Responsibility is something feeling from the bottom of your heart.If other department made something wrong,as a side viewer,you may feel guilty if you don’t tell them.In fact,this is not your job.We define this feeling“responsibility”.

