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学生:车铭哲LA2013M001  导师:杜春兰教授

专业:景观建筑学     年级:2010级











With the in-depth study of urban green space,urban park system receiveswide attention because of its natura ity,integra ity and comprehensiveness.China is a country with arge popu ation but imited green area.Therefore,how to coordinate the ayout of the various parks tomaximize their benefitshasbecome the indispensib e prob em to be so ved in the process of urban park green area construction.Urban park system is a comp ex organic integrity,which is mu ti-e ement,mu ti- eve and mu ti-function and contains rich content,covers a wide range,and has comp ex p anning steps.If there is no scientific and systematicmethodo ogy to guide,it is difficu t to rea ize its overa function to p ay.With the introduction of system theory into urban park system p anning,it can be effective to guide the process of urban park system p anning,promote the rea ization of the overa maximum profits and improve the uti ization rate of the imited green space in our county.

First y,starting from the system theory,this thesis defines the concepts of system theory and the re evant concepts of urban park system and reviews the study status and process,determining the research objects of urban park system construction guided by system theory,which shows that the e ements,structures,functions and system integrity of urban park system p ay very important ro es in constructing and promoting themaximization of overa function.

Second y,this thesis discusses the concrete app ication ways of the basic princip es of system theory in urban park system construction,whosemain contents inc ude the princip e of integrity,the princip e of hierarchy,and the princip e of optimization.With the ana ysis of the re evant p anning cases from the perspective of system theory at home and abroad,the thesis summarizes the en ightenment of these basic princip es on urban park system construction so as to effective y guide the constructing process of it.

Again,based on the ana ysis of the theory and practice in the previous parts,the thesismakes preiminary exp oration of the p anning ideas and methods ofurban park system under the basic princip es of system theory,whose concrete process can be summarized as the four parts of confirming the p anning objectives according to the status—se ecting e ements by combingwith p anning objectives— ayoutof e ements and p anning structure—subsystem optimization and constructing the system.The p anning objectives are the basis of urban park system construction,which is decided by the factors of the urban natura and geographica conditions,historica and cu tura conditions,urban construction situations,system p anning of urban green area profi es,etc.In genera ,the p anning objective is not sing e.According to its basic function,it can be divided into the four sub-goa s of andscape,recreation,eco ogy and historica inheritance,which correspond to the subsystems of andscape,recreation,eco ogy and historica inheritance.The e ements are different according to different p anning targets,which have important inf uence on the system structure and ayout.The specific e ements can be combined into the subsystem with specific functions in accordance with the different ayout structures.On the basis of superimposed sub-system structure,the thesis conducts the optimization ana ysis to arrive at the urban park system with the comprehensive functions.This thesis adopts the hierarchica optimization method and carries on adjustment and optimization of urban park system structure from themacro and micro eve s.

Fina y,the thesis takes the Yuzhong district as an examp e to response to the proposed p anning theory,exp oring the p anning process and rea izing ways ofmaximizing function of urban park system in Yuzhong district,Chongqing.

Linking theory with practice,this thesis makes pre iminari y exp oration of the p anningmethods combining the system theory and urban park system construction,providing new ideas and new views of urban park system p anning,and references for the re evant p anning and construction of urban green area.

Key Words:

System theory;Park system;Constructionmeasures;Yuzhong district


学生:张芬芬LA2013M002  导师:杨柳副教授

专业:景观建筑学     年级:2010级














As a new urban gateway,high-speed rai way gateway is noton y the newest carrier that the city exchangesmatter,energy and information with the outsidewor d,and the important sites of various activities in the city,but a so the window and iving room that show urban features,and the sign of urban image.

In the next five years,high-speed rai way network of our country wi cover hundreds of medium citieswhose popu ation reachesmore than 500,000.The constructions of high-speed rai way area in these cities have showed the phenomenon ofhomogenization and b ind construction.The spatia pattern of urban andscape is mixed and out of order,and acks of characteristics,which a so increases the un imited spraw of the city.

Therefore,the thesis takes the high-speed rai -way gateway in sma and medium-sized cites as the research object tomake review about the re ated theories at home and abroad,obtains themature cases abroad,ana yzes domestic p anning projects and investigates the andscape constitution of high-speed rai gateway.On the above basis,the author tries to construct the andscape spatia pattern system ofhighspeed rai way gateway in the sma andmedium-sized cities.The thesis is divided into eight chapters.

The first chapter is about the background know -edge.It main y introduces the deve opment process and dynamic of high-speed rai way,its impacton urban spatia pattern in China,the keywords and necessity of the study.

The second chapter is the definition of concepts.It introduces the research methods,significance and framework,definition and connotation of sma and medium-sized cities,high-speed rai way,high-speed rai way gateway,and andscape spatia pattern of high-speed rai way.

The third chapter is the iterature review.It sorts out the theories of transport and urban deve opment,high-speed rai way and urban deve opmentand high-speed rai way gateway and urban deve opment.Then it summarizes the experience and deficiency of the theoretica studies on the above three aspects.

The fourth and fifth chapters are about case ana ysis.The fourth chapter takes three cities of France TGV,and Germany ICE as examp es to anayze from the perspectives of projectbackground,impact of projecton the area,and gateway of andscape spatia pattern,etc.Through the survey and investigation on 10 sma and medium-sized cities a ong the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed rai way,the fifth chapter summarizes the re evance between the type of andscape spatia pattern and the urban economic deve opment stages.In addition,it takesQubu,Bengbu and Langfang as examp es to ana yze the andscape spatia pattern of high-speed area status and p anning and fina y submit p anning characteristics,deve opment trends and questions of current imp ementation of andscape spatia pattern of sma and mediumsized cities a ong the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed rai way.

The sixth and seventh chapters are about system construction.The sixth chapter summarizes the e ements c assification of gateway andscape,and divides the andscape spatia pattern system of highspeed rai way gateway in sma and medium-sized cites into three subsystems of function,space and sty e,further describing the connotation,featured prob ems of construction and experience at home and abroad of the three subsystems respective y.The seventh chapter describes the framework and contents of andscape spatia pattern system of high-speed rai way about trinity of function,space and sty e.

The eighth chapter is the summary and out ook.It summarizes the conc usions of the previous parts and imitations,making prospects for future research and deve opment trend.

Key Words:

Sma and medium-sized cities;Urban gateway;Landscape spatia pattern;Beijing-Shanghai high-speed rai way


学生:杨凯LA2013M003  导师:朱捷教授

专业:景观建筑学    年级:2010级


在当今的城市建设中,景观已经成为极为重要的一部分。在不同的尺度层面上,关于景观的规划和设计也已经有了各种各样的理论方法。从小尺度的场地设计到大尺度的绿地系统规划,各种景观规划项目也在如火如荼地进行着。好的城市景观是吸引市民前往的活力场所,也是城市生态系统的承载网络,更是提升城市形象、体现城市文化的重要媒介。但是关于区域景观规划(Regiona Landscape P anning),即从更为宏观的层面对景观进行统筹和控制,在国内还是一个较为新兴的研究方向,与其相关的实际项目也较为少见。论文试图在明确区域景观规划含义和特征的基础上,将“重庆市两江新区御临河区域景观规划”项目作为研究对象,有针对性地对区域景观规划途径作出相应总结,以期为今后我国区域景观规划的实际建设项目提供一些有价值的参考和指导。











In today’s urban construction,the andscape p anning has become an essentia part.And on different sca es and eve s,a variety of theoretica approaches of andscape p anning and design have a so been brought up.Various andscape p anning projects,from the sma -sca e site p anning to the argesca e green site system p anning,are a in fu swing.A good urban andscape is a vibrant p ace for peop e to go,a network to carry urban ecosystem and amedium to high ight the image of the city and ref ect the cu ture of the city.However,the regiona andscape p anning—a p anningmethod from amore macro eve to coordinate and contro the andscape, is a re ative y new topic in China and rare practica re ated projects can be found in this fie d too.On the basis of specifying the notation and the characteristics of the regiona andscape p anning,this thesis takes the projectof“Regiona Landscape P anning of Yu in River in Liangjiang New Area of Chongqing”as the research object,targeting at conc ude the regiona andscape p anning methods corresponding and attempting to provide some va uab e references to the actua projects re ated to the regiona andscape p anning in the future.

First y,the thesis defines the conceptof regiona andscape p anning and ana yzes the characteristics of the regiona andscape p anning and the main probems existing in the rea ife.Then,it sorts out the previous re evant theoretica and practica resu ts and further summarizes them and conc udes them.Thirdy,taking the project practicementioned above as the research object,the thesis discusses its p anning manner in detai s from the eve ofmacro,meso and micro.Based on this,it further sums up the overa framework and p anning strategies of the regiona andscape p anning.

This thesis consists of five parts,whose genera structure is as fo ows.The first part inc udes chapter one and chapter two,which first y specifies that the objectof this thesis is re ative y a arger-sca e regiona andscape compared to a genera one and c ear its definition and research scope.Then it summarizes the significant characteristics between the regiona andscape and the genera andscape,and proposes the main prob ems existing in regiona andscape.

The second part is chapter three,making ana ysis and reference of the re evant theories about regiona andscape p anning.On the basis of these,it conc udes the theoretica methods of regiona andscape p anning on four aspects:eco ogy(eco ogica hea th),formats(vita ity spaces),moda ity(cu tura p ura ism),and morpho ogy(visua infection).

The third part is chapter four,va idating the methods by the project mentioned above.It makes detai ed ana ysis of the overa p anning positioning,featured subsection construction and andscape e ement contro of the project by hierarchica and progressive type.In addition,it makes comprehensive and deep research on the regiona andscape p anning through project practice.

The fourth part is chapter five,which sorts out the core pointand overa framework of regiona andscape p anning through the research and exp oring process in the previous chapters.Moreover,it puts forwards the re evant strategies and methods,and so ves the main existing prob ems from the macro,meso and micro eve .

The ast part is the conc usion,which makes summary of themain resu ts aswe as the imitations of the thesis.

Key Words:

Regiona andscape p anning;Landscape contro ;Regiona sca e;P anning strategy


学生:戴俊明LA2013M004  导师:应文副教授

专业:景观建筑学     年级:2010级
















As peop e’s deep understanding in the akewetand eco ogy,the deve opment and uti ization of its functiona va ue is gradua y strengthened,especia y to the deve opment and construction of is and ake wet and which have obvious advantages of resources.However,whi e thewet and resources bringing significant benefits to regiona economic,adverse effects are puton the is and akewet and eco ogica structure and andscape resources because of weak protection awareness, ack of coordination ideas,and economic profit impe ing,etc.

Current y,as a common mode of coordinating protection and deve opment wide y recognized at home and abroad,the wet and park is an effective way to promote the hea thy and sustainab e deve opment of wet and resources.However,there are few studies aiming at the andscape p anning of the ake wet and type,especia y the specia research of the andscape p anning of is and ake wet and type in southwest area.

Through the investigation of existing situation and summary of the andscape p anning of is and ake wet ands in southwest area,this thesis discoveries that the andscape of is and akewet and in southwest area has the fo owing prob ems:wet and andscape structure focuses on the ayout of the f at surface whi e ignoring the deve opment of three-dimensiona space;the composition ofwet and andscape function iso ates from each other and acks ofmutua ism contact;wet and andscape sty e is re ative y simp e and acks of regiona features,etc.

Focusing on the features of is and ake wet and in the southwest area,this thesis proposes the objectives and princip es of the composite construction mode ofwet and,and emphasizes on the characteristics,difficu ties and overa system construction of thismode.At the same time,this thesis ana yzes the theoretica approaches and app ication techno ogy of the specific construction according the strategy and phi osophy of the composite construction mode of isand ake wet and.Fina y,taking the andscape p anning of is and akewet and in Da iHaishao as the main study object,it proposes three strategies of the composite construction mode of is and ake wet and:bui ding three-dimensiona pattern of wet and ecosystems;enhancing the stabi ity of wet and habitats; bui ding the integrated functiona and industria structure;strengthening the market competitiveness;bui ding the diverse wet and andscape sty e;enhancing the tourism appea .

This thesis is divides into six parts.

Part one is the introduction.It determines the research object and scope through the ana ysis of background and concept.And then itmakes a genera y summary of the domestic and foreign research status and practica deve opment and c ears the content and significance of this study,which ays the foundation for the fo owing sections.

Part two c ears out the re ated concepts such as akes wet and,is and ake wet and etc.and makes further research and discussion of the re ated support theory and app ication in bui ding the composite andscapemode of is and ake wet and.

Through systematic study of a arge number of typica cases of is and ake wet and deve opment in southwest area,part three genera izes the existing deve opment types at present and sums their characteristics and prob ems.

Part four is the main body,so ving prob ems,which proposes the appropriate so ution ideas from p anning and design aspects.This part a so puts forward a nove composite construction mode of is and ake wet and and makes specific introduction of its p anning princip es,ideas,concepts,measures and methods.

Part five is the part of the practica app ication which the author persona y invo ves in.Itmakes further e aboration of the bui ding objectives,princip es,strategies and concrete construction methods of the composite construction mode of is and ake wetand based on ecotourism.

Part six summarizes the thesis.Based on the previous parts and the practica app ication of specific projects,it conc udes the thesis and makes ref ection.

Key Words:

Southwest area;Is and ake wet and;Composite;Landscape p anning

