学生:付正发APD2013M001 导师:曾旭东教授
专业:建筑学硕士 年级:2009级
论文选取热带气候下的模糊空间进行研究。模糊空间是一种常见而又“普通”的建筑空间,在实际使用时也常常被称为灰空间,在建筑设计中对它的应用是非常广泛的。尽管“模糊空间”或是“灰空间”(gray space)这些建筑专用的词汇属于舶来品,然而这种空间却一直根植于各国传统建筑之中,而且在今天的现代建筑中还影响着我们的生活。正是由于模糊空间在今天建筑设计中的广泛使用,才更有必要去深入的研究和理解这种空间,这样研究也更具有了现实意义。
The essence of architecture is space.It is the demand for space that generates the demand for architecture.But for various reasons,there exists a tendency of“more attention to mode rather than space”among the current domestic architecture designs,which ignores the ru e of architecture itse f.On y by e aborate y designing the bui ding from inside to outside can a the demands of the society for architecture can bemet.Under this background,it is crucia to study the architectura space.
The object of current research in this thesis is vague space in tropica c imate.Vague space is a common and norma architectura space,which is a -so ca ed“grey space”in actua use and is wide y used in architectura design.A though the architectura term“vague space”or“grey space”comes from outside China,this space is a ways rooted in the traditiona architecture ofa countries and sti affects our ife in modern architecture.Because of the wide use of vague space in today’s architectura design,it is necessary to make an in-depth study and understand this kind of space.And such research hasmore rea istic significance.
In a genera view,vague space is on y considered as a kind of transitiona space,but the research finds that it can be a so used asmain function space among somemodern business streets ormodern individua bui dings and that it can be turned into an enc osure space by changing the spatia interface under specified conditions.Therefore,the vague space can p ay a bigger ro e and have richer connotations in the architecture design.
The research finds that despite ofmany successfu uses of vague space in domestic architectura designs,there sti exist some shortcomings such as a ack of know edge of vague space’s specia ty and some improper treatment.The ana ysisof some examp es of using vague space inmodern foreign architecture finds that the use of vague space is very f exib e and some processing approaches have simi ar resu ts with the traditiona Chinese architectura design.This proves the wide adaptabi ity and vita ity of vague space and a so shows the using and processing of vague space in domestic architectura design are not abundant and f exib e enough compared with the modern foreign architecture.
Through ana yzing a kinds of architecture examp es,the thesis studies the specific processing ways of vague space,the re ationship between vague space and surroundings and the current situation and vita ity of vague space app ication.And it a so makes a research of the theories and ru es of space design.Form the inductive ana ysis of the research,the thesis conc udes the characteristics and deve opment of modern vague space and its en ightenment on the future architectura design,and then conducts a further exp oration on the vague space in tropica c imate according to the specific projects.The research resu ts are be ieved to be conducive to a comprehensive understanding of vague space and p ay a beneficia ro e in designing a more dynamic vague space and making its processing approaches more varied.
Key Words:
Vague space;Characteristics of vague space;Deve opmentof vague space;Harmonious coexistence of human and the nature
学生:闫寅飞APD2013M002 导师:邓蜀阳教授
专业:建筑学硕士 年级:2010级
Streets are the main urban fabric of the city,which bears the prosperity of the city and embodies the appearance and the change of times.Street front e evations,as themain e ements of the street space,demonstrate imagesaswe as the function and historica context of urban streets.With the rapid deve opment and the expansion of the cities in our country,the contrastbetween the o d and new architecture becomesmore andmore obvious.The prob ems such as the aging of bui ding materia s,mixture of co ors,and chaos in bui ding facades are especia y eminent in the city street fronte evationswhich destroy the overa images and identifiabi ity of urban streets.The renovation of roadside bui ding facades,as an importantmeans of improving the overa space environment,has been wide y used in many cities recent years.
First,by ana yzing the city,street and peop e with the understanding of the re ative research at home and abroad,this thesis defines the purposes and meaning of the research.Then the thesis estab ishes the know edge of renovation of street front e evations and c assifies and ana yzes the e ements of the street front e evations by studying and summarizing the re ative theorieson urban streetsand bui ding e evation design.
Second y,by summarizing the current situation of street front e evations and ana yzing the renovation practices of the street front e evations in different cities nationwide,the thesis conc udes the design princip es and strategies and then improves the design at a stages.From the ear y researches and themateria co ection to the data interpretation and ana ysis and to the specific design detai s,it aims to form a renovation design approach of street fronte evationswhich is strong y supported by a series of theories and reasonab e steps.
At ast,the thesis takes the project“Renovation Design of Shi ing Street,Xuanhan,Dazhou”as an examp e to practice and test the theories discussed above.
Key Words:
Street;Bui ding façade;Renovation;Designmethods
学生:胡为为APD2013M003 导师:赵万民教授
专业:建筑学硕士 年级:2010级
Since China’s reform and opening up,with the rapid deve opment of economic construction,part of the historica and cu tura townshave given way to regiona economic deve opment,forced to re ocate and bui d in another p ace.It has been a ong time since ancientbui dingswere re ocated to another p ace,but the overa re ocation and construction of the historica and cu tura town originated re ative y ate and practice appeared ahead of theory.The re ocation process of the historica and cu tura towns often uses the theories of the ancient bui ding re ocation and the protection program of historica and cu tura town as the guidance and re ative y,there are ess theoretica summary of the construction for the re ocation of the historica and cu tura towns.
Under the background of China’s rapid deve opment,it is necessary to track and summarize the space qua ity of the re ocation of the historica and cu tura towns,which has a very importantand guiding significance to the future ancient towns’re ocation.The specificmeaning of the research is to eva -uate the spatia qua ity of the re ocation and construction of Gongtan Town with eva uation method introduced,making the decision-making andmanagement based on a cyc ic process of“basis survey—eva uation—decision-making of design—design imp ementation—management—post-eva uation”.It a so aims to provide guidance for qua ity improvement of the new Gongtan town space and offer a scientific basis for the program formu ation of the town re ocation in southwestmountainous areas.
At home and abroad research resu ts on the qua ity of space have not yet been found in the iterature.The current research focuses on the eva uation of spatia qua ity of the urban human sett ement and doesn’t invo ve the spatia qua ity of historica and cu tura towns in mountainous areas.This thesis attempts to summarize the construction techniques of space qua ity of the historica and cu tura towns’reocation in southwestmountainous areas by studying the spatia qua ity of the re ocated Gongtan Town,which wi provide a reference for the re ocation and construction ofdomestic historica and cu tura towns.
First ofa ,the research summarizes the re ative theories andmethods of spatia qua ity and its eva uation and bui ds a spatia qua ity eva uation mode of historica and cu tura towns.Second y,through fie d visits,questionnaires and interviews,the research conc udes the spatia features and eva uates the space qua ity of the new re ocated Gongtan Town.Third y,the research investigates the space qua ity of the ancient Gongtan Town before re ocation by means of iterature research,makes a comparative ana ysis of the space qua ities of the Gongtan Town before and after re ocation,summarizes the succession situation and ana yzes the dynamic mechanism of succession.Fina y,with successfu experience in domestic and internationa space qua ity construction of historica and cu tura towns,the research puts forward the space qua ity promotion goa and strategy of the re ocated Gongtan Town and provides guidance for the space qua ity construction of the re ocated historica and cu tura towns in southwestmountainous areas.
This thesis consists of four parts.The first part is the theoretica foundation inc uding the first two chapters.Chapter one presents the research background,significance and scope of this thesis,an overview of the current situation of the domestic and internationa research,and a discussion of the researchmethods and framework.Chapter two bui ds a space qua ity eva uation system of the historica and cu tura towns in southwestmountainous areas.
The second part is the examp e ana ysis.Through the study of the spatia features,eva uation and ana ysis of the spatia qua ity of the new Gongtan Town,Chapter three sumsup the advantages and disadvantages of the space qua ity construction of the new Gongtan Town.
The third part is the ru e ana ysis.Chapter four of the thesis,through the comparative ana ysis of the space qua ities of the Gongtan Town before and after re ocation,conc udes the succession ru es of the spatia qua ity andmakes an in-depth ana ysis of the dynamicmechanism of the spatia qua ity succession.
The fourth part is the strategy proposa inc uding Chapters five and six.Chapter five,according to the different demands of different subjects for the spatia qua ity,proposes the promotion target and strategy of the new re ocated Gongtan Town,and summarizes the construction techniques of space qua ity of the historica and cu tura towns’re ocation.Chapter sixmakes a summary of the thesis and puts forward an out ook.
Key Words:
Gongtan;Mountain;Historica and cu tura towns;Re ocation;Space qua ity
学生:何丘原APD2013M004 导师:魏宏杨教授
专业:建筑学硕士 年级:2010级
In recent years,China’s rapid urbanization has brought abouta arge number ofhousing constructions which form an unavoidab e conf iction with the imited urban construction and.Due to a great dea of mountainous area and re ative y ess farming and,the deve opment of cities needs to seek space from the sky.Therefore,high-rise residentia bui dings have become a main way in housing deve opment in Chinese cities.Even in China’s centra and western regionswhere the economic deve opment is re ative y s ow,high-rise residence is becomingmore and more popu ar.As there aremanymountainous cities in the centra and western regions,the construction of highrise bui dings in s oping fie ds is increasing y.
Since the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008,the entire society has paid more attention to the safety of human sett ement,especia y the safety of disaster prevention and fire protection in urban high-rise residence.The study of fire protection of high-rise residences has abso ute y practica significance as highrise residences are themostwide y distributed bui dings in urban areas.From China’s fire protection po icy of“priority is given to prevention with the combination of fire contro ”,it is understood that if fire safety is considered in the process of high-rise residence design peop e’s safety wi be ensured.Despite of some simi ar points,fire prevention of high-rise residence inmountainous areas has some unique characteristics compared with that in p ains due to its unique topography.This thesis attempts to take high-rise residence inmountainous areas as the study object to discuss the fire prevention strategy in bui ding design with the conditions ofmountainous topography considered.
The current fire prevention design for high-rise bui dingsmain y fo ows the Fire Prevention Norm of High-rise Civic Bui ding Design which is compi ed based on the bui dings in p ain area.As a resu t,it is not that appropriate to app y it in urban construction inmountainous areas.However,Chongqing,as a typica mountainous city,witnessed the imp ementation of a oca norm ca ed the Chongqing Fire Prevention Norm of High-rise Civic Bui ding in Hi side Fie ds in 2004 which has a greatva ue in guiding and regu ating the fire prevention design of the oca hi -side civic bui dingswith considerab e socia ,environmenta and economic benefits.At present,this oca standard is under revision and wi become a nationa one soon.
Under the guidance of systematic perspective,peop e-oriented idea and method adjustment to different conditions,this thesis fo ows the princip e of integrity,humanization and safety as the designing phiosophy of hi side high-rise bui ding design.Due to the author’s imited practica experience,this thesis discusses the fire prevention strategy on y from three perspectives of the overa ayout,individua bui dings and the improvement of fire prevention safety.With some universa designmethods for norma highrise residence,this thesis focuses more on the fire prevention designmethods in s oping fie ds.
For the overa ayout of hi side high-rise residence,with many factors taken into consideration,the thesis presents the fo owing fire prevention strategies.The first is rationa architectura composition inc uding the ayout pattern,the re ationship between architectura composition and the hi side topography and the fire prevention space ca cu ated according to the height of opposite sides,The second is rationa vehic e and pedestrian circu ation system convenient for evacuation and fire fighting inc uding the vehic e traffic pattern,the re ationship between different groundingmodes and the position of fire anes and the fire ane pattern.The third is the andscape design with fire fighting considered inc uding the non-obstructed fire truck anes and fire-fighting sites,poo s for both andscape and fire fighting and activity space with the function of excavation and fire fighting.
For individua high-rise residence design in hi -side fie ds,under the guidance of peop e-oriented idea,the thesis puts forward the fo owing fire prevention strategies.The first is to c arify the fire prevention concepts of residentia in different residentia modes inc uding the different requirements for fire safety design of different types of high-rise residence and the re ationship between the p ane form and the fighting p ane.The second is to take advantage of the topography to reasonab y p an the function ayout inc uding determining the fire prevention type section by section in different functiona combination,regarding the s ope top of the bui ding as the first f oor and dividing fire compartment of the hi side bui ding’s ower part according to the vertica c iff.The third is to bui d a safe and convenient transportation system inc uding defining the space composition and design requirements and the norma y opened fireproof door,designing the smoke contro system and using ground p ane to increase evacuation routes.The fourth is to guide rationa crowd evacuation in ground p ane inc uding separation measures of staircases,the app ication of refuge storey’s method to
Key Words:
Hi side fie ds;High-rise residence;Fire safety guide peop e and en argement of the ha ’s space.
For the improvement of fire safety of hi side high-rise residence,the thesis raises the fo owing strategies.First,use the terrain to improve the fire safety of the traffic system inc uding using the terrain to rationa p an the evacuation route and save path,setting the horizonta channe to increase evacuation route,using over-bridge as evacuation route.Second,bui d facades to curb the spread of fire,inc uding designing the fire-fighting facade,ensuring the height of windowsi wa ,designing the horizonta sunshade to stop the fire spreading upward,designing frog-sty e ba cony for refuge and rescue.Third,try to use the open garage for the hi side high-rise residence to improve the fire safety.
In addition,this thesis a somakes a briefana ysis on the fire safety strategies of residentia area for the staff of Chongqing Technica Co ege.In its overa ayout,topography,traffic, andscape,fire prevention and other factors are comprehensive y weighed so that the partition of the who e residentia area is c ear,the vehic e and pedestrian ines does not interferewith each other,the andscapewater can be a so used as fire water and the green andscape as fighting faci ities.In the monomer design,the humanization princip e is fu y considered,with the smoke-proof staircases and vestibu es boasting natura ighting and venti ation and the facade effective y curbing the spread of fire.Ho es are set in the roof and wa of the garage,which makes the natura ighting and natura venti ation possib e and effectivey improves the safety of the garage.
学生:刘惠惠APD2013M005 导师:戴志中教授
专业:建筑学硕士 年级:2010级
As an important part of residentia area,the sound deve opmentof commercia faci ities cannotony meet the dai y needs of residents and provides space for the residents to conduct interaction activities,but a so p ays an active ro e in the construction of“ ivab e”residence.The pub ic renta housing,as a kind of indemnificatory housing provided for the so ca ed“sandwiched c ass”in cities,wi keep its dominant position as a kind of indemnificatory housing for quite a ong time in the foreseeab e future.As a new kind of residentia area,it has seen a ack of research on its commercia faci ities which eads to the emergence of re ated prob ems after the sett ement of residents.Therefore,it is pressing and necessary tomake a comprehensive research on the commercia faci ities in pub ic renta housing.The thesis chooses the commercia faci ities of pub ic renta housing community in Chongqing as the research subject,which is a partof the topic Research on the Design of Pub ic Renta Housing Community in Chongqing.
First,starting from the re evant theory of commercia faci ities in residentia area,the thesis summarizes the re ated standards and research resu ts in terms of commercia faci ity sca e,p anning ayout,spatia form and design of commercia activities,provides a theoretica support for the survey and contrastive ana ysis of commercia faci ities in pub ic renta housing community and puts forward themain inf uence factors of residentia commercia faci ities,name y,sca e and pattern of residence,traffic impact and consumer groups.
As a specia residentia area,the pub ic renta housing is featured by arge sca e,short distance to the downtown and easy access to subway,which has a direct inf uence on the sca e and p anning ayoutof commercia faci ities.The mixed residentia mode and ow consumption abi ity of the“sandwiched c ass”,the primary consumer group,decides the spatia form and arrangement of commercia activities.The differences between these aspects of pub ic renta housing and those of ordinary residentia area ead to its unique character of commercia faci ities.The ana ysis of these factorswi present a project for the fo owing research partand pointsout the research direction.
Therefore,themain partof the thesis,centering on the sca e of commercia faci ity,p anning ayout,spatia form and commercia activity arrangement,makes a fie d investigation on the construction and operation situation of commercia faci ities of pub ic renta housing which has been bui t and put to use in Chongqing.And through data co ection and questionnaires,the thesismakes an ana ytic summary of the current situation and prob ems of commercia faci ities of Chongqing pub ic renta housing area:commercia faci ities are insufficient tomeet the needs of the residents;the function of commercia projects acks p anning;consumption eve position is improper;and the commercia bui ding type is sing e.
In the ana ysis process,the thesis proposes on the design and deve opment of commercia faci ities in terms of the above four aspects in pub ic housing with the operation situation of commercia faci ities and the consumption condition of consumer groups in ordinary residence as reference.For the sca e of commercia faci ities,the thesis deduces the theoretic sca e of the faci ities in pub ic renta housing and proposes to expand the service radius proper y;for p anning ayout,adopt the method of c assification and grouping,with the rai transit station nearby considered;for commercia activities,focus onmid- eve and ow- eve commodities according to the consumption abi ity of consumer groups,using the configurationmode of“neighborhood homogeneity”;and for the architectura design,adopt the mode of sma sca e and pattern of community based on the princip e of economy and eco ogy and conduct centra izedmanagement setting of the mobi e vendors to create a characteristic businessmode.
Through the above investigation on commercia faci ities in Chongqing pub ic renta housing,the thesis summarizes the current prob ems and puts forward deve opment proposa s,which is hoped to offer research data and basic achievements of reference va ue for the design and research in the future.
Key Words:
Pub ic renta housing community in Chongqing;Commercia faci ity;Mountainous design
学生:冯瑾APD2013M006 导师:龙灏教授
专业:建筑学硕士 年级:2010级
本文首先分析了我国推行绿色医院建筑的背景和意义,总结了国内外研究现状和我国当前面临的主要矛盾,有针对性地提出研究方向。其次,选择美国GGHC、LEED HC和我国《绿色医院建筑评价标准》为代表,对中美两国的绿色医院建筑评价体系进行比较。比较分两步,第一步是评价体系的总体比较:在分析各自的发展历程和主要特点的基础上,从产生机制、发展演进、指标设置、评价方法四个方面深入比较,结合我国国情提出改进建议。第二步则是按照统一的分类方法对具体指标进行二次归类比较,通过比较发现我国指标内容方面的不足,并提出改进建议和后续研究方向。最后,在理论研究的基础上,以绿色医院建筑的评价为依据,借鉴美国在绿色医院建筑设计实践中的经验,总结了医院建筑的绿色设计原则,并结合项目实践从一体化设计、场址、交通、环境四个方面提出了适合我国的绿色医院建筑设计策略。
Green hospita bui ding ref ects an a -win situation of economic,environmenta and socia va ues which is the deve opment direction of the g oba hospita bui dings in the future.With the introduction of the Eva uation Criteria of Green Hospita Bui ding and re ated nationa po icies,China has paid an unprecedented y increasing attention to green hospita bui dings.The exa tation of“green”performance not on y he ps ease the tension of doctor-patient re ations and contributes to energy conservation,but a so ref ects peop e-oriented humanistic care in a new era.From the foreign experiences,Chinamust first estabish a sound eva uation system as ameasuring standard for construction and deve opment of the green hospita bui ding,which wi provide guidance for the architectura design and practice.Therefore,this study draws on the practica experience of green hospita bui ding eva uation and design in America to find the prob ems and shortcomings in China and put forward suggestions for improvement of the eva uation system and design strategy of green hospita bui ding combining with China’s nationa conditions.
This thesis first y ana yzes the background and significance of the imp ementation of the green hospita bui dings,summarizes the research status athome and abroad and currentmajor contradictions in China and proposes targeted research directions.Second y,this thesis choosing America’s GGHC and LEED HC and China’s Eva uation Criteria of Green Hospita Bui ding as the representatives,compares the eva uation systems of the two countries.The comparison is divided into two steps.The first step is the overa comparison of the eva uation systems:the comparison of the generationmechanism,deve opmentevo ution,index setting and eva uation methods on the basis of ana yzing the deve opment course and the main features and some proposa s of improvementwith China’s conditions combined.The second step is the secondary c assified comparison of the specific indicators according to the uniform c assification method,finding the insufficiency of our indicators’content by comparison and making recommendations for improvement and future research directions.Fina y,on the basis of the previous theoretica studies and according to the eva uation of the green hospita bui dings,the thesis summarizes the design princip es of green hospita bui dings and puts forward the design strategy suitab e for China’s green hospita bui dings in terms of integrated design,site,traffic and environment based on project practice with America’s practica experience in green hospita bui ding design.
Key Words:
Green hospita ;Hospita bui dings;Eva uation criteria;America and China;Design strategy
学生:刘艳APD2013M007 导师:李泽新副教授
专业:建筑学硕士 年级:2010级
Nowadays,with traffic congestion,environment degradation and resource destruction becoming serious prob ems,peop e begin to ref ect on urban p anning dominated by motor vehic es and pay attention again to pedestrian traffic which have been ignored in the past.When rea izing urban deve opment fa s into the di emma of convergence,peop e begin to focuson the deve opment of the regiona cu ture.In the past,pedestrian space(traditiona streets)is the ske eton of urban spatia structure whi e in modern times it’s sti c ose y re ated to peop e’s ife.The pedestrian space inmountainous cities presents the oca characteristics under the inf uence of the specia environment.With the deve opmentof the city,the pedestrian space has accumu ated a arge amountof historica heritage and cu tura symbo s which constitutes the regiona features of the pedestrian space inmountainous cities together with the city ife gradua y coming to shape through the ages.
This thesis,starting with the ref ections of pubic transportation and the convergence of urban sty e and features,studies the shapingmethods of regiona cu tura andscapes of the pedestrian space in mountain cities under the background of construction of “mountain trai s”in Chongqing.It hopes to create a distinctive sty e and feature of urban andscape,guide citizens to use green and hea thy trip mode to a eviate urban traffic pressure and rea ize a win-win situation of urban deve opment and cu tura inheritance through the construction of pedestrian spacewith unique characteristics.
Themain content of this thesis is divided into four parts.The first part is chapter 1,a preparatory chapter of theories and techniques.It main y dea s with the issue of“why”.This part c arifies the research objectand purpose,introduces the current situation of re ated research at home and abroad and puts forward the research methods and research framework.The second part,chapter 2 and chapter 3,is the basic research part.The second chapter dea s with the cognition to the regiona cu ture,points out that cu tura andscape is themain form of regiona cu ture and divides cu tura andscape into materia and non-materia types,providing a theoretica basis for the ater study.Another important content of this chapter is tomake c ear the important ro e of cu tura andscapes in shaping the urban cu ture and unique andscapes and further interpret the researchmeaning.Chapter 3 ana yzes themain tangib e and intangib e cu tura andscapes in the pedestrian space ofmountain cities and summarizes the characteristics of wa king space and human activities in mountain city,providing a theoretica support for researching on designing method.The third part,Chapter 4,is the theoretica construction part.On the basis of previous basic research,the thesis puts forward the design princip es of cu tura andscape and the different design methods for tangib e cu ture andscape space and the human activities.The ast part chooses“mountain trai s”which has been bui t as an examp e to summarize the design methods invo ved in the regiona cu tura andscape and confirm the feasibi ity of the research.
Key Words:
Mountain city;Pedestrian space;Regiona cu ture;Cu tura andscape
学生:卢寅APD2013M008 导师:杨宇振教授
专业:建筑学硕士 年级:2009级
Rura China is in the period of great socia transformation nowadays.On the one hand,the imp ementation of the po icy of and contract responsibi ity system brings the return of sma -sca e peasant mode of production,which eads to the reviva of the traditiona concept and its re ated pub ic ife.On the other hand,more and more farmers have eft their viages asmigrant workers under the background of free abormarketof themarketeconomic system.The migrant workers gradua y form the modern concept whi e the socia c ass rectifies in the p anned economy period become more stab e under the modern mode of production and ife.Conf icts and contradictions between o d and new,urban and rura concepts cause the ack of authority and pub ic awareness and fracture of pub ic conceptof farmers.Meanwhi e,the ong-time po icy orientation of China causes ineffectivemanagement of grass-roots governments,the increasing heavy burden of farmers and the phenomenon of vi ages governed by evi gentry,whichmakes farmers gradua y ose the socia identity of environment where they are iving and socia connection break.A series of rura socia prob ems graduay break out.
Drawing essons from the deve opment experience of Japan,South Korea and China Taiwan region,the rura pub ic serving center has become the core of rura pub ic ife in the future for its co ection of functions of administration,judicature,gathering,entertainment,technica training and information management in rura communities and has reconnected the socia associations under the guidance of the government,which rea izes cooperative production,independent(democratic)management and eco ogica deve opment of rura areas.China aunched the new rura construction in 2005 to boost the construction of rura infrastructure and pub ic faci ities.Therefore,the main purpose of this thesis is to exp ore a design method of rura pub ic service center as architects.
The thesis be ongs to the constituent part of the Natura Science Foundation of Chinawith the number of51108474.First y,this thesis teases out the deve -opment process of rura society from traditiona feuda society to the p anned economy period and to the present and exp ores the essence of the present rura socia prob ems.Conc usion is that the rura society in the transition period acks socia cohesion because of the fracture of traditiona cu ture and fai ure to estab ish the modern concept which resu ts in the diverse and comp ex socia concepts and ifesty es that inf uences the identity of rura society.Then the thesis finds out the corresponding re ationship and the connection point between space and society by anayzing and studying the types,characteristics and production chain of pub ic space in different periods,which is a so the entry pointof the prob em the thesis uses to put forward the basic view:the top issue the current rura pub ic space faces is how to dea with the comp icated and diversified use of space in this diversified structure.Three questions are inc uded:how to find the identify among the o d and new generations and contemporaries;how to cope with the diversified demand of space use;and how to dea with space construction andmanagement maintenance under the situation of insufficient funds in rura areas.
Based on the above questions,the thesis puts forward three corresponding design strategies as fo -ows combining with a detai ed socia research on the three vi ages and the design of Pub ic Service Center in new housing estates in Daxian of Sichuan Province.First,reestab ish the identity of cu ture and concepts through p anning and site se ection,architectura feature and the design phi osophy of pub ic participation.Second,use open function ayout,compound-use functiona space and as many open spaces as possib e to meet the comp ex and diversified space demands.Third,try to formu ize the structura system,simp ify the connection joints and se ect oca materia s to reduce the cost on the condition of una tered use qua ity in construction and management process.
Then the thesismodifies the design strategy by taking the feedback of prob ems during construction and use.Proceeding from the summary,the construction of rura pub ic service center shou d focus on the fo owing aspects.First,the government shou d provide the necessary support in the initia period of construction.Second,democratic participation shou d be adopted in the process of construction.Third,traditiona cu ture and oca characteristics shou d be respected and protected.Fourth,the current use of comp icated and diversified functiona space shou d be considered.
Key Words:
Transformation of rura society;Transition and reconstruction;Pub ic space in rura China;Socia connections;Design strategy
学生:刘运娜APD2013M009 导师:卢峰教授
专业:建筑学硕士 年级:2010级
In recent years,with the rapid deve opment of economy,the urbanization process of China is further acce erated.In the process of urbanization in the southwest mountainous area,the urban-rura dua structure is becoming increasing y prominent in the urban system and the economic ties and gradient diffusion between“big cities”and“vast rura areas”are weakened.Therefore,it is an inevitab e choice and amajor strategicmission for the southwest region to deve op the existing sma townswith a certain economic,industry and popu ation foundation to enhance the city network between urban and rura areas,which eads to the further prosperity of the region.
Because of the introduction of western deve opment strategy and the estab ishment of nationa comprehensive reform experimenta area on urban and rura harmonious deve opment,the metropo itan area with the core of Chengdu and Chongqing in Southwest China is taking shape and the construction of the mountainous cities in this area has made significant progress whi e sti confronting more severe cha enges.As the urbanization process is acce erating the major turning pointwith the speed up to 50%,the urban construction and economic deve opmentmode wi have a significant change which a so eads to some prob ems such as the urban eco ogica crisis,the tense re ationship between peop e and and,the irrationa use of and resources,the fai ure of the o d urban space to meet the needs of modern working ife and the fracture of urban context.Therefore,with the expansion of new towns around the urban centers,the renewa of the o d cities has become one of themost urgent prob ems in Chengdu-Chongqing metropo itan area.
Yi an,Taiwan,which has a ot in common with the cities in Chengdu-Chongqingmetropo itan area in terms of deve opment course,metropo itan background,environment and so on,encountered many simi ar prob ems in the ear y 1980sand hasmade a ot of practica experience to the wor d’s attention in the ate 30 yearswhich can be used as a reference to urban renewa in Chengdu-Chongqingmetropo itan area.
Based on a theoretica summary of the study of metropo itan area,sma towns,urban renewa and mountainous towns and the re ated experience of Yian,the thesis draws on the eco-city compact city theories and combines the study of urban spatia form contro with the research on urban economic restructuring,urban eco ogica security,urban cu ture reviva ,and overa urban-rura deve opment to form the re ated theory and contro mechanism of mountainous cities renewa of Chengdu-Chongqing metropo itan area and enhance the contro mechanism of adaptation and maneuverabi ity.
This thesis consists of six chapters.
Chapter 1,the introduction,e aborates the research background,estab ishes themeaning and purpose of the study,defines and exp ains the research scope and concepts,summarizes the re evant research at home and abroad and organizes the study method and frame to ay the foundation for the study.
Chapter 2 puts forward and ana yzes the probems.Itmakes a comparative ana ysis of the deve opment,present situation and prob ems betweenmountainous cities in Chengdu-Chongqingmetropo itan area and Yi an,sums up the strengths,weaknesses,opportunities and threats in the process of deve opment and ana yzes the simi arities and differences between the two p aces.
Chapter 3 studies the urban renewa of Yi an based on two fie d researches,discusses the renewa strategies of the andscape,the urban center and the waterfront and summarizes the design strategies and essons that can be used as reference.
Chapter 4,by drawing on the re ated experience of Yi an and combining with the particu arity of mountainous cities in Chengdu-Chongqing metropo itan area,puts forward the feasib e renewa strategies and methods in terms of the background,eco ogica security,compactdeve opmentand context continuity of themetropo itan area.
Chapter 5 app ies part of the renewa strategies proposed in the ast chapter into the street renewa practice of Qijiang District in Chongqing and ref ects on the design and managementmechanisms through practice process and fie d research after the renewa .
Chapter 6 summarizes the research,raises the remaining prob ems and proposes prospects of the fo -ow-up researches.
Key Words:
Urban renewa ;Mountainous cities;Metropo itan area;Eco ogica security;Compact deve opment
学生:向洹序APD2013M010 导师:郭璇副教授
专业:建筑学硕士 年级:2010级
Architecture,as human’smajor means of surviva and sett ement,has an indivisib e re ationship with its ocation and surroundings,so regiona ism is one of the basic properties of architecture.The regiona ism of architecture takes shape through a ong deve opment and evo ution of the interaction between architectura forms and natura ,socia and humanity factors then and there,essentia y a continuous y deve oping and updating system with the change of time and space.“Cu tura convergence”brought about by g oba ization has assimi ates or destroyed the regiona cu ture andmade the architectura regiona ism gradua y disappear,which arouseswide concern among a circ es in the society.In face of the increasing y serious cu tura crisis,architecture as an important carrier of cu ture has become an importantmeans of cu -tura diversity protection and regiona architecture has become an extensive issue under discussion in the current architectura circ e.
The Bayu Region which now refers to Chongqing,ying in Southwest China,hasa ong history,comp icated geographic conditions,unique c imatic characteristics and diversifies cu tures,a these breeding the abundant regiona cu ture and unique-sty e Bayu traditiona residence.Under the socia background of the construction of Three Gorges Reservoir Region and west deve opment,the regiona cu ture in Bayu region has been great y emphasized and exp ored since Chongqing became a municipa ity direct y under the centra government.With the economic deve opment and the rapid urbanization process of Bayu Region,themodern regiona architectura creation as an importantmeans of regiona cu tura deve opment, is receivingmore and more attention.Therefore,the exp oration of regiona architectura creation modes has practica pertinence and urgency.
First y,starting from the background of g oba -ization,the thesis ana yzes the impactofg oba ization and the dec ine reason of the traditiona regiona residence.Then according to the current socia and cu -tura environment and the unique natura and geographica environment and historica deve opment track of the Bayu region,the thesis ocates the Bayu region,ana yzes themeaning,purpose,main topics and research status and puts forward the structura framework of the thesis.In the study process,the research introduces the appropriate techno ogy theory and system theory and proposes to conduct the research ofmodern regiona architecture in Bayu region under the research background of appropriate techno ogies to obtainmaxima comprehensive benefits in natura environment,economy,society and cu ture.
The second chapter of the thesis summarizes the deve opment process of the architectura cu ture in Bayu region and its different performance characteristics in different historica periods,finds out themacroscopic aws of the regiona architectura cu ture deve opment through data co ection and fie d research and conc udes that the two cu tura systems,the unique open,b ended and diversified cu tures of the river city in Bayu region and the c osed,distinctive and individua ized mountainous cu tures,are two continuous y deve oping systems under the inf uence of time and surroundings.Meanwhi e,the thesis anayzes the theories concerning regiona architecture in the current architecture circ e,c assifies the theories according to their features,summarizes the regiona architecture the thesis studies and ana yzes its characteristics to ay a theoretica foundation for its design methods.
The third chapter,starting from the study of the adaptation of the traditiona residence to the mountainous environment,divides the adaptation according to the system theory:macroscopic eve ,intermediate eve and microscopic eve .Macroscopic eve refers to the adaptation of the site se ection and overa ayout of the regiona architecture;intermediate eve ,the adaptation of exterior and interior spatia forms;and microscopic eve ,the adaptation of architectura forms inc uding structura system and design methods.From these three eve s,the author exp ores the creation idea of the regiona architecture to adapt to the mountainous environment.This chapter main y inc udes the sections of overa ayout,three-dimensiona transportation system,the digestion of courtyard space to the a titude difference of terrain and the digestion of architectura form to the a titude difference of terrain.The fourth chapter a so divides the adaptation of the regiona architectura system to the c imatic environment:macroscopic eve ,intermediate eve andmicroscopic eve .Macroscopic eve refers to the adaptation of the site se ection and overa ayout of the regiona architecture;intermediate eve ,the adaptation of exterior and interior spatia forms;and microscopic eve ,the adaptation of the structura detai s processing and regiona materia seection.From these tree eve s,the author exp ores the creation idea of the regiona architecture to adapt to the c imatic environment.This chaptermain y inc udes the sections of the adaptation of site se ection and overa ayout,adaptation of spatia forms and adaptation of detai structure and materia s.The fifth chapter is divided into two parts,the texture ofmateria s and materia expression in space,according to the regiona ism expressions of modern materia s.It summarizes the regiona ism expressions of the current common bui ding materia s such as woods,stones,outer wa paints and bricks.The sixth chapter conc udes that the regiona contextwas themain recognition feature that formed in the ong evo utionary process of the city according to Kevin Lynch’s theory.It divides the regiona context into four e ements,routes,joints,marks and ridge ines according to the current status of Bayu Region and discussed these e -ements from the riva of street space,the continuation of courtyard space and the transition space fu of ife f avor.
Fina y,according to the experience summary of the adaptation of the modern regiona architecture to the mountainous and c imatic environment,regiona bui ding materia s,regiona space and cu ture in Bayu region,the thesis makes a systematic and indepth ana ysis of 28 vi a projects in Chongqing and verifies the creation methods of regiona architecture in Bayu the thesis studied.
Key Words:
Bayu region;Traditiona residence;Appropriate techno ogy;Geographica adaptation;Design strategies
学生:姚攀科APD2013M011 导师:王琦副教授
专业:建筑学硕士 年级:2010级
The Chinese word“Chengshi”(city)contains twomeanings itera y:“Cheng”,a concept of administrative region in Chinese refers to the aggregation p ace of peop e;“shi”,a conceptof commerce,means the p ace for commodity exchange.Therefore,there aremany important constituent parts of the city and traffic is partof itwith highway being the cornerstone.The premise of the existence of city is the popu ation f ow and commodity exchange.For that reason,the highway passenger station is the facade of a city.
With the rapid deve opment of China’s highway,urban rai way system and urbanization progress in recent years,the construction of urban highway passenger stations,is going through a crucia period with a huge number of interchange hubs gradua y bui twith the bus passenger stations at their core.In the interchange hubs,urban passenger transportation is designed in a three-dimensiona waywith e evated,underpass,by-pass and interchange projects connecting the urban roads and hubs.The research on p ain cities hasmade some achievementswhi e the research onmountainous cities is deficientand acks the guidance of re evant theories.It is of practica significance to study the specia transportation bui dings in mountainous areas due to the advantage of compound transportation organization by integrating the mountainous terrain.
The research object of this thesis is the interchange hubs of urban passenger transportation.It focuses on the discussion of the traffic organization of the interchange hubs in mountainous cities which ref ects the stream ine connection and spatia form of peop e,vehic esand hubs under the combined effects ofmountainous topography and traffic system,connects the city roads and the hub command centerwith traffic organizationa ski s in mountainous bui dings and arranges various and three-dimensiona routes.The traffic system in interchange hubs is c ose y re ated to the city transportation with the hub being the connection and peop e being the core of the connection and the entire city traffic system.
This thesis states the re evant concepts of the highway passenger transportation interchange hub first and summarizes its systematicness and particu arity.Then it gives a detai ed ana ysis of the features of its traffic organization,conc udes the traffic organizing princip es in mountainous areas and proposes some strategieswith some researchmethods ofmountainous and non-mountainous areas.According to the princip es and strategies,it summarizes the key points.Based on the traffic combination in interchange hubs,the thesis then conc udes the optima traffic organizingmode in mountainous areas through the c assification of the traffic for vehic es and phase-p ane and cross-section ana ysis of the stereoscopic re ations of the arriva and departure way of vehic es.Fina y,it ana yzes and summarizes the optima traffic organizing mode under various mountainous conditions by integrating a kinds of trafficmodes.
The ast part of this thesis ana yzes the project of the supervisor’s research group,exemp ifying the traffic organization mode from the very beginning of the master p an.Bymeans of the hub projectp an name y the compound re ationship between traffic for vehic es and traffic in mountainous cities,the thesis demonstrates its designmethods and techniques according to the research achievements of the traffic organization.
This thesis aims to provide references for the design of traffic in mountainous areas and urban traffic organization, ays the theoretica foundation for urban transportation construction deve opment and provides themethod of design.
Key Words:
Mountainous city;Highway passenger transportation interchange hub;Traffic organization;Connection mode;Transportation Integration
学生:夏敏APD2013M012 导师:张兴国教授
专业:建筑学硕士 年级:2010级
With the deve opment of g oba ization,the current constructionmarket has seen the increasing convergence of architectura sty e with the regiona and nationa characters of architecture gradua y fading away.Architectura cu tura crisis has attracted peop e’s attention, eading to the boom of regiona architecture creation.Designers are beginning to focus on the expression ofarchitectura persona ity,emphasize the harmony and unity between architecture and regiona background,rea ize that the importance of traditiona architecture in inheriting and deve oping regiona characteristics of architecture and conduct practica discussion on the techniques of regiona architectura creation.
The thesis,taking the actua project as an opportunity,proposes the research topic of regiona architectura creation techniques responsive to the voices of regiona architectura creation.On the basis of forefathers’research,the thesis co ects and sorts the data and combined with the experience of actua project,hoping to conc ude a systematic and va id technique of regiona architectura creation.
Under the guidance of research topic,this thesis studies the creative practice process ofWangmuxuanpu Cu tura Park in Fukang,Sinkiang.First,according to the cu tura park’s ocation—Northern Sinkiang,the thesis gives an accurate positioning to its cu tura background and put forward the design idea that inherits regiona features.Traditiona bui ding is the source of regiona architectura creation.Under the guidance of the project positioning,the thesis summarizes the characteristics of traditiona bui dings in northern Sinkiang to provide app ication e ements for designing by referring to a arge number of iteratureswith fie d investigation.Then starting from the objective conditions and going deep into the ideo ogica and cu tura eve ,the thesis ana yzes the regiona factors of traditiona architectura characteristics,making the design process,more rationa ,express oca characteristics from the essence and connotation.On the basis of the positioning and the above conception,the thesis exp ores the regiona architectura creation techniques according to the design process of actua project.Then the thesis ana yzes the project from the overa ayout,architectura space and form and architectura techno ogy and gives a detai ed ana ysis of how to use traditiona architectura characteristics,merge traditiona form andmodern techno ogy together tomeet the positioning requirements of regiona cu ture,actua function and architectura sty e and endow the architecturewith regiona cu tura connotation and characteristics of times.
Fina y,according to the experience accumuating in the project creation,the thesismakes an exp oratory summary of the creation techniques of the regiona bui dings in northern Sinkiang through the ana ysis,understanding and ref ection of the design process.These techniques inc udes:excavating the cu tura connotation of traditiona architecture and summarizing the regiona characteristics of traditiona architecture under the inf uence of cu tura connotation;according to the actua design conditions and traditiona ayout characteristics organica y reconstructing the organization mode of bui dings and the environment that focuses on the adjustment of measures to oca conditions and b ends in the view ofnatura environmentand traditiona cu tura connotation;keeping using the characteristics of architectura forms endowed by the traditiona cu ture which shou d be carried forward and endowing bui dings with characteristics of the times tomeet the needs ofmodern functions;innovative y app ying the regiona architectura techno -ogy,to re-present the traditiona architectura form and adapt to the oca c imate.
Key Words:
Northern Sinkiang;Regiona cu ture;Architectura creation
学生:石欣欣APD2013M013 导师:胡纹教授
专业:建筑学硕士 年级:2010级
With the increase of China’s urban popu ation,income,vacation time and the improvement of traffic conditions,urban residents’demand for sightseeing is gradua y increasing which breeds a great potentia of eisure agricu ture growth.Leisure agricu ture,based on rura andscape and agricu tura experience,is c ose y re ated to the new rura construction;and the rura deve opment in the future must depend on the urban regurgitation-feeding inc uding po icies of “industry promotes agricu ture,city eads countryside”and breaking the urban-rura dua structure”.Therefore,the deve opment of eisure agricu ture needs the theoretica guidance of the urban-rura overa p an to rea ize the scientific deve opment of economy,society,faci ities,space,and environment in the eisure agricu tura park.
The study,through ref ecting on the existing p anning system andmethod“study parkswith regard to parks”of eisure agricu tura park,puts forward the p anning system and method based on urban-rura overa p anning.On the basis of the correct understanding of the current situation of the Taigong Hi Green Leisure Agricu tura Park in Wanxing,Qijiang,Chongqing,the study app ied the overa p anning methods of industry, and,faci ity and andscape eco ogy in the eisure agricu tura park based on the urban-rura overa p anning theory into practice.
This thesismain y inc udes three parts.The first part(inc uding the first chapter and the second chapter)first discusses the background of the urban-rura overa deve opment and eisure agricu tura deve opment which is a so the research background of the thesis and presents the research purpose,meaning,scope andmethods;then it studies the present deve -opment status of theories and practices aswe as the re ated concepts of urban-rura overa p anning and eisure agricu ture;fina y it conc udes that it is necessary for the eisure agricu tura park to draw on the essons of the urban-rura over p anning.
The second part(inc uding the third chapter)main y ref ects on the existing p anning system and method“study parkswith regard to parks”of eisure agricu tura park,makes corresponding adjustment and upgrade the p anning system and methods of the park based on the urban-rura overa p anning theory and emphasizes that industries must be comprehensive y deve oped, and must be intensive y used,faci itiesmust be equa y a ocated and andscape eco -ogymust be kept in structura integrity.
The third part(inc uding the fourth chapter)according to the basic contents of urban and rura overa p anning,comprehensive y excavates the urban-rura overa p anningmethod of the park:integrative industria deve opment of the park that finds expression in industry type conformation,industry chain design and industria ayoutmode;the intensive use of and,inc uding the circu ation and threedimensiona economica use of and;ba anced a ocation of faci ities that ref ects in the extension ofmunicipa infrastructure from the city to the countryside,the estimation and ayout of pub ic service faci ities and ba anced a ocation of tourism and traffic faci ities;the structura integrity of andscape eco ogy inc uding the contro of industria types of the park,protection of the integra andscape structure, andscape integrity and eco ogica engineering.
The fourth part(inc uding the fifth chapter),according to the requirement of eisure agricu tura park p anning system based on urban-rura overa p anning,interprets the status quo of the Taigong Hi Leisure Agricu tura Park(Wanxing)in Qijiang district,Chongqing,puts forward the p anning orientation and target and conductes p anning and practice according to the p anning method of the industry,and,faci ities and andscape eco ogy based on the urban-rura overa p anning.
Key Words:
Chongqing;Leisure Agricu tura Park;Urban-rura overa p anning;P anningmethod;P anning practice
学生:李源APD2013M014 导师:魏宏杨教授
专业:建筑学硕士 年级:2009级
Chongqing possesses a arge number of co eges and universities with rich educationa atmosphere whichmakes itawe -known cu tura and educationa city.The teaching bui dings are the most important bui ding types in co eges and universities where the re ations between teachers and students are c osest and themain teaching and experimenta activities are conducted.The teaching bui dings inc ude pub ic teaching bui dings for teaching and study,professiona teaching bui dings of a departments and common comprehensive bui dings for both teaching and routine experiments of genera subjects.Chongqing,a big renowned mountainous city in China and even the wor d,boasts the specia environmenta conditions inc uding specia natura terrain condition,c imate condition and regiona cu tura condition and so on.Therefore,the teaching bui dingsmust adapt we to the various environmenta conditions in Chongqing,designed specia y according to the specific environment.At the same time,the teaching bui dings need to create a sound spatia environment for nurturing peop e tomeet the needs of function,shape,economy and eco ogy,which he ps to rea ize the target of creating an idea bui ding space for imparting know -edge and educating peop e.
This thesis consists of seven chapters.
Chapter 1 e aborates the background,object,purpose andmeaning of the study and the present situation,methods and frameworks of the study athome and abroad.
Chapter 2 states the historica deve opment,present situation and designing prob ems of the teaching bui dings in Chongqing co eges and universities.
Chapter 3 ana yzes the features of the teaching bui dings and the environmenta particu arity of Chongqing area and conc udes the design princip es of teaching bui dings through the summary of the reated theories of symbiotic adaptation of bui dings to the environment at home and abroad.
Chapters 4 to 6,three re ative para e chapters,respective y conc ude the design strategies of the adaptation of teaching bui dings to the natura terrain and c imate and the creation of a sound educationa spatia environment.Chapter 4 ana yzes the design strategy of the beneficia coexistence between the teaching bui dings and the natura terrain in terms of the free growth of the c uster ayout with the natura terrain,the adjustment of the sing e p ane to oca conditions and the coincidence of the architectura vertica re ationship with the natura terrain.Chapter 5 conc udes the design strategy of the adaptation of the teaching bui dings to the c imatic conditions in terms of the emphasis of the group ayout on themicroc imatic adjustment,the adaptation of sing e architectura design to the c imate and adaptation of the structura design to the c imate.Chapter 6 ana yzes the design strategy of how the teaching bui dings created a sound educationa space and environment in terms of how to bui d the contact space through the transition form of the bui ding’s interna and externa space,how to create the contact space inside the teaching bui dings,how to inherit the regiona cu ture of Chongqing,how to continue context of co eges and universities and how to use the comp exmode of teaching bui dings.
Chapter 7,giving an examp e of the bid design of the science bui ding in Huxi campus of Chongqing University in which the author has participated a the way guided by the supervisor,specifica y addresses the app ication of the design strategiesmentioned in the above chapters into this case and makes a thorough thinking of design strategies of the teaching bui dings in co eges and universities in Chongqing.
Key Words:
Chongqing area;Teaching bui dings of coeges and universities;Adaptation;Design strategy
学生:罗旋APD2013M015 导师:龙灏教授
专业:建筑学硕士 年级:2010级
In modern society,with the deve opment of economy and society and the improvementof peop e’s perception of chronic diseases,peop e are paying muchmore attention to dai y hea th care and regu ar physica examination,which eads to the rapid deve -opment of the physica examination market and institutions.Due to historica factorsand the socia recognition,themain providers of physica examination in China are the physica examination sections ofgenera hospita sespecia y those pub ic ones and with the reform of the medica system and the function of the marketmechanism,physica examination has become amajor source of income for hospita s.At present,China’s physica examinationmarket is featured by a arge number of potentia customers and a broadmarket prospect.The main customers are groups from companies and institutions and meanwhi e,the se fpaying physica examination and the physica examination before one’s joining the army are a so an important partof the customers.The particu arity of the physica examination popu ation,requirements and process causes the peop e f ow characteristics of the operation of physica examination sections such as the “popu ation peak in ha f a day”and“wait at any time of the examination”.As the physica examination section is not the major operating section in a hospita ,there exists some prob ems such as improper sca e,extensive design,confused routes and poor environment in quite a few genera hospita s.
Against this background,the thesis ana yzes the inf uentia factors of physica examination sections inc uding the change of human disease spectrum,socia conditions,the demand and growing trend of themarket,mode of hospita management and marketing strategy,equipment and techno ogica means and through the ana ysis of the composition and characteristics of the customers,psycho ogy and behavior of the physica examination popu ation,examination method,process and projects,summarizes the design characteristics of the physica examination sections of the genera hospita s different from those of the common sections with the creation of a more efficient,safe and humanized physica examination environment as the goa .Based on the theoretica research,the thesis se ects 16 physica examination centers of genera hospita s to conduct fie d investigation inc uding the survey of the sca e,arrangement characteristics,examination process,architectura form,architectura space and user situation of the sections by means of interview survey and the scene fee ing record,and then the thesis conc udes the basic princip es of designing physica examination sections of genera hospita s that are scientific p anning and ayout,reasonab e functiona zoning,convenient routes construction,initia improvement of security,adaptation to techno ogy deve opment and humanization environment.
Based on the case comparison and ana ysis,the thesis further discusses the key design points of China’s contemporary physica examination sections in genera hospita s in terms of p anning and ayout mode,function division,route organization methods and space design.In the project practice——the design and construction of physica examination center of Fu ing Centra Hospita ,the thesis verifies and adjusts the research achievements in terms of its design conditions,scheme conception,design modification and imp ementation,hoping to provide practica reference for architectura design of physica examination sections of genera hospita s in future.
Key Words:
Physica exam section;Genera hospita ;Architectura design
学生:李博韬APD2013M016 导师:卢峰教授
专业:建筑学硕士 年级:2010级
In China,there are 118 resource-based cities,as a typica city type c assified according to the city function,accounting for 18 percent of China’s cities.With the dep etion of natura resources and the change of energy structure,a ot of resource-based cities are facing a series of great economic,socia and environmenta prob ems.The Chinese government pub ished a tota of 69 resource-exhausted cities in three batches(12 in the first batch in 2008,32 in the second batch in 2009 and 25 in the third batch in 2011)and paid great emphasis on the sustainab e transformation of China’s resource-exhausted cities.
As an aspectof city transformation,space transformation and reconstruction can provide a substantia p atform and a strong support for the ong-term ordery deve opment of a city.At the same time,the urban design,with its advantage in improving space qua ity and integration of various resources,makes it possib e to so ve the space reconstruction.Therefore,this thesis attempts to ana yze and interpret the space reconstruction methods in the transformation of resource-exhausted cities from the perspective of urban design to provide some ideas and reference about space reconstruction for resource-exhausted cities in China in the new period.
This thesis fa s into six chapters.
The first chapter main y discusses the research background,purpose,meaning,domestic and foreign research review,research ideas,basic methods and thesis framework.
The second chapter is the supporting part of this thesis.It defines the research scope,ana yzes the spatia form,spatia morpho ogica characteristics and major space prob ems of the resource-exhausted cities in China to provide the basis for the research of the urban design methods of the space reconstruction of China’s resource-based cities.
The third chapter is the prob em ana ysis part.First y,it discusses themeaning,content,characteristics,princip es and objectives of the space reconstruction in the resource-exhausted cities in China.Then starting from a comprehensive ana ysis of the diverse urban and rura resources of resource-exhausted cities,it conc udes the different space reconstruction paths of the resource-exhausted cities under different resource conditions.
The fourth chapter is the prob em-so ving aswe as the core part of the thesis.First y,it defines the advantages of the urban design in so ving the probems of the space reconstruction.Then it constructs themacro targets of space reconstruction in resourceexhausted cities.Fina y,according to the diverse space reconstruction paths in the third chapter,it interprets themethods and strategies of urban design in each path.
The fifth chapter is the app ied research part of the thesis.Taking the urban design of Yang Yiarea,Hashan District,Hebi,Henan as an examp e,it eaborates the urban design princip es,strategies and methods of the space reconstruction of resource-exhausted cities on the basis of comprehensive ana ysis of Hebiand the status quo of the and in this project.
The sixth chapter is the conc usion part.It makes the main conc usions and gives the remaining prob ems of this thesis andmaks a prospect to the fo -ow-up research on the space reconstruction in the transformation of resource-exhausted cities under the guide of urban design.
Key Words:
Resource-exhausted city;City transformation;Space reconstruction;Urban design
学生:李珊珊APD2013M017 导师:杨宇振教授
专业:建筑学硕士 年级:2010级
The Centra Park of Chongqing,bui t in 1929,is the firstmunicipa park of Chongqing.The Peop e’s Park,the name ofwhich was changed from the Centra park,is the key area of the reconstruction of o d cities and pub ic space system in the urban center of Chongqing.Because of its important historic and rea istic ro e in the urban space deve opment,the research on the evo ution of Chongqing’s Centra Park is a so of great significance of historica research and of the guidance to the urban renewa .
The research on the evo ution of urban space shou d be conducted in the situation considering country,history,society and cu ture.Targeting the space of the Centra Park of Chongqing,this thesis app ies the theoretica mode of three dimensions of spatia perceptua created by Heri Lefevbvre,and teases out the spatia evo ution from the three dimensions ofma-teria space,socia space and conceptua space.By means of iterature review,interview and fie d investigation,this thesis sortsout the evo ution processof the park with the Centra Park as the discussion point and the urban space evo ution as the background.
The thesis is part of Nationa Natura Science Foundation of China(approva No.51178480).
The thesis consists of six chapters.In the beginning of the thesis,the author teases out the practice background and theoretica genera ization of the construction and deve opment of the nationa park and the construction background of Chengdu and Wuhan,another twomajor cities in the upper reaches of Yangtze River in the period of Repub ic of China.On this basis,the thesis summarizes the construction of the Centra Park of Chongqing in the period of Repub ic of Chinawas the resu tof the overa contextof nationa construction and the oca demand.Then forming the three dimensionsofmateria space,socia space and conceptua space,the thesis summarizes the evo ution process of the Centra Park—construction and deve opment in the provisiona capita period,stagnation in the p anned economy period and dec ining in the consumption age,ana yzes the deve -opmenta features of the park in each period and further conc uded the different image features of the pub ic cu ture ref ected in the park in three historic periods.Based on the above work,the thesis gives a comprehensive ana ysis on the evo vementof the Centra Park in the three periods and ana yzed the historic reasons of the spatia dec ine of the Peop e’s Park (previous y the Centra Park)were the transfer ofurban center,the dec ine of its perimeter zone,the dec ine of its interna function,the difficu ty of operation and the transformation of cu tura images from three eve s of the evo ution ofmateria space pattern,the transformation of socia dimensions and transfer of conceptua intention.This provides a reference for the further deve opmentof the park.However,in the current transition period of Chongqing,Chongqing has paid again great emphasis on the deve opment of the Peop e’s Park area from the perspectives of regiona reviva ,pub ic space construction and urban historic protection,which has broughta new opportunity for the deve opment of the Peop e’s Park.According to the c ues provided by the history and the current demand of urban deve opment,the author proposes to rebui d the urban pub ic space starting from the reviva of the Peop e’s Park area from the perspective of urban design.
Key Words:
Centra Park;Pub ic space;Cu tura image;Urban reviva
学生:戴琼APD2013M018 导师:汤桦卢峰教授
专业:建筑学硕士 年级:2010级
The networking and digita ization spreading a over the wor d in the 1990s has acce erated the economic and po itica g oba ization and prope ed the adjustment and integration of cu tures wor dwide.In this process,the function of pub ic cu tura architecture hasbecomemore andmore comp ex and their socia ity and urbanity has been increasing y strengthened.Therefore,the civic cu tura center architecture withmu tip e functions and connotations has become one of the important deve opmenta orientations of the urban pub ic cu tura bui dings.This new architectura type,active y responding to China’s current socia rea ity,can effective y reduce the urban traffic burden,improve cu tura and ife environment and enhance the service efficiency ofarchitecture.As ameans of capita accumu ation,the comprehensive deve opment the civic cu tura center p ays an active ro e in both urban reviva and o d city renewa .With the techno ogica deve opment,architecture has been endowed with a new dimension and aesthetic va ue,pub ic space has become amajor topic of architecture and pub ic cu tura bui dings have confronted more comp icated urban conditions and deve oping demands for urban pub ic cu ture.The emergence of the civic cu tura center,a cu tura comp ex,provides themost convenient,accurate and graphic stage for cities and bui dings to express human emotions and cu tura ideas.Thus,how to conducteffective interactionwith urban cu tura ife and how to estab ish an effective connection to the urban environment in both content and form becomes the urgent issue that needs to be exp ored for the civic cu tura center.
The design strategy study of civi centering on urban ife is estab ished on the basis of theoretica review and fie d investigations.Grounded in China’s contemporary urban environment,the study interprets the changes of urban ife and civic cu tura center in terms of the content,form and organization mode and the interconnections among these aspects.Targeting the ong-term situation that the urban pub ic cu tura faci ities fai tomeet the continuous y increasing cu -tura needs in China’s urban areas,the thesis summarizes and ana yzes the typica prob ems of the current civic cu tura center.It defines the position of the civi cu tura center and conc udes the design princip es of the civic cu tura center centering on urban ife,that is,to respond to the dai y urban ife in the content,to ink to the overa urban ife in the spatia organization and to create peop e-oriented activity p aces in detai ed construction.
Whi e centering on the urban ife has become a c ue to understand the civic cu tura center,the thesis a so points out the importance of the urban perspective in the design of civic cu tura center.Firsty,the thesis determines the core contents and conducts optima integration through quantitative study and grading comparison.Then the study discusses the integration designingmethods of the civic cu tura center and the city in terms of traffic organization,form creation,pub ic space and sustainab e design.Fina y,focusing on the study of architectura boundary,the compound space between the architecture and the city,the thesis puts forward the strategies of making the boundary fuzzy or making it a p ace.Form the three eve s of the core contents of architecture,the ink between architecture and the city and the jointofarchitecture and the city,the thesis estabishes a comp ete system of the design strategy of the organic connections between the civic cu tura center and urban ife.
In the end,combining the design of Yunyang Civi Cu tura Center,the thesis introduces the app ication process of the specific strategy and ana yzes and summarizes the who e design which ref ects the designing thought originating from the urban ife and constitutes a powerfu exp oration on the cu tura ife of the civic cu tura center.
Key Words:
Urban cu ture;Unban ife;Civi cu tura center;Design strategy
学生:魏琪琳APD2013M019 导师:周铁军教授
专业:建筑学硕士 年级:2010级
The change of China’s schoo -age popu ation has ed to the drastic increase of urban primary schoo students whi e the distribution adjustment of the compu sory education schoo s has made many students trave ing a ong way to schoo from their homes.In addition,many parents cannot go home at noon to cook for chi dren due to the change of ife sty e.A these have caused the situation thatmore andmore primary schoo students need to have unch at schoo ,and thus,the canteen bui ding has become more important in primary schoo design.However,the study on the architectura design of primary schoo canteen is insufficient right now. Comparing the Urban Schoo Bui ding Construction Standard issued in 2002(02 standard)with the Rura Schoo s Construction Standard issued in 2008 (08 standard),we can see that the per capita area of urban schoo canteen is even ess than that of the rura one,which eads to a discussion on whether index of primary schoo canteen area in the“02 standard”can meet the current demands of the students.Therefore,it is necessary to verifywhether the index of schoo canteen in“02 standards”adapts to the current schoo deve opment and discuss the deve opment trend of the functiona ayout and area design of urban primary schoo canteen to u timate y promote the deve opment of architectura design of primary schoo canteens in China.
With the urban primary schoo canteen containing the dining space as the study object,the thesis summarizes the characteristics, ayout mode,functiona grouping and deve opment trend of primary schoo canteens by a arge amount of iterature research.Targeting the two common dinning modes,dinning-in-the-canteen mode and mea -de ivery mode,in primary schoo s,the thesis ana yzes their advantages and disadvantages through fie d investigation.Then with iterature research,case study and mathematica statistica ana ysis as researchmethods,the thesis focuses on the study of the canteen area which can basica y meet the demands of usage:divide the basic using area of the canteen into dining area and kitchen area;setup a theoretica mathematic mode ;then compare the per capita using area index of the“02 standard”with the resu t ca cu ated by themathematicmode bymeansofhorizonta ana -ysis and try to find out the prob ems in the index of “02 standard”;verify the area question in themathematica mode and the“02 standard”and summarize the deve opment tendency of the per capita area of primary schoo canteens by co ecting the data of the area of 20 primary schoo canteens in themain urban area of Chongqing.Then through a horizonta comparison ana ysis of the canteen area data in re ated construction standards,the thesis conc udes the reason why the canteen area of rura primary schoo s is arger than that of urban ones as we as the function set and area deve opment trend of the canteen space which can meet the students’and teachers’using demand and discusses the stream ine design and area evo ution trend of the kitchen which can meet the hea th and epidemic prevention requirement.Fina -y,taking the canteen of Chongqing Shuren Primary Schoo as an examp e,the thesis ana yzes the function constitution,stream ine ayoutand area design of the canteen and verifies the rationa ity of the canteen function and the deve opment trend of area design of primary schoo s through an empirica study.
The verification of the primary schoo canteen area index in the“02 standard”not on y points out the shortcomings of the existing stipu ation that shou d be adjusted and supp emented in terms of dining popu ation adjustment,function set of pub ic space and kitchen area increase,but a so makes a prospective ref ection on the deve opment orientation of the current space set and area design of the canteen bui dings in urban primary schoo s which may provide a guidance for the actua construction project of primary schoo canteens.
Key Words:
Dining area of the canteen;Basic area ca cu ation;Index verification;Empirica study of area
学生:张旭APD2013M020 导师:卢峰教授
专业:建筑学硕士 年级:2010级
The university is an institutiona ized organization of cu tura transmission and socia communication.Know edge innovation and the innovative ta ents training are the twomost essentia socia functions of the contemporary universities with the atter at the core.The university campus is the carrier of the socia functions to exist and deve op and moreover,perfect and comfortab e campus architectures can effective y promote the rea ization of these socia functions.Meanwhi e,interdiscip inary research,teamwork and regiona cu ture exp oration are three important predisposing factors for know edge innovation.With mu tidiscip inary education,scientific research,experiment conduction and administrative function integrated together,the mu tifunctiona bui ding is the most crucia comp ex bui ding in the university campus and via the integration of re evant functions and the change of spatia forms,the mu tifunctiona bui ding can promote discip ine integration and the enhance interna communication.The rapid deve opment of China’s higher education resu ts in the fast construction of themu tifunctiona bui ding in the university campus.But due to short construction period,unen ightened design concept,marketuti itarianism and other factors,norma mu tifunctiona bui dings wou d suffer from the ow functiona synthesis,the ow environmenta compatibi ity,the ack of effective communication space and other prob ems.Especia y in the environment ofmountainous campus,themu tifunctiona bui ding has gotmore particu arities in terms of spatia arrangementand stream ine organization according to the characteristicsof the imited and resources,the main pedestrian system,the base terrain changes and abundant andscape resourceswhich areworthy of further study.
This thesis first y teases out the deve opmenthistory of the bui dings in co eges and universities and further puts forward the practica significance of the mu tifunctiona bui ding in the contemporary educationa context that pursues the innovative concepts.At the same time,the thesis focuses on themu tifunctiona bui ding in mountainous areas and finds out the practica meaning and the unique adaptabi ity of the mu tifunctiona bui ding in mountain areas discusses by exp oring the connection between the mountainous campus and themu tifunctiona bui ding.
Furthermore,through the research of dozens of mu tifunctiona bui dings inmountainous university in Chongqing,Shenzhen and Hong Kong in terms of architectura ayout,stream ine organization and ecoogica energy-saving measure and through the study of re evant cases,this thesis sums up the current prob ems and the future deve oping trends of themu -tifunctiona bui dings in mountainous universities in terms of the surrounding mountainous environment,the function integrity and the inner communicationa space.Fo owing a these studies and re evant theoretica review,this essay conc udes the design strategies from three dimensiona ities,the thesis conc udes the design strategy of themu tifunctiona bui ding in three dimensions thatare themacroscopic dimensiona ity—the integration with the campus environment,the intermediate dimensiona ity—the optimization of the interior space and themicrocosmic dimensiona ity—the structura system and energy-saving.
Fina y,the thesis takes the design of the Science Bui ding in Hu Xi campus of Chongqing University as a case to ana yze its integration method with the mountainous campus environment,the organization form of the specia events in the campus,the fu -fi mentmethod of the eco ogica concepts and the expression form of the cu tura andscape.Additiona y,through the research on the ater adjustment of this design,the thesis a so high ights the importance of the intercommunication during the design process.
Key Words:
Campus bui ding;Mu tifunctiona bui ding;Mountainous campus;Science Bui ding
学生:尹庆APD2013M021 导师:龙灏教授
专业:建筑学硕士 年级:2010级
To rea ize the home ownership scheme,China has witnessed a pub ic renta housing construction boom since 2009 under the vigorous promotion of the centra government.However,with the frequent reports of success,the construction of the pub ic renta housing inmany cities has encounteredmany difficu -tieswith prob ems frequent y emerging in some pub ic renta communities that have been comp eted and put to use due to the ack of guidance of theories and practica experience,the excessive y rapid construction speed and arge sca e.In order to safeguard the sustained and hea thy deve opment of pub ic renta communities,one of the ive ihood projects,this thesiswi study the risks and cha enges thatmay confront the pub ic renta communities in Chongqing and find out the risk contro strategiesmain y from the architectura perspective according to the practica conditions of Chongqing.
On the basis of studying the current situation of China’s indemnificatory housing and the tortuous deve opment history of foreign pub ic housing,the thesis first y raises the major questions to be studied through a iterature review of socio ogy,po itics,economics and architecture:①Are the pub ic renta communities of Chongqing facing risks?If yes,what are the risks?②How to contro the risk of the pub ic renta communities?What are the specific strategies to contro the risks from the perspective of architectura design?
Based on the above questions,the thesis first y conducts a comp ete investigation of the currentsituation of the pub ic renta housing construction in Chongqing and constructs an assessment indicator system of the ivabi ity of the pub ic renta community according to the ivabi ity theory(inc uding 7 categories and 27 assessment index of peop e’s satisfaction with their housing conditions).Then according to the fie d research conditions,the thesis carries out a comprehensive assessment of the ivabi ity of Chongqing’s pub ic renta communities to screen out the indexes of poor ivabi ity and construct the risk factor system of Chongqing’s pub ic renta communities.Further the thesis conc udes that Chongqing’s pub ic renta communitiesmay face such risks as oversize sca e and community convergence,environment degradation and community division,excessivey high rent and vacancy and socia honesty and refusa to pay or refund.
Next the thesis ana yzes the reasons why pub ic renta communities are facing various risks and the overa corresponding strategies inc uding:①to enhance the degree of socia participation and improve the institutiona construction of pub ic renta housing;②to conductoptimization design and improve the iving qua ities of pub ic renta housing;③to contro the construction eve and improve the construction qua ity of pub ic renta communities;④to intensify management and reduce the operationa risks of pubic renta communities.The thesis a so points out the importance of the optimization design in the risk contro of pub ic renta communities.
Combining with some design examp es,Chapter 4 summarizes the design strategies of risk contro of pub ic renta communities from aspects of community p anning,spatia form, andscape environment,cu -tura environment and unit design under the guidance of the design goa and princip e of pub ic renta communities inc uding:①the integration design of pub ic renta communities and urban p anning;②the enrichment of spatia forms and avoidance of the community convergence risk;③the optimization design of andscapes and construction of environmenta y ivab e communities;④the strengthening of community vita ity and creating of a hea thy and harmonious community;⑤the refining design of the pub ic renta housing unit with each aspect e aborate y discussed and specific risk contro strategy put forward.
As a thesis of basic research,the topic of the thesis is partof the supervisor’s seriesofstudieson the indemnificatory housing.The argumentation process a so c ose y inks to the design practice of the pub ic renta housing project and comp ieswith the practica requirement of profession academic dissertation.By studying the risks of Chongqing’s pub ic renta communities and risk contro strategy,the thesis is expected to provide a reference for the fo ow-up design practices of pub ic renta communities to prevent the occurrence of risks and promote the harmoniousand hea thy deve opmentof pub ic renta communities.
Key Words:
Pub ic renta communities;Chongqing;Risk;Risk contro ;Design strategy
学生:张玛璐APD2013M022 导师:龙灏教授
专业:建筑学硕士 年级:2010级
In the contextof rapid urbanization,themedica bui ding is one of the essentia pub ic bui dings in both the deve opmentof new cities aswe as the renovation of o d cities.Moreover,the outpatientand emergency bui ding is themost frequent y used with a wide range of services amongmedica bui dings.Due to the vast popu ation in China,the current comp eted outpatient and emergency bui ding is usua y bearing a huge oad of peop e circu ation.In this case,it is rea y crucia to have a we -designed circu ation system,especia y the vertica circu ation system,which p ays a decisive ro e in theworking efficiency and spatia comfort of outpatient and emergency bui ding.However,there is not a re ative y comp ete theoretica system containing the quantity disposition strategy in China’s current design practice of vertica circu ation in outpatient and emergency bui ding with on y a certain amount of decentra -ized experience and simi ar data gained from other countries or other types of bui dings.Hence,the quantity of the vertica circu ation system is either insufficient tomeet the demands or overbui twhich resu ts in the situation that some vertica circu ation systems are a ways over oaded whi e others are eft unused.
First y,on the basisofa detai ed investigation of the vertica circu ation of China’s comp eted outpatient and emergency bui dings,this thesis summarizes the prob ems in the vertica circu ation design in current outpatient and emergency bui dings of China’s arge-sca e genera hospita sand a so genera izesa set of traffic statistica aw data for the vertica circu ation design,integratingwith the existing re evant research ideas.Furthermore,the thesis finds out a comp ete practica strategy of quantity disposition for the vertica circu ation in outpatient and emergency bui dings of China’s arge-sca e genera hospita s by synthesizing,refining and simp ifying the re evant research theories on esca ators,e evators and stairways with the statistica aw of vertica circu ation combined. This strategy is exp ained in detai in the case study of the quantity deposition of the vertica circu ations in the outpatient and emergency bui ding in Chongqing Fu ing Centra Hospita and the thesis programs the computer program and zoom tab e for the quantity disposition of the vertica circu ations in outpatientand emergency bui dings for the convenience of inquiry and app ication in future’s design practice.Fina y,targeting the prob ems discovered in the investigation,the thesis discusses the design of the vertica circu ation itse f and other human factors affecting the oad of vertica circu ation and a so discusses in detai the corre ative design princip esandmeasuresaccording to the outpatient and emergency bui ding design in Chongqing Fu ing Centra Hospita .
Key Words:
Outpatient and emergency bui ding of arge-sca e genera hospita ;Vertica traffic system;Quantity disposition;Designmethod
学生:曹静娜APD2013M023 导师:颜文涛教授
专业:建筑学硕士 年级:2010级
快速城市化导致土地开发速度达到了前所未有的阶段,基于灰色设施的传统开发模式对人类赖以生存的生态环境造成极大的污染和破坏,导致和加剧了城市环境恶化。各种建设用地消耗了绿色开放空间,使自然系统破碎化加剧,生态系统服务功能降低,由此造成了自然区丧失、水资源退化、系统自适应能力降低等环境问题。城市绿色基础设施(Green Infrastructure,以下简称GI)可以有效解决上述环境问题,但由于城市GI缺乏与传统规划体系的对接,导致城市GI在城市开发过程中无法有效地实施和管理。
The rapid urbanization has ed to the and deve -opment speed to an unprecedented stage.Traditiona deve opment mode based on gray faci ities has caused serious environmenta po ution and destruction of the eco ogica environment human beings depend on to survive and has aggravated the deterioration of the urban environment.Varieties of construction ands have consumed the green open space,which has aggravated the fragmentation of the natura system and reduced the service function of ecosystem and thus have resu ted in many environmenta probems such as the oss of natura areas,degradation of water resources and reduction of the system’s adaptive capacity.The urban green infrastructure(Green Infrastructure,hereinafter referred to as GI)can be an effective so ution to the environmenta prob ems,but it cannotbe effective y imp emented andmanaged in the urban deve opment process because of a ack of connection between GI and the traditiona p anning system.
Through the e aboration of China’s currenteco -ogy and environment prob ems,the thesis ana yzes the serious consequences caused by these prob ems and then conc udes the strategic positioning of GI p anning.Through the e aboration of the prob ems in GIp anning,the thesis conc udes the research contents.Then through the discussion of re ated theories and practices on GIp anning of at home and abroad,the thesis conc udes research trend of GI programming.Through the different- eve va ue choice of GI,the different- eve va ue standard of GI is got.Through the ana ysisof the re ationsbetween GIp anning and spatia deve opment p anning,different- eve p anning and traditiona p anning contents,the thesis constructs the integration approach of GIp anning with traditiona p anning.Then the thesis conc udes the GI p anning system through the procedures,targets and e ements of GIp anning aswe as the construction method of GI network.Next,the thesis expounds the specific ana ytica process of GI p anning by the case app ication.Through the integration of GIwith the traditiona p anning system as we as the ana ysis of the contro system of GI p anning e ements,the and use p anning contro and guidance of GI,the thesis conc udes the p anning and contro approach of GInetwork.Fina y,through the ana ysis of the imp ementation di emma of GInetwork p anning,the thesis conc udes the p anning and management strategies of GI network which further forms the p anning andmanagementapproaches of GI network.
A ack of a technica system and imp ementation system of GInetwork has become a prob em that cannot be avoided any more in China’s rapid urbanization process.This thesis hopes to exp ore a way to guide GI p anning and imp ementation through GI p anning approaches,the integration of GIwith traditiona p anning contents and imp ementation management of GI,making the discip ine of urban p anning guide the urban eco ogica construction in the rea sense.
Key Words:
GIp anning and imp ementation;Urban space panning;Construction and eva uation;Panning contro ;Panning management
学生:陈林APD2013M024 导师:张兴国教授
专业:建筑学硕士 年级:2010级
The preservation of cu tura re ics and historic bui dings togetherwith the sustainab e deve opmentof the environment are the issues attracting the wor d’s attention.Cu tura re ics and historic bui dings and the environment not on y carry the co ectivememory of a nation,but a somanifest the characteristics and charm of a city and moreover,they are a so va uab e non-renewab e resources.Cities have ost their uniqueness during the g oba ization ofmodern architecture whi e the pursuitof nationa and regiona characters has become an effective approach to boom architectura creations which has prope ed the architects of a countries to carry out continua exp orations.Therefore,the preservation and deve opment of cu -tura re ics and historic bui dings aswe as the environment has re-attracted thewor d’sattention and ref ection.
With the deve opment of tourism and the rising of“cu tura tourism”,the deve opment of cu tura re ics and historic bui dings has encountered a deve -opmenta di emma.The intrinsic inadaptabi ity of historic bui dings resu ts in the construction of supporting service bui dings.Hence,how to rea ize the environmenta harmony between the supporting bui dingswith the historic and cu tura bui dings and how to present the characteristics of the times of the bui dingswithout affecting the historic and cu tura va ues of the cu tura re ics and its environment become the questions and orientations architects have to face.
The Shuangguitang Temp e at Liangping in Chongqing is a grand-sca e Zen temp e which enjoys the good name of“the ancestor of Zen Buddhism in Southwest China”.The historic bui ding comp ex in the Shuanguitang Temp e,a typica examp e of the integration of re igious cu ture and oca cu ture,not on y preserves the basic shape and structure of the traditiona Buddhist temp e,but a so boasts the spatia characteristics of conventiona Sichuan architecture.With its unique historic and cu tura va ues and its position in Buddhist circ e,it was announced to be one of the key nationa Buddhist temp es in China’s Han region by the State Counci .In 1991 itwas isted as a cu tura re ic protection site by Sichuan Province and a cu tura re ics protection site by Chongqing in 2000.Current y,the Shuanguitang Temp e dec ares to be a key nationa cu tura re ic site of the seventh batch.At the same time,the Poshan Memoria Ha with supporting service bui dings inc uding the Monk housing is p anned to be constructed due to the demand for cu tura construction and tourism deve opment.
With the above background,the thesis is based on the conservation program of the Shuanggui in Temp e.Taking the project of Poshan Memoria Ha and monk housing bui ding as an examp e,the thesis discusses the approaches and methods of architectura creation in the context of cu tura re ic bui ding,name y,the creation idea of the combination ofmodern and conventiona architecture that emphasizes the importance of endowing the bui dingswith the connotation of the times whi e inheriting the tradition and preserving the harmony.
The thesis first expounds the historica environment of the Poshan Memoria Ha and Monk Housing,name y,rich characteristics of Buddhist cu ture and regiona cu ture.Under the guidance of the construction theory of the preservation of historic bui ding and coordination of new bui dings and historic environment,it discusses the design method and strategy of the integration ofmodernism and tradition and excavates the in-depth historic and cu tura connotation from the perspective of site se ection,spatia form,construction techniques and decorative arts of the Poshan Memoria Ha and Monk Housing.Fina y,the thesismakes an experience summary which provides reference and proof for simi ar architectura design.
Key Words:
Historic bui ding comp ex of the shuangguitang temp e;Poshan Memoria Ha ;Preservation and coordination;Exp oration of spatia forms;Technica exp oration
学生:塔战洋APD2013M025 导师:褚冬竹教授
专业:建筑学硕士 年级:2010级
The socia and economic deve opment and demand improvement has brought about the arge amount of construction as we as consumption in the construction industry.With the improvementof iving qua ity to some extent,the construction a so brings a heavy burden to the resources and environment in the entire ife cyc e.The construction of a harmonious society requires a great effort to deve op sustainab e bui dings so as to reduce the negative effects brought by bui dings on the environment and deve opment.Comparing with the fo ow-up phases inc uding construction and operation,the pre iminary design stage p ays amore effective ro e in the sustainab e architecture,which requires contro ab e design methods.In the design process,the ear ier the sustainab e techno ogies get invo ved,the higher effectiveness itgets.The comp exity of sustainab e architecture design makes it insufficient for the traditiona architectura design method to support the design generation and the ack of a unified system of techno ogica basis makes the designer fai to combine the environment with the architectura design process effective y,thus fai ing to form a contro ab e designmethod.The design too s constitute the important ink part of the technica basis and the app ication of design too s not on ymakes the sustainab e architecture design more efficient and more accurate and the design resu ts convincing,but a so affects the design method and the design thinking deve opment.Based on this consideration,the thesis studies the app ication of the design too s of the sustainab e architecture and the re evant contents from the perspective of the architect.It attempts to exp ore the re ationship between sustainab e architecture design and design too s through iterature research,interview survey,case study,app ication simu ation and fie d verification.It ana yzes app ication property,the app ication ideas and other re ated contents of sustainab e architecture design too set and sub-too s,constructs the app ication system of sustainab e architecture design too s in the who e design process and attempts to verify and improve the app ication system of the design too s with the he p of the app ication of the design too s in practice projects.
The core part of this thesismain y inc udes the fo owing contents.
①The research on the updating base of sustainab e architecture design too s.Based on the differences between the sustainab e architectura design with traditiona architecture design,the thesis ana yzes the content updating of the sustainab e architectura design from four perspectives of the“target”,“thinking”,“eva uation”and“program”updates of sustainab e architecture design bymeans of comparative ana ysis and the study of“too ”,the fifth e ement of the design shou d be conducted on the basis of the other four e ements.Therefore,this study aims to ana yze the association between sustainab e architecture design and design too s to ay the theoretica foundation of the design too s.On the basis of the above theoretica research,the thesis gives an indepth ana ysis of the updating contents of the sustainab e architecture design too sand c assifies the design too s.The thesis a so describes the“too ”design thinking an architect shou d have.
②Research on the three main design too sets.The study ana yzes each too setand its sub-too s from the perspective of sustainab e architecture design app ication.It expounds the app ication ideas of a too s and ana yzes the app ication properties of the design too s.Then it conducts a comparative ana ysis of the app ication features and advantages and disad-vantages of the sub-too s in the same too set.
The performance eva uation too :First y,the thesis estab ishes the requirements and types of eva -uation and its too in the sustainab e design process.Second y,with the performance eva uation too in the design process as the main study object,the thesis conc udes the eva uation too as the two forms thatare in-the-process eva uation and stage eva uation.After the comparative ana ysis of themainstream eva uation systems,the thesis se ects the too most suitab e for the architect’s stage se f-eva uation and ana yzes its app ication characteristicsmode.Fina y,the thesis exp ores the shortcomings of the too that needs to be improved.
The information processing too :First y,the thesis ana yzes the interactive re ationship between information processing too s and sustainab e architecture design and expounds the app ication thoughts of information processing too s.Then the thesis studies the function of the informationmode ing too as a fu ife cyc e design too and its co aborative design and standards gives a comparative ana ysis of the features of the mainstream mode ing too s.Fina y,targeting the app ication ideas and app ication programs of the performance ana ysis too s,the thesis studies the app icabi ity of the software and operabi ity from the view of the architect.
The information resource too :The thesis comprehensive y teases out the avai ab e information resource too s,c assifies and i ustrates the green information query too and design guidance too to ana yze the app ication properties inc uding their app ication characteristics,scope and stage.
③The construction of the app ication system of design too s and experimenta practice.The thesis estab ishes the app ication system of design too s with two c ues,procedura modu es and re ated inks.Then itgives a comprehensive ana ysis of the invo vement of design too s in the design process and the corre ation and coordination among the design too s to get the resu ts that have guiding significance to the app ication of sustainab e architecture design too .Fina y,the thesis verifies and deduces the study resu ts of the theoretica partwith practice projects and further study the app ication of design too s in the design process.
Through amu ti ayer andmu tidimensiona basic theoretica study combining practica app ications,the thesis ana yzes the app ication of the sustainab e architectura design too s in a re ative y comprehensive way and initia y constructs the app ication system of sustainab e design too s.
Key Words:
Sustainab e architecture;Design too s;Architectura design;App ication ideas;App ication system
学生:陈露APD2013M026 导师:周铁军教授
专业:建筑学硕士 年级:2010级
At the end of the 20th Century,a ong with the acce eration of China’s urbanization and the great changes of socia ife,the function of the urban administrative departments underwent the transition from the inside governance to externa service;and meanwhi e,the fast-pace and high-efficiency iving and working mode ed to the emergence of the new administrative service space that was efficient,convenient and economica with composite functions.To adapt to the new demands,Chinawitnessed a boom of the construction,reconstruction and extension of the administrative office bui dings nationwide.Based on the financia restructuring,the urban and use system reform and the urban sustainab e deve opment strategy of intensive and-use at the end of twentieth century and according to the tension of urban and-use and the trend of composite functions,the administrative office bui dings tended to grow toward the vertica space and the high-rise administrative office bui dings with composite functions were bui t to improve the and-use efficiency.
At the beginning of the 21st Century,the rooms of auxi iary function such as the training rooms,accommodation rooms and meeting rooms of the highrise administrative office bui dings new y bui t by the functiona departments of some prefecture- eve city governments began to provide service for the society independent y to improve the use efficiency.As the high-rise administrative office bui dings have the dua characteristics of administrative bui dings and the high-rise comp ex bui dings,their bui ding facade form,functiona space ayout and traffic f ow organization need to ba ance the two bui ding functionswith different use natures.The traditiona design phi osophy of administrative office bui dings has a ready agged behind the practica situation,fai ing to adapt to the practica needs.Based on the thinking of the situation,the thesis se ects the arge-sca e high-rise administrative office bui dingswithmu tip e functions of the functiona departments of the prefecture- eve city governments as the research target.
The core part of this thesis has the fo owing aspects.
First,this thesis defines the re ated concepts,estab ishes the research methods of the iterature review,case ana ysis,fie d research,comparative research and the integration of theory with practice and determines the research frame of the thesis.Then the thesis teases out the basic contents inc uding the deve opment history and present research situation of administrative office bui dings.Through the investigation and comparative ana ysis of nine domestic and foreign re ated cases,the thesis summarizes the fiver features of the high-rise administrative office bui ding,name y,composite function,the administrative function as the main body,the auxi iary function open to themarket,the vertica function ayout and the comp ex organization of the traffic stream ine.Then the thesis points out the twomajor prob ems existing in the domestic high-rise administration office bui ding,name y,the irrationa vertica ayout of function spaces and unreasonab e organization of the traffic stream ine.
Second,with the architectura design methodo -ogy as the starting point,the thesis attempts tomake an ana ytica study of the re ated architectura design strategies targeting the features and the prob ems of the current high-rise territoria resources administrative office bui dings.With the ana ysis on the function system and its sub-function space features as an entry point,the thesis conc udes the design strategy of the site p anning ayout and vertica ayout of the function space;and with the spatia sequence from outside to inside as an entry point,the thesis conc udes the design strategy of an a -round traffic f ow organization system from the city to the bui ding,to the vertica space inside the bui ding and to the horizonta space inside the bui ding.
Third,on the basis of the above theoretica ana ysis and study summary,bymeans of the integration of the theory and practice,the thesis further app ies and verifies the re ated design strategies previous y conc uded through the design practice of the Ankang Territoria Resource Information Bui ding.The part inc udes the app ication of the re ated architectura design strategies of the ana ysis of the project background,the design of architectura design concept,the ayout of function space and the organization of traffic stream ine and the optimization summary in the initia -design and the construction-drawing stages.Fina y,the thesis makes a brief summary andmakesa prospective ref ection on the deve opmenta orientation of the contemporary high-rise administrative office bui dings.
Key Words:
High-rise bui ding;Administrative office;Comp ex bui ding;Functiona space ayout;Traffic f ow organization
学生:杨钏APD2013M027 导师:张兴国教授
专业:建筑学硕士 年级:2010级
The rura construction issue has a ways been the key issue of China’s nationa economic construction whether in the and reform before the founding of the New China or in the current new rura construction under vigorous imp ementation.In recent years,with the re ative improvement of farmers’ iving standard and the drastic increase of rura popu ation,the rura areas have witness a boom of housing construction.The construction and deve opment of the rura housing has improved the iving conditions of farmers to some extent,but a ot of prob ems have emerged.In the ong term,the rura construction acks the unified p anning and management and presents a high autonomy and b indness,which eads to the degradation of the rura environment,the oss of the rura sty es and features and the missing of rura infrastructure and pub ic service faci ities.Hence,the study of the p anning and design of the new rura andscapeswith the aim of improving the rura iving conditions and how to combine the oca resource condition with the rura environmenta characteristics has become a key issue aswe as a core content of the new rura construction.
Based on the above view and the understanding of the po icy theories of the new rura construction,through a arge number of fie d investigations and project practices,the thesis studies and expounds in detai the actua engineering project the design and p anning of the new rura andscapes of Puan,Kaijiang combining the corresponding design theories.
The basic ogic of the thesis is:to raise themajor prob ems to be so ved in the new rura construction→to ana yze the characteristics of the urban and rura environment,economy and cu ture in Kaijiang →to ana yze the status quo of the rura environment of Puanc→to put forward the p anning and design thinking and practice of the new rura andscapes according to the regiona characteristic of Puan→to propose the construction measures and techno ogies of the currentarchitectura sty e→to ana yze the new rura comp ex design→to summarize the experience.
The thesismain y adopts the fo owingmethod: iterature study,fie d investigation and project practice.
The thesis consists of seven chapters inc uding the theoretica study of the nationa po icy at themacroscopic eve ,the ana ysis of the regiona characteristics and situation at the intermediate eve and the design strategy proposa targeting the specific project.On the basis of a theoretica study of the nationa poices on new rura construction,combining the oca environmenta conditions,resource conditions and regiona characteristics and other background factors, the thesis firstana yzes in detai the overa idea and ayout of the new rura andscape p anning and design of Puan,Kaijiang and how to renovate the rura space environment combining the re ations of the rura househo d economy and socia deve opment.Then the thesis exp ores the construction measures and techno ogies of the current architectura sty e such as the refining of the oca traditiona architectura cu ture,the constructionmeasures of the current architectura sty e combining the use function,economy and the actua interests of farmers and the app ication ofmodern techno ogies and bui dingmateria s to ref ect the oca architectura forms.Next,the thesis expounds the functiona properties and main characteristics of the new rura comp ex and main y introduces the regiona p anning of the Baoquan Tower area under the previous spatia p anning and ayout.Then the thesis specifica y ana yzes the functiona composition and p ane ayout of the new rura comp ex and introduces its sty e and feature,actua technica means and the way of using regiona materia s to create environmenta andscapeswith oca characteristics.
The conc usion part of the thesis proposes a design strategy targeting the current government-dominating new rura construction which combines the farmers’actua interests and the rura economic deve opment to constructa new rura iving environment with both features of the times and the regiona characteristics of traditiona countryside on the basis of absorbing the essence of traditiona residence and continuing the rura andscape characteristics.Through the study and summary of the thesis,the author hopes that the design concept of the project can provide a beneficia guidance and a rea istic basis for the new rura andscape p anning and design in the future.The specific andscape design strategy and technica measures can provide a guidance and reference for the new rura construction in the who e Kaijiang area,even in the who e eastern part of Sichuan province that has simi ar regiona cu tura background and environmenta characteristicswith Kaijiang.
Key Words:
New rura construction;Rura andscape;Rura environment;Sty e shaping;New rura comp ex
学生:王一名APD2013M028 导师:卢峰教授
专业:建筑学硕士 年级:2010级
This research topic originates from the supervisor’s research project supported by the Nationa Natura and Science Foundation of China:Eco ogica Urban Design Theory and Method Research for Mountainous Cities(Project Number:51178478).
China is confronted with the rapid urbanization.The prominent contradiction between popu ation and and has prope ed the urban p anners to abandon the extensive urban deve opment path and exp ore an intensive and efficient urban deve opment path.The compact city concept has provided a theoretica support for China’s urban sustainab e deve opment and attracted more and more attention in China’s urban construction practices and researches.The app ication of compact urban space has brought about high-efficiency urban functions and intensive-use urban space,butmeanwhi e it has brought a threat not to be neg ected to the pedestrian environment of the centra pedestrian area.The increased bui ding density in the urban center has embezz es the activity area of the pedestrian space,the dense bui dings and emerging visua e ements has disturbed the visua environment of the pedestrian area,the fuzzy functiona boundary has reduced the pub icity of the pedestrian space and the rapid y reproductive bui ding images and cu tura symbo shas destroyed the be onging sense of the pedestrian space.In addition,the increased traffic pressure in the urban center has on one hand caused the traffic congestion in the surrounding roads of the pedestrian area and on the other hand ed to the disorder y increase of the traffic f ow ine and parking space within the pedestrian area,which serious y owered the pedestrian environment qua ity.
Targeting at this situation,the thesis,through a summary of the deve opment trend of the pedestrian area,genera izes its requirement to the pedestrian environment from a perspective of the compact city concept and through a comparative ana ysis of the requirements and the compact city characteristics,summarizes the contradiction between the two aspects.With this contradiction as an entry point,through a survey of the fivemajor centra pedestrian areas in the main urban district of Chongqing,the thesis conc udes the prob ems as we as experience in the current situation and ana yzes the reasons.On this basis,the thesis proposes the urban design strategy ab e to a eviate the contradiction between the pedestrian environment and the contract deve opment from the three aspects of the spatia pattern construction,spatia form shaping and pedestrian environment improvement according to the idea from the overa aspect to the partia aspect.
The first part,inc uding chapter 1 and chapter 2,expounds the research meaning of the topic,defines the research concepts and raises the research methods.Then it discusses the re evant research background of the compact city,centra pedestrian area and urban design and ana yzes interconnections to ay a theoretica foundation for the fo owing research.
The thesismain y consists of three parts.
The second part,inc uding chapter 3 and chapter 4,raisesand ana yzes the prob ems.First,itputs forward the contradiction between the requirements of the centra pedestrian area to the pedestrian environment and the compact city and on this basis,estab ishes the investigation system.Then it conducts a systematic investigation of the current centra pedestrian space of Chongqing from four dimensions,name y,the spatia form,the andscape vision,the socia function and cu tura cognition.
The third part,inc uding chapter 5 and chapter 6,reso ves the prob ems.Through the ana ysis on the research resu ts,itproposes the design strategy of the centra pedestrian area based on the compact city concept and estab ishes the system structure of the urban design.Then it puts forward the specific design strategies from the overa view to the partia view.The ast chapter is the conc usion part.
Key Words:
Compact city;Centra pedestrian area;Pedestrian environment;Urban design
学生:衡寒宵APD2013M029 导师:杨宇振教授
专业:建筑学硕士 年级:2010级
Since the beginning of the 20th century,China’s rura area have experienced more than once construction upsurge.Correspondingwith these argesca e spatia practices of rura housing,a arge number ofarchitectura at ases on rura housing have been pub ished.Particu ar y,the modernized and standardized housing production system that growsmature in cities fai s to work in the rura construction due to the evident differences between urban and rura areas in the background of the socia space and materia space.However,in China’s architectura circ e,targeting the construction of the New Countryside Synthesis project and New Rura Residentia Area project,more discussions direct y points to the practice resu ts of themateria space whi e acking a fur-ther in-depth ref ection on the entire process of the rura housing construction.Therefore,itbecomes the top priority of the new countryside construction to ref ect on how to create a know edge production system fit the rura housing and how to app y the system into the rura areas appropriate y.
The thesis is supported by the funding projectof Natura Science Foundation of China A Study of the Construction System Evo ution and Actua Technica Strategy of Chongqing’s Rura Housing(Project Number:51108474).The thesis attempts to focus on the study of the two space production in rura construction,name y,the materia space production of rura housing and know edge space production of architectura at ason rura housing.With this as an entry point,the thesis discusses the differencesbetween the architect’s imagination and the rea ity of rura areas the shortcomings existing in the content and transmission mode of the architectura at as on rura housing as a know edgemedium and the extension of architects.Furthermore,the thesis exp ores the production process of the idea modern architectura at as on rura housing and itsmeans of invo ving in the rura housing construction.
The thesis consists of 5 chapters.Chapter 1 puts forward the essentia ity of studying the rura housing construction and reviews the existing researches on “rura housing forms”and“architectura at as”at home and abroad.Based on the absorption and criticism of the research resu ts,the thesis presents the entry point,study content and studymethod.
Chapter 2 conc udes the two space production modes in China’s rura housing construction,ana yzes the different characteristics of each mode in different historica period such as the po itica and economic factors restricting the rura housing practice and the change of the subject in the practice process and further comes up with the background of the emergence of the architectura at as of the rura housing.
On the basis of the research of chapter 2,chapter 3 studies the production and transmission process of China’s architectura at as of the rura housing in different historica process combining the existing data of at as and through the comparison of the rura housing cases in corresponding period,puts forward the differences in the know edge production system and space practice system.
Taking the new rura housing constructions of the three vi ages in Daxian in Sichuan province as examp es,chapter 4 deduces the conc usion of the thesis through the investigation and demonstration of the“difference between imagination and rea ity”put forward in chapter 3:the production of the modern architectura at as of the rura housing cannot estabished on the understanding that considers the countryside,a comp icated socia and materia synthesis,as amechanica ,static and iso ate space and meanwhi e,the products of the know edge system of the architectura at as of the rura housing shou d be regarded as“soft pub ic goods”and offered for the farmers,which provides a f exib e and e astic construction method and a procedura and sustainab e construction mechanism for the diverse rura production and ife and farmer’s se f-identification in a new historica period.
Key Words:
Space production;Materia Space;Know edge Space,New countryside construction;Architectura At as of Rura Housing
学生:陈洁APD2013M030 导师:戴志中教授
专业:建筑学硕士 年级:2010级
This thesis is supported bymy supervisor’s research project of“Chongqing Pub ic Renta Housing Study Series”,focusing on faci ities.
Catering faci ities,an importantaspect for socia ife,are c ose y re ated to the residents’ ife qua ity in both common residences andindemnificatory housing.Due to remote ocations,poor accessibi ity of the surrounding traffic,the imitation of the traffic pattern,short-distance of emp oymentmode and the imba ance of income and expense,the activity scope of residentsmain y focuses on the area with or within the pub ic renta housing community.Compare with common residences,residents in this community re y more on the catering faci ities within the area.The shortage of deve opment sca e and investments in pub ic renta housing community resu ts in the insufficient account of the pub ic service faci ity and the ack of community center.Therefore,noton y shou d the catering faci ities meet residents’dai y needs,but a so shou d be upgraded as a p ace for socia ife.
There are few researches in catering faci ities in pub ic renta housing community.As a resu t of the ack of theories,the catering faci ities condition of pub ic renta housing in Chongqing is tota y disordered and backward.Under such circumstance,combing with major characteristics,catering faci ities in pub ic renta housing in Chongqing is put forward.
This thesis,which be ongs to research thesis of master of professiona architecture,through research methods of fie dwork,data co ection,questionnaire and case comparison,chooses catering faci ities of pub ic renta housing in Chongqing as research object,makes an ana ysis of characteristics and prob ems arising from the current conditions of pub ic renta housing catering faci itiesand brings forth overa construction proposa s and specific design strategies.
The thesis is divided into three parts.The first part consists of first two chapters.It ana yzes the inf uence of the features of overa construction and target customers to catering faci ities,and propounds the research subject of catering faci ities of pub ic renta housing in Chongqing.
The second part consists of chapters 3 and 4,which serves as research section of this thesis.This part starts with fie dwork and Minxinjiayuan,Kangzhuangmeidiand Kangjuxicheng pub ic renta housing catering faci ities are se ected as the research objects of the thesis,aiming to summarize the causation system.It focuses on verification of catering needsof the masses by ana yzing specia ties of residents’dinning habits and necessity of“mobi e F&B sty e”,combining with questionnaires to target crowd,from the standpoint of socia research.
The third part ismade up of chapters 5 and 6.On the basis of theoretica ana ysis and fie dwork researches,this thesis proposes the objectives of se fsupport,organic combination and affordabi ity aswe as the princip es of opening and sharing,more b end and ess homogeneity,economy and sustainabi ity.The discussion ishe d on the pre-stage ofovera construction and specific design strategy,name y four parts inc uding sca e,structure,estab ishment and ayout.
Key Words:
Pub ic renta housing in Chongqing;Catering faci ities;Fie dwork research;Design strategies
学生:李海涛APD2013M031 导师:褚冬竹教授
专业:建筑学硕士 年级:2010级
Current y a arge number of peop e f ock to the cities,which contributes to the rapid urbanization and commercia consumption improvement,making it a new driving force for economic deve opment.Shoppingma s,as important carrier of commercia consumption,p ay more and more important ro e in the socia ife.Pre-p anning and post-design contributes much to the success of shoppingma s.However,at present,deve opers or architects do not paymuch attention to the impact of pre-p anning to post-design,instead,they either ook shoppingma project as an simp e design pattern,or over-emphasis pre-p anning and put essweighton design,which eads to the im-ba ance of pre-p anning and post-design and u timatey the fai ure of the project.
In such context,this thesis introduces what is pre-p anning of shoppingma s and the c assifications about it.
P anning which are associated with the designs inc udes pre-p anning for project,construction p anning,pre-p anning for design.Pre-p anning for the project provides comprehensive research ana ysis and proposa s for marketing,position,techno ogy,investment,operation,economy and other aspects.In terms of architectura design,it aims to conc ude the process ofobjective and researchmethod according to the city p anning and requirements of pre-p anning of the project through ana ysis,which guides architectura design a ot.Pre-p anning for design common y refers to ear y stage of architecture design.It is in ine with the study for pre-p anning for project,from the prospective of architecture design,to have comprehensive ana ysis to the project.Current studies on pre-p anning for design in China are not sufficient,which resu ts inmany design fai ures.This is a so the emphasis of this thesis.
This thesis puts forward respective y the macroscopic issues of research oca ity,transportation,region and consumption,midd e issues of research ayout,shape,and space,and microcosmic issues of research out ook andmoving ines from the three viewsofmacroscopic,themidd e andmicrocosmic,and eventua y to rea ize the ru e-oriented and ration-oriented design.
Conc usion is drawn u timate y that successfu shoppingma mustequip with efficient p anning,under the circumstance,to make architectura design more humanized.
This thesis is divided into four parts.The first part(chapter 1)introduces the basic concepts,current condition and prob ems of design and p anning of shoppingma ,under the background,to rea ize the purpose and methods of the thesis.
The second part(chapter2)i ustrates the basic study about arge shoppingma ,inc uding the types of p anning and mutua re ations.According to respective areas of study,itminimizes the research objects and research areas.
The third part(chapters3,4 and 5)goes to the three views ofmacroscopic,themidd e andmicrocosmic.It further ta ks about the specific architecture designs of arge shopping ma ,and discusses the parts need to pay attention to and focuses in arge shoppingma design.
At the beginning of part four(chapters 6 and 7),it has a discussion on above part,which combineswith three case ana yses.And then the conc usion ismade fina y.
Key Words:
Shoppingma s;Pre-p anning for project;Architectura design
学生:瓮少彬APD2013M032 导师:阎波副教授
专业:建筑学硕士 年级:2010级
With the estab ishmentof Chongqingmunicipa ity,the construction of the migrant resett ed area in Three Gorges reservoir area,and the raising of the coordinated deve opment of both the urban and rura areas,Chongqing is encountering a great deve opment opportunity.However,in the process of rapid deve opment,there are some construction prob ems,for instance,the ack of attention to natura eco ogy and the misp acement of cu tura expression,etc.These prob ems main y resu t from fai ing to weight the design with the concerning of natura environment and historic cu ture,which constitutes exact y the footho d for native architectura design,and contributes rea -time significance to native architectura design.
Since natura eco ogy and cu tura eco ogy is the basis of native architecture,this thesis,by means of ana yzing the natura eco ogy and cu tura eco ogy that inf uence Chongqing native architectures,aswe as summarizing the response that traditiona architecture to natura eco ogy and the traditiona cu ture,tries to find the essence connotation of native architecture,and provides the foundationa theories for contemporary native architecture.Meanwhi e,it combineswith the characteristics of the contemporary Chongqing,puts forward the strategies for Chongqing typica site design,suitab e c imate po icy,and native-cu ture-oriented construction.At the ast part,through the interpretation of cases,it provides certain proof and exp anation for strategiesmentioned above,and te s the design idea in the process of strategy using.May it provide contemporary native architectura design theory and strategy for Chongqing urban and rura construction which is being wide y carried on.
The thesis consists of four parts.The first part (chapter 1,introduction part)serves as thesis guidance,main y e aborates the research background and significance.
The second part(chapter 2)ismain y aboutan ana ysis on the characteristicsof Chongqing natura eco ogy and human eco ogy.In the first p ace,itanayzes the terrain and c imate factorswhich have direct inf uence on architects;in the second p ace,it summarizes the characteristics of traditiona Bayu cu -ture,and characteristicsana ysesabout traditiona architectura featureswhich are inf uenced by Bayu cu -ture are inc uded.At ast it draws the conc usion that inner inf uence on traditiona architecture is from natura eco ogy and cu tura eco ogy.
The third part(chapters 3,4 and 5),respective y referring to the traditiona construction experience,combining with the characteristics of the contemporary Chongqing,puts forward“site construction strategy for contemporary Chongqing”and“suitab e c imate strategy for contemporary Chongqing”and “native-cu ture-oriented architecture construction strategy for contemporary Chongqing”.
The fourth part(chapter 6)decodes the case of “Chongqing women’s vocationa senior high schoo artsmuseum design”,and interprets the design strategy.
Key Words:
Contemporary Chongqing;Native architecture;Terrain;C imate;Cu ture
学生:辜铂钧APD2013M033 导师:胡纹教授
专业:建筑学硕士 年级:2010级
With the continuous process of urbanization,the o d residences renovation has become a very important architectura activity in China.During the ong-term deve opment process of the o d residentia area,a mixed center,which combines with po itica ,economic,cu tura and socia activities,is formed.The renovation improves the urban infra-structure and iving environment,and optimizes the city deve opment.However,the renovation invo ves many fie ds of po itics,economics,society and design,which is wide y-engaged and difficu t y-operated.It is one of the most comp ex projects in city construction.It isa serious and urgent issue for China to earn how to defuse various socia conf icts in o d residences renovation,dea with each party’s interest proper y and avoid the adverse consequence broughtbymistakes.
In this context,we refer to western deve oped countries which have been or are going through this historica period.As a typica representative,United Kingdom did a scientific and rationa renovation and tota y renewed the urban functions and appearance,which made it a mode of successfu o d residentia areas renovation.After a ,the housing condition in the UK ranges the top in the wor d.Therefore,the thesis compares the study cases of Ange Town renovation project in Lambeth,London,UK and comprehensive renovation project in Chongqing Renmin Vi -age.It aims to find out the differences between o d residentia areas innovations in UK and China and discusses the inf uence and causa ity the differences bring.Afterward,it gains some va uab e references from it so thatmistakes can be prevented ear y and experience and so utions can be drawn.
This study fo ows in the sequence of the advancing of research subject,basic theory and cases overview,cases ana yses and the comparison system estab ishment,the conc usion.It inc udes three focuses as fo owing:The first part inc udes first two chapters.Chapter 1 briefs the research background,significance and purpose andmethods,and then defines the sequentia concepts.Chapter 2 is studies on the deve opment of urban residentia areas at home and abroad.It sorts out the overa background of the case studies,and positions the historic background the case is in.
The second part inc udes Chapters 3 and 4.Chapter 3 combs the renovation conditions and process of the two cases.As for the chapter 4,it does the comparison study from three aspects(specific sub-factor of ten)of renewedmode ofo d residentia areas renovation,renovation design and situations after renovation,and exp ores the differencesbetween o d residentia areas renovation at home and abroad.
The third part consists of Chapter 5 and 6,through the comparative research in the second part,it summarizes the differences from four aspects of the renovation mechanism,renovation method,way of funds raise and way of sustainab e deve opment.First y it exp ores proposa s for two mechanisms of “top-down”and“bottom-up”.Second y it discusses the respective characteristics of arge-sca e and rapid renovation and sma -sca e and gradua renovation,and states author’s point of views on renovation method.Third y it subsequent y brings forth two suggestions about funds raise in the o d residentia areas renovation.At ast it i ustrates opinions about sustainab e deve opment to renovation.
Because of the imitation of author’s professiona ism and time frame of research process,the thesis has some imitations.But the author hopes to use a modest spur to induce others to come forward with va uab e contributions and to drive more profound thinking and studies to promote China’s o d residentia areas renovation in a rationa way.
Key Words:
Od Residentia areas;Renovation;Comparative study
学生:李赫APD2013M034 导师:翁季教授
专业:建筑学硕士 年级:2010级
In the 21st century,China attaches great importance to the reform and deve opment of higher vocationa education,which strong y acce erates deve opment of higher vocationa education.It is different from the ordinary higher education,higher vocationa education aims to cu tivate technica professiona s.It not on y enhances students’theoretica basis,buta -so pays attention to practica training.The construction of training base is an importantmeasurement of the teaching qua ity of vocationa co eges.So we shou d do deep study before design formore scientific vocationa education training space design.
Based on above background,this study focuses on higher vocationa schoo training bui ding space.The thesis profi es research on vocationa co eges training space and ana ysis of existing data co ation,summarizes the education mode of higher vocationa schoo s and design princip es of training bui dings,and sums up specific training space design methods.It is expected that the thesis can provide design references for training bui dings design in Chinese higher vocationa institutions in order to promote China’s vocationa schoo teaching qua ity.
The thesis inc udes six chapters.Chapter 1 introduces the research background and themain content.Chapter 2 states the re ated theory on architectura space of vocationa co ege training basis,and introduces the history and characteristicsof the higher vocationa co eges aswe as basic concepts of training bui ding space.Chapter 3 does the research and statistics ana ysis of training bui ding usage.Chapter 4 summarizes the basic princip es of the training space design based on its characteristics.It further ana yzes the designmethods,inc uding spatia organization,communication organization,f at-screen combination,area index and se ection of co umn grid.Case ana ysis is inc uded in each method.Chapter 5 focuses on the introduction of higher vocationa co -ege training bui ding design cases the author participated in to exp ore the practica uti ization of the aforementioned training bui ding space design theory through case ana ysis and eva uation.Chapter 6 serves as the conc usion.It comprehensive y e aborates the design requirement of training bui ding space and gui ds the further research,which can be advantageous y used in guiding the training bui ding design afterward.
Key Words:
Higher vocationa education;Training bui ding;Space design;Organizationa mode
学生:李宏东APD2013M035 导师:曾卫教授
专业:建筑学硕士 年级:2010级
In the background ofeconomic g oba ization,cu -ture a so appears assimi ation,which contributes to ess vita ity ofmany regiona cu tures.In architecture fie d,traditiona architecture,comparingwithmodern architecture that is efficient and practica ,is uncompetitive and fading away from peop e’s ife.Under the circumstance,every country estab ishes awareness of the serious prob em,and starts to attach weight to regiona architecture.China had a ong-term exp oration to traditiona architectures’inheritance and deve opment and it f ourished in recentyears.However,many Chinese-sty e architectures are on y has ancient ooks and some reverting pieces.On the contrary,architectura space inheritance is not been paid enough attention to,and the understanding on architectura cu ture is not profound y presented.
Chinese architectura cu ture attaches importance to“courtyard”.Courtyard,as one of Chinese traditiona architectura spatia patterns,is the most representative,which b ends essences of ancient iterature,poetry,painting and music and is diverse y seen in civi bui dings.We study on civi bui ding courtyard space design in order to traditiona heritage,in addition,it disti s cores of traditiona architecture space design and ana yzes them for reference of contemporary architectura design.Simu taneousy,a ongwith the rapid deve opmentofeconomy,the process of urbanization is speeding up,the urban popu ation is increasing high y,the urban space is expanding gradua y,even the f at and is been running out.Therefore,peop e turn to“mountainous region”,which covers 2/3 area nationa y,for expanding iving space and seeking new sett ements.It indeed makes the mountainous region construction the main trend in the 21st century.This thesis aims to,with the trend,figure out the residentia quartermode which equips with Chinese cu tura essence,and make it possess strong sense of regiona uniqueness and cu tura identification.
This thesis undertakes the Chinese residentia courtyard space,based on forms of residence in mountainous region,and does ana ysis and research from three aspects.The first part introduces ana yses of traditiona residentia courtyard spatia features and space constitution techniques.The second partana yzes avai abi ity of traditiona courtyard space in contemporary residentia areas.The third part consists of two aspectswith case for each.The first aspect anayzes courtyard basic unitand discusses the basic unit reconstruction and how it works in the mountainous region.The second aspect states how to do the courtyard ayout in the mountainous region and ayout mode is drawn subsequent y.
Key Words:
Traditiona residence;Courtyard space;Residence inmountainous region;Space design
学生:王旭光APD2013M036 导师:龙灏教授
专业:建筑学硕士 年级:2010级
With the successfu opening of the 18th Nationa Congress of the CPC,the acce erating ofmedica infrastructure construction becomes the primary coverage of hea th-care investment construction in next stage.Corresponding with this,the construction of domestic arge hospita s a so have started carrying on one by one.Due to ess awareness of comprehensive efficiency and short of the guidance of scientific and systematic theory,it eads to the ow efficiency in practica operation.“Difficu t to get medica treatment phenomenon”arouses to be a we -concerning focus.Outpatient bui ding,as one of the chief component of hospita ,is themain p ace where patients getmedica advice,and its design qua ity decides both diagnose and treatment efficiency between patients and doctors.Therefore,the research aboutefficiency of arge hospita outpatient bui ding and corresponding design strategy becomes extreme y important and urgent.The thesis is supported by my supervisor’s research projectnamed research on comprehensive efficiency ofmedica bui ding based on evidenceoriented design theory on the basis of fie dwork study and questionnaire investigation.It studies arge hospita outpatient bui ding,and researches the comprehensive efficiency prob em of arge hospita outpatient bui ding from the prospective of architecture through ana ytic hierarchy process.It aims at estab ishing a re ative y comp ete and practica comprehensive efficiency eva uation system and giving out corresponding efficiency design strategy.
This thesis first y e aborates the concept of comprehensive efficiency of arge hospita outpatientbui ding from the view of architecture based on avai ab e research resu ts.It chooses the arge hospita outpatient bui dingswhich havemore than 500 beds as the research objective.Through the fie dwork investigation,it ana yzes arge hospita outpatient bui ding comprehensive efficiency from three aspects of overa p an, ayout and communication ine,and conc udes 12 impact indicators inc udes ayout,sca e,phased construction,entrance shunting,functiona structure,interface combination among functionmodu es,pub ic space,department unit,horizonta communication ine,vertica communication ine,transit hub and treatment procedures in order to ay the foundation for the fo owing questionnaire and the estab ishmentofeva uation system of comprehensive efficiency of hospita outpatient bui ding.Afterward,bymeans of questionnaires,it co ects the data of importance of impact factors from six different fie ds.According to the data,it adopts ana ytic hierarchy process to construct AHP mode ,and obtains each index weight by studying comprehensive efficiency eva uation system estab ishment of arge hospita outpatient bui ding.Moreover,it undertakes comprehensive efficiency ana yses on three different p ans of“Rebui ding and Extension Project of Chongqing Qijiang Hospita ”,from which the best p an is drawn.Fina y,it put forward with design strategy for comprehensive efficiency of arge hospita outpatient bui ding from aspects of overa p anning and individua bui ding.Ita so optimizes the ow efficient eva uation index for above three projects mentioned in chapter 4.
Specifica y speaking,this thesis combines outpatient bui ding with comprehensive efficiency based on theory estab ishment and sets up comprehensive efficiency eva uation system of arge hospita outpatient bui ding.The system improves hospita comprehensive efficiency eva uation theory and provides references for constructors and architects,which contributes to its comprehensive efficiency by rationa y ba ancing every factor and focusing.In terms of architectura design,it sticks to eight strategies of intensive ayout,sca e contro ,ordered phased construction,rationa entrance shunting,functiona structure improvement,suitab e forms of department unit space,efficient pub ic space and communication ine arrangement in order to provide reference for architectswhen do outpatient bui ding design and make it differentowing to comprehensive efficiency system.
Hospita comprehensive efficiency is an impor-tant issue for pub ic hea th and socia stabi ity,especia y in China with a arge popu ation under the process of rapid urbanization.It invo vesmany fie ds of socio ogy,management science,medicine,city p anning and architecture,so it cannot be so ved at once or by one’s own.The thesis,at ast,shows the hope that it can become a tiny breakthrough in the fie d of architecture,and hospita construction becomesmore harmonious thanks to the improvementof comprehensive efficiency.
Key Words:
Comprehensive efficiency;Large hospita ;Outpatient bui ding;Design strategy
学生:林峰APD2013M037 导师:熊洪俊副教授
专业:建筑学硕士 年级:2010级
At present,with the vigorous deve opmentof domestic sports,a variety of nationa and internationa arge and medium-sca ed events have been constant y he d in China.A ot of cities have bui t arge-sca e,high-standard and modern comprehensive gymnasium.The simi arity of these gymnasiums comes to the increasing demand for sca e and diverse functions.Sequentia y,the safety evacuation design of gymnasium,as an important part of gymnasium design,is drawn more and more professiona s’attention.The gymnasium is different from the common bui dings because it is a p acewith arge popu ation,high popu ation density and foca ized usage period.Once any emergency happens,serious consequence is caused.Therefore,the research on gymnasium safety evacuation has important theoretica and practica significances.
The evacuation design of gymnasium invo ves many aspects.In the past,gymnasium safety evacuation design on y refers to the weight of safety technique index.This thesis aims to improve evacuation efficiency by seeking rationa safety evacuation design strategy from the view ofarchitectura p anning.First of a ,this thesis ana yzes the particu arity of the gymnasium safety evacuation design to prove the necessity of the safety evacuation,which ays the theoretica foundation for the who e thesis.Secondy,it takes the case of Chongqing Beibei Jinyun Gymnasium as an instance.The overa ayout,inner evacuation design is ana yzed for the purpose of finding disadvantages of the design.Furthermore,it studies the evacuation ca cu ation with critic thinking and presents deficiencies of evacuation design ru es.Eventua y it,according to the previous questions,
Key Words:
Gymnasium;Safety evacuation;Design strategy summarizes and proposes safety evacuation design strategy.
The thesis adopts research methods containing data co ection and fie dwork research.It summarizes the prob ems encountered in practice based on previous research resu ts,which enriches and compensates for the gymnasium safety evacuation design methods.It sends the hope that it can provide reference for fo -owing researches.
学生:刘华杰APD2013M038 导师:顾红男副教授
专业:建筑学硕士 年级:2010级
Vision is themost significant sense that human beings obtain information from environment and the eyes are themost sensitive in perceiving co or.Co or can stimu ate the peop e’s menta status.At the same time,peop e begin to rea ize the importance of optimizing environment co or when finding disorder y co or in cities.The streets,as the junction of city space structures,are inevitab y confronting co or system chaos and considered as the hot topic because of its function of presenting city space.However,the contro and p anning about the street architecture co or is based on the overa city co or p anning.The ess consideration to uniform of peop e,street and natura and cu tura environmentmakes ithard y nice in streetspace.In the context,this thesis chooses architecture interface co or of city street space as research objective at midd e range of city co or p anning.It aims to take the representative city structure as an examp e and to dig out the aw of interface co or and research strategy of interface co or contro in street space.
This thesis tries to use typo ogy, iterature ana -ysis,graphica methods,visua ana ysis,and the a-na ysis to domestic and foreign researches to study architecture interface co or and connection between them.After that,it discusses contro methods from aspects of macroscopic,the midd e,microcosmic and street types.In the end,it took severa representative streets of Ankang City co or p anning,Shanxi Province as an examp e to verify the proposed contro method and to examine its avai abi ity and feasibi ity.
This thesis ana yzes from severa aspects,com-
Key Words:
Street space;Bui ding interface;Co or;Contro prehensive y exp ores the contro method of street architecture interface co or,and tries to find a new perspective on the city co ors to better the city co or p anning researches.The current study is made by studying the aws of city street space and demanding co or,and exp oring contro methods of various city street co or in order to find new ideas and means of city street space p anning to effective y imp ement the overa contro method and thus he p avoid“co or po ution”issues.
学生:管德政APD2013M039 导师:李和平教授
专业:建筑学硕士 年级:2010级
With the growth of China’s comprehensive nationa strength,tourism has become an integra part in residents’dai y ives of eisure and entertainment. Themagnificent natura andscapes and cu tura historica sites become the primary choice of tourists.In the contextofmassive inf ux of tourists,it isurgent to upgrade and construct resort faci ities tomake a com-prehensive eisure p ace where accommodates arge number of peop e.The deve opment and contribution of cu ture attractions re ates to factors of history,archaeo ogy,natura eco ogy,which has high integrity.Therefore,the choice of commercia sets around cu -ture attractions shou d be cautious.In the idea case,the cu tura attractions and supporting commercia strip are supposed to be interdependent.However,duringmany practica engineering cases,the deve -operswhomight be out of their own interests,or fai to do the pre iminary we or over-pursue benefits,which eads to destruction of origina scenic atmosphere and natura environment and a negative impact on the cu tura attractions.
This thesis serves as an engineering practica thesis.It does the case study—the supporting commercia street of Dazu Rock Carvings Baoding Mountain scenic area,which combines Dazu Rock Carvings scenic area with regiona design strategies of Bayu cu ture.On the premise of protection of cu ture attractions’environment and cu ture inheritance,commercia streetmakes supporting commercia street a comprehensive carrier,which is environmenta harmonious and cu tura inherited,by combining regiona design with commercia architecture,and awindow of presenting scenic charms and cu tures.
Regarding that,the thesis first y describes the deve opment and construction trend of China’s cu -tura area in recent years.It points out the inevitabi -ity of introducing commercia strip to cu tura attractions,and the re ated requirements of supporting commercia strip around cu tura attractions.
Second y,it combs the theory invo ved in the regiona design of supporting commercia strip of cu -tura attractions,and systematica y expounds the reations of symbiotic theory,constructivist theory, p ace theory and regiona architectura theory with supporting commercia street oca design.It further summarizes Chinese Architects’theories of regiona architecture in recent years.Under the guidance of above theory,it presents the re ated regiona impacts on commercia street regiona design of cu ture attractions,which is been c assified and ana yzed.
Third y,itana yzes Dazu Rock Carvings supporting commercia street regiona design at great ength.It i ustrates how to make fu use of above regiona factors from three aspectsof themacroscopic,themidd e,themicrocosmic tomake commercia space with regiona sense and cu tura inheritance.From the view ofmacroscopic,it ta ks about regiona factors inf uencing way and expressing way through site,structure and ayout.From the view ofmidd e,itstates regiona factors and traditiona functions of supporting commercia strip through street interface,space and architecture comp ex.From the view ofmicrocosmic,itana yzes supporting commercia street regiona design in great ength through architectura sty e,architectura function and regiona architectura features.
This thesis considers the design method of supporting commercia strip which is suitab e for cu ture attractions as a guide to pursue specific usage of regiona factors in commercia street design.Starting from Dazu Rock Carvings supporting commercia street regiona design,by combing the scenic attractions,nature,cu ture and other re evant factors,it app iesmethods of investigation,ana ysis and summary and discusses the supporting commercia street regiona design in cu ture attractions.A systematic summary of commercia street regiona designmethod is achieved.It is hoped to provide reference to upcoming commercia street design in scenic attractions in both theoretic and practica aspects.
Key Words:
Dazu rock carvings Baodingmountain scenic area;Supporting commercia street;Regiona factors;Architecture regiona expression
学生:马辉APD2013M040 导师:覃琳副教授
专业:建筑学硕士 年级:2010级
With advancement of techno ogy and improvement of medicine,b ood transfusion,as a common medica treatment,is wide y used in medica and hea th services.A ong with the deve opment of b ood transfusion,b ood co ection agencies ata eve s are set up successive y.As a kind ofb ood bank of higher eve ,b ood centers do not on y provide b ood for the medica institutions and guarantee the safety of use of b ood,but a so carry out a variety of researches and teaching works about b ood transfusion.Since the existing b ood center bui dings were often constructed quite ong time ago,the design concept has been o d-fashioned,and the specia process and中心建筑设计中需要注意的各个方面。通过对相关文献、规范的解读,了解各级采、供血机构的机构设置与业务管理情况,并进一步对血液中心的业务流程、设备配备以及容量和规模测算等方面进行了分析和总结,对血液中心建筑的特殊要求进行概括;通过对重庆市血液中心、上海市血液中心和浙江省血液中心的实地调研,比较分析了三个案例在功能分区、平面布局、科室分布以及洁净度控制等方面的特点和存在的问题。
根据文献和案例研究成果,针对血液中心建筑的设计要点,结合对医疗建筑、工业建筑等相近建筑类型设计经验的借鉴,从总图功能流线布局、工艺要求与生产流线、洁净度控制、空间心理舒缓设计等方面深入探讨血液中心建筑设计策略,并最后结合笔者的设计实践,进行了分析和探讨。c ean iness requirements have not been considered in architectura design.As a resu t,most of the existing b ood center bui dings are difficu t to adapt to the deve opment of b ood transfusion career in the new era.At present,a considerab e number of b ood center bui dings are facing the expansion and reconstruction prob ems.The thesis reviews the course of deve opmentof transfusionmedicine,ana yzes the trends and prob ems of b ood banks,and tries to carry out the study of the architectura design of the b ood center.
According to the studies of iterature and cases,the thesis summarizes issues that need to pay attention to in the design of the b ood center.Through the interpretation of the re evant iterature and specifica-tions,the thesis tries to get to know the institutions of the b ood co ection agencies at a eve s,to ana yze the business processes,the devicewhich is equipped with capacity and size of the b ood center,to genera -ize the specia requirements of the b ood center bui ding.By investigating Chongqing B ood Center,Shanghai B ood Center and B ood Center of Zhejiang Province,the thesis ana yzes comparative y the characteristics of the three cases in function zoning, ayout,department distribution and c ean iness contro and so on.
Key Words:
B ood center;Architectura design;Strategy
According to the resu ts of the iterature and case studies and the design features of the b ood center,combining with the experiences of design for medica and industria bui dings and some other simiar types of bui ding,the thesismakes a further discussion on the genera ayout,the process requirements and production f ow,the c ean iness contro ,the soothing design of psycho ogica for the space of the b ood Center.Fina y,ana ysis and discussion on the author’s practice of design ismade.
学生:李宁APD2013M041 导师:陈蔚副教授
专业:建筑学硕士 年级:2010级
A ong with the outbreak of the Opium War in 1840,Chinese socia character has been changed great y.Traditiona farming civi ization was strong y struck by the modern western civi ization,deve opment ofmodern city and architectura formswere inevitab y affected by semi-co onia and semi-feuda society of po itica ,cu tura and economic factors,which ed to a very distinctive age.Chongqing is ocated in the upper reaches of Yangtze river,due to the geographica position and other reasons,its economy deve oped s ower and architecture started ater with sma dimension compared with eastern coasta cities.But meanwhi e,Chongqing,as a port city,the a ternate capita in Anti-Japanese War and the seat of South Bureau of the CCP, eft a considerab e number of va uab emodern bui dings.The emergence and deve opment ofmodern bui dings Chinese architecture p ays an indispensab e ro e in Chinese architecture.
Chongqing modern brick timberwork bui ding p ays an important ro e in Chongqing modern architecture and accounts for aminiature ofmodern architectura history.Its deve opmentmirrors the change of times,improvement of techno ogy,transition of commons’concept,change of ifesty e and socia cu tures.Author takes the evo ution and deve opment of Chongqing modern brick timberwork bui ding as themain research c ue,combingwith engineering cases,visiting the existing modern brick timberwork bui ding in Chongqing city,to do preparatory research on the structure,materia ,construction techno ogy and overa features and to summarize the characteristics of Chongqingmodern brick timberwork bui dings.Combining with practica cases,the survey on previous restoration and conservation projectof Chongqing modern brick timberwork bui dings and ana yses of its present condition and prob ems it confronts are done.Iteva uates the rationa ity and app icabi ity of restoration strategy ofmodern brick timberwork bui dings and conc udes the contradictions in the process of protection practice.It,based on rich experience,ana yzes the protection and existing probems of modern brick timberwork bui dings in Chongqing city.At ast,it proposes constructive strategies and suggestions about protection of Chongqing modern brick timberwork bui dings,puts forward that it shou d make protection strategy according to objective conditions and protection criterion on the footho d of se f-protection of the bui dings.This thesis consists of four parts.In the first p ace,it expounds the source of Chongqing brick timberwork,its construction background and deve opment stages.In the second p ace,it ana yzes and researches the modern brick timberwork architectura structure,materia and features of construction techno ogy.In the third p ace,it investigates existing brick timberwork architectures’present situation in Chongqing to research the present distribution,existing function and present prob ems.In the fourth p ace,itgoes through the protection history and discusses experiences and suggestions of each protection method respective y.
Key Words:
Brick timberwork bui ding;Construction techno ogy;Present situation;Protectionmethod
学生:陈前池APD2013M042 导师:赵万民教授
专业:建筑学硕士 年级:2010级
Chongqing is a p ace with specia cu tura geographica environment and ong-deve oped history.It gives birth to Bayu cu ture,which has formed the unique space form of Chongqingmountainous town and eft rich historica and cu tura heritages.However,Chongqing’s historica and cu tura heritage,especia y the research work of Bayu ancient town space qua ity,has not been systematica y formed.Professor Zhao Wanmin,according to experiences of years of researches on residentia environment inmountainous regions,puts forward the project of“Theory and practice study of Chongqing urban modern residentia environment construction in mountainous region”,which consists of nine parts.The thesis is one of it.
Ancient towns in Chongqing enjoy ta ents of their inhabitants and are renowned for historica ,emotiona ,artistic and economic va ues.As the age goes by,the protection of ancient towns attractsmore and more scho ars and government’s attention,but the neg ect of authenticity eads to the destruction of space form and wane of socia ife,which contribute to decrease of space qua ity of ancient towns.Therefore,it becomes important research project in Chongqing urban residentia environment construction that how to scientifica y and effective y protect ancient towns’space and socia ife sty e and how to improve ancient towns’space qua ity.
Based on this background,this thesis summarizes the re evant theory and practice at home and a-broad,combs the re ated concept of Chongqing ancient town and its space qua ity.Meanwhi e,it conc udes the e ements of space qua ity in Chongqing ancient town,estab ishes the eva uation method of space qua ity and its indexesand puts forward the imp ementing frame.Through the case study to Fengsheng Ancient Town,this thesis app ies the space qua -ity eva uation system of Chongqing ancient town,ana yzes the existing prob ems and contradictions of space qua ity,combining with the practica experience at home and abroad,proposes the adaptive strategy to promote the qua ity of space.It is hoped to provide experience and reference for the simi ar protection and construction work.
Key Words:
Chongqing ancient town;Space qua ity;Eva uation system;Fengsheng ancient town
学生:范贝贝APD2013M043 导师:段炼副教授
专业:建筑学硕士 年级:2010级
China is in the transition period,from traditiona society tomodern society,from agricu tura society to industria society,from enc osed society to open socia change and deve opment.Especia y in the past 20 years,the state promu gated a seriesofmeasuresof promote the integration of urban and rura deve opment,which contributed to great improvement of socia economy in rura p ace,and great changes to rura socia ifesty e.It seemed to be emerged overnight.Traditiona rura space form and architectura form,more or ess,showed non-adaptive to the transition.As a resu t,under the impetus of the transition deve opment,space reconstruction of rura sett ements became unavoidab e.As for Chongqing,the space reconstruction of rura sett ements is particuarity inf uenced by natura conditions and regiona transportation,it isworth academic discussing.
This thesis is based on interactive re ationship between transition and reconstruction,researching the rura sett ements space reconstruction p anning strategies.The deve opment of Chongqing rura sett ements is chosen as the research object.First y,it exp ores the transition background of rura sett ements reconstruction.Afterward,it starts from eve ofmacroscopic to exp ore the overa trend of the rura sett ements transition.It researches three representative “transition to reconstruction”types name y“reform to construction”,“compromise to remode ing”and “coexistence to extension”in Chongqing from the view ofmicroscopic eve .Itexpounds from transition features,construction features and inf uence mecha-nism,and further conc udes four e ements of rura space construction on the inf uence of transition,which are respective y sett ements space form,space structure,sett ements sty e and sett ements function.
Second y,based on those four reconstruction e -ements,on the combining effect of reconstruction sty e(externa force)and factors(interna force),it extracts four main aspects of rura sett ements space reconstruction,which are space form construction, sty e contro ,residence design and space support.Meanwhi e it discusses in ength each reconstruction p anning strategy.
Fina y,according to the p anning practice study of four construction sty es of extension,remode ing,extra-construction and construction in“VillagesRegulation Planning in Yongchuan District,Chongqing”,it verifies the reasonabi ity and feasibi ity of rura sett ements’space construction strategy research.
Key Words:
Transition;Rura sett ements;Space reconstruction;P anning strategy
学生:陈敏APD2013M044 导师:李泽新副教授
专业:建筑学硕士 年级:2010级
The author has participated in Zhaoshan urbanrura integration project,and found that the resu t wou d be more practica and operab e if this project started from rura perspective.So in this thesis,the author does a further research from the rura perspective in order to so ve the prob em of deve opment of urban and rura coordination.
Rura p ace is an important fie d for Urban-Rura Integration.The deve opment and construction of rura p ace decides deve opmentofurban-city integration.The study,at present,focusesmore on urbanrura integration practice from the view of urban p ace.However,the emphasis of urban-rura coordination deve opment is neg ected.The rura residents are themain imp ementer of the rura deve opment,which is imited by its traditiona system,industry,and and condition.So the prob ems are as fo ows: How to deve op the rura area under the background of integrated urban-rura p anning?How to coordinate the deve opmentof rura and urban p aces?How does the rura p ace accept“industry nurturing city”and how does the rura p acemake the best use of the resources from city?This thesis main y ana yzes the current situation of urban-rura deve opment from the prospective of equa ,harmonious,interactive re ationship between urban and rura p ace under the direction of re evant theories to find out the prominent prob ems.Furthermore,according to the re ated theory of urban and rura coordination deve opment,a research to itsmain content ismade.
The thesis contains four parts.The first part is the basic theory of urban-rura integration deve opment,the purpose ofwhich is to improve the interaction and efficiency of urban and rura resources,to better rura residents’ iving environment and income,meanwhi e,to promote the process of urbanization,which invo ves theories of rura -urban coexistence, and economic improve the iving environment and the income eve of rura residents,and promote the process of urbanization.The re evant theory is symbiosis theory, and economics and urban-rura integration.The thesis ana yzes the deve opment trend and transformation of urban-rura p anning under background of urban-rura integration.
The second part is the research on the difficu ties of urban-rura integration deve opment.Prob ems in the urban-rura construction process ike uncertain division,profit game,imba ance of resource usage and environment disruption, ead to imba ance of urban-rura deve opment.Based on ana ysis on rura popu ation,industry, and and service system,itstudies the rura residents’intention of economic growth,environmenta power,socia security and urban sett ement.
The third part is about the study on urban-rura integration patterns and strategies from the rura perspective.This thesis summarizes four kinds of urbanrura integration patterns,inc uding“urban integration pattern”“financing pattern”“Industria modernizationmode”and“regu ation mode”.It a so puts forward strategies for urban-rura popu ation guidance,the optimization of urban-rura space,rura industry en argement,urban-rura pub ic services and infrastructure construction in terms of urban-rura integration p anning.
The fourth part is about the examp es and conc usion.It studies the urban and rura integration p anning strategies for Xiangtan Zhaoshan demonstration zone.The ast,it refers to the shortcomings and the supposition of farther researches.
Key Words:
Rura perspective;Urban-rura integration pattern;Urban-rura integration p anning
学生:周丽丽APD2013M045 导师:李泽新副教授
专业:建筑学硕士 年级:2010级
A ong with the increasing y serious traffic probems in the process of rapid urbanization,pub ic transportation draws great attention of major cities,the harmonious re ation between which and city deve opment reaches a consensus.However,the harmonious deve opment between city and pub ic transportation is been concerned high y yet not so ved we .
In order to so ve the above prob em and to promote pub ic transportation construction,the thesis,from the view of trip,discusses the optimization of pub ic transportation and city( and use)to achieve the harmonious deve opment of pub ic transportation and urban and use.
In the re ations among and use,transportation and trip, and use determines human activities,which produces trip,and trip makes transportation and inf uence transportation way.On the premise of cities’choice of pub ic transportation,if and use is suitab e for the deve opment of pub ic transportation,the butterf y effect it causes promotes pub ic transportation,in return,the sound deve opment of pub ic transportation promotes the deve opment of city in a hea thy way.It raises the question that what kind of and use is suitab e for the deve opment of pub ic transportation.We know human activity is the most fundamenta consideration which has certain regu arity.It studies humans’trip ru e,according towhich,it combines reviews of pub ic transportation with and use and conc udes a kind of urban space structure which is suitab e for pub ic transportation aswe as a ayout form of and use.The space structure and and use ayout form mentioned above promotes deve opment of pub ic transportation u timate y and reaches a vision of combination of hea thy-deve oped pub ic transportation and harmonious-deve oped city.
This thesis has five parts.The first part is about background research,which main y discusses the purpose,meaning,train of thought and research method.Meanwhi e,it defines the concepts mentioned and invo ved in above parts and fina izes the study frame.
The second part is about basic theoretica research.It ana yzes the re ationship among pub ic transportation, and use and trip chain,and ana yses further the trip e combination and turns out two conc usions from bothmacro and micro perspective.The re ationship between pub ic transportation and and use:From themacro perspective,it is proposed that the rai transit combines and use which guides the deve opment of urban space structure.From the micro perspective,it is proposed that inf uences of pubic transportation on and use va ue,deve opment intensity and and property of rai transit station.In terms of re ationship between trip chain and pub ic transportation,activities in the chain correspond to and use one-to-one.Regarding the re ationship between trip chain and pub ic transportation,pub ic transportation may be at top of trip choice,it puts forward countermeasures for interchanging difficu ty.Concerning the trip e combination,it requires urban space structure to meet the trip ba ance for urban transportation ba ance from themacro perspective,it requires to concentrate pub ic transportation stations according to economic ru es for reducing transportation use and promoting pub ic transportation from micro prospective.
The third partdiscussesoptimization strategies of urban space structure and and use based on trip chain.First y,it extracts the optimization factors:trip ba ance in themacro aspect,urban space structure and ayout of rai transit ine network,and the mixed pattern and ru e of and use, and use compatibi ity,the and use ba ance ofoccupied areas,deve -opment intensity, and use ayout,the station design and so on in themicro aspect.Second y,it puts forward optimization strategies from macro perspective (trip ba ance and urban structure)and micro perspective(trip chain and and use).At the macro eve ,itdoes ana ysis and se ection to differenturban spatia patterns based on trip ba ance and guides the deve opment of urban space structure bymaking use of rai transit based on the resu ts(patterns ofmu ticenter group deve opment and axia deve opment).At the micro eve ,based on the demand of pub ic transportation stations to trip chain,it i ustrates some concrete design contents such as the mixed types of and use,the proportion of and use ba ance,the deve opment intensity of the stations,the ayout of the stations,the station design and so on.At ast,it puts forward other supporting transportation(city traffic system,pub ic transportation,parking and Parap egic Wa king System)and po itica measures(department management,pub ic transportation privi eges and regu ation to sma cars)to serve and use strategies for rea izing the harmonious deve opmentofboth pubic transportation and city.
The fourth part is the practice study in Chongqing city.It optimizes Chongqing space structure and and use nearby the transit stations based on the research conc usions of the third part.In terms of the optimization of urban space structure,it ana yses the current situation of Chongqing urban area and finds outprob ems first y,then itputs forward optimization strategies of space structure of Chongqing urban area(strengthening the structure ofmu ti-center groups,optimizing the function structure in the groups)according to the situation of Chongqing urban area,combining the optimization strategies of mu ti-center group pattern proposed in the third part.In terms of the optimization of and use,taking one of the key stations of the Rai Line 3—GuanYinQiao rai station as an examp e,it proposes some optimization suggestions from aspects of and use ayout,urban traffic networks,parap egic wa king system,the ink of regu ar pub ic transportation,the coordination of parking and pub ic space environment.
The epi ogue of the thesismain y summarizes the research resu ts and puts forward the idea of further study combining the mathematica mode in arger fie ds in the future.
Key Words:
Trip chain;Pub ic transportation;Urban space structure;Land use;the Chongqing city
学生:郭紫镤APD2013M046 导师:黄瓴副教授
专业:建筑学硕士 年级:2010级
Urban renewa is quite norma in the process of urban deve opment.As the basic unit of city,community renewa and deve opment is increasing y becoming an important componentofurban renewa and deve opment in contemporary China.The o d mountain city community is known for its rich streetspace,with time goes by and growth of the urban popu ation,the street becomes decaying and environmenta degradation.The government and residents intend to have o d urban space remode ing.At the same time,with the rapid urbanization,the urban non-officia emp oymentquantity increases,street vendors are one of themajor categories and survive in the power gap.However,a ong with the number of increments,the sta s’negative externa ities become distinguished,the conf ict among residents,vendors and government is esca ating.Key to so ve this prob em is to ba ance the demands among parties,name y the residents’dai y ife,the surviva of the street vendors,urban management and hea thy deve opment,and at the same time,to remode community streets,and suppress assimi ation and simp ification of spatia qua ities.
First of a ,to so ve this prob em,the thesis regards the p ans for Yuzhong district street ane and community sta s as empirica research object on the premise of inc usive growth,considering the demands of parties,designsnetwork p anning from space imp ementation andmanagement.On the one hand,combining with the natura mountain terrain and c imate and cu tura characteristics,on the carrier of community sta s,this thesis exp ores how to dig,comb and concept and method of renewing community spacemu tip e attributions.On the other hand,combing with existing experience,through f exib e management and concise system design,it aims to achieve sustainab e community renewa and sta s deve opment.
Second y,through the research of the p anning resu ts,and feedback of the parties,aswe as space experience,this thesis argues that the p anning has management and imp ementation vu nerabi ities.This is main y out of the ack of ong-term supervision mechanism,a so the participationmechanism of residents and vendors.However,the p anning shows a positive effectwhich comes to stimu ate the se f-consciousness of the residents and vendors.
Fina y,the thesis insists that deve opment of communities and sta s cannot be separated from the background of the city’s growth in China.At the same time,the thesis refers to an avai ab e option:state power shou d guide community deve opment rather than contro ing,community itse f shou d shift from demand-orientation to se f-examine-orientation to tap positive e ements and get enhanced.
Key Words:
Community renewa ;Street sta s;Non-officia economy;Socia p anning;Community deve opment
学生:童果APD2013M047 导师:曾卫教授
专业:建筑学硕士 年级:2010级
Since China’s reform and opening up,especia -y the estab ishment of Chongqing municipa ity in 1997,Chongqing acce erates in socia and economic deve opment,and urbanization.Kaixian county in Chongqing has deve oped quick y as we due to the inf uence of the three gorges project construction,and vigorous y constructed immigrant new town to meet economic and socia deve opment demands.However,the rapid deve opment increases extreme Kaixian’s urban construction and expanding,sharp conf ict between human and and,short of and resource,which eads to bott eneck barriers to its economic-socia sustainab e deve opment.Therefore,urban construction is bound to consider reasonab y usingmountainous region and gent e s ope areas to a -eviate the shortage of and for urban deve opment.However,the high eco ogica sensitivity and fragi ity ofmountain region and gent e s ope area determines the urgent need for a reasonab e p anning and construction process about eco ogica p anning strategy for purpose of the sustainab e deve opmentof the new city construction and themountain town and good adaptation to eco ogica environment.
Based on the above background and objective,this thesis choose the northern new district,kaixian,Chongqing where enjoys topographic characteristics under typica ear background as a study case to discuss the new urban design strategy research based on the eco ogica adaptabi ity of themountain town.
This thesis is divided into six chapters.Chapter 1 introduces the background,purpose and significance of the research,and exp ains re ated concepts.Itnai s down and conducts the researchmethods and research framework to ay a foundation for the thesis.
Chapter 2 main y introduces the urban design of eco ogica adaptabi ity concept.First of a ,it combs the deve oping tendency of themodern urban design research,summarizes the basic characteristics of modern urban design,from which the conc usion of guide ines,object aspects,design method,working content,designs and changes ofobjectives and standards is drawn.Second y,it reviews the historica evo ution process of eco ogica thoughts in city construction,which refers to the va ue change from ecoogica spontaneousness,eco ogica oss and eco ogica awakening to eco ogica consciousness.After that,it introduces the concept of eco ogica adaptabi ity and does a briefing to research situation of urban design of eco ogica adaptabi ity and future trend,which is ana yzed and oriented from two aspects of eco ogica adaptabi ity and urban design.Fina y,it takes six outstanding urban contribution cases athome and abroad as examp es,ana yzingwhich from above two aspects and conc uding the successfu experience to en ighten the p anning and design.
In chapter 3,this thesis introduces the genera situation of The Northern New District in kaixian.First of a ,it introduces the p anning background and genera situation of kaixian,and then ana yzes the genera situation of the urban construction in kaixian,inc uding the construction process and the pressure and cha enge of urban construction.Fina -y,a thorough ana ysis and interpretation of present situation of the p anning area is expounded,inc uding the specific study scope,present situation of natura environmentand presentsituation of construction environment.Through the introduction to this section,it ays the groundwork for thesiswriting.
Chapter 4,from regiona eve to the oca eve of comprehensive exp anation of The Northern New District in kaixian environment pattern,it makes readers have a intuitive and rationa know edge about this district.Through the ana yses of and deve opment degree, and adaptabi ity ana ysis, and bearing capacity to get the comprehensive eva uation of construction conditions about this district for the purpose to rebui d a harmonious human- and re ationship,to make scientific p anning with ethics support.It tries to form a residences construction pattern of“big scat-tered but sma po ymerization”based on the construction of eco ogica security pattern of andscape u timate y.
Chapter 5,as the body part,specifica y discusses the urban design strategy of Northern New District in kaixian,inc uding function ayout of eco ogica adaptabi ity strategy,“four ines”eco ogica contro strategy,eco ogica adaptabi ity strategy of traffic transportation design,municipa infrastructure supporting set contro and eco ogica adaptabi ity strategy of architectura design,etc.After that,it offers proposa s for both aspects of citymanagementof cu tura eco ogy and city deve opmentof socia eco ogy.In order to guarantee its smooth imp ementation of urban construction in Northern New District in kaixian,it refers to three specific suggestions to the comprehensive governance of urban p anning.In conc usion,according to the above eco ogica adaptabi ity strategy construction in Northern New District in kaixian,it basica y covers important parts of urban design,which ays a foundation for further detai ed design and guides the direction.
Chapter 6 is the epi ogue part.The summary of urban design theory of eco ogica adaptabi ity comes first and which is reached to serve as the foundation of residentia environment construction and the iving environment deve opment in the future,which guides sustainab e deve opment direction of residentia environment,especia y formountainous town.At ast the deficiencies are reviewed and the expectation for future deve opment ismade.
The case ofnorthern new districturban design in kaixian is throughout the thesis.It firm y sticks to two points of“eco ogica adaptabi ity”and“urban design”,which combines p anning theory and practice,in order to provide the feasib e references for the new district construction ofmountain town in the future.
Key Words:
The eco ogica adaptabi ity;New district in mountain town;the Northern New District in kaixian;Urban design;Strategy
学生:徐之琪APD2013M048 导师:李泽新副教授
专业:建筑学硕士 年级:2010级
Since the 1990s,ancient-town tourism continues to heat up in China.A ong with the boom in the ancient town tourism,the historic and cu tura consumption market is formed and rapid y deve ops,which gives birth to various historica and cu tura production and tourism deve opment activities in the form of ancient town conservation.Commercia tourism deve opment,which aims to obtain the potentia benefitsof the historic town,has become a genera conservation-oriented deve opmentmode of historic towns,a ot of prob ems about town tourism deve -opment are aroused.The ear y deve oped historic towns are a so in transition to ook for a new deve opment direction.They are figuring out if they ought to expand scenic areas or adhere to re y on ticket sa es to maintain income source.To address the future transition of deve oped historic towns,the key is how to ba ance the re ationship between historic preservation and tourism deve opment,aswe ashow to coordinate interest re ationship among government,enterprises and residents.This thesis c aims that the his-toric towns’tourism industry chain shou d be improved,vision shou d be en arged to the scope of the entire town and bui d a integrated tourism,which is on the economic trigger of ancient town to drive the deve opment of the town as a who e and to achieve the redeve opment of the historic town industry to finish economic transition.
Starting from the deve opment perspective,the thesis first does the comparison ana ysis on re-deve -opmentmode of historic towns at home and abroad.It summarizes and compares the conservation frameworks and deve opment practices of historic ancient towns.At the macro eve ,it concerns the overa process of conservation and ana yzes the positive and negative impacts in conservation and deve opment process.
To achieve unity of theory and practice,the thesis exp ores the core e ements of the redeve opmentof the historic town.It takes engineering practice as research object,on the basisofana yzing the characteristics of Wuzhen,through historica ana yses to evoution process of p anning andmanagement system in Wuzhen conversation and deve opment process for decade,to exp ore the dominant inf uence in the conversation and deve opment of historic town,and to find out the prob ems and bott enecks of Wuzhen tourism deve opment.
Fina y through the theoretica research and basic investigation,institutiona innovation and converting direction is proposed,especia y the possibi ity to bui d Wuzhen an internationa tourist resort from the view of historic conservation and tourism deve opment.A ongwith it,the thesis a so takes internationa tourist resortasexamp e forWuzhen redeve opment and historic conservation reference to integrate tourism resource and industria chain.
Research on ancient town’s conservation and deve opment is bound to government eading.The thesis argues that the study of redeve opment of historic town must be based on the interest re ationship among government,enterprises and residents and transition background in China.Wuzhen po itica management system conversion serves as the focus of this thesis aswe .
Key Words:
Conservation;Deve opment;Mode;Ancient town;Tourism
学生:魏宁APD2013M049 导师:徐煜辉副教授
专业:建筑学硕士 年级:2010级
TOLDmode is a new y-deve oped mode of combination of tourism and rea estate.TOLD residentia area,as one of types of tourism rea estate deve opment,is the inevitab e outcome of tourism rea estate deve opment from the“sma ,de icate and fresh”to “high,big and comp ete”.It integrateswith a variety of functions,not on y meets the growing eisure needs ofurban residents,buta so fu fi s the expectation for ivab e environment and for ife dream of “sharing iving with tourism”.
Gui’An,Fuzhou,a p acewith gorgeous scenery and cu ture,is famous for spa resortarea,which provides a fine resource p atform for TOLD residence deve opment operation.With the increasing y fiercer competition of rea estate in Fuzhou,and strict reguation on rea estatemarketnationwide,the combination innovation of rea estate and tourism becomes one of the inevitab e trends.It boosts tourism rea estate deve opment to mature deve opment in arge sca e from tentative stage.Therefore,itmakes arge-sca e TOLD residence a hot spot of tourism rea estate deve opment.
Underthis background,this thesis takes TOLD residence as the research objective,combining with the practice of Dongyan comprehensive residence deve opment in Fuzhou Gui’An.It puts forward corresponding p anning strategy,p anning method and construction measures by ana yzing the interna and externa deve opment conditions and the re ated theory,and drawing deve opment characteristics from successfu cases.Meanwhi e,it reviews Dongyan TOLD residence deve opment process in order to guide TOLD residentia p anning and construction through the empirica research and to offer references for other TOLD residences to a eviate and avoid prob ems.The project is supported by mentor’s practica project,which is c assified into engineering practica thesis.
The thesis contains five chapters.Chapter 1 main y discusses the research background,significance,content,concepts,and frameworks of the thesis.
Chapter 2 focuses on ana ysis on Dongyan comprehensive residence project’s basic condition and Fuzhou tourism rea estatemarketenvironment,so as to summarize inf uentia factors for TOLD residentia deve opment on project.
Chapter 3 provides basic theories and practica cases,discusses the concept and connotation of the research objective,and ana yzes some deve opment characteristics of successfu cases.Through comparison and reference,it summarizes the deve opment app icabi ity of TOLDmode for Dongyan residence.
Chapter 4 is based on the project deve opment conditions,TOLD residence concept ana ysis and case study,empirica y researching Dongyan TOLD residentia p anning.It puts forward corresponding p anning strategy,p anning method and construction measure.Fina y,the thesis ref ects on some construction imp ementation prob ems of project in order to guide the reasonab e app ication in technica way of Fuzhou TOLD residence.
The ast chapter is the conc usion of the thesis,briefing the summary and the innovative points of the thesis.As we ,it ooks forward to further research on TOLD residence deve opment practice.
Key Words:
TOLD Mode(Tourism-Oriented Land Deve opment);Fuzhou;Dongyan comprehensive residence;Deve -opment conditions;P anningmethod;Constructionmeasures
学生:李江迪APD2013M050 导师:应文副教授
专业:建筑学硕士 年级:2010级
The rura and circu ation has become an inevitab e trend in the context of urban-rura integration.Rura area is in the shortage of and resources in the specia transition to tertiary industry from primary and secondary industries.Land- ost farmers are now facing the industria transition,which eads to the huge change of ife sty e and many new housing requirements are put forward.In order to active y correspond to themass community construction situation in transition,the thesis tries to i ustrate from three aspects of and intensification,housingmu tifunction and architecture techno ogy-conservation based on the case of Jiu ongshan residentia community,WuGang.It ca s for constructing sustainab e residentia community with functions of improving housing comfort,assisting and- ost farmerswith augmenting income and owering cost.
The thesis is divided into the fo owing five parts:
The first part(chapter 1)e aborates the research background,definition of objective and content.It puts forwards the research methods and framework on the basis of domestic and foreign researches and theories.
The second part(chapter 2)discusses from two ang es.First y,it states the requirements of rura housing residentia community construction under the background of urban residentia community construction deve opment process and nationa urban-rura integration,combining aspects of and circu ation situation,industria structure conversion in rura p ace and community popu ation in the future in Henan province.Itana yzes content,interna force,inf uentia factor and present prob em of rura residentia community construction.Second y,fie dwork investigation and ana ysis to residents’ iving demand is done.With the basic iving demand of rura residents,it aims to find the core of residentia community design which is bound to meet rura residents’iving demand in the context of specia transition of and circu ation.
The third part(chapter 3),based on the second part,puts forward rura residentia community design strategy in specia transition proceeding from its interna force,inf uentia factor,which main y inc udes residence and intensification design,variab e space mu tifunction design,passive energy saving techno ogy app ication.
The fourth part(chapter 4)app ies the three strategies to practice.Taking Wugang rura residentia community projects as an examp e,it proposes corresponding design methods for Jiu ongshan residentia community to bui d and-conserved,energysaving and economic rura residentia community which combines with previous research and theory foundation.
The fifth part(chapter 5)summarizes the thesis as we as presents the Jiu ongshan project construction effort.The thesis pointes out the app ication scope of design strategy and expectation for residentia community construction in the future.
Key Words:
Land circu ation;Rura residentia community(centra ized iving);Energy and and saving;Mu tifunction
学生:伍垠钢APD2013M051 导师:熊洪俊副教授
专业:建筑学硕士 年级:2010级
Current y,China sets off the upsurge of construction of stadiums and gymnasiums,stadiums and gymnasiums in different sca e are bui t in various cities,co eges and universities.There is no denying that Chinese stadiumsand gymnasiums construction is in a go den era,the size and qua ity ofwhich are superior to pastones.Architects shou d paymore attention to the stadium and gymnasium design during this period,the one hand,because of its type attributes characteristics,the stadium and gymnasium entai s new design concept,new techno ogy and new materia ,showing a significant characteristic of the time; On the other hand,as a city’smajor pub ic bui ding and the city business,the stadium and gymnasium inevitab e ref ects certain geographica features.But the same as other bui dings,the design of the stadium and gymnasium is affected by the wave of g oba -ization trends and it has the identica phenomenon with otherswhich oses its nationa and regiona characteristics.Therefore,this thesis summarizes and ana yzes the theories and cases at home and abroad,sums up some princip es and strategies of the stadium and gymnasium regiona design,and p ays a guidance and reference for the design of the stadium and gymnasium in the future.
This thesis se ects regiona design as a research perspective,chooses the stadiums as the research object,app ying to the theory of architecture,combining with know edge of history,geography,environmenta and so on tomake fu use of iterature ana ysis,fie d research and practice asa researchmethod.In the first p ace,brief study about regiona theory is studied,inc uding the interpretation of regiona concepts,regiona architecture e ementsand regiona -design-re ated theoretica basis.In the second p ace,the thesis reviews deve opment of stadium and gymnasium,summarizes the characteristics and trends of the stadium and gymnasium.A so it draws regiona design ana ysis about stadium and gymnasium by practica case study about typica one.The purpose is to grab c ear understanding of research objective and to serve for upcoming research and to achieve the reasonabi ity and feasibi ity of the practica engineering project strategy which author invo ved.
The proposed stadium and gymnasium regiona design strategy is not on y conducive to the harmonious coexistence of the stadium and gymnasium with the base environment,and to overa environment of urban space;but a so beneficia to the persona expression of the stadium and gymnasium,and he pfu to so ve the identica phenomenon of stadium and gymnasium design.Meanwhi e,the stadium and gymnasium regiona design shou d effective y fo ow the sustainabi ity princip e,reduce the construction and maintenance costs and improve the strength and qua ity of pub ic services in the stadiums and gymnasiums.
? Key Words:
Stadium and gymnasium;Regiona design;Design strategy
学生:郭倩APD2013M052 导师:王雪松副教授
专业:建筑学硕士 年级:2010级
A ong with the acce erating pace of ife in modern society,peop e’s dai y work and ife is becoming more and more pressed,many peop e tend to trave around for ho iday to get physica and menta re axation,which ref ects peop e’s desperate desire to re-turn to the natura environment from the hust e and bust e of city.With the advent of the era of eisure,garden-sty e resortembracesnew deve opment,where peop e can re ax we .The garden-sty e resort deve -opment is re ative y ate in China.Most of the hote s are bui t tomeetbusinessaccommodation demand,so it is deficient in function.With China’s rapid economic deve opment,nationa income is growing,which requires more garden-sty e resort.In other word,a variety of factors shou d be taken fu y into account in externa space design of garden-sty e resort to present its rea va ue.This thesis ana yzes resort courtyard space eve ,trying to enrich externa space of garden-sty e resort by enriching courtyard space eve s in design.
Garden-sty e resortmeans to achieve recreation and re axation.It intends to change environment around peop e by eaving fixed p ace short y for purpose of physica p easure and menta hea th,which requires the externa space design of the garden-sty e resort to have rich and varied eve s tomeet the pursuitof“comfortab e,f exib e and fresh”.It is drawn by ana ysis and research that simi arities can be found in both garden-sty e resort and Chinese traditiona garden in sca e,space characteristics and psycho ogica needs of peop e.The space concepts of“beauty of artistic conception”aswe as“from finity to infinity”both app ied to Chinese traditiona garden space eve .Therefore,the author attempts by traditiona garden courtyard space ana ysis to reasonab y app y the design techniques to the courtyard space design of the garden-sty e resort,thereby to increase the eve s of the courtyard space.
The thesis re ies on the theory of Space Syntax,taking Dethmap10 as research too to do quantization ana ysis to deep syntactic hidden in peop e’s behavior to quantizes richness of space- eve according to “inte igibi ity”va ue.By quantitative ana ysis of we -bui t garden-sty e resort,it aims tomeasure the richness of the space eve ,and essons are drawn from the design princip es and strategies to guide the future design.
In this thesis,the fo owing aspects are studied:
(1)Re ative concept,generation and deve opmentsituation ofgarden-sty e resort is briefed,among which the psycho ogica characteristics of externa space activities are ana yzed,combining with the characteristics of traditiona Chinese garden space from three perspectives of bui ding size,space characteristics and psycho ogica needs.The thesis discusses its re evance and sums up a common feature of space,name y the richness.
(2)Space Syntax Theory and inte igibi ity of space is researched and ana yzed in this part.It te s that inte igibi ity ana ysis entit es quantity ana ysis to peop e’sbehavior activity distribution and to quantify the richness of space.
(3)The drop-space eve and inf uencing factors are ana yzed.Furthermore,the composition of the garden-sty e resort hote courtyard space eve and inf uentia factors are a so reached.
(4)The practica garden-sty e resortcase isanayzed by space syntax theory and its too s from the point of view of the garden design.The design princip es and strategies of garden-sty e resort hote courtyard space eve are summarized by quantifying space richness based on inte igibi ity.
(5)It app ies the specific strategies and space syntax ana ysis methods to the practice of specific projects to conduct project design.
Key Words:
Garden-sty e resort hote ;Courtyard space;Traditiona garden space;Space syntax;Inte igibi ity
学生:游昊星APD2013M053 导师:王琦副教授
专业:建筑学硕士 年级:2010级
In themid-nineteenth century,the rapid deve -opment of industry and economy promoted the appearance of iron and stee industry,e evator and te ecommunication,which made it possib e for high-rise bui ding deve opment.In the fo owing decades,more and more high-rise bui dings and commercia activities emerged,which contributed to new demands to high-rise bui dings raised by peop e.Thanks to the intention ofnew techno ogy,new materia and new structure,high-rise bui ding architecture deve opment have reached a new stage.
In recent decades,considerab e popu ation urbanization has increase popu ation density, and price and and consumption.Therefore,the high-rise bui dings spring up wide y and become one of the dominant contemporary bui ding types.High-rise is not on y the mu tifunctiona carrier,but a so integrates the functions to a comp ete organism tomake was high y practica .Because of the increasing height,the high-rise bui dings are emerged wide y in the form of tower bui ding,which becomesmore and more inf uentia on city andscape and city space.However,as the owner of city and observer,peop e are receiving visua concussion from tower bui ding form.Therefore,the response to the visua concussion,to some degree,a so c aims more tough demands on form contro of tower bui ding in business district.
The visua perception theory is wide y used in artistic creation,photography and design,which covers awide range.However,the visibi ity ana ysis,as the deductive ana ysis of visua perception theory,app ies to form contro of tower bui ding.In the fie d of architectura design,the form contro of tower bui dings is the objective precondition of observer to architectura visua perception and message de ivery from.There are many studies about the basic theories,app ication fie ds and architectura form aesthetics of visua perception.But there is not enough know edge about how to app y visibi ity ana ysis to visua perception theory ogica y and how to study tower bui ding in business district from different views.Therefore,the author proposes the ana ysis research on tower bui dings in business district to further put forward significant proposa s.
According to ana ysis of high-rise bui ding the mentor researches,the author investigates cases in many cities based on the visibi ity ana ysis and does comprehensive fie dwork investigation to severa urban CBDs,to which sight ana ysis,sight horizon ana ysis and sight vertica ity are app ied.It does the comparison ana yses to practica cases of tower bui dings from severa representative views,and draws experience and prob ems from architectura form shaping.Afterward,it embodies the specific parts of high-rise bui dings and specifies ana yses to show the conductive force of visibi ity ana ysis to architectura form contro .At ast,this thesis presents the practica case of Jinyuan Square in Changchun for further verifying the conductive significance of the Visua Perception Theory.
In the astpartof the thesis,the authormakes a conc usion for the above sections to trigger a further study on the tower bui ding form shaping in business district.
Key Words:
Business district;Tower bui ding;Visibi ity ana ysis;Form contro
学生:温燕APD2013M054 导师:黄海静副教授
专业:建筑学硕士 年级:2010级
Since the 20th century,with the constant progress of science and techno ogy,great changes have taken p ace in human society.The rapid deve opment of economic and scientific research breakthrough shows the progress of human society.However,peo-p e have to start thinking about the re ationship between peop e,environment and economy when they rea ized the seriousness of the overuse of natura resources.In the 1870s,oi crisismakes peop e rea ize that the expense of the eco ogica environment of the civi ization deve opment is unsustainab e.Therefore,the concept of sustainab e deve opment emerges as the times require.
Sustainab e deve opment is themain theme in today’s society.The construction of traditiona high consumption deve opmentmode is turning to efficient green type.The green bui ding,as the on yway of the change,is an inevitab e trend in today’swor d architecture deve opment.However,the cognition of green bui ding is not c ear,the ack of systematic green bui ding design method and the imits of rationa designmethod based on green bui ding design standards have become the puzz eswhen we search for the path to accomp ish green bui ding design.This thesis attempts from the designmethod domain to draw essons from a mature concept of evidence-based medicine,and hope to be ab e to put forward some new deve opment ideas in the green bui ding design method.This artic emain y divides into six parts.
The first part is the introduction part.This part main y introduces the research background,purpose,significance and review of re evant outcomes,etc.Through the research on the present situation of the green bui ding,it sums up the shortcomings,and finds a foca point of this thesis.The second part so ves the issues of cognition,in other word,defines the connotation of Green Bui ding.Due to the different descriptions to Green Bui ding,in addition to misunderstanding of green bui ding,it is very hard to find an exact definition for Green Bui ding.This thesis starts from the characteristicsofgreen bui ding,to exp ore the essence of green bui ding and to get the corresponding definition of Green Bui ding.
The third part so ves the issues of method.Through the basic research of evidence-based theory,it is tomake c ear connotation of evidence-based theory(by means of scientific research,co ection,in contrast to the existing design practice,c ean up advantages and disadvantages of conso idation of architectura practice,to provide effective design suggestions for architects).The design based on evidencebased theory is a kind of supporting design.It can he p improve the accuracy of design and the qua ity of architectura achievements.Design based on evidence-based theory shou d come out inmodu ar ways (to form a regiona and a type of bui ding database co ection).When architectdesigns,it can be a constraint or a stimu us condition to inf uent design decisions.
The fourth part so ves the issues of strategy.This thesis ana yzes the research on the green bui ding design which is based on evidence-based theory from three aspects.First,it emphasizes the en ightenment of the designers’experience in green bui ding design.This ismain y ref ected in the organization of designers and the estab ishment of the design teams.Second,it emphasizes the en ightenment of the evidence for green bui ding design process.This ismain y ref ected in the green bui ding ear y evidence-based report writing and the prognosis assessment of thewho e design process.Third,itemphasizes the en ightenment of the informed pub ic participation in the form of green bui ding.This ismain y ref ected in the audience’s right to know and choose.
The fifth part carries on the case study.Through the reeva uation of the research office design of Chongqing Construction Science Research Institute office bui ding and a comparative study based on evidence-based theory of green bui ding design,this thesis summarizes the advantages of green bui ding design methodswith reference of evidence-based theory.It is hoped to bring some en ightenment to the green bui ding design research.
The sixth part summarizes the thesis.This part summarizes the research resu ts of the thesis and imitation of the study and de ivers expectation for deve -opment of this study in the future.
Key Words:
Green bui ding;Designmethod;Evidence-based theory;Evidence-based medicine;Office bui ding
学生:胡松玮APD2013M055 导师:周铁军教授
专业:建筑学硕士 年级:2010级
The deve opment of socia economy makes preschoo educationmore andmore important.Preschoo period matters to peop e’s physica and inte ectua abi ity.Comprehensive and scientific cu tivation not on y keeps pace with the preschoo cu tivation target po icy and curricu um,but a so requires the kindergarten bui ding environment design tomeet contemporary concept.Kindergarten bui ding environment is a p acewhere chi dren do activities and teachers teach.It can reach the best education on y by overa construction.
Open education idea views chi dren as the center and pays attention to innovation abi ity and comprehensive qua ity.It app ies to f exib e teachingmethods,adopts innovation cu tivation demands which is in accordancewith times,andmeets the batching and mu tip e deve opment tendency aswe as fo ows new teaching method of containing education in amusement.This thesis,based on the theoretica foundation of open preschoo education,aims at exp oring better kindergarten bui ding environment design in ine with open preschoo education concept,combining with practica cases ana yses according to the kindergarten bui ding environment design nationwide and present prob ems and deficiencies for the purpose to bui d c ear cognition of existing gaps between China and high- eve countries.Afterward,itmeans to improve the proposa s for better references for innovative design of kindergarten bui ding environment in the future.
This thesis inc udes six chapters:
The first chapter is the introduction,main y introducing the topic source,research background,research purpose and research significance.Research fie d,the re ative concepts,research methods and technica routes are a so inc uded in this chapter.
The second chapter introduces the deve opment of domestic theory of preschoo education and the construction of the kindergarten,and through fie dwork investigation and questionnaire survey to the kindergarten,the existing prob em and deficiency are referred.
The third chapter,based on open preschoo education phi osophy,discusses the suitab e strategy of kindergarten outdoor environment design.
The fourth chapter introduces suitab e strategy of kindergarten indoor environment design based on preschoo education phi osophy.
The fifth chapter,based on the above,taking Shuren Primary Schoo and Kindergarten engineering project in Chongqing University City as an examp e,ana yzes re ative strategy and suggestions of kindergarten indoor and outdoor environment design with open ideas.
The sixth chapter summarizes the research achievements and existing deficiencies.
Key Words:
Open education concept;Kindergarten bui ding;Indoor environment;Outdoor environment
学生:章舒APD2013M056 导师:王雪松副教授
专业:建筑学硕士 年级:2010级
The exterior space of commercia pedestrian street is a part of urban pub ic space,whose spatia structure affects human’s activities of shopping, eisure,entertainment.With socia and economic deve -opment,peop e’s iving standard improves, ife sty e changes,at the same time,peop e’s demand for diversity of exterior space of commercia pedestrian street keeps rising.The exterior space structure serves as the core of the entire commercia street,which inf uences peop es’purchasing intentions and psycho ogica fee ing of affinity or exc usion to space.Nowadays,commercia pedestrian street shou d probab ymeet themost urgent needs,which are tomeet peop e’s rationa demands for space recognition,name y coordination of space inte igibi ity and diversity on the basis ofmeeting spatia diversity and emotiona needs.
Starting from the inte igibi ity of the space,taking city commercia pedestrian street as the research object,itdiscusses the re ation between structura diversity and inte igibi ity of exterior space of commercia pedestrian street.Depending on space syntax theory and ana ytic methods,it researches space diversity and inte igibi ity.It comes to the conc usion about exterior space of commercia pedestrian street structure design princip es and strategies based on comprehensib e ana ysismethod to comp ete practica projects.
The thesis first researches space syntax theory and space inte igibi ity to verify that space syntax inte igibi ity ana ysis can do quantitative ana ysis to peop e’s activity distribution.Then the commercia pedestrian street space structure e ements,structure,form-re ated research is inc uded.Afterward,it chooses Chongqing Three Gorges Square as an examp e to do quantitative ana ysis to spatia inte igibi ity and finds out the impact of space structure to spatia inte igibi ity.Next,it researches and studies three representative types of urban commercia pedestrian street space structura diversity and inte igibi ity and achieves the conductive princip es of exterior space structure design considering both spatia diversity and inte igibi ity.According to the reached design princip e,it conc udes exterior space structure design of commercia pedestrian street and provides overa design strategy from aspects of ogic,spatia sequence variabi ity,continuous integrity of the space,the overa design of the space identification guide strategy.Moreover,itputs forward design for the open entrance space strategy,streetspace connectivity design strategies,as we as the dominant node spatia design strategies.Fina y,through the design of HanZhong IMC Times SquareⅡ,combining with above research methods,design princip e and strategy,itbrings forward a new design theory and method for exterior space structure design of commercia pedestrian street.
Key Words:
Commercia pedestrian street;Exterior space structure;Inte igibi ity;Space syntax
学生:杜萌APD2013M057 导师:王雪松副教授
专业:建筑学硕士 年级:2010级
博物馆是建筑发展到一定阶段的必然产物,是文化与社会交汇在一起而形成的智慧结晶。中国博物馆事业自20世纪90年代后有了长足发展。目前为止,全国已兴建了2 000多座博物馆。其中,集中式博物馆因具有空间体验丰富连贯、空间组成灵活等鲜明的特点而得到了广泛的运用。
Museum is the inevitab e product of architecture deve opment,which is formed by the wisdom intersection of cu ture and society together.In China,museums havemade great progress since the 1990s.So far,there aremore than 2,000 constructed museums,among which the centra ized museums have been wide y used owing to distinctive features of rich space experiences and f exib e space configuration.
However,whi e a arge number ofmuseums are constructed,the design of themuseum is a so facing cha enges and thorns that p enty museum designs depend on the architect’s persona experience and references of c assic examp es and are ack of aware-ness and rationa ana ysis of the entiremuseum.A-mong them,the ack of consideration of spatia experience and the understanding of spatia configuration accounts for themain factor which resu ts in the shortage for spatia experience feature and exhibition stuff.
So far,the theory about the spatia experience main y expresses in form of picture p uswords,which be ongs to perceptua awareness not yet rationa eve .Space syntax is a theory taking advantage of scientificmethods to study space.Its unique feature is that it can express emotiona part during the design with scientific data and graphic anguage.So far,space syntax has been successfu y app ied to a number of areas such as urban design,commercia comp ex design,museum design.
With the he p of space syntax theory,this thesis studies the free space structure,open space structure and ce u ar space structure and se ects the Barce ona Pavi ion,Guggenheim Museum and Tate Ga ery as case studies respective y.And then,with the he p of Depthmap software,quantitative ana ysis to important parameters(connectivity,inte igibi ity),it finds out the features of space configuration and intrinsic ink of spatia experience.Fina y,it conc udes each characteristic of the three museum space structures, and sums up architectura design strategies corresponding y.
This thesis is divided into five parts.Part one discusses the topics of the research background,expresses study purpose and its significance,defines the scope of the study to define the re evant concepts,states contentof the research,and summarizes the researchmethod and fina izes research framework eventua y.
Part two serves as the introduction of the basic theory ofmuseum,spatia experience,Space syntax and space configuration.
Part three e aborates the history evo ution and features of space experience of centra ized museum,and the inf uentia factors,characteristics and c assification of space configuration.Moreover,it se ects Barce ona Pavi ion,Guggenheim Museum,and Tate Ga ery as case studies to do quantitative research to get the important parameters for ana yzing and comparing.
Part four summarizes each space design strategies of three types of centra ized museums of free,open,ce u ar space structure based on the quantitative research.
Part five,based on the research resu t,app ies it to the architectura design of Ankang Museum.
Key Words:
Space syntax;Space configuration;Space experience;Centra ized museum
学生:李明APD2013M058 导师:顾红男副教授
专业:建筑学硕士 年级:2010级
In the process of urban co or p anning,the perceptua description for co or is the important pre iminary information needed to obtain,but the co or perception is an extreme subjective process.The description of co or perception is subjective and fuzzy.The important prob em needed to be so ved is how to transform the perception into the objective quantified resu ts and how to effective y express a stagesof co -or perception.This thesis attempts to app y themethod of semantic differentia to the fie d ofurban co or, which can offer the support to achieve the target of the ana ysis on the urban co or’s current situation,the intention of user and the trend of co or deve opment.
At the first,this thesis reviews the c assic theory of urban co or p anning,co or design and chromatics,introduces the theoretica basis of themethod of semantic differentia ,and exp ains the obscurity of semantic expression of co or and its causes from the view of semantics,with a series of simp e experiments.
Then,the thesis summarizes semantic differentia method at home and abroad in the fie d of urban space,discusses a app ication aspects of semantic ana ysis from the typica cases.Learning from the scientific research methods and resu ts,the thesis raises the ack of app ication and some prob ems which is going to be discussed and improved,and provides advice and specific method for the subsequent app ication.
Subsequent y,this thesis organizes the operationa process of the eva uation method based on the method of semantic differentia ,discusses specific operation points and notes of a aspects,and presents detai ed improvements and innovative approaches,inc uding expression and correction.Based on the above discussion,the questionnaire of the city co or perception is setup from the view of themethod of semantic differentia ,and the eva uation system is estab ished.Besides,the system’s detai ed description is provided at the same time.
Next,the thesis takes the urban co or perception of the Ankang city as an examp e to practice and verifies the resu ts of eva uation system which is based on the method of semantic differentia .During this process,the thesis verifies the information gained from every step,according to the estab ished methods beow,and the thesis formes the different questionnaire from different sty e part.On this basis,three different types interviewee appraises the different sty e part respective y from the view of the urban co or perception.Then the thesis gets the semantic difference sca e and semantic differences broken ine for each partition through statistica data.By the ana ysis of form and ine,the thesis reaches the conc usion of urban co or perception in Ankang City.According to the amendment and correction,the thesis presents the re ated advice about urban co or p anning.
Fina y,the thesis summarizes the strategy and the innovationsof themethod of semantic differentia ,and provides references for the future research.
Key Words:
Semantic differentia method;Ankang;Urban co or p anning;Co or perception;Co or eva uation
学生:彭芳APD2013M059 导师:谭少华教授
专业:建筑学硕士 年级:2010级
In recent years,China is entering a rapid stage of urbanization, arge numbers of popu ation f oods into cities.The f oating popu ation caused by urbanization in spatia distribution has become themain way of Chinese popu ation deve opment in the future.With the background of this deve opment,a ong with the economic g oba ization and the imp ementation of the western deve opment,western urban popu ation spatia f ow takes on new characteristics and new trend.The construction of the Dianzhong urban agg omeration and the Qiaotoubao in Yunnan province,brings the new deve oping opportunities to Qujinqizhanma urban agg omeration.Qujing city wi bui d the regiona subcenter of Yunnan province’s Dianzhong urban agg omeration in the future and rea ize the urban integration deve opment among Qi in area and Zhanyi county and Ma ong county,and improve the core competitivenesswhen estab ishing the city’s integrative deve opment.
Facing such opportunities,the Qujinqizhanma urban agg omeration on y by constant y promote the deve opment of urbanization,the urban agg omerations as urban agg omeration to promote popu ation gathered,and the popu ation growth trends offer certain p anning guidance,focus on human to achieve the coordinated deve opment eve of industry,transportation and infrastructure construction,bui d the Qizhanma urban agg omeration popu ation growth and spatia deve opment of urban agg omeration itse f a new space structura system,on y in thisway can improve the city’s cohesive force,to achieve the hea thy deve opment.
The deve opment of city needs the popu ation,and the reasonab e popu ation forecast and p anning guidance is a key factor for the spatia deve opment of city in the future.In this study,firstof a ,based on the space of f ows and the re ated theory about space deve opment form,the thesis raises the causes of the f oating popu ation in spatia distribution and the viab e e ements of the f oating popu ation.Second y,by studying the Qizhanma on urban agg omeration deve opment background,the app ication of the resu ts of theory and case studies from the subjects of this study,summarizes the inf uence spatia f ow and the reason of popu ation distribution,popuation f ow and spatia trends of urban agg omerations is discussed,and based on the ana ysis of the reasonab e popu ation forecast,improve the operation feasibi ity of fina y this study p an guide.Fina y,footho d of this study is to the Qizhanma urban agg omeration spatia f ow p anning guidance,p anning for popu ation to guide to test the feasibi ity and forward- ooking p anning.On the basis of the effective popu ation gathered,this study promotes the Qujin Jiaqi Zhanmawith the hea thy deve opmentofurbanization,forms the overa p anningmethod of urban spatia panning from the view of the trend in popu ation growth.U timate y,the study rea izes the purpose,which wi promote the coordinated deve opment between popu ation and space in Qizhanma urban agg omeration.
Key Words:
Urban agg omeration;Popu ation spatia f ow;Popu ation growth trend;P anning direction
学生:陈舜波APD2013M060 导师:阎波副教授
专业:建筑学硕士 年级:2010级
Architectura design competitions have firstbeen introduced to China in the 1920’s- 30’s and gone through a rough journey in 1930’s to 1970’s,and gota booming after the reform and opening up po icy.A these phases of architectura design competitions p ay a significant ro e in the deve opment of China’s Architecture.The officia guides the trend of architectura design by setting ru es and restrictions for these competitions.The internationa competitions inf uence the ideas of Chinese architects and academic design competitions provide an exce ent p atform for young brightarchitects.We can see thatarchitectura design competitions have been a great boost on the deve opment of China’s architectura trend of thoughts.On the other hand,the variety of architectura thoughts within a time period wou d inf uence the theme of the design competition and a so the com-petitor’swork’s trend.
As a resu t,it is essentia to focus on the re ationship of the two and to ana yze how they impact and push each other forward,especia y during the evo utionary expansion in 1980’s(the Opening-up),which is the focus of this thesis.My ana ysis and research is based on the different time periods of architecture design competitions’deve opment through history to exp ore its ties with the evo ution of architecture design trend,and u timate y to app y it in rea ity successfu y.
This thesis consists of three parts:
In the firstpart(chapter 1),the concepts ofarchitecture design competition and architecture trend are defined.These concepts are exp ored based on research ofmodern China that has been through reform and opened up to the wor d.Moreover,the purpose,meaning,innovative ideas and structure of this research are determined.The genera concepts of architecture design competition and architecture trend are ana yzed chrono ogica y.
In the second part(chapters 2 to 4),the main focus is to ana yze the deve opment of architecture design competitions chrono ogica y.Furthermore,basic background information of the research such as the specific era,cu ture,and socia background are a so examined.The re ationship of architecture design competitions and the deve opment of architectures in China ormore specifica y,how the works of the design competition inf uence the deve opments of architecture in China is anayzed in-depth.Then,this thesis a so ana yzes how themainstream trends in architecture design inf uences the works in architecture design competitions.Mu tip e examp es of designs in actua cases and examp es of designs in competitions are compared and ana yzed to produce a conc usion.In the fourth chapter,some persona experiences of participating in architecture design competitions of the author ismentioned to show how exact y is oca architecture ana yzed for the use of creating ideas for design.Besides examining how to incorporate those ideas into actua designs,the re ationship of designing competition and architectura trends are a so investigated.
In the third part(chapter 5),a fina conc usion ismade based on the ana ysis and theories in the previous chapters.Such conc usion states the“cata ytic”re ationship between architecture design competitions and architectura trends and a so provides an out ook of future deve opments in architectura competitions and trends.
Key Words:
Design competition;Contemporary Chinese architecture;Thoughts of architecture
学生:常建APD2013M061 导师:翁季教授
专业:建筑学硕士 年级:2010级
The construction of co ege dormitory is concerned by the pub ic as a breakthrough of the university’s ogistica socia ization reform.The university constant y expands enro ment every year,which acce erates the new c imax of dormitory’s construction.The dormitory needs tomeet the satisfaction of studying and rest in dai y ife and a so satisfy the demand of entertainment and contactas an important studying and ife area.With the expansion of university’s sca e and the deve opment of peop e’s iving standard,peop e raise more and more requirements for dormitory.
The thesis is on research and is divided into four parts,inc uding five chapters.
The firstpart(chapter 1),main y discusses the research background,causes,purpose and significance of this thesis,define the research object and contents,and summarizes the re ated theories at home and abroad,and presents the research frame-work of the thesis.
The second part(chapter 2),discusses the connotation and the theoretica background of co ege students’dormitory;Then,it discusses the deve -opment of student dormitory at home and abroad.Next,the thesis presents some prob ems existing in university’s student dormitory through data co ection,previous studies,with our own experience in dormitory.With these prob ems,we raise the more targeted inspection in university dormitory’s spatia form.
The third part(chapter 3 and chapter 4),is the main body of this thesis.First of a ,we inspect the department from two aspects of dormitory area of p anning and sing e bui ding design,and estab ish the eva uation system.Dormitory area p anning studies invo ve the dormitory area of ocation,size of the dormitory area of the dormitory area of the city and campus re ations,the re ationship of the dormitory area of teaching area,dormitory area of functiona components and ayoutof the bui ding,dormitory area of road transport organizations,the dormitory area of faci ities p anning aswe as the iving quarters of andscape p anning.The research of sing e bui ding inspects the bui ding types,the space design of units and bathroom,the space design of dormitory’s supporting service and the design of façade sty e.Next,the thesis introduces the eva uation method which works after the use of dormitory to research,which gets fie d research in Tianjin University,Tsinghua U-niversity,Chongqing University,Shanghai University and Xi’an University of Architecture and Techno ogy University,and then we issue the questionnaires,co ect the data,prepare a graph,and make a post occupancy eva uation of dormitory.Then,we research the dormitory tested in engineering practice according to the eva uation system be ow,and anayze the dormitory’s mode via Ecotect,and verify the design with this gained data.
Chapter 5,based on the ana ysis of the first few chapters,reach the conc usion of design princip es,designmethods and the deve opment tendency.
Key Words:
Co ege dormitory;Dormitory area p anning;Dormitory unit;POE
学生:杨荣冰APD2013M062 导师:谭文勇副教授
专业:建筑学硕士 年级:2010级
Recent y,with the continuous growth of the economy and materia civi ization in our country,the continuous y improved ife qua ity and the increasing demand for eisure trave make the tourism to be one of the rapid y deve oping industries.The continuous heating-up of tourism makes peop e pay sustained attention to the space of the resort hote .It is a cha -enge for the architect under a ong period of arduous design tasks.They are both psycho ogica y and theoretica y i -prepared;as a resu t,their architect designs for the resort hote are often market-orientated,moving away from themain body of the bui ding,into the di emma of sty e of f ooding,features disappea-ring,and cu tura absence.Therefore it is difficu t to meet the tourists to experience the exotic type of space needs.
The internationa tourism destination—Hainan,has a ong history,profound cu ture connotation and unique geography and c imate environment,which provides sufficient materia for regiona architecture creation of contemporary Hainan.This thesis,under the perspective of construction,tries to promote the design concept of focusing on the bui ding space,materia and structure,and cu ture in the resort hote design;aswe as advocates the princip es of authenticity, ogic and integrity in the process of resort construction;meanwhi e,encourage to pay attention to the regiona ity,contemporariness and the popu arity in materia se ection and construction techno ogy according to the economy and techno ogica condition of Hainan.
This designmethod cou d be used to address the current ack of regiona ity in Hainan resort hote s.Since the design concept under the perspective of construction is a deve oping view,which opposes the du imitation,and advocates to high ightboth the regiona and contemporary characteristics.
The first part(chapter 1)summarizes the current popu ar theory in architecture—trend of construction,confusion and deve opment direction of the resort hote and defines the Construction cu ture as the core research issue,as we as attempts to so ve the di emma of being ack of Construction cu ture through the regression to the bui ding body.After conducting fie d researches and referring to the re evant iterature,this paper defines the“Cu ture”,the “Bui ding body”,the“Region”and the“Resorthote design”as the research objectsand determines the research process as presenting,ana yzing and so ving the prob em.Consequent y,a design method is provided to tack e the di emma through integrating the theory and practice.
The second part(chapter 2 and chapter 3),starting from the origin of the construction,i ustrates the etymo ogy,traditiona roots and design concepts of Construction cu ture and pays attention to the bui ding body space,materia and structure as we as ana yzes their various features.From the perspective the oca cu ture,this paper tries to figure out the attitude towards the Hainan c imate,the construction ways,themateria se ection and the coping strategies with the c imate.The thesis,with the resorthote design as the object,studies the oca i ustration for the construction cu ture.
The third part(chapter 4)main y presents the app ication of the construction cu ture to the resort hote design,and proposes the design strategies from the space,materia and structure.
The ast part(chapter 5)takes the Hainan Tunchang Jinyuan ake resort hote design as an examp e,and demonstrates the feasibi ity of the design strategy under themutua act of the oca cu ture and the construction,and fina y i ustrates the deve opment and prospects of the construction cu ture’s app ication to the resort hote design.
Key Words:
Construction;Resort hote ;Region;Tropica waterfront area;Space;Materia ;Structure
学生:贺欢APD2013M063 导师:陈蔚副教授
专业:建筑学硕士 年级:2010级
The protection of historic bui dings is a continuous and systematic process,which needs the guidance of theory.Mu tidiscip inary research is the base to continuous y improve the protection and restoration theories;and the summary from the practice is a so an important aspect to improve the protection of historic bui dings.
First of a ,to deve op the scheme for the protection and restoration of historic bui dings,it is necessary to determine the correct restoration princip es,measures and specific techno ogies.This thesis introduces such basic princip es of protection and restoration as authenticity,identifiabi ity,reversibi ity,and minima intervention,which are the foundation for guiding the research and design work of protection and restoration.Through the e aboration and ana ysis of the characteristics and the mutua re ation among these princip es,the guiding ro e of these restoration princip es is determined.The restoration measures of historica bui dings,is further ref ected in the princip es of restoration.The measures inc ude the dai y maintenance,reinforcement and protection,renovation,key restoration,reconstruction,environmenta remediation and so on.Reasonab e restoration measures are required to be chosen in the restoration design through researches on historic bui dings.Disp ay and uti ization have become importantpartsofhistoric bui dings’protection and restoration and the who e protection work.The fu disp ay and effective uti ization ofhistoric bui dings can embody their va ue,historica information and cu tura significance,ref ecting the continuous and systematic protection and restoration.This thesis exp ains the concepts and contents of disp ay and uti ization aswe as theirmutua re ation.The princip es and measures of protection and restoration are basic guarantees to rea ize the who e protection work.In addition to the restoration of the damaged situation of historica bui dings,postmaintenance a so needs to be considered to achieve the fu protection of historica bui dings.
Second y,as themost prominent feature in restoration and protection design of historica bui dings,the investigation and research on historic bui dings are ref ected on the protection and restoration princip es,and the research resu ts wi a so p ay a decisive ro e in protection and restoration measures.On y through rigorous scientific research methods to achieve a fu understanding of historica bui dings,can we achieve proper protection and restoration.Workingmethodswi be the focus of this paper.Researchmethods ofhistoric bui dings inc ude Architectura Archaeo ogy and Architectura History.Based on the research into the body of historic bui dings,re ated environment factors, iterature,interviews and so on,it is conc uded that the methods of Archaeo ogy and History are mutua y connected.Therefore,in addition to the research on themethods of archaeo ogy and history respective y,this thesis a -so expounds their content of research on historic bui dings.Investigation on present status of historic bui dings is an important part of research.This is a process to fu y earn and understand the intact degree,damaged condition and reason,is the guarantee to take further concrete protection and restoration measures and technica means.On thisbasis,assessment of the va ue and its composition of historic bui dings cou d be determined.In this thesis,the concept of heritage va ue,different understandings of the architectura heritage va ue between theWestand East,va ue assessment system as we as qua itative and quantitative eva uation methods are introduced. Va ue eva uation is a key step in the protection work,as protection of historic bui dings is to protect their va ue.Therefore,correct judgmentand determination of va uemust bemade.The research work is the focus of the protection and restoration design,and the princip es,methods,strategies and technica means wi be ref ected in this process,and u timate y ref ected in the outcome of protection and restoration work.
Third y,technica measures to the protection and restoration of historic bui dings are discussed.This thesis attempts to demonstrate that protection and restoration is of practica operationa significance.The protection and restoration can be rea ized on y through the true imp ementation of concrete techno ogy means.Protection and restoration design of historica bui dings is not ended at a text,but needs verification,adjustmentandmodification in the actua engineering,of which inc udes the modification of technica measures to achieve coincidencewith the actua condition,and better protection and restoration of historic bui dings.It ref ects the protection design’s participation function to the process of restoration project,which is different from the modern architectura design in protection and restoration design of historic bui dings.
Fina y,the outcome of protection and restoration design of historica bui dings,that is text content and depth of the protection and restoration design,is stipu ated and required.At present,re evantnationa standards of restoration design are absent at home.This paper carries on the e aboration according to foreign re evant documents,as we as the re ative standard for restoration design text.The restoration design inc udes stages of scheme design and construction drawing design.The text content of scheme design shou d inc ude:status fi e,design fi e,and other technica documents;the content of construction drawing design shou d inc ude:design documentation,construction drawings,the construction drawing budget etc.Design of the text is the basis to guide the actua protection restoration project.Therefore it must be normative y expressed and is a ref ection of the feasibi ity of protection and restoration.
To study themethod of restoration design of historica bui dings is to make its own characteristics c ear,to rea ize better protection of this unique type of architecture.The design method i ustrates the focus of the design of protection and restoration,and standardizes the process and content of design.
Key Words:
Historica research;Va ue eva uation;Disp ay;Restoration techno ogy;Text formation
学生:江洪浪APD2013M064 导师:顾红男副教授
专业:建筑学硕士 年级:2010级
In recent years,more concern and attention have been directing to city co or issues in China.The research and practice on city co or have been conducted inmany cities,but the change effectof city co or is not obvious.This thesis,based on the prevai ing issues of city co or in China’s city construction,with themain tone in city co or issues as the object,proposes concept of basis point in the city co or according to the distribution characteristics of main tone. Taking co or basis points as the contro ing factors,this paper attempts to grasp the overa rhythm trend of main tone in city co or and the form of spatia structure,and to direct y generatemain co ormap by means of digita techno ogies.Then app y this idea co ormap to various eve s of city co or p anning,fina y rea ize the quantitative contro of main tone of city co or,and bewe ref ected in the projectof Ankang city co or p anning.
This thesis is divided into six chapters:
The first chapter points out the research background,the significance,the research object,research premise,princip es and objectives.
The theory and current practice of studies on the main tone design in China are ana yzed in the second chapter,and it a so presents existing prob ems.This chapter a so ana yzes characteristics of city main tone,and tries to find the parameterized simi arity.Based on the characteristics ana ysis ofmain tone in second chapter.
The third chapter puts forward the concepts of co or base points,boundary,region,and i ustrate their parametric features.
The fourth chapter expounds the necessity of conducting parametric design ofmain tone,and probems and difficu ties encountered during the combination.Then,proposes comp ete imp ementation steps of main tone design method combined with digita techno ogy.
The fifth chapter takes the co or p anning project of Ankang city as an examp e,combined with the specific circumstances,generates the idea co ormap of Ankang city through the parametric method,and the“co ormap”is app ied in city p anning ata eve s,rea izing the effective contro of Ankang city co -or p anning quantization.Fina y,this chapter,compares the city co or quantization contro method combined digita techno ogies and the conventiona design methods and makes respective judgment.
The sixth chapter summarizes the research achievements and innovations in this paper,and the prob ems and shortcomings of this paper are brief y described.
This study provides a new idea for the design method ofmain tone of city co or,and provides reference for the quantitative contro method in city co or.
Key Words:
Main tone of city co or;Basis pointof city co or;Digita techno ogy;Quantitative contro ;Parameterization
学生:陈菲菲APD2013M065 导师:严永红教授
专业:建筑学硕士 年级:2010级
As one kind ofgreen energy,natura ight is inexhaustib e.Compared with artificia ighting,natura ighting ismore advantageous to the user’s physica and menta hea th.It has been acknow edged for a ong time that use of the natura ight in construction can save ighting energy.Natura ight has many positive effects on human body,such as:to improve work efficiency,to soothe the nerves and so on.The effect of natura ighting cannot be ignored,but neither the advantage of natura ighting in the booming construction industry of China has received sufficient attention,nor ighting design has formed a professiona major in the architectura design process.Poor ighting design is neither conducive to bui ding energy efficiency nor to indoor ighting com-fort degree.Sufficient natura ighting not on y can save bui ding energy consumption,buta so be beneficia to peop e’s physica and menta hea th.In recent years,with the increasing y serious environment and resource prob ems,more and more architects’attention has been paid to the energy-saving potentia of natura ighting.How tomake good use of natura ight to ensure sufficient y indoor ighting has become an important topic.Taking high-rise office bui ding in Chongqing area as the research object,optimization design of the natura ight environment in office bui dings is studied in this paper.It a so discusses how to comprehensive y integrate various factors to optimize the design at the beginning of project design.
The thesis is divided into 5 chapters,with steps of raising questions,ana yzing questions,so ving questions:
The first chapter is introduction.It discusses the thesis topic and the huge energy consumption aswe as ight po ution caused by themass office construction and the use of g ass curtain.This chapter a so summarizes the object,the purpose and significance,and methods of this research.A iterature review on the current research situation both at home and abroad is conducted.
Re ated concepts and theories are introduced in second chapter.This chapter focuses on the deve opmenthistory and ighting ofoffice bui dings,and anayzes the ight c imate characteristics in Chongqing,providing theory basis for next research.
The third chapter is ana ysis part.It investigates the current situations of different forms of windows,peop e’s visua perception and the indoor ighting environment.Based on the investigation,the statistica data are compared,which can pre iminari y determine the impact of visua window form on human fee ings formation.
The fourth chapter is the pre iminary study.Based on the visua theory,the visua perception under differentwindow sizes and forms is studied by using the questionnaire survey and the aw of visua and perceptua effects casted by different shape,size and position ofwindows is conc uded.
The fifth chapter is about the optimization strategy.On the basis of the above study,integrating both ighting and comfort requirements,this part raises a method to optimize the indoor natura ight environment design of office bui ding,name y based on the reasonab e p anning in the phase of the program,optimization of the visua comfort, ighting and energy consumption is achieved through effective y contro of window form.
The sixth chapter is conc usion and prospect.It summarizes the research resu ts of natura ight environment design of office bui dings in Chongqing.
Key Words:
Office bui dings in Chongqing;Natura ighting environment;Lighting efficiency;Visua perception;Optimization design
学生:杨纵横APD2013M067 导师:朱捷教授
专业:建筑学硕士 年级:2010级
Under the co-inf uence of g oba ization and urbanization,a ot of Chinese cities are now experiencing high-speed deve opment.Urban design practice,regard ess of sca e,is a so moved into top gear.However,as inf uenced by urban deve opment strategy of modernism,urban design in China is carried out on y to cater the needs for representation of 3D space whi e ignores in-depth exp oring into cu ture,environmenta characteristics.As a resu t,modern cities are becoming“meaning ess”space,in which the features of cities are found stereotyped,sense of be onging to the city is difficu t to gain,and the spirit of space is dramatica y weakened.Based on the prob ems isted above,this thesis be ieves that the priorities of urban design in the near future shou d be focused on how to high ight the uniqueness of different cities,how to update the qua ity of pub ic environment,as we as how to preserve regiona urban context.The urban design representing the spirit of p ace is probab y the key to those questions.As such,in aims of providing usefu theoretica references for urban design practice in China,possib e design strategies thathe p to create such“spirit”wi be discussed in this thesis.
The definitions of“space”and“p ace”is c arified in this thesis in order to better ana yze the reasons behind the phenomenon of“p ace ess”in many Chinese cities.Then,re ated urban design theories are summarized to reach the point that spatia creation,which is the core of contemporary urban design in China,shou d be rep aced by p ace creation.In addition,the urban design of centra area in Jinsha,Guizhou,is used as a detai ed case study,of which macro,midd e and micro designmethodo ogies are to be discussed systematica y.At ast,the purposes of p ace creation and suggested design strategies are i -ustrated as the conc usion of this thesis.
This thesis is comprised of five chapters.Chapter 1 aims to demonstrate the importance of this study and range of research objects.Reviews on re ated theory is carried out and research methodo ogies are
Key Words:
Urban design;Space;P ace;P ace spirit creation confirmed.
In chapter 2,from the perspective of“p ace”,the“p ace ess”phenomenon in Chinese cities is anayzed in order to further study components that contribute to form a p ace and then c arify the hierarchy in p ace creation.Based on ana ysis above,the effect on p ace spirit from identifiabi ity,accessibi ity,diversity,activity and context etc.is e aborated.Case studies of various sca es athome and abroad are studied and used for reference.
Based on the conc usion of theory and ana ysis of case studies above,chapter 3 tries to summarize the core points and overa framework of p ace spirit creation in city design.And it proposes strategies from macro,midd e and micro ang es to bui d characteristic city and so ute the“p ace ess”phenomenon.
Chapter 4 is a thorough ana ysis on the new county center in Jinsha County.The ana ysis is performed from urban structure to important districts and nodes.Through projectpractice,re ative y systematic and in-depth study into p ace spirit creation in city design is conducted.
The fifth chapter is a conc usion of major achievements and imitations of this thesis.
This thesis is based on rea project,exp oring the design method.Based on the author’s persona invo vement in New Center Urban Design Project of Jinsha County Town,and eventua y this design method is verified in practice.
学生:姚静APD2013M067 导师:周铁军教授
专业:建筑学硕士 年级:2010级
The reeducation through abor system as a ega system with Chinese characteristics,adhering to the tenet of“Educate peop e,Preach peop e,and Save peop e”has been p aying an important ro e in stabi ization ofsocia order,education and transformation of i ega peop e,prevention and reduction of crimes, protection for the socia ist modernization.Detention bui ding as a specia construction type with Chinese characteristics is themost basic and visib e externa -ized physica form and is the main infrastructure of re-education through abor system;it is a so themain venue of inmates iving and working and correction.However,in the process of ega ization,the abor camp bui dings that ref ecting the nature of the reeducation increasing y exposesmany prob ems,such as:from the p anning perspective,the traditiona abor camps, ack of design theory as a guide,is faced with p anning chaos in the condition of a expanding detention sca e;from the architectura perspective,the traditiona abor camp design cannot correct y and effective y distinguish the severity degree of ega punishmentbetweenmisdemeanantand prison offenders.With the deve opment of society,the traditiona abor camps do not ref ect humanization in the function,f ow ines and interna space design,thus cannotmeet the contemporary deve opmentneeds of such bui ding.Nowadays considering controversia reeducation,and the increasing conceptof humanized psycho ogica treatment,how to use the re ationship between the environment and the menta to direct the design for abor camp p anning and construction for the purpose of psycho ogica correction is becoming an worth direction to exp ore.
Departing from the history and nature of reeducation system,this thesis finds the accurate positioning of the reeducation system and bui ding in the internationa arena after comparing the simi ar systems and bui dings at home and abroad;at the same time,the overa theory framework is formed after the introduction of psycho ogica correction theory,and the current situation ana ysis of the reeducation system and construction.And then through a survey onmisdemeanant,fie d research on abor camps and personne interviews to the detention management,this thesis ana yzes the specific prob ems of the abor camp p anning and architectura design,providing practica support for the design strategy.Based on the theoretica ana ysis and fie d research above,the abor camp p anning and architectura design strategy for the purpose of psycho ogica correction are proposed to so ve the existing prob ems in theory and the status quo ana ysis and research.In p anning and designing strategies,this thesis presents two points.One is the overa ayout ref ecting the nature of correctiona institutions;the other is externa space designs focusing on psycho ogica correction.In the architectura design,this thesis proposes a three-pointdesign strategy,inc uding:①humanized iving space design;②mu ti- eve meeting space design;③ earning space design high ighting the atmosphere of co eges.Fina y,these design strategies are app ied to a abor camp in Chongqing for test,and u timate y the feasibi ity of the strategies is proved.
With the constant reform of the reeducation,The author attempts to,put forwards more suitab e and feasib e abor camps design strategies and framework for the purpose of psycho ogica correction under the perspective of architectura design on the basis of the education and correction system in ine with China’s nationa conditions and with Chinese characteristics;meanwhi e,this paper provides va uab e reference for future abor camp bui ding design and construction.
Key Words:
Reeducation through abor system;Labor camps;Psycho ogica correction;Architectura design;Authority institutions
学生:刘德成APD2013M068 导师:褚冬竹教授
专业:建筑学硕士 年级:2010级
The urban p anning exhibition ha (PEH),as a new type ofmuseum architecture which disp ays the achievements of urban construction and the deve opment direction of urban p anning,has attracted more andmore attention during the process of rapid urbanization in China.After ten years of deve opment,PEH has become an important p atform for pub icizing the city’s identity,presenting the p anning concept,promoting civic engagement and advocating “sunshine p anning”,which can ref ect the deve opment idea of the human-oriented concept in contemporary cities.
The design of PEH at the present has a ready become a comp ex subject which is direct y re ated to the harmonious deve opment of cities.On the one hand,as the one of important exhibition space for pub ic,with urban p anning exhibition as the main content,the PEH has been attached great importance to its design qua ity by a wa ks of ife.On the other hand,because of the inherent ink between PEH and city,the design of PEH needs to be integrated with the actua conditions of oca cu ture and economic deve opment,so that it can revea the unique charm of city.During the design process,the architect need to take some more targeted design methods based on the function and technica characteristic of PEH to raise the qua ity of design instead of simp y copying the common designmode ofmuseum architecture.
Therefore,this thesis takes the designmethod of PEH as the research object,and summarizes basic factors inf uencing design by ana yzing the essentia properties of PEH.The paper a so tries to construct an optimization design method app icab e to PEH,and fina y presents a practica examp e to prove the va idity of this method,providing some theoretica support for future design works.
This thesis which main y centers on the design practice ismade up of four parts:
The first part is the first chapter which main y exp ains the background of the subject se ection and brief y expounds the basic concept,the research object and the re ated researching status in domestic and overseas,to ay the foundation for the paper.
The second part inc udes the second and third chapters.The former summarizes the basic characteristics of PEH through horizonta comparison;the atter is about the update of design concept,it ana yzes the factors inf uencing PEH design from three aspects inc uding humanities and theories,architectures and functions,sciences and techno ogies.
The third part,which is the key partof this thesis,covers the fourth and fifth chapters.Based on the ana ysis of existing prob ems and taking the design process as the carrier,the fourth chapter brings forward a mode of optimization method of PEH design,and discusses from four stages of programming,strategy generating,concept design,and project deve opment,to improve the design qua ity.In the fifth chapter,the author’s design practice in graduate study—Yuxi p anning exhibition ha design is presented to i ustrate the specific app ication ofoptimizationmethodmode ,to further prove that the rationa ity and feasibi ity of thismethod.
Fina y,the fourth part is the sixth chapter which is the conc usion of this thesis and the prospect of deve opment trends of PEH.
Key Words:
P anning exhibition ha ;Optimization;Designmethod;Design process
学生:张淼APD2013M069 导师:邓蜀阳教授
专业:建筑学硕士 年级:2010级
Though residentia area is a traditiona research topic,this thesis tries to estab ish the order of outer space inmodern residentia area through the research on the interaction of spatia structure e ements and the ordered structure hierarchy.As the research on traditiona residentia area main y focuses on indoor activities,the design of the exterior space is re ative y scarce, eading the spatia structure being monotonous and ack of eve s.With the deve opmentofmodern society,the qua ity of exterior space is attracting more and more attention,but there is another phenomenon thatmany residentia areas enrich the exterior space through the addition of various e ements,resu ting in chaos and misce any in space structure.Of course,there are some outstanding cases of externa space design.We need to draw the essence,reject the dross,and provide amodern residentia area with a variety of outdoor activities for the iving body through estab ishing c ear,order y and rich exterior space structure.
Structure is the basic framework and interna e -ements of residentia area,and the eve is the externa manifestation.Therefore it is impossib e to create a rich spatia structure eve withouta c ear structure;the who e spatia structure order cou d be formed through the gradua y progressive structure eve .
To study the exterior space structure in themodern residentia area,the deve opment process of the residentia area needs to be earned first y.And it is more important to know the current structure and its common organizationmode.The thesis thusbegins its research topic—“structure”.Then,e ements of “structure”and the effect of expression and their characteristics are studied,which provides theory foundation for summarizing methods and proposing strategies ater.Based on the c ear ogica re ation between the spatia structure and structure eve ,the construction princip es and methods are put forward.Fina y,through the strategies proposed,these theories and methods are app ied to practica cases to estab ish the overa order of exterior spatia mu ti- eve structure inmodern residentia area.
This thesis is organized a ong the road of determining the argument,epistemo ogy,methodo ogy and conc usions.Departing from the interna e ements of the exterior space structure,this thesismain y focuses on interaction and re ationship between these e ements and the expression of structure hierarchy through the use of architecture symbo ic anguage,such as Space Line,Space Nuc ear,Space Homes,and Space Point inmodern residentia area.This thesis aims to presentmore deepening understanding on the construction of exterior spatia mu ti- eve structure and provides some meaningfu reference for future residentia design via the sorting outof fi e,conc usion of design strategies and ana ysis combined with practica cases.
Key Words:
Modern residentia area;Exterior spatia structure;Structura eve
学生:陈菲然APD2013M070 导师:魏皓严教授
专业:建筑学硕士 年级:2010级
With the deve opment of know edge economy,the high-tech industry has gradua y become themain me ody of industria economy a over the wor d.For the past few years,the high-tech industry in China has embarked on a fast track,andmany high-tech industry parks have sprung up and deve oped quick y.However,with the construction and deve opment of those high-tech industry parks,various unhea thy factors ofmateria space have appeared in the mean time.The reasons behind are:on the one hand,under the temptation of interests,the park deve opers and the sett ed enterprises a ways pursue maximization of the economic benefit at the price of sacrificing the qua ity of urban space and eco ogica environment.On the other hand,some government departments crave for greatness and success during design and construction in order to gain more achievements in their officia careers.Under this background,though the so ca ed proud speed of deve opment and mirac es of economica returns are created in many high-tech industry parks,the economic benefit and officia achievements at the price of the qua ity of urban space and eco ogica environment vio ates sustainab e deve opment,which is not beneficia for the ong term deve opment of industria economy and urban space and this brings about severe y negative effects on physica and psycho ogica hea th of staff and residents around.
This thesis attempts to introduce the theory of hea thy urban p anning and tries to bui d the design strategies of high-tech industry park at the basis of hea thy city theory through combining the empirica study on the new town design project of so ar energy industry in Xuanhua in such ang es as the function configuration and ayout of high-tech industry park,the pub ic urban space,the pub ic faci ity,s ow traffic system,pub ic traffic system as we as the andscape greening of parks.
This thesis aims at improving industria parks with the he p of urbanmateria space design,furthermore,boosting economy and guiding theworkers and residents to deve op a hea thy ife and work patterns.
This thesis is divided into six chapters.
The first chapter e aborates the research background and origin.Then it introduces some re evant concepts of high-tech industry and hea thy urban p anning and research status both at home and abroad,which confirms the researchmethods and ogica mode s.
The second chapter,with the e aboration of high-tech industry and behavior characteristics of industria c uster,discusses some usua methods of high-tech industry parks p anning from function configuration and spatia form.
The third chapter,at the basis of the usua design methods of high-tech industry parks,discusses a great dea of unhea thy factors in high-tech industria park and then ana yses the deep socia and economica reasons.
The fourth chapter introduces re evant theoriesof hea thy urban p anning,and then puts forward some characteristics of hea thy city,main hea thy objects and imp ementation approach of hea thy urban p anning.
The fifth chapter,combiningwith hea thy urban p anning theory,constructs the new-type high-tech industry park design strategies in such aspects as function configuration and ayout of high-tech industry park,the pub ic urban space,the pub ic faci ity,s ow traffic system,pub ic traffic system,the andscape and architectura space.And then this chapter points out the guidance of hea thy urban p anning theories to the design of high-tech industry parks.
Combined with the empirica survey on design project of so ar energy industry in Xuanhua,the sixth chapter discusses the concrete rationa ity and feasibi -ity of high-tech industry park design strategies in specific projectswith the guidance ofhea thy urban p anning theories at the basis of new city of so ar energy industry.
The conc uding part summarizes themajor points and indicates imitations of this thesis.
Key Words:
High-tech industry parks;Hea thy urban p anning;Urban design
学生:乔雅倩APD2013M071 导师:邓蜀阳教授
专业:建筑学硕士 年级:2010级
Residence is one of themostbasic human needs and housing provides themateria and spiritua p ace for iving activities,which ref ects humankind’s pursuit for iving environment.Most of China’s territories be ong tomountainous areas.With the acce erating urbanization,the deve opment and construction ofmountainous residentia areas have entered a stage of rapid deve opment.However,in current deve opment and construction ofmountainous residentia areas,too much attention has been paid to the market demand and economic benefits,resu ting in the ignorance of natura conditions and destruction of eco ogica environment.The configuration of mountainous residentia areas is a most simi ar to f at areas, eading to the oss of the characteristics and individua ity ofmountain space.At the same time,a arge number of residentia constructions are on y physio ogica she ters and cannot meet the spiritua need of residents for the sense of home.
The traditiona courtyard space is the space prototype of this research because of its adaptabi ity to environment and traditiona cu tura connotations of iving space.This thesis attempts to exp ore the essentia configuration combining traditiona courtyard with mountain residentia pattern through the ana ysis of traditiona courtyard space.Then,it a so introduces the courtyard tomountainous residentia areas from overa p anning and residentia p anning,furthermore,tries to summarize the creation strategies of courtyard space inmodernmountain residentia areas and app y them to the constructive detai ed p anning of Feng e new vi age in Rongjiang,Guizhou,in which the author participated during the period of practice in City P anning and Design Research Institute of Chongqing University,aiming to provide somemeaningfu reference for further deve -opment of mountainous residentia area p anning through date co ection and refinement as we as summary.
This thesis is divided into the fo owing severa parts:
(1)The exp anation of Chinese traditiona courtyard space,name y,prototype extraction.First of a ,this part introduces the concept,features,cu -tura performance and components of courtyard to earn the common cu tura connotation of traditiona courtyard space,and further to exp ore the characteristics of traditiona mountainous courtyard,which provides va uab e reference for the methods of introducing the courtyard space to the mountainous residentia areas.
(2)The characteristic ana ysis of mountainous residentia areas,name y,the carrier study.This part summarizes themain inf uentia factors ofmountainous presidentia areas from externa environment and interna space characteristics to provide a foundation for the introduction of courtyard space.
(3)Introducing the courtyard to themountainous residentia areas.Based on the ana ysis of necessity and app icabi ity of introducing the courtyard to the mountainous residentia areas,this part proposes the creation strategiesof courtyard space in themountainous residentia areas from the overa p anning and residentia p anning through the way of corre ation and transformation.
(4)Engineering practice.Taking constructive detai ed p anning of Feng e new vi age in Rongjiang,Guizhou as an examp e,this part discusses the practica app ication of creation strategies of courtyard space in mountainous residentia areas.
(5)Research conc usion.This part reaffirms the research conc usion and summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of design strategies.
Key Words:
Mountain;Mountainous residentia areas;Courtyard space;Creation
学生:彭卓APD2013M072 导师:周铁军教授
专业:建筑学硕士 年级:2010级
Prison is themachine of ru e by state,and a socia window ref ecting the degree of civi ization,which embodies the characteristics of the times.As the change of the times,prison bui dings gradua y deve op a who e p ace integrating such functions as discip ine and transformation,correction and education,instead of imiting to the sing e function of punishment in the past.Meanwhi e,they a so combine some simi ar functionsof hospita s,schoo s and work-shops.Traditiona prisons aremore concerned about deterrence and discip inary ro e,whi e with the progress of socia civi ization,the state and the judiciariesmakemore demands in the new time.The nature of the prison is to transform offenders,and make them better ab e to adapt to society after being discharged.Nowadays,the exterior space environment of o d prisons is difficu t to meet the contemporary spiritua requirements and the new-bui t prisons often pay ess attention to the externa space.The attention of the prison and prison bui dings begin to invest in the psycho ogy transformation of offenders by the nationa judiciaries since the reform and opening-up.This thesis attempts to exp ore ways and means of psycho ogica transformation based on the research into China’s traditiona prison mode.From the perspective of the architecture,to improve the externa space environment of the prison is an effective transformationmedia because of the c ose ink between the space environment and peop e’s psycho ogica needs.Therefore,it is possib e tomake prisoners acceptpsycho ogica probation by environment in probating bui dings.
This thesis,with prison as the research object,first y conc udes the prisoners’psycho ogica needs through the ana ysis of crimina s’typica psycho ogica characteristics of each period in the prison.Through the study on the behavior of offenders,it tries to get the environment demands suitab e for crimina ife.It divides the exterior space environment perception of crimina s into two aspectsof visua perception and cognitive behavior environment for further study based on the two ogica steps of direct experience and indirect perception of environment from psycho ogy to behavior.With study on the two issues,it findsmany aspects need to be improved in the space environment,which cannot satisfy the psycho ogica and behavior requirements through fie d investigation,questionnaire and consu tation.It then conducts the specific quantitative ana ysis of the data through method of semantic differentia to provide some support for design strategy.Departing from the psycho ogica needs and space perception,this thesis exp ores prison space environment,aiming at psycho ogy transformation combining the contradiction between crimina behaviors and prisons’inherentnature of discip inary as we as demands for efficiency ofmodern prisons.Combined with the offenders’different stages of the psycho ogica needs in prison,the corresponding atmosphere of space is attached to each functiona section of prison,making the crimina in prison gradua y be probated and produce positive attitude through the effective psycho ogica guidance.This thesis conducts the fu range design of externa space environment through the research on direct perception of architectura appearance and andscape co or in visua environment,and then obtains the corresponding design strategies from the exp oration into efficiency space, oose space,and transitiona space in specific behavior space.Fina y,based on the actua project of Chongqing west hi camp,this thesis discusses the p anning ayout, andscape design,architectura design and other aspects of the prison area in detai .After that,it reforms the design through the feedback to provide better possibi ities for environment transformation.Through the project practice,this paper presents a nove and efficient psychoogica transformation mode from the perspective of architecture,and summarizes some unique architectura design strategies about the exterior space prison,hoping to provide some reference for the future design.
Key Words:
Prison;Offender psycho ogy transformation;Exterior space;Crimina s behaviors
学生:连超APD2013M073 导师:翁季教授
专业:建筑学硕士 年级:2010级
In recentyears,institutions ofhigher earning in China deve op rapid y with the number and sca e high y expanding.Many co eges and universities are facing the cha enges of expansion,adjustment,reconstruction and new-bui t.And the teaching bui ding is one of the important bui ding types.With the co ege teaching bui dings as the research object,this thesis is concerned about its pub ic communication space,and conducts research on it from severa aspects through combining theory with practice and integrating pointwith sphere.
The first chapter brief y describes the origin and motivation of se ecting the topic,and summarizes research status at home and abroad.And then the research contentand scope of the study is determined to put forward the research purposes,meanings,methods and research framework of this thesis.
The second chapter is an overview of the research content.It introduces the deve opment of the teaching bui dings since ancient times,and ana yzes severa arge functiona composition and space constitution of the teaching bui ding and out ines the deve -opment of themodern space theory.At ast,the concept,function and the main characteristics of the communication space are brief y described.
The third chapter is the research and ana ysis of the basic theory of communication space.It ana yzes the behavior and communication mode of peop e in the bui ding based on the diversity of human behavior.And then communication space requirements are put forward in the teaching bui dings from the view of ergonomics and environmenta psycho ogy.At ast it ana yzes severa e ements of communication space in teaching bui dings.
The fourth chapter is a research on communication space features of teaching bui dings in institutions of higher earning.Six different communication space forms and their effect on peop e are genera -ized.Then,the author studies the sca e,forms and qua ity of communication space from the perspective of users.
The fifth chapter ists three universities in three typica cities in China,and ana yzes the characteristics of the teaching bui dings in these three universities from the overa p anning tomonomer ana ysis.
The sixth chapter is arrangement and conc usion of the ast two chapters.It puts forward severa communication space design princip es in co ege teaching bui dings:ho ism,coordination of the interna and the externa ,and diversity of space forms.Fina -y,this thesis puts forward the concrete designmethods according to the communication space types summarized in fifth chapter and brief y introduces the author’s engineering practice content.
The seventh chapter is the conc usions of the who e thesis.This thesis adopts both ways of data co ection and fie d research,inc uding the summary and induction of predecessors’research resu ts.The conc usion is drawn based on the ana ysis of various space forms through the fie d research and the investigation on mu tip e co ege students.Fina y,it proposes the corresponding design princip es and methods.The fundamenta objective of this thesis is to provide theoretica basis and design techniques for future co ege teaching bui dings in China.
Key Words:
Co ege teaching bui dings;Communication space;Spatia structure;Behavior pattern;Spatia organization
学生:苏晓萍APD2013M074 导师:吴叶红副教授
专业:建筑学硕士 年级:2010级
With the deve opment of economy,the socia concern about the disab ed in the vu nerab e groups gradua y increases,therefore,the rehabi itation architectura designs are attached more andmore attention by architects,users and themanagementof rehabi itation bui dings.The disab ed rehabi itation construction started ate in China,andmost of the existing rehabi itation centers have been rebui t,which is difficu t tomeet the requirements of the disab ed.
This thesis tries to consider the interior space form of the disab ed rehabi itation architecture from the perspective of“p ace-behavior”.Itmain y concerns the re ationship between different functiona requirements of outpatient pub ic space and rehabi itation space and art requirements of space in rehabi itation architecture.
The design ske eton of the thesis is:it first y exp ores the deve opment of the disab ed rehabi itation architecture and the evo ution of its design idea.Then,through the research on the current status and existing prob ems in the disab ed rehabi itation bui dings,it carries on the ana ysis of the factors affecting the architectura space of rehabi itation,and of user behavior patterns.Furthermore,itproposes strategies meeting the usage requirements of the disab ed in combination with the ana ysis of the project in which the author participated,making a itt e contribution to improve the existing deficiency of the disab ed rehabi itation construction.
At the same time,the thesis a so pays specia attention to humanization in space environment of rehabi itation bui ding and re ationships among various aspects of architectura aesthetics.Nowadays,with advocating humanism and sustainab e deve opment,the space of disab ed rehabi itation architecture shou d get rid of the sta e and take in the fresh,and continue to optimize to achieve the goa of sustainab e deve opment.
This thesis inc udes six chapters.
The first chapter is the introduction to the concept.
The second chapter is research foundation.
The third chapter is space typesand design princip es of rehabi itation bui dings.
The fourth chapter is psycho ogica behavior pattern ana ysis of the rehabi itation bui ding space users.
The fifth chapter is space design strategies of rehabi itation architecture—a case study of the Disab ed Rehabi itation Center in Wanzhou District.
The sixth chapter is the conc usion.
Key Words:
The Disab ed;Rehabi itation architecture;Interior space
学生:魏书祥APD2013M075 导师:褚冬竹教授
专业:建筑学硕士 年级:2010级
Based on human-oriented concept and the research resu ts of anthropo ogy,socio ogy,eva uation,sustainab e bui ding techno ogy and theory,this thesis,with“design research”as the research route,summarizes themethods of the app ication of qua itative research and qua itative eva uation to the fie d of architecture area,and discusses their app icabi ity and re iabi ity.The thesis ana yzes the re evant e ements of the“Qua itative”and“Quantitative”in bui ding design process.Then,the paper studieshow to achieve higher performance from contro ing qua itative e ements in the ear y stage of bui ding design,and estab ishes a method of“Qua itative Eva uation Method in the Bui ding Design Process”(QEMBDP)as a design too .Fina y the thesis app ies themethod into a design practice for examination and correction.
A wide range of construction activities are now conducted a over the wor d,especia y in deve oping countries.The construction activities cause a ot of energy consumption,at the same time, eads to the aggravation of environmenta po ution.Based on the overa goa of sustainab e deve opment,environment friend y route is the best way to maintain ba -ance in ensuring the pursuitof a higher qua ity of ife at the same time.The priority for architects shou d be the re ationship of“Human,Architecture and Environment”,no onger the basic issues of traditiona architecture,functiona ayout,traffic organization and so on.
In the process of addressing the re ationship of “Human,Architecture and Environment”,the architects actua y face constructiona ,environmenta ,socia ,economic prob ems at four eve s in bui ding design.As the bui ding design gradua y emphasizes that both peop e and environment are subjects,this thesis chooses and draws on the research methods— qua itative research and qua itative eva uation in anthropo ogy,socio ogy and others,and tries to integrate them into bui ding design process to improve the bui ding efficiency and optimize design methods.
After discussing and proving the necessity and feasibi ity ofqua itative research and eva uation being app ied to the fie d of architecture,this paper puts forward the mode of“Qua itative eva uation method in bui ding design process”through a variety ofmethods of theoretica study,interview investigation,abstraction and induction.
The thesis fo ows the technica route of“Finding prob ems—Putting forward questions—So ving prob ems”,focuses on the fo owing five aspects.
(1)About“Bui ding Design”:In the first chapter,the author ana yzes the prob ems facing the bui ding designmethods at present,and the domestic and overseas research status.Then,the necessity and feasibi ity of earning from anthropo ogy,socio ogy and other discip ines are proposed.
(2)About“Qua itative Research”:In the second chapter,the author discusses such basic theories of Qua itative Research as its types,characteristics computer aided too s,and the ro e and characteristics of Qua itative Research in bui ding design,aswe as the app ication of ethnography-based Qua itative Research to bui ding design.App ying Qua itative Researchmethod to the bui ding design isan experimenta exp oration based on current research situation of anthropo ogy,socio ogy and architecture both athome and abroad.
(3)About“Qua itative Eva uation”:In the third chapter,combining the eva uation theory,the author brief y introduces the theory foundation,methods,types,e ements and contents of Qua itative Eva uation,aswe as its comparison with Quantitative Eva -uation,and then determines the ro e andmain charac-teristics of Qua itative Eva uation in bui ding design process,at ast,i ustrates its basic process in bui ding design in detai .
(4)About“QEMBDP”:In the fourth chapter,the author summarizes the re evant basic princip es of QEMBDP mode ,and then describes the construction process of themode and then constructs and exp ains themode diagram,which has the characteristics of pertinence,usabi ity,inheritance,dynamism.Furthermore,this paper expounds the QEMBDP mode ’s four basic modu es—Basic Qua itative Research modu e,Concept Generation and Eva uation modu e,Optima Design Se ection modu e,Design Optimization and Adjustmentmodu e.Fina y the author ana yzes the key issues that QEMBDP mode app ied into practice.
(5)About QEMBDP mode ’s practica app ication:In the fifth chapter,interactive feedback,adjustment and optimization of the QEMBDP mode are achieved in the design practice through case investigation,interviews on architects and experiment designs.
The QEMBDP mode is a method that optimizes the bui ding design method,and is a so a too enriches the too system of bui ding design.In short,the QEMBDP mode is tomake contribution to the architecture deve opment.
Key Words:
Qua itative research;Qua itative eva uation;Design process;Design method;Passenger’s bui dings at wharf
学生:聂天奋APD2013M076 导师:顾红男副教授
专业:建筑学硕士 年级:2010级
In poststructura ist period,three subjects of pragmatics, anguage structure,semantics have derived from semiotics,among which semantics is a study ofmeaning in natura anguage speech,and is concerned about the interpretation of symbo s and ogica forms.Departing from the interpretation of forma ogic and symbo s,this thesis attempts to construct a set of inherent ogic of geographica architectura anguage to research themode ofmeaning storage and understanding during the exchange process of geographica architectura anguage,and take the regiona architecture’s ogica form as a anguage,which is ca ed bui ding dia ect in this thesis.
Taking the bui ding dia ect as themain object,semiotics is the referentia theory of this thesis.This thesismain y discusses such issues of the bui ding dia ect through Pearce’s semiotics as:what is bui ding dia ect,how to ana yze bui ding dia ect by using semiotics,how to construct the symbo system of the dia ect,how to communicatewith the bui ding dia ect,and the practica app ication of dia ect.
Chapter 2 ana yzes the basic ogic of Pearce’s Semiotic system at first.Different from Saussure and Maurice’s semiotics,Pearce physica y divided the nature of the symbo of“thing”and“object”into such three division from the perspective of pragmatism as the symbo ic body(media),symbo ic object (objects)and interpretation,making the interpretation of symbo more comp ete,more operab e because of the introduction of“interpretation”to this system.In the ear y 40s,under the he p of architecture,semiotics began to boom in various fie ds,thus it can be said that there exists a natura ink between architecture and semiotics.With the further deve opment of semiotics,poststructura ist semiotics often found the contradiction in structura semiotics;however, Pearce’s Semiotic system is a sound so ution to this prob em.This study on bui ding dia ect is based on the point.
In the third chapter,the author begins to construct dia ect theory after the ana ysis of the present di emma in bui ding dia ect.The construction is based on two princip es:①Unconscious“prototype”from the oca region;②Basic types in“prototype”.The author divides the prototype design methods into three categories,inc uding directmapping,metaphor association,and abstraction ofarchitectura form from prototype character.The basic types in prototype are divided according to the of“existing materia ”and “existing form”of bui dings,among which existing materia inc udes co or,materia ,texture,and existing form inc udes proportion,sca e,master-s ave reation and enc osing re ation.The existing materia and existing form are contro ed by certain graphic order to make the graphic character independent from other common forms and avoid becoming a common angue.The properties that contro the basic graphic structure(symbo ic body)inc udes the systematicness,integrity,surface structure and deep structure.Bui ding dia ect communicationmust be exp ained in a certain estab ished group,thus,there exists a specific anguage environment in dia ect fie d.Asmany bui dingsmay have typica ity in the same fie d,thus the markedness and representativeness are obvious y of great importance.In the same fie d,an individua architectura symbo maybe repeated y used for a ong time diachronica y,or attached additiona symbo information by historica events and specia meaning,making bui dings distinctive from others.This specia markedness has representativeness.
The fourth chapter takes the administrative office bui ding in Xinpu new district,Zunyi as an examp e to app y the basic design method of dia ect bui ding to practice.In section 4.1,the author ana yzes“the marked item”of cu ture and architecture in Zunyi,and c assifies and composes them by doing brief research.Then,the author ana yzes the representative bui ding in this area—Zunyimeeting site.This hesis begins to construct the dia ect design based on the prototype in section 4.3 after determining the design ideas in section 4.2.Starting from surface and deep structure,this thesismakes ana ogica design of the marked and representative item in Zunyi from texture,co or,space,proportion and sca e to try to prove the twomethod of“metaphor association”and
Key Words:
Bui ding dia ect;Semiotics;Zunyi bui ding“abstraction of architectura form from prototype character”in design practice,avoiding the dia ect expression to eventua y become a piece of paper ta k.
This thesis is concerned about expression strategy of bui ding dia ect under the view of Pearce’s semiotic system and conc udes the concrete design strategy from three eve s:symbo ana ysis,symbo design and symbo interpretation.This strategy is the extension of architecture semiotic and meanwhi e can provide references for the research of regiona architecture.
学生:周俞男APD2013M077 导师:谭少华教授
专业:建筑学硕士 年级:2010级
Rapid urbanization has caused spatia expansion and skyrocketingmotor vehic e use,traffic congestion and injuries,thus has reduced city efficiency.Meanwhi e,high energy consumption eads to the energy crisis and environmenta degradation.So the voice of the ivab e hea thy environment and sustainab e deve opment by residents is growing.
According to the current traffic situation and deve opment trend,this thesis argues that the Qi Ling-Zhan Yi-Ma Longmetropo itan area is facingmu tip e pressures of fast regiona integration,rapid motorization,energy conservation and emission reduction and environmenta protection;therefore,it is of urgent need to deve op green traffic to promote the transformation of the eco-city.Combined with the green transportation experience,this thesis proposes the green road and traffic p anning ideas in Qi-Zhan-Ma area:the and ayout guided by transportation,the integrated road network, ow-carbon trave ,and efficientservice.The objectives are as fo ows:intensive ayout to reduce energy consumption,convenient road network with high efficiency,good qua ity and owcarbon,promotion of the construction of ivab e ecocity.The means are:soft environmentmanagement and hard techniques imp ementation of green traffic. This thesismain y focuses on the hard p anning techniques of road and traffic from macro,midd e and micro view.
At first,at the macro eve ,it focuses on the green road and traffic p anning of regiona integration of the Qi ing-Zhanyi-Ma ong metropo itan.Traffic ske eton guide the and expansion ayout of themetropo itan area to form the and use-transportmode with high reachabi ity and ow demand,guiding the reasonab e trave demand fundamenta y.With the expressway network ensuring road supp y in regiona integration,this thesis defines the green traffic patternswith pub ic transport and s ow traffic as the dominant,to promote urban road and traffic being ow-carbon and efficient.Second y,at themidd e eve ,the emphasis is on the green road and traffic p anning in inter-district and interna district areas.Transportation hub and the corridor guide the pub ic service into amu ticenter ayout,with the scientific way to organize the necessary and fast traffic across districts and the convenient interna traffic.Traffic across districts with high efficiency and ow carbon:provide themu tip e corridors to contact the inter-district traffic fast and form the green traffic mode with subway and fast bus as the dominant way in the midd e and ong distance trave ,strengthening the quick connection between road and traffic.Interna traffic with convenience and ow carbon:arrange interna traffic network according to the difference of various function areas to form the green trafficmodewith conventiona bus and s ow traffic as the dominantway in short distance trave .And third y,at themicro eve ,it is important to p an the important s ow space and design the typica roadswith green ways to provide a comfortab e and humanized transportation space and urban environment for the Qi-Zhan-Mametropo itan area.
Finay,this thesis makes a conc usion of key points of green road and traffic p anning.It a so points out the innovation, imitations and prospects of this research.
Key Words:
Road traffic p anning;Regiona integration;Green transportation;Qi ing-Zhanyi-Ma ongmetropo itan area
学生:向涛APD2013M078 导师:胡纹教授
专业:建筑学硕士 年级:2010级
With the increasing popu arity of high schoo education,and the nationa adjustment of rura primary and secondary distribution structure and the integration of urban and rura areas,the expansion,merger and reorganization of schoo s emerge end ess y, which ushers a new upsurge of the high schoo bui dings.Thus,u tra- arge high schoo s integrating a ot of resources,and even high schoo cities come into being.
The u tra- arge-sca e high schoo ,compared with the genera sca e of high schoo ,is not on y the increase in numbers,buta qua itative change.There are some differences in teachingmanagement,p anning and architectura design of the u tra- arge-sca e high schoo s.Meanwhi e,there are deficiencies and immaturity in the u tra- arge-sca e high schoo s.The author ana yzes the potentia prob ems existing in u tra- arge-sca e high schoo s from the three perspectives of teachingmanagement,p anning and architectura design.
Departing from the phenomenon of u tra- arge high schoo s or high schoo cities emerged at home in recentyears,the thesis discusses the deve opment process of China’s u tra- arge high schoo s and presents the rationa ity and necessity of its existence through the reference for iterature about a arge number high schoo campus bui dings at home and abroad and nationa macro po icies on education,as we as through a co ection of fi es of many arge high schoo s and theoretica ana ysis.It argues the great positive significance of u tra- arge high schoo s in universa izing high schoo education,making an inventory of schoo and,driving regiona economic deve opment and p aying a guiding and exemp ary ro e.
On the basis of the fie d research on four arge high schoo s,this thesisana yzes some common probems from three perspectives of pedagogy,p anning and architectura design.Then the author e aborates the countermeasure research and deve opmentmode of u tra- arge high schoo s by combing the practica project of Jinsha arge high schoo .
From the perspective of p anning,this thesis first y summarizes common ayout,function zoning and stream ine design of the arge high schoo s.Then it discusses the need to estab ish the perfect combination sca e of the arge high schoo s to contro the schoo bui ding space combination.Furthermore,it proposes the composition of function tomeet themu ti campus functions.Fina y,ite aborates the emphasis on non-teaching space to create a campus environmentwith interest in ife.
From the architectura design,this thesis exp ores the new mode and direction of deve opment of teaching bui dings, ibraries,dormitories,canteens,science and techno ogy bui dings,artand gymnasium bui dings design,and conducts qua itative and quantitative ana ysis of ha ways,c assrooms,dormitories and space with high usage frequency by some students.Then,combining the Jinsha project,it points out its design deficiencies,main y concerning the proper sca e,service radius and c assroom space form of the u tra- arge high schoo s,and puts forward re evant countermeasures.
Fina y,from the perspective of teaching management,this thesis proposes three measures:the government shou d ba ance configuration,strengthen management,strict y contro the construction of the u tra- arge high schoo s;schoo s shou d promote management innovation to improve teaching managementmechanism and ogisticsmanagement capacity;teachers shou d improve their own qua ity,minimize the occupation burnout,and promote the hea thy growth of the u tra- arge high schoo .
Through the combination of p anning,architectura design and teaching management,this thesis proposes a new set of u tra- arge high schoo design theory which is informative,adaptab e to the needs of the times and possesses cu tura characteristics,providing reference for the burgeoning education deve -opment in high schoo s.
Key Words:
U tra- arge high schoo ;Countermeasures;Pedagogic;P anning design;Architectura design
学生:程轲峥APD2013M079 导师:卢峰教授
专业:建筑学硕士 年级:2010级
The urban-rura integration is expected to give p ay to the advantages and functions of urban and rura area respective y,which rea izes the urban-driving-rura ,rura -promoting-urban po icy aswe as coordinated and comp ementary deve opment between them by rationa f ow of various production factors and resources.It is a usefu strategy to so ve the negative impact of rapid urbanization and“Three Rura Issues”so as to achieve the harmonious deve opment of society.
For a ong time,prob ems exist,such as so e industria structure,passive economic deve opment,agging infrastructure and the gradua y grim situation of eco ogica environment etc.in the vastmajority of rura popu ation and rura regions.However,the unique rura andscape provides superior resources for tourism deve opment.The rura tourism is beneficia to update functions and transform materia space re -ying on its own andscape resources,and the urban economic resources can be attracted and the organic update of rura sett ements cou d a so be further promoted by it.Thus,a virtuous circ e cou d be formed.Consequent y,the rura tourism cou d promote the eco ogica environment protection and rura industria restructuring to improve the so e industria structure, ow economic eve ,backwardmateria conditions and fragi e eco ogica environment in rura areas and rea ize the integration of the urban and the rura as a who e.As the dai y production and iving space of rura residents,rura pub ic space p ays a significant ro e in the deve opment of rura tourism.The traditiona agricu tura service is hard tomeet the functiona requirements ofmodern tourism.Therefore,it isnecessary to update and restructure its space so as to adapt to the deve opment of rura tourism.
This thesis,with the renewa and reconstruction of rura tourism in pub ic space of towns as research content,and themain pub ic space possessing rura tourism andscape va ue in the towns and countries of Sichuan and Chongqing(street spaces of town and farming area spaces of vi ages)as the research object,exp ores the impact on pub ic spaces exerted by rura tourism as we as the coordinated deve opment between the two under the strategic re ationship of urban-rura integration from its formation causes, andscape advantages,existing prob ems.The study main y focuses on the strategy of coordinated deve opment between urban-rura pub ic space and rura tourism and discusses the specia requirements and methods of its restructuring,for instance,overa contro , andscape uti ization,architectura design and space transformation etc,providing references for the rura tourism deve opment under urban-rura integration in vi ages and towns.
This thesis ismade up of six chapters.Chapter 1 introduces the background and significance of the research and exp ains the re evant basic concepts.This part a so determines the research object and scope of rura pub ic space under the framework of urban-rura integration as we as conc udes the research route and method, aying a foundation for the deve opment of this thesis.
Chapter 2 depicts the features and causes of traditiona rura space ayout in Sichuan and Chongqing and conducts an ana ytica study on formation causes and characteristics of streets(themain pub ic space in towns)and farming area(the major pub ic space in vi ages).
Chapter 3 exp ores the re ationship and significance among urban-rura integration,rura tourism and the pub ic space in rura areas.In addition,this part discusses the deve opment procedures and existing prob ems of ancient town tourism with streets as main pub ic space and sightseeing agricu tura eisure tourism with farming area asmain pub ic space.
In accordance with the existing re evant theory and case ana ysis,especia y the summarization of domestic successfu experiences on rura pub ic space in Sichuan and Chongqing,Chapter 4 proposes the transformation strategies on streets and farming area space in view of rura tourism.An a -dimensiona and mu ti- eve e aboration of these strategies ismade from such perspectives as overa contro , andscape design as we as architectura design,which serves as the concretemeasures of rura pub ic space transformation under the framework of urban-rura integration.
Chapter 5 takes the author’practice project(A Conceptua P anning and Design of new Peasant Vi -age-Jing Xiu Yuan in Qijiang,Chongqing)as an examp e during the graduate study and discusses specific operationmethodsof rura pub ic space transformation strategies under the framework of urban-rura integration.
Chapter 6 draws a conc usion on the transformation significance,princip es and strategies of rura pub ic space in rura tourism under the framework of urban-rura integration.
Key Words:
Urban-rura integration;Rura pub ic space;Rura tourism;Streets;Farming area
学生:王亮APD2013M080 导师:吴叶红副教授
专业:建筑学硕士 年级:2010级
As andmarks of cities,stadiums are not on y representatives of city image,but a so p aces and spaces opened to citizens for sports,shows,entertainment,etc..The pub ic spaces of stadiums are undoubted y the most frequent y used and most im-portant parts.In modern times with rapid deve opment,pub ic spaces are of great significance in improving city image and enriching city’s spiritua ife.
Unfortunate y,due to its short construction term, arge work oad and excessive emphasis on bui ding appearance and andmark,few stadiums are constructed in a peop e-oriented way(which stands for designs and deve opments of spaces and detai s fu y taking the needs of users into consideration),showing ess consideration to humanized space,detai s,etc.And it cou d beworse in the present situation of China:shortage of urban and, ack of highqua ity and high-standard stadiums,in fact,far from being ab e tomeet peop e’s sport needs.Moreover,even though some stadiums have been used for argesca e games,they osemoney in operation and management after the games.Therefore,it is urgent for designers to make fu use of imited construction ands and investment to provide asmuch comfort and convenience as possib e,meet citizens’needs for sports,and make stadiumsmore satisfactory and desirab e.
Based on the pointsmentioned above and guided by theories of space and humanized design,this thesis,in the ight of researched and participated actua project,presents a strategy on peop e-oriented design of stadium pub ic spaces through combined ana ysis of the characteristics of stadium pub ic spaces and peop e’s physica ,psycho ogica and behaviora characteristics,making theories more concrete and practica .Moreover,this strategy is app ied in the project,tested by practice,and expected to be contributory to the future design.
Questioning—through studies of certain stadiums in big cities of China,existing prob ems are put forward combined with the status quo of stadium de-
Key Words:
Stadium;Pub ic space;Humanized design sign in this country.It is found that the design of most present Chinese stadiums emphasizes on bui ding appearance and functions which can on y meet basic need without considerations of humanized design.Thus,design of stadium pub ic spaces,having the argest number of users in stadiums,are chosen to be studied.
Ana ysis—starting with the ack of humanity in design of stadium pub ic spaces,this papermanages to expound the basic components and spatia features of them through the ana ysis of the function ayout,spatia form and environment detai s of the country’s present common strategies of stadium design.In addition,on the premise of humanized design,this paper studies peop e’s physica ,psycho ogica and behaviora characteristics in stadiums aswe as the reationship between peop e and environments.Combining the two pointsmentioned above,the prob em put forward is changed into a contradictory issue between peop e,function ayout,spatia form and environment detai s,pointing the way for the strategy.
Integration—according to these ana yses,this thesis summarizes the princip es of humanized design of stadium pub ic space binding rationa e and methods of humanized design and architecture design together,which wou d be guidance for proposa of strategies ater on this subject.
Strategy—in ight of the three aspects of the prob em mentioned above,this thesis puts forward suggestion and princip es of humanized design of stadium pub ic space based on princip e and method.On the basis of the design of Liangping stadium in Chongqing,whose design the author has invo ved in,the author tried to app y suggestion and strategy to the current project,drawing conc usions based on partof the comp eted project.
学生:卢乔渝APD2013M081 导师:魏宏杨教授
专业:建筑学硕士 年级:2010级
As an idiom goes,on y ru erswho arewi ing to give back the power to common peop e and hear their opinions cou d have thought beyond the morta whi e iving in the wor d.During the process of urbanization,the engine of Chinese economic deve opment,ong-term mechanism of promoting country by city cou d be estab ished by taking advantage of cities’effects on countryside,so as to promote the coordinated deve opment of urban and rura areas.City space expands to periphera areas year by year ater.Many big cities p acemany diversified demands for and on suburbs during deve opment and spatia expansion process,which makes suburban areas the precursor of urbanization.In this process,transformation and adjustment of and use and source structure caused by thewar between various interestgroups isnoton y the ref ection of urban economy and socia deve opment, but a so direct y eads to co apse of the oca ecosystem and emerging of a series of socia prob ems.Tourism resources are far away from cities owning to continua squeeze by spatia competition between suburban and urban deve opment.
Simu taneous y,the new vi age construction is a so vigorous y conducted in China.Despite the various situations and different directions and methods of construction,the fina purpose is the same,which is the deve opmentof rura economy and improvementof peop e’s iving standard.Therefore,it is necessary to exp ore,from a macro perspective,rura tourism new vi age,as one of the new countryside construction directions,its regiona function,deve opment mode and design points.
Started with question“how to construct rura tourism new vi age”,based on the current situation of the construction of Chongqing farmers new vi ages,this thesis summarizes severa major factors reated to rura tourism deve opment,and presents corresponding design strategy.
This thesis is divided into four parts:
The first part(chapter 1)sorts outand summarizes progress and trend of farmer’s new vi age re ated home and aboard,c arifying the research object and research scope.
The second part,inc uding chapter 2 and 3,by ana yzing construction situation and existing prob ems of rura tourism new vi age in Chongqing,exp ores rura tourism deve opment in the context of the integration of urban and rura areas,and finds out the joint point of oca trave patterns and Chongqing’s suburban deve opment,on which basis construction guiding ideo ogy and design princip es are proposed.
The third part inc udes chapters 4,5 and 6.Based on whathas been e aborated in previous parts,part three ana yzes and discusses construction of rura tourism new vi ages from three aspects respective y:the genera p an ayout,bui dingmonomer and outer space environment,and put forward design strategy of new vi ages in Chongqing innovative y.
The fourth part(chapter 7),through the design practice of rura tourism new vi ages,depicts a new picture about countryside with characteristics of Chongqing,providing guidance for the future rura tourism new vi age design.
Key Words:
Chongqing;Rura tourism;New vi age;Vernacu ar architecture
学生:王超APD2013M082 导师:周铁军教授
专业:建筑学硕士 年级:2010级
Contemporary China has entered the period of socia transformation.Deve opment of economy,change of socia industry structure,and transition from contro -oriented government to service-oriented governmentbecome themain theme of the era,which a so gives rise to the construction tide of administrative center in recent years.Meeting space,as an important part of administrative center bui ding and decision-making p aces,is of specia significance to be researched.In fact,a though the administrative center bui ding boom has asted formore than a decade,researches conducted specifica y onmeeting space of administrative center are rare.Themain reason is the comp exity ofmeeting in administrative organization:diverse types;designers’ ack of understanding of meeting;whi e users can hard y have fu know edge of other departments due to their own duties,department restriction,etc.The embarrassing situation is thatmain bodies of administrative center are independent from each other,and they raise design requirement according to their own needs respective y,which is doubt ess a hugewaste of architectura space and business resources.
Based on the above situation,with status quo of main bodies of current administration agency in China,that is“four groups”’meeting situation,the starting point,through categorizing meetings accord-ing to their features,summarizing and comparing meeting frequencies,number of participants,the spatia sca e and other aspects,this thesis puts forward the prob em thatmeeting space of administrative center is irrationa y a ocated.In addition,it is conc uded that appropriate dispersion and effective concentration is a beneficia idea to dea with the design ofmeeting space ofadministrative center by ana yzing genera drawing of administrative center,function space and meeting requirements,and characteristics of the conference center—this high y centra ized meeting space.Subsequent y,it e aborates on design strategy of reasonab e dispersion and effective concentration,and fina y the design strategy is app ied in engineering practice to test if it is reasonab e and feasib e.
The design idea of reasonab e dispersion and effective concentration,proposed in this thesis is not on y guidance to the design practice of the administrative center’smeeting space to achieve reasonab e a ocation of conference space resource,but a so a kind of design concept,which aims to promote a more systematic and sustainab e concept for harmonious coexistence of architecture,the resources,and the environmentby integration and efficientuse of resources.
Key Words:
Administration center;Meeting space;Conference center;Reasonab e dispersion;Effective concentration
学生:武宁APD2013M083 导师:赵万民教授
专业:建筑学硕士 年级:2010级
Re igious tourism with its unique cu tura ,historica ,mysterious nature ismore andmore attracting to visitors.This resu ts in its bigger share in the tourism industry and faster deve opment.In producing rapid y economic,socia and cu tura benefits,however,over-speed deve opment has brought about side effects, ower qua ity.Due to the b ind worship of the society,various ski eve s of designers,designer’s inabi ity to give persuasive suggestion to construction party,many re igious scenic attractions on y emphasize the growth of the“quantity”whi e ignoring the requirement of“qua ity”.What’s worse,economic deve opment is acce erated whi e the construction of the cu ture s ows down.More attention is paid to deve opment of the scenic area but the protection of cu tura re ics is ignored.A that causes the ack of rationa thinking during the scenic construction,thus various contradictions emerge between tourists and scenic spots,conf icts occurring frequent y.However,these contradictions are not irreconci ab e.“Qua ity”and“quantity”are not contradictory.Nowadays,in the rapid deve opment of re igious tourism,qua ity construction of the scenic space has become the key point to reverse contradictions.Creating a high qua ity re igious tourist attraction is the most prominent task of scenic construction.
This thesis take Dazu Rock Carvings,a re igious tourist attraction,as an examp e.Through the re-
search of the theories and cases about traditiona re igious tourism space,sorting out and summarizing a aspects of the factors inf uencing the qua ity of its space,this thesis estab ishes the intrinsic connection between spatia qua ity and various factors,and creates eva uation criteria on re igious tourism spatia qua ity.With this standard,Dazu Rock Carvings’tour ines and faci ities having been eva uated and scored,this thesis aims to find out the main factor that affects spatia qua ity.To address existing probems,this thesis studies upgrading themethod of the Dazu Rock Carvings’spatia qua ity from the fo owing two aspects:tourism function and re igious cu -ture.To improve the scenic space qua ity,it a so studies design method of organized tour ine,functiona structure,transportation,open space and cu -tura andscape.It is expected that this research on upgrading Dazu Rock Carvings cou d provide a theoretica basis and empirica guidance to some simi ar projects.
Key Words:
Re igious tourism;Spatia qua ity;Dazu Rock Carving;Cu tura tourist attraction
学生:李灵APD2013M084 导师:陈纲副教授
专业:建筑学硕士 年级:2010级
China is amu ti-ethnic country.During its five thousand years’history course,every nation has deve oped its own unique cu tura customs,re igious be iefand architectura sty e because of the difference of the geographica ocation and c imate conditions of their habitation.Among them,Chongqing,as the representative of the Bayu area,with its unique mountain and geographica condition and ong history of humanistic spirit,after thousands of years,the regiona architectura features of its own,such as Diaojiao ou,mountain courtyard,courtyard construction,have been formed.However,in the contextofg oba -ization,Bayu area architectura features are graduay fading,thus how to avoid the situation that a cities ook a ike,how to recover the character of the city,and high ight the Bayu cu ture sty e become prob ems faced by architects.
In view of the above questions,this thesis systematica y summarizes the typica traditiona e ements in Bayu area,proposes the design process and strategy of the traditiona e ements in modern architecturewithmany examp es.Combined with the actua project,this thesis further expounds the app ication of Bayu traditiona e ements in modern architecture at ast.This paper is divided into five parts:
The first part is the introduction,main y introducing the background,purpose and significance,source of the subject,research review,defining the scope of this paper and re ated research methods,proposing research frame.
The second part so ves the cognitive prob ems and sorts out the Bayu traditiona e ements.Divided into two chapters,the first chapter is the summarization of Bayu traditiona cu ture e ements,whi e the second chapter sums up the typica Bayu traditiona architecture e ements.
The third part is aboutmethod.First y,the design princip e of presence of traditiona e ements in modern bui dings is proposed.Later,re evant design process based on the architectura typo ogy theory is put forward.At ast,from the ana ysis ofmany architectura cases at home and abroad,this paper summarizes the design strategy.
The fourth partapp ies the outcome of this thesis to the actua design,the design of the Eighth China (Chongqing)of Bayu Garden.
The fifth part summarizes the resu ts of this study and the imitation of the thesis,and expresses hopes for the future deve opment of this study.
Key Words:
Bayu traditiona e ements;Modern architecture;Expressingmethods
学生:孙念念APD2013M085 导师:李和平教授
专业:建筑学硕士 年级:2010级
With increasing improvement in the eve of nationa urbanization,the acce erating pace of urban construction and the increasing demand for construction and,the rationa use and deve opment of and resources have become an important issue.China has vastmountainous area;and how tomake use of imited and resources in mountainous areas has become an important choice for China urban construction process.With the deve opmentofurban economy,a parts of the country have speeded up the pace of construction of industria parks.Meanwhi e,the func-tions and ro es of the industria parks have a so become intricate.They are no onger just simp y p aces for reproduction,or p aces for factories gathering,but p aces for regeneration of cities.Therefore the construction of industria park is a so increasing y important.Simi ar y,the industria park of the mountain towns have assumed increasing y important mission.The suitab e and se ection for the bui ding of industria parks in themountainous environment is the basis of construction and deve opment of the mountainous industria park,and research of the method for choosing suitab e and is evenmore important.
First of a ,the thesis has summarized theories and practices of the industria ocation, and use and and p anning of industria park at home and abroad,from which we can c ear y recognize the current y direction and achievement of the study on theories of and use and se ection.
Second y,the thesismain y takes the Longqiao Industria Park in Fu ing as an examp e.The background and overview of the Longqiao Industria Park project are introduced to have a basic understanding of the project.
Third,the thesis,taking the Longqiao Industria Park as an examp e,main y exp ores and sums up the se ection method of industria park in mountain and from themacro eve ,themeso eve and themicro eve .It a so introduces some app ication examp es.Themacro eve refers to the ocation se ection of mountainous industria park.It primari y introduces and summarizes the ocation se ection method of industria park in mountainous areas based on the comprehensive eva uation of superiority of the and,then sets up the princip e of the ocation eva uation system,se ects the re evant impact factor,summarizes the method of ocation eva uation and se ection.The fina exp anation ismade combined with the ocation se ection of Longqiao Industria Park.Themeso eve concerns and se ection of industria park.This partmain y introduces the and se ection method of the industria parks of mountainous areas based on factor superposition and zone eva uation,then sets up the princip e of the and se ection and eva uation system,se ects the inf uencing factors and indicators,summarizes the weight of every sing e factor,sest the score standard,exp ains the eva uation method,carries out comprehensive assessment and zoning.It fina y exp ains the and se ectionmethod of the industria park in mountainous areas on the foundation of the process of and se ection of the Longqiao Industria Park.Themicro eve refers to the and ayoutand the and use strategy of industria park,whichmain y introduces the reasonab e and use strategies of the industria parks in mountainous areas for the mountain features,sums up the characteristics of the and use ofmountainous industria park,sets up the princip es of reasonab e use of and ofmountainous industria park,summarizes and ayoutand reasonab e use strategies of mountainous industria park.The fina exp anation is made based on the and ayout and and use method of the Longqiao Industria Park.When summarizing and se ection and use methods from macro eve ,meso eve and micro eve ,this thesis a so exp ains themethods used in other industria parks,which contributes tomore comprehensive understanding and summarization.
In the end,the thesis summarizes the and seection methods from themacro eve ,meso eve and micro eve of industria park in mountainous areas,introduces the p anning scheme of the Longqiao Industria Park which forms the basis of this se ection and usemethod.In addition,this part sums up the imitations of the thesis and points out the future research direction.
Key Words:
Mountainous areas;Industria park;Location se ection;Land se ection;Land ayout;Land use
学生:左雪梅APD2013M086 导师:扈万泰教授
专业:建筑学硕士 年级:2010级
Urban waterfront pub ic spaces are increasing y attracting peop e’s attention.Urban area of Chongqing is ocated on the upper reaches of the Yangtze River.Its waterfront is most y with arge s opes,a ong with the f uctuation of water eve of Yangtze River due to seasona changes, eading to the regiona characteristics of its waterfront p azas.Therefore,during the design process,comprehensive consideration of various e ements within this area is particu ar y needed to rea ize its regiona characteristics.The thesis,extensive y drawing essons from researches on architecture,urban p anning, andscape and other discip ines,studieson regiona deignmethodswaterfront p azas in urban area of Chongqing and app ies thesesmethods to actua project:Chongqing Dayu p aza.The thesis inc udes six chapters.
Chapter 1 reviews the re evant iterature ofurban waterfront p azas at home and abroad,and puts forward on the purpose and significance of the study.
Chapter 2,concerning regiona characteristics about Chongqing waterfront p azas,emphasizes on its connotation and extension.By studying deve opment process and the existing prob ems of Chongqing waterfrontspace and p azas,this partana yzesmajor regiona factors of Chongqing waterfront space,and presents the regiona function and features of them.
Chapter 3,taking Chaotianmen Square,Juxianyan p aza,Ertang P aza as examp es,ana yzes the presentingmethod of regiona characteristics in water-front p azas,and summarizes regiona designmode of waterfront p azas in Chongqing.
Chapter 4 e aborates on design method which connects Chongqing waterfront p azas and inf uencing factors such as nature,humanity and artificia e ements.
Chapter 5 ana yzes key e ements of regiona design of Dayu P aza;focusing on existing prob ems faced by regiona design of p azas,this part e aborates on designmethod connecting Dayu p aza and inf uencing factors such as nature,humanity and artificia e ements.
Chapter 6 is the conc usion and ref ection of Dayu p azas’p anning and design.
Key Words:
Waterfront paza;Regiona ;Urban p anning and design;Chongqing
学生:Irma Desiyana APD2013M087 导师:徐苗教授
专业:建筑学硕士 年级:2011级
This thesis examines the urban co onia ism in Batavia from mu ti-dimensiona aspects inc uding economic motivation,socia segregation,po itica contro and city p anning,aiming to find the pattern and evo ution of urban and socia form.Co onia ism brings about cu tura phenomenon,heterogeneous city and inequa ities issues,and Batavia city p anning represented co onia ism ideo ogy and praxis in city bui ding thathad a ready occurred formore than three centuries.Being a sing e-case study in Batavia,this research is main y based on iterature review,on both texts(history)and images(maps).The research shows that in the beginning of co onia -ism praxis in Batavia,the fortress city was bui t at the background of fear and the power of the co onizer,their intention for contro by means of the defense and boundary of the city and their imitation of the Nether ands without oca weather concern and socia segregation in the city.The river had a crucia ro e as the gate of internationa trade and co onia ism and the main axis of the co onia city form,a ong which co onia ism had changed traditiona city(organic form)towesternized city(geometrica form).The city networking system had been a tered from water to road mode fo owing techno ogy and po icy deve opment.Socia and racia segregation were carefu y p anned to imit and contro socia movements where every co ony was signed by re igious bui ding and cemetery.This research revea s that being an inseparab e part of the co onizer po icies,the co onia city p anning in Batavia symbo izes the contro of co onia ism which was embedding socia and spatia inequa ity.
Key Words:
Co onia ism;Co onia city;Batavia;Urban form;Socia segregation
学生:Suhrob Khidirov APD2013M088 导师:翁季教授
专业:建筑学硕士 年级:2011级
自古以来,学者和思想家都关注人口问题,当然这个观点仍存在分歧,尤其关于人口数量的大小和人口增长的问题。人口数量快速增长有时被认为是一个国家力量和财富的来源和高科技发展的有利因素。但在另一个极端,人口问题一直被视为促成贫困和战争、饥荒和流行病等灾难的因素。今天,过度拥挤已经成为最重要的问题之一。世界上某些地区正面临着人口急剧增长带来的巨大问题。如果世界人口每年增长近8 000万人,就会有很多麻烦接踵而至,诸如人类与环境的关系、贫困、粮食问题、失业和水分布的问题等。
This thesis aims to create a new pointof view in urban design and p anning by proposing a different approach to so ve the overcrowding and high dense prob ems of today’s city.Researches about overpopu ation and overcrowding prob ems have found out reasons and suggested so utions so far,however,this thesis inc udes an unusua -a ternative design proposa as samp e project for dense-popu ated and crowded parts of Chongqing and New York.
Since ancient times,scho ars and thinkers have concerned themse ves with the popu ation question. Of course these points of view have been differed,especia y as they re ated to the size and growth of human popu ations.A arge and rapid y growing popuation has sometimes been considered to be desirab e as a source of the nation’s strength and wea th and as an essentia y usefu factor under ying techno ogica deve opment.At the other extreme ithasbeen viewed as a contributory factor in poverty and such catastrophes as wars,famines and epidemics.Today,overcrowding is one of themost significant prob ems that our wor d facing because of dramatica y increasing popu ation of some areas of thewor d.If the wor d’s popu ation was growing by a most 80 mi ion peop e every year,therewou d bemany troub es fo owed in re ation with the environment,poverty,food and water distribution and unemp oyment.
In architectura and urban p anning approaches,of course it is not possib e or appropriate to c aim that “we have to reduce the popu ation by educating peop e about birth contro ”.From our professiona point of view,overpopu ation eads our wor d to be more concrete,fu ofmore high-rise b ocks,more contamination and ess green,making peop e imprisoned among this concrete mass.Therefore,the aim and main conceptof this thesis project isbased on vertica growth of the cities,adding additiona ayers for accessibi ity or to contro f ow mechanism of the cities,which wi tota y change our conceptof dense city today.
The investigation for the project has four basic purposes.The firstpurpose is creating sustainab e urban ayer to organize f ow mechanism of cities.The second is creating new mu tifunctiona spaces which is at upper eve s.The third is increasing accessibi ity of existing high rise bui dings and the fourth is dividing urban density of high dense cities in different eve s.A new creative so ution in this thesis for overcrowding prob em wi be proposed for dense cities,which first ywi concern human and green areas,instead of high-rise concrete b ocks.
Overpopu ation and urban growth are important research subjects for urban p anners and urban designers recent y.By considering a these negative aspects of overcrowding,this thesis aims to optimize prob ems of high dense cities,towns through introducing a new approach such as“Urban Storey”.
Key Words:
Overpopu ation;Overcrowding;Urban design;Urban storey;Mu ti- ayered city;Environment;Density;High-rise
学生:A ejandra Jara Sa gado APD2013M089 导师:赵万民教授
专业:建筑学硕士 年级:2011级
At some time in 2020,Shenzhen wi reach a significant demographicmi estone:the citywi doube its popu ation size with the economic growth rate,converting it into amegacity.But justas the city and economy grow,so do its cha enges.The importance of urban infrastructure construction in the city wi become a key issue.
Therefore transport systemsmust be ab e tomobi izemi ions of peop ewith the owestpossib e pressure on the environment or city budgets.In other words,good qua ity of ife requires smooth running of infrastructure.In turn,an effective infrastructurewi contribute to socia prosperity,economic and environment.Unfortunate y,pedestrian infrastructure construction is de ayed compared to the needs of the automobi e,which becomes a centra cha enge for Shenzhen’s emerging financia core areas of high density.
Through the ana ysis and eva uation of urban conditions observed in Qianhai zone,Bao’an district,Shenzhen,recommendations about e evated pedestrian system is presented,which is based on the incorporation of a pedestrian overpass on the podiums of skyscrapers,in order to stimu ate wa king as ameans of sustainab e transport,through the appropriation of urban spaces in heights open to a citizens.
Key Words:
Overpopu ation;E evated pedestrian system;Bao’an district;Shenzhen
学生:Gucha e Ephrem Nigusie APD2013M090 导师:杨宇振教授
专业:建筑学硕士 年级:2011级
城市古建筑对定义一座城市与城市化发展进程具有重要意义,它们是一座城市进步的主要特征。城市古建筑的主要贡献是展示城市的历史遗产,社会居民互动,一座城市历经岁月变迁所沉淀的怀旧与变革,苦难与伟大时期的事件,或者在现代化、全球化发展的背景下城市形态的破坏。这些城市古建筑为现今的一代人保留了巨大的历史遗产价值。目前,它们所面临的最大挑战是其无法融入到当今的经济体系,无法满足当代人的需求。论文分析评估了城市古建筑的状态以及在城市高速发展中所面临的威胁。在参考其他历史名城经验后,分析了亚的斯·亚贝巴市(Addis Ababa)所面临的挑战。
Urban historic bui dings have a great contribution towards defining a city’s identity and the urbanization process.Historic bui dings are one of the main characteristics of a city’s progress.Themain contribution of these urban historic bui dings is to show the cities’pastheritages,the socia interaction of residents,continuity and change of a p ace through time,periods of difficu ties and remarkab e events,or deterioration of the urban fabric as a resu t of deve opment and g oba ization.They contain huge heritage va ue to the current generation.The main cha enge for historic urban quarters and bui dings is their fai ure to compete and fit in themodern economic system and meet functiona needs of the contemporaryman.This study ana yzes and assesses the status of historic bui dings and urban quarters as we as the threat they face in the rapid deve opment progress of cities.By referring other historic cities’experience,the thesisana yzes the cha enges historic urban quarters and bui dings in Addis Ababa face.
Mostof the historic bui dings and urban quarters in Addis Ababa are concentrated around Arada area so the study focuses main y on this urban quarter.The study ana yzes the physica condition of the o d bui dings,their architectura typo ogy,their functiona transformation and the threat they face brought by the inner city deve opment program and other arge sca e transformation of the city.The study tries to ook for a so ution towards the maintaining of these urban quarters as heritage e ements for the city and making them competent economica y in the contemporary urbanization progress.
Key Words:
Revita ization;Addis Ababa;Historic urban quarters;Inner city reconstruction
学生:Wong Ai een APD2013M091 导师:朱捷教授
专业:建筑学硕士 年级:2011级
At presentmany cities are troub ed with traffic jams,overpopu ation,and too many skyscrapers.Peop e are in need for a p ace to rest,to do exercise,to communicate.However,the current urban design was notworking tomeet these requirements.That is why the movement Landscape Urbanism arisen 15 years ago in North American.Nowadays,more projects,more peop e show interested in design containing factors such as green,enough spaces and meeting peop e’s needs.This thesis aims to he p peop e get a better and c earer understanding of what is Landscape Urbanism and why it is so important,knowing its eaders,projects,process and strategies.
Many concepts concerns Landscape Urbanism,such as redeve opment of brown fie ds,the integration of eco ogica thinking towards creating a new territory,priority of function but not architectura appearance.Landscape Urbanism is not just about cities,but a so inc uded by thewho e andscape and referring to the g oba vision.The goa of Landscape Urbanism is not to bui d street andscape;instead it is to create an urban space of pastora sty e, aying emphasis on integration of city and andscape.
Key Words:
Landscape urbanism;City;Landscape architecture;Urban design
学生:Burcu Köse APD2013M092 导师:严永红教授
专业:建筑学硕士 年级:2011级
This thesis aims to create a new pointof view in design of waterfronts by integrating sustainabi ity strategies with urban environment and ighting system.Inmodern history,waterfronts are the centers of many activities,such as commerce,tourism,import and export,socia ife and different cu tura activities.However,dramatica y fast deve oping ofwaterfronts in the new era posesmany imitations on city residents.High ways,industria zones,private housings,commercia bui dings and abandoned areas adjacent to the waterfront restrict peop e’s right to access and fu y enjoy the space.Urban p anning and artificia ighting system cou d he p cities gain a specific identity and a ive y atmosphere quick y,so it may be considered as an idea p ace to ive or visit.Urban ighting is not on y a too to provide a better night view for citizens,but a so a practice which ref ects and emphasizes on history,cu ture,significant events,activities,monuments,bui dings and the who e urban space.This crucia practice demands to conduct urban p anning and design of the city in accordance with the geography condition and the topography and to emphasizewhatdeserves to be high ighted.Therefore,this study suggests a sustainab e urban p anning and urban ighting design strategy forwaterfronts in accordance with peop e’s expectations and tries to integrate sustainab e urban p anning concepts with sustainab e deve opment patterns to provide artificia ighting in waterfronts.
Key Words:
Waterfront design;Sustainab e urban p anning;Urban ighting;Sustainab e ighting;Princip es and strategies of sustainab e deve opment