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时间:2023-11-27 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:(四)城市规划与设计学位论文题目:重庆南坪中心城市商圈空间品质研究学生:贾莹UPD2013M001导师:赵万民教授专业:城市规划与设计 年级:2010级摘要:城市商圈作为城市繁荣形象的主要标志和世界性的城市发展现象,是商业文明和社会经济进步的普遍规律和必然趋势。




学生:贾莹UPD2013M001  导师:赵万民教授

专业:城市规划与设计   年级:2010级












As the main symbo of city prosperity and the wor dwide urban deve opment phenomenon,urban business circ es are the universa aw and the inevitab e trend of commercia civi ization and socio-economic progress.At present,with China’s entrance into a period of rapid urbanization,massive urban circ e construction has promoted the cities’economic deve opment;however,ita so brings a series of space prob ems.With the increasing attention on the qua ity of urban space and growing demand for the space ivabi ity,the research on the space qua ity of urban business circ es isof great importance as they are themain space carriers of peop e’s dai y activities.

According to the characteristics of construction practice in China,this thesis proposes the factors affecting the space qua ity ofurban business circ es and constructs eva uation index system for the space qua -ity based on the requirements of scientific deve opment in urban p anning and fu absorption of the present experience and techno ogies about urban space qua ity.And then,this thesis,taking Nanping district of Chongqing as the research object,eva uates and ana yzes its space qua ity in search of strategies for the improvement and optimization of space qua ity,providing a new idea for Chongqing to improve the iving environment construction and urban space qua ity.

This thesis is divided into four parts.The first part(chapters 1 and 2)first y discusses the research background,purpose,significance,methods and framework,and then it reviews the re evant theories concerning urban business circ es,space qua ity and space qua ity eva uation.Last y,this part e aborates the concepts of urban business circ es and the urban space qua ity.

The second part(chapter 3),based on the above theories and combination with space characteristics of business circ es,proposes interna and externa factors that inf uence the space qua ity of business circ es,with the externa factors inc uding:demographic factors,economic and socia factors,industry factors and infrastructure factors and interna factors inc uding:materia and non-materia factors.This part a so constructs the eva uation index system of space qua ity of urban business circ es based on the interna factors,and this system is divided into 9 indicators in eve 1 and 42 indicators in eve 2,providing a basis for the eva uation of space qua ity in Nanping business circ es.

The third part(chapters4 and 5)e aborates the regiona deve opment background and evo ution process of spatia pattern in Nanping business circ es.Departing from the comprehensive demand of space users,this thesis,standing in the ang e of users,conducts a comprehensive y subjective eva uation on space qua ity of business circ es in the form of questionnaire and through the AHP(ana ytic hierarchy process)method to ca cu ate the weight;and then stand in the professiona ang e of urban p anning,it conducts the objective ana ysis of factors inf uencing space qua ity,serving as the e aboration and supp ement to the comprehensive y subjective eva uation.Fina y,it conc udes the prob ems existing in space qua ity of Nanping business circ es based on the above ana ysis.

The fourth part(chapters 6 and 7)is a summary of case studies and methods of space qua ity improvement at home and abroad.This part a so puts forward improvement and optimization strategies to so ve the above prob ems in space qua ity of Nanping business circ es.

Key Words:

Urban business circ es;Qua ity eva uation;Index system;Improvement strategy;Nanping in Chongqing


学生:徐娜UPD2013M002  导师:李和平教授

专业:城市规划与设计   年级:2010级













This thesis is a sub-item of the Nationa Natura Science Foundation project—“the Research on the E-vo ution Process and Dynamic Mechanism of Cu tura Landscape in Southwest Mountainous Towns”(Grant No:51178479),chaired by Professor Li Heping.This thesis is about the study of“the cu tura andscape of traditiona commerce towns in southwest mountain areas”.In view of the practica issues of historica environment destruction and absent construction conceptofadjustingmeasures to oca conditions during the process of rapid urbanization in Southwest Mountain areas in recent years,this project introduces the perspective of“cu tura andscape”to ana yze the evo ution process of the cu tura andscape in traditiona commerce towns.Then the evo ution aw and the dynamicmechanism can be conc uded to propose a set of suitab e preservation and renewa methods.

This thesis is affi iated with the study of evo ution process and dynamic mechanism in the foundation project.With the“southwestmountain areas”as the research background and“cu tura andscape”as the new research perspective,this thesis takes the traditiona commerce towns as the research object.

Based on the research into the evo ution process of cu tura andscape in traditiona commerce towns in SouthwestMountain areas,this thesis conductsan indepth ana ysis of the specific evo ution aw and infers the dominant dynamic mechanism inf uencing its deve opment to construct suitab e preservation and renewa methods for the traditiona commerce towns in southwestmountain areas.

On the base of the perspective of“cu tura andscape”,the thesis interprets the physica e ements,the cu tura e ements and the physica space carrier superposed by them.This thesis uses the dynamic perspective to ana yze the evo ution process in order to conc ude the universa evo ution aw and the dominant dynamic mechanism.It aims to exp ore a suitab emethod for perversion and renewa of the traditiona commerce towns to en arge the theoretica system of preservation of traditiona commerce towns in southwestmountain areas and to provide support for re ated practice.

The thesis is divided into five parts;the focus and difficu ty are in the fourth partand the fifth part.

The first part(chapter 1)is about the origin and significance of the thesis and reviews the re ated theories at home and abroad.It a so proposes the focus and methods and determines the research framework.

The second part(chapter 2)is on the overview of the deve opmentbackground of the traditiona commerce towns in southwestmountain areas.Using time for one c ue,the history of the southwestmountain commerce and the overa deve opment process of the traditiona commerce towns are researched;using space for another c ue,the water and and commercia road systems are ana yzed to c ear y revivify the distribution pattern of the traditiona commerce towns in southwestmountain areas.Then,this part ana yzes the characteristics of the traditiona commerce towns and c assifies their types,which can provide directions for the further ana ysis of the traditiona commerce towns’evo ution process.

The third part(chapter 3)forma y introduces the perspective of“cu tura andscape”to ana yze its cu tura e ements and physica e ements.With the unique function characteristics and cu tura connotation of commerce towns as the focus,the specia cu tura e ements and the spatia carrier are defined in this part to make fu preparation for the fo owing research part.

The fourth part(chapter 4),as the core chapter,is the ana ysis of the traditiona commerce towns’evo ution.According to the overa understanding and background aswe as the universa deve opment aw of towns,the evo ution process can be divided into three stages:the primary stage,the deve opment stage and the f ourishing stage.The evo ution focus and characteristics aswe as the periodic motivation of each stage are deep y ana yzed and four typica cases in southwest mountain areas are cited.

According to the basic research above and systematic ana ysis of the evo ution process of traditiona commerce towns,the fifth part(chapter 5 and 6)conc udes the specia evo ution aw of the traditiona towns and infers the dominant dynamic mechanism affecting its deve opment.As a resu t,preservation and renewa methods suitab e to this type of townsare proposed,providing direction for the future research and exp oration.Fina y,this part conc udes the research focus and shortcomings of this thesis.

Key Words:

Cu tura andscape;Southwestmountain areas;Traditiona commerce towns;Evo ution process;Dynamic mechanism


学生:肖婧UPD2013M003  导师:董世永副教授

专业:城市规划与设计   年级:2010级














With rapid deve opment of economy since the direct jurisdiction,urbanization of Chongqing is advancing quick y.Current y this city has entered a new era of“Second Ring”,with the sca e of sett ement construction expending and arge-sca e sett ements inmountain areas emerging in arge numbers.In the increasing y acute context of the conf ict between fasturbanization and supp y of and,uti ization of underground space is not on y an effective way of re iving that conf ict and improving environment and traffic condition,buta so a he pfu method to expand space for sett ements inmountain areas.Nowadaysuti ization of underground space of arge-sca e sett ements in Chongqing is carried out,however,in the city,coordination between sett ements and periphera urban environment is neg ected,and inside the sett ements,integration deve opment of the ground and underground is not rea ized.What’smore,natura and cu tura environment is not fused with sett ements.Meanwhi e,there exist diversified functions,three-dimensiona transportation system with mu tieve s,various types of residentia bodies and pub ic activities in underground space.The prob ems of mu ti- eve re ationa networks and comp icated characteristics resu ting from mountain condition and sca e are unso ved in practice.

In this context,the perspective of symbiosis is introduced to achieve coordination among underground space of arge-sca e sett ements with city,ground space,natura and cu tura environment in mountain areas and to estab ish harmonious re ationship between interna e ements of underground space via symbiosis strategy,p anning and designingmethods,in order to ensure the efficient,order y and hea thy deve opmentof underground space,providing underground space environmentwhich is in coordination with the residents’demand.

The thesis consists of six chapters which is divided into four parts.The specific contents are as fo -ows.

The first part(chapter 1),is the origin of this study.It first y discusses the research background,the content and significance of this study,and then defines the research object,scope and re evant concepts, ast y raises the research ideas,methods and framework.

The second part(chapter 2 and 3),is the theory basis.It first y reviews research and uti ization practice of underground space in sett ements at home and abroad,summarizing usefu experience and shortcomings in uti ization of underground space,and conc udeswide use of the symbiosis concept in various areas,especia y in the fie d of urban p anning.And then itana yses the function composition,c assification and uti izing characteristics of underground space of arge-sca e sett ements in mountain areas,and exp ores the app icabi ity and significance of introducing symbiosis into this research.

The third part(chapter 4 and 5),is themain partof this study.Chapter 4 is on current research situation.It summarizes the current characteristics of underground space uti ization of arge-sca e sett ements inmountain areas in Chongqing,and ana yzes prob ems of the ayout structure.Then three important types of underground space(traffic space,pubic service faci ities and open pub ic space)and their spatia environment prob ems are conc uded.Furthermore this part ref ects the ack of coordination between sett ements with cities,underground space with mountain environment and residents’behaviora demand,aswe as the prob em of integration between the ground with understand.Chapter 5,from the perspective of symbiosis,determines p anning objectives and princip es of underground space of arge-sca e sett ements in mountain areas,and puts forward five strategies which are systemic symbiosis construction strategy,ground and underground integration symbiotic strategy,demand-oriented strategy—symbiosis with residents’behaviora activities,strategy suitab e to oca conditions—symbiosis with mountain environment,cu ture imp anted strategy—symbiosis with regiona cu ture.On this basis,it proposes overa ayout methods of underground space and p anning methods of underground traffic space,underground pub ic service faci ities and open pub ic space from themidd e eve .This chapter a so discusses the p anning and designing methods of underground spatia environment from themicro eve .Fina y,it presents p anningmanagement and imp ementing recommendations to strengthen symbiosis.

The fourth part is chapter 6.It summarizes the innovation points of this thesisandmakes prospect for future research.

Key Words:

Uti ization ofunderground space;Large-sca e sett ements inmountain areas;P anning and designingmethods;Perspective of symbiosis


学生:周晓宇UPD2013M004  导师:李和平教授

专业:城市规划与设计    年级:2010级












This thesis is a sub-projectof the Nationa Natura Science Foundation project—“the Research on the Evo ution Process and Dynamic Mechanism of Cu tura Landscape in Southwest Mountainous Towns”(Grant No:51178479),chaired by Professor LiHeping.

Based on the practica situation of serious damage,cu ture oss in traditiona towns in southwest mountain areas and the theory background of cu tura andscape and protection concepts,this thesis,choosing the cu tura andscape in traditiona sa t industry towns in southwestmountain areas as the research object,exp ores its evo ution process and dynamic mechanism.Through introducing the concept of cu -tura andscape into the protection of traditiona sa t industry towns in southwestmountain areas in China and ana yzing the sa t towns’historica cu tura background,this thesis exp ains cu tura andscape’s composition types in cu tura and materia system as we as its expression forms of space carrier and summarizes its process of dynamic change,features and motive in different evo ution stages.This research tries to dig out the evo utiona aw of cu tura andscape in traditiona sa t towns and the inner dynamic mechanism and then to exp ore the adaptive protection theories and methods in the protection and renewa practice.

The thesis is divided into four parts.The first part(chapter 1)raises questions.This part c arifies the origin of topic se ection through research background ana ysis and exp ains important concepts as we as defines the research object.It then reviews current research situation in re evant fie ds to make exp icit the research trend.Last y it determines the research purpose and significance of this thesis and puts forward the research content,methods and framework.

The second part,inc uding the second,third and fourth chapters,ana yzes questions from mu ti perspectives,which ay foundation for the core research.The second chapter out ines the deve opment background of sa t industry towns in southwest mountain areas.Through studying on the history,this chapter exp ores the connection on overa deve -opment trend between sa t industry and traditiona sa t industry towns,and summarizes the physiographic factors as we as socia and cu tura factors inf uencing the deve opmentof traditiona sa t towns.The third chapter studies the distribution of sa t industry towns in geographica space to construct the spatia geographica andscape of these traditiona sa t industry towns and to summarize the distribution characteristics of sa t industry towns.Then,this chapter picks the typica sa t towns as case studies to conduct the fo owing specific ana ysis.The forth chapter ana yzes the composition of cu tura andscape in sa t industry towns,and exp ains this cu -tura andscape from its va ue components andmateria components.Then the cu tura andscape is imp emented in a three- eve carrier inc uding patterns,specia p aces and typica andmarks to estabish the horizonta content structure for specific ana -ysis in the fo owing core chapter.

The fifth chapter,constituting the third part of the thesis,is the core one.The evo ution process of cu tura andscape is divided into three stages of primary,deve opment and f ourishing stage according to the time course.This chapter discusses its characteristics in each stage of evo ution and in each eve of space carrier through comparative case studies and systematic ana ysis,and summarizes the evo ution motive in each stage.

The sixth chapter and the seventh chapter are the conc usion part.The sixth chapter summarizes the cu tura andscape’s evo ution aw,factors and dynamicmechanism,and a so puts forward the core cu tura forms throughout the who e evo ution process.Based on the above,this part defines the protection focus of cu tura andscape in traditiona sa t industry towns,and raises adaptive theories and methods to guide protection and renewa practice.

Key Words:

Southwestmountain areas;Traditiona sa t industry towns;Cu tura andscape;Evo ution;Dynamicmechanism


学生:李尹博UPD2013M005  导师:赵万民教授

专业:城市规划与设计    年级:2010级














Themountainous areas in Chongqing possess a specia urban form of po ycentric-group structure.This spatia structure is the resu t of natura urban evo ution throughout thousands years,is a suitab e state formed in the unique oca cu ture conditions.This urban form has a specia organic characteristic and inner natura meaning.Therefore research on its connotation is of great significance to the hea thy and reasonab e deve opment of the urban space in Chongqing.

This thesis revea s the fundamenta phi osophy and va ue orientation,as we as the connotation of form contained in the organic urban form through fu ana ysis of“organic thinking”in urban p anning in the East and West,theory deve opment process,as we as urban practice.And then through studying the historica evo ution,mechanisms,modern characteristics and composition of the po ycentric-group city structure in Chongqing,this thesis further uncovers the organic gene of Chongqing’s city structure contained in history and modern space and exp ores the advantages and significance of this structure in themodern urban space deve opment in Chongqing.The strategy ana ysis of how tomaintain the urban organic form and prospect are conducted in this thesis.This thesis inc udes seven chapters.

The introduction chapter,departing from research background,research objects and concepts defined,i ustrates the significance oforganic form of po ycentric-group in Chongqing mountainous cities.In the context of China’s rapid urbanization wave,Chongqing has to exp ore its ownmode.

The second chapter i ustrates the theory and connotation of urban form and organic urban form.First y,it exp ains human beings’understanding of themeaning of“organic”,and then ana yzes the venation and impact of the idea of“organic”in the history of urban p anning studies both in the East and West.Fina y,this chapter conc udes the basic va ue orientation and e ements of the organic urban form through combination with the theory and practice of urban p anning,providing objective theoretica basis and concepts reference for the fo owing research.

In order to revea the“organic characteristics” of po ycentric-group urban form in Chongqingmountainous areas,the third chapter makes an ana ysis and research on evo ution process,stage characteristics and the formation mechanism of modern urban form of Chongqing from ancient tomodern time.

From the studies on modern po ycentric-group cities,the fourth chapter ana yzes the re evant theories and urban cases,and e aborates the generation process and characteristics of this urban form patterns.Then it ana yzes themountainous po ycentricgroup structure ofmodern cities in Chongqing to conc ude that the Chongqing urban form structure is an organic system with uniqueness,comp exity and interoperabi ity.

The significance of the organic form of cities in Chongqing to the deve opmentofmodern urban space is eva uated in the fifth chapter.It a so exp ains the significance of such morpho ogica form to the deve -opment of modern cities in Chongqing from two aspects of space and socio-cu ture in three eve s of the macro,midd e,and micro.

The sixth chapter ana yzes the prob ems faced by the organic form of cities in Chongqing under the context of rapid urbanization and proposes strategies to maintain the organic form.It advises to use modern scientific and rationa p anning too s to create a sustainab e urban system.

The seventh chapter conc udes the deficiencies and innovations of this thesis and puts forward the content for further research in the future.

Key Words:

Organic forms;Po ycentric-group;Chongqing;Mountainous cities


学生:杨宁UPD2013M006  导师:李和平教授

专业:城市规划与设计   年级:2010级











A ong with the economic and cu tura g oba ization ed by the western wor d va ues,cities,as the materia civi ization carriers,are deve oping atan unprecedented speed.The most direct expression brought by the conf ict between regiona ization and internationa ization,protection and renewa ,tradition and modernity is the internationa ization of architectura cu ture and assimi ation of urban space.In this era of environment,history and cu ture empowerment,we shou d noton y protect citieswhich are the historica and cu tura resu t of interaction between human and nature,but inherit their environment and spiritua cu ture down.The concept of cu tura andscape heritage was forma y proposed in 16th session of the Genera Assemb y of the Wor d Heritage Committee in 1992,and then the focus of cu tura heritage is transferred from a simp e materia heritage or the spiritof cu tura traditions to themateria and cu -ture with human activity c ues.

Under such historica background of the concept of cu tura andscape heritage emerging,the research on typica cu tura andscape in southwestmountainous towns has been a project at nationa eve and with important academic va ue.This thesis is subordinate to the research project of“Evo ution Process and Dynamic Mechanism of Cu tura Landscape in SouthwestMountainous Towns”,which is funded by Chinese Nature Science Foundation.Throughout Chinese ancient history,as themost direct driving force of cities’generation and deve opment,the war for kingship p ayed an irrep aceab e ro e in city evo ution process,and its invo vement transfers the primary vi -ages from spontaneous,scattered and disorganized state to function convergence.Mi itary defense is the basic function of towns in primary stage,thus,we can better ana yze the evo ution of the cu tura andscape in traditiona towns through taking mi itary towns as the research object.After defining the core concepts and study scope,and summarizing re evant research at home and abroad,the thesis enters into themain contentwhich is divided into four parts:

The first part is on the town deve opment under the inf uence of southwestmi itary history.A heterogeneous and diverse town cu tura andscape is created in southwest China because of the vast regions,various ethnic groups and comp ex urban system.Thereby to ana yze the comp ex and tortuousevo ution process,a c ear understanding of the regiona historica background shou d be equipped.On the basis of a arge number of documents,this chapter brief y summarizes the aw of town system which rose bymi -itary wars through ana yzing the offensive and defensive ines of inf uencing wars in historica period.And then this chapter exp ores the geographica and cu tura background of mi itary towns’deve opment in southwest region since ancient times from the four aspects of geography,economic structure,traffic patterns,socia cu ture,and makes c ear the cause of their rise and the source of their deve opment.Fina -y,according to the study requirement,10 important historica and cu tura towns are fi tered outas typica cases in the fo owing ana ysis.

The second part focuses on the system formation of cu tura andscape in traditiona mi itary towns.This chapter,with determining the research object as the goa ,reorganizes the e ements of cu tura andscape from the ang e of systematics,which inc udes the two systems of“substance”and“cu ture”,and ana yzes the connotation of a system e ements through combining case studies.Fina y through the discussion of the re ationship between systems and e -ements,this part summarizes the research object as materia carriers with three eve s,inc uding sett ement pattern,specia p aces and typica andmarks.And then through i ustrating the typica case studies,this part ana yzes the connotations of“cu ture”and “ andscape”of each carrier.

The third part is about the evo ution study on the cu tura andscape in traditiona mi itary towns,which is the core section of this thesis.This chapter wi attempt to comb the corre ation of characters,events and space crossing the historica time to bui d the historica picture of the cu tura andscape in evoution process in southwestmountainous towns,and to further exp ore its atentmotive ogic.According to the morpho ogica characteristics of town deve opment,the evo ution process is divided into four stages of formation,deve opment,maturity and dec ine.Based on ongitudina urban deve opment background in different stages,this part presents a detai ed ana -ysis of the characteristics and inf uencing factors of evo ution of the cu tura andscape in mi itary towns from the background ana ysis of ideo ogica origins,macro interpretation of sett ement pattern transformation,midd e description of specia p ace change and micro recordsof typica andmarksadjustment in horizonta perspective.

The fourth part is the ana ysis of evo ution and en ightenmentof this research.Based on the c ear historica process and evo ution characteristics,this chapter tries to ana yze the root cause of deve opment from evo ution aw and dynamicmechanism,and proposes an evo utionmechanism with cu ture as the dominant driving force to answer the question of re ationship between town andscape and cu tura deve opment.On y by grasping the objective aw of cu tura evo ution can sustainab e deve opment of cu tura andscape in towns be specifica y guided.Then according to the prob ems faced by protection and deve opment of contemporary cu tura andscape,this chapter anayzes the differences in traditiona protection methods and protection methods under the perspective of cu -tura andscape via severa cases of famous cities’conservation p anning.Fina y itproposes the adaptive protection strategies formi itary towns.

Key Words:

Southwestmountainous areas;Mi itary towns;Cu tura andscape;Evo ution;Dynamic Mechanism


学生:张文涛UPD2013M007  导师:徐煜辉副教授

专业:城市规划与设计    年级:2010级












Themost fundamenta purpose of urban deve opment is to create a good iving environment.The main partofbearing habitat function is urban residentia area,whose harmony with nature and sustainab e deve opment can direct y impact and even determine the ow-carbon and eco ogica eve of urban future deve opment.Because of its composite,residentia area can provide an interactive p atform for materia systems,space systems and human spirit civi ization systems.The rea ization of ow-carbon and eco ogica residentia area not on y contributes to techno ogica innovation and system optimization of matter and space,but a so improves the spiritua civi ization consciousness of inhabitants,which is of great va ue in techno ogica innovation and socia harmony.

In term of natura geographic features,mountainous cities, ike Chongqing,have greater span in the ongitudina space,which brings inmore comp ex and unique natura eco- andscapes andmore sensitive natura ecosystems.Because of this,it a so creates the diverse regiona c imate conditions ofmountainous city.Therefore,the p anning of ow-carbon and ecoogica residentia area in mountainous city must adapt to the comp ex,sensitive and diverse natura eco ogica characteristics.As an intangib e ref ection under the combined action of physica natura environment and urban bui t environment,urban microc imate cyc e direct y affects peop e’s iving comfort and becomes themetric ru er ref ecting the eco ogica qua ity of sma -sca e area.This determines that urbanmicroc imate cyc e inevitab y becomes the breakthrough of the study on mountainous ow-carbon and eco ogica residentia area deve opment.

Based onmountainous ow-carbon and eco ogica residentia area p anning of urban microc imate cyc e,this study takes urban microc imate cyc e as the breakthrough point,associates with human comfort,ana yzes the re ationships among the four e ements (sun ight,venti ation,temperature,humidity),bui ds up the connection between urban microc imate cyc e and ow-carbon and eco ogica residentia area,and obtains the connotation ofmountainous ow-carbon and eco ogica residentia p anning.By the ana -ysis of c imate adaptabi ity of riverfrontmountainous residentia area in Chongqing,this thesis sums up the prob ems andmakes ref ectionsu timate y for the purpose of seeking good p anning strategy and mode study ofmountainous ow-carbon and eco ogica residentia area under urbanmicroc imate cyc e.

First y,this thesis combines and ana yses the domestic and foreign re evant theories from a theoretica point of view,then tries to understand the interdiscip inary re evant theories by combining the proposition.At the same time,from a practica point of view,this thesismakes a comparison and summary of a those re evant practice and get ref ection from them so as to ensure the smooth process of p anning practice of mountainous ow-carbon and eco ogica residentia area and city.

Second y,the thesis forma y introduces the concept of urban microc imate cyc e and exp ains the c ose re ationship of urban micro-c imate cyc e,residentia areas and even urban deve opmentby the fundamenta s and interna re ations,affectingmedia and mechanism ofurbanmicro-c imate cyc e,estab ishing the c ose contact between urban micro-c imate cyc e and ow-carbon and eco ogica residentia area in order to propose the understanding ofmountainous owcarbon and eco ogica residentia area p anning connotation by combing with themountainous characteristics.

Third y,the thesis takesriverfronts of Chongqing main city as study scope and takes riverfrontmountainous residentia area in Chongqing as study object to do investigation and ana ysis ofmountainous residentia area a ong the two sides of Jia ing River and Yangtze River.Combining with natura ecosystem characteristics of Chongqing,this thesis ana yzes the inf uence of current mountainous residentia area p anning on urbanmicroc imate from the four aspects ofmountainous terrain processing,mountain bui ding ayout,mountain andscape organization and bui ding techno ogy.Then,the thesis sums up the existing prob ems of current mountainous residentia area p anning adaptation to mountainous urban microc imate,which eads to the fo owing propositions of p anning strategies and mode s.

Fina y,the fifth and sixth chapter of this thesis put forward the p anning strategies and mode s of mountainous ow-carbon and eco ogica residentia area based on urban microc imate cyc e.The strategy proposes feature-oriented p anning cognitive strategies,p anning and design strategies by ayered coup ing,and cyc ing feedback p anning eva uation strategies and fina y estab ishes comprehensive the p anning strategies framework grounded on the above three strategies.The p anning mode is proposed main y aiming at p anning and design aspects,inc uding the fo owing threemodu es:mountainous terrain processing,mountainous bui ding ayout,mountainous andscape organization and construction techniques,which is guided by“three-dimensiona coup ing mode ”to bui d the mixed-oriented mode based on microc imate cyc e and put forward the mode framework.The seventh chapter ana yses two empirica cases,which direct y supports the correctness of p anning strategies and indirect y high ights the necessity of p anning mode ,therefore,conso idating the argumentation of the study topic.

Key Words:

Mountainous city;Mountainous residentia area;Urban microc imate Cyc e;Low-carbon eco ogy;Riverfrontmountainous residentia area in Chongqing


学生:尚盼盼UPD2013M008  导师:杨培峰教授

专业:城市规划与设计    年级:2010级










Township,a so ca ed designate township,is the most grass-roots administrative unit,which is in the same c ass with the designate town in the vast rura areas.In 2008,Urban and Rura P anning Law separated town and township,which indicates that the township p ays amore andmore important ro e in the rura area deve opment and construction of our country.Because of the ong-term confusion between township and town,study on the deve opment and p anning of township is sti a vacant state atpresent.

This thesis takes Chongqing as an examp e to do ana ysis on the basic characteristic of the township with one-hour economic circ e and“two wings”and come to conc usions that township has administrative division and sma popu ation size,poor resource endowment,weak industry,sensitive eco ogica environment,backward space construction,sing e deve -opment powermechanism and is sti in a traditiona agricu tura accumu ation stage,etc.

Second y,combining deve opment economics and taking dynamic mechanism as the perspective,the thesismakesa study on the deve opmentand construction of township under the background of urbanrura overa deve opment in Chongqing.Different body deve opments of government and market can mobi ize the optima configuration of resource factors,such as and,capita ,agricu ture,eco ogy,etc.This study divides township dynamicmechanism in transition into four common modes and paths:featured tourism deve opmentmobi ized bymarket capita ,agricu tura promotion under the cooperation between market and government,capita transformation of and resources under the cooperation between market and government and eco ogica protection by government investment.

Then,by case study of four different township of Tuxi,Tiecun,Shahe,Lantian in Nanchuan District,Chongqing,the author makes a study on township p anning and construction features,key content p anning,p an imp ementation and managementmethods under the current urban and rura overa deve opment for the purpose of seeking the features of township p anning and construction.

Fina y,according to theoretica and practica conc usions,the thesis optimizes and improves the township p anning formu ation under the background of overa deve opment,which specifica y inc udes the fo owings:p anning princip es shou d pay attention to mu tie ement and benefit coordination;p anning formu ation system shou d optimize from the aspects of breadth and depth;p anning imp ementation and management shou d strengthen immediate p anning formu ation and re evant institution optimization;township dynamic mechanism shou d make diversified deve opments by combining overa deve -opment background and adjusting measures to oca conditions;specific space p anning of township area,township,supporting system and key district design,etc shou d combine the practica demands to proceed spatia reorganization and e astic adaptation.

Key Words:

Urban-rura integration;Dynamicmechanism;Township;P anning formu ation


学生:岳要瑞UPD2013M009  导师:魏皓严教授

专业:城市规划与设计    年级:2010级












As the urban traffic issuesbecome high ighted in current days,no-motorized traffic system is increasing y emphasized for its ow carbon and hea thy trip mode.Both theoretica study and practica innovation of itaremore andmore active.The scope ofnon-motorized traffic inc udes the fo owings:the design methods of specific wa king space,the structura features of non-motorized space arrangement,the design princip es and ideas of non-motorized traffic system,etc.

Themateria form ofnon-motorized traffic system is the space network of non-motorized traffic,whose comp exity increases sharp y with the en argement of its scope.In the process of designing and ana yzing,we can’t on y re y on experience to carry on the effective ana ysis when the network reaches a certain size.By introducing the theory of space syntax,this thesis aims to exp ore a scientific and wide y-used ana yzing method of space network of non-motorized traffic for the purpose of providing a new study perspective for its design.

Space syntax studies the re ationship between human and space in a se f-organizingway,and ithas made remarkab e achievements in the study of urban form and space.The basic ana yzingmethod of space syntax inc udes the fo owing three:axia map ana ysis,visua graph ana ysis,convex po ygon ana ysis,amongwhich the axia map ana ysis is suitab e for a wide range of urban space network.Therefore,the author adopts the axia map ana ysisand its derivative methods to study the space network of non-motorized traffic.

The process of axia map ana ysis can be divided into two parts:estab ishing axia map and space configuration ana ysis.The key content of estab ishing axia map is to determine the princip e of space partition.Chapter 4 of the thesis i ustrates the feasibi ity of app ying space configuration ana ysis to space network of non-motorized traffic system,and demonstrates the necessity of determining a princip e of space partition for it.Space configuration ana ysis is the core of space syntax,which is conducted with a piece of software named Depthmap.Considering the inapp icabi ity of space partition on y based on visibi ity to space network of non-motorized traffic system,the author improves the origina partition princip es to get the suitab e partition methods for space network of non-motorized traffic by combining its features and axia map ana ysis.Therefore,the app icab e axia map ana ysis of space network of non-motorized traffic is formed.

It is a comp ex task to bui d the axia map of urban space network of non-motorized traffic as it invo ves many partition manners of micro-space.Based on the study in chapter four,the author setsup an idea mode in chapter five to discuss theway of transforming it into axia maps in detai .Targeting at different spatia behaviora agents,the thesismakes a discussion and determine the detai ed princip es of bui ding the axia maps for pedestrian and bicyc e space.

For the changed ana ytica methods,the reasonabi ity of its ana ytica resu t needs to be verified by practica cases.This thesis se ects the typica space network of non-motorized traffic in mountainous city and p ain city for practica verification and confirms the correctness of the method by comparative ana ysis.In the process of verification,the authormakes introspection for the shortcomings of ana ytica methods and improves themethods of bui ding axia map.

In the fina part,the thesismakes a discussion on how to app y the ana ytica method to the space design ifnon-motorized traffic.Se ecting themore independent area of city design projects inmountainous city and p ain city as research objects,the thesis combines different design process and discuss the guidance and eva uation function of the ana ytica resu t in p anning and designing.

Key Words:

Space syntax;Non-motorized traffic system;Space network;Verification and app ication


学生:陈世峰UPD2013M010  导师:胡纹教授

专业:城市规划与设计    年级:2010级



论文以笔者参与编制的项目——贵州省习水县城市空间战略规划为例,引入博弈论(Game Theory)作为分析方法,通过对区域经济合作发展的研究,探讨区域经济合作发展的可行性。博弈分为合作博弈(Cooperative game)和非合作博弈(Non-Cooperative game)。非合作博弈强调的是个人理性,个人决策最优,但是个人理性行为的结果可能是导致集体的非理性。而合作博弈强调的是团体理性(co ective rationa ity),追求整体最优。


论文通过博弈分析和模型建构,提出建立“四色联盟”的战略构想。“四色联盟”对内强化城市间的经济联系、弱化行政区域划分,从而形成区域经济和市场的高度一体化;对外强调集团竞争,发挥区域整合的优势,以达到整体最优。通过协调区域内“同质”城市间的竞争,来解决区域规划中“城市个体发展”与“区域一体化”的矛盾。论文首先通过对区域的全面分析来提取出博弈分析的关键要素,通过区域各影响因子的竞争合作关系分析,探求区域联盟的存在性、可行性和必要性;接着通过博弈结构和模型的建构,找到整体利益最大化和个人利益最大化协调的切入点,分析得出多主体多议题的大联盟很难形成,但是单议题的两个主体的联盟最容易结成、而三个单议题的联盟最为稳固的结论;然后提出了建立“四色联盟”的总体发展战略,在区域合作的重点领域和在“四色联盟”战略指导下进行相应产业空间布局;最后用shap ey值分析法得出“四色联盟”区域合作利益分配的原则,以及合作协调、利益补偿和信用机制。





It is a universa economic phenomenon that there are differences in regiona economy deve opments. Due to the objective existence of differences among production factors,industria structure,nature resources,historica foundation and other aspects that affect the regiona economic deve opment,hence regiona economic difference itse f has objectivity.Competition and cooperation among regions are the important mechanisms of regiona economic deve opment and a so the direct driving force that promotes regiona economic deve opment and institutiona changes.

This thesis takes the urban spatia strategy p anning of Xishui County,Guizhou Province as an examp e and considers the game theory as ana ytica method.With the study on regiona economic cooperation and deve opment,the thesis exp ores its feasibi ity.The game theory is divided into cooperative game and non-cooperative game.The atter emphasizes on the individua rationa ity and the optimization of individua decision.However,the resu t of individua rationa ity may ead to irrationa behaviors of the co ective.On the other hand,cooperative game emphasizes on co -ective rationa ity and pursues the overa optimization.

Xishui is noton y amajor transportation hub that is ocated in the convergence zone among west of Chongqing,south of Sichuan and north of Guizhou,buta so the go den triang e intersection ofwhite spirit cu ture and tourism among Sichuan,Guizhou and Chongqing.It is the me ting p ace of revo ution tourism,eco-tourism and wine cu ture tourism.The county has the four-co or resources of red(Red Army cu ture),green(eco-tourism),white(whitewine),b ack(coa ),but each resource inside the region does not have an advantage.If a non-cooperative competition is formed inside the region,there exists an obvious disadvantage in Xishui.Hence how to dea with the“homogeneous”inter-city competition inside the region and their own deve opment become the key issues of the urban spatia strategy p anning.

This thesis proposes the estab ishment of the “Four-co or Union”strategic concept by game theory ana ysis and mode construction.“Four-co orUnion”strengthens the economic ties inside the city and weakens the interna administrative divisions so as to the high integration of regiona economy and market;it emphasizes on group competition outside the city and deve ops the advantage of regiona integration in order to achieve the overa optimization.By coordination of“homogeneous”inter-city competition inside the region,the contradiction between“urban individua deve opment”and“regiona integration”in the process of regiona p anning can be so ved.The thesis first y extracts the key e ements of game theory ana ysis through a comprehensive ana ysis of the region,and exp ores the existence,feasibi ity and necessity of regiona a iances through competition and cooperation ana ysis of various regiona inf uencing factors.Second y,by the construction of game structure andmode ,the thesis finds the entry point for coordination of maximizing both overa interests and individua interests.It conc udes that the major union with mu ti-agent andmu ti-issue is difficu t to form,but the union with sing e-issue and two-agent ismost ike y to form,and the union with three sing e-issue is themost so id one.Third y,the thesis proposes the overa deve opment strategy of estab ishing the“Four-co or Union”,the key fie ds of regiona cooperation and the re evant industria spatia ayout under the guidance of“Fourco or Union”strategy.Fina y,the thesis summarizes the distribution princip es of“Four-co or Union”regiona cooperation benefits through the Shap ey va ue ana ysis as we as cooperation and coordination,interests of compensation and creditmechanism.

The thesis uses game theory and mode for regiona p anning studies.It is not imited to the economic fie d,but combines the study resu ts of foreign regiona p anning indicators and factors to conduct a comprehensive ana ysis and bui d regiona p anning framework based on game theory.The thesis puts forward a fu range of ong-term cooperationmechanism,and interest consu tation and compensation,cooperation mechanism among governments.Aiming at the current vicious competition inside the region,homogeneous deve opment and disorder y construction,the thesis adopts the re evant princip es and mode s of game theory to make a scientific ana ysis of regiona deve opment strategy and offers a variety of options for the regiona construction and deve opment.

Key Words:

Regiona economy;Game theory;Regiona a iances;Spatia strategy;Regiona p anning


学生:康彤曦UPD2013M011  导师:魏皓严教授

专业:城市规划与设计    年级:2010级













Meeting the genera trend of“motorization”deve opmentmakes our urban p anning and construction face the rea ity of“peop e-oriented”and“car-oriented”.Driven by economic benefits and modernization demands,urban structure is updating and transforming into the features of“fast”,“efficient”and“integrated”;and urban road is gradua y osing its origina characteristics of the“street”.A though parts of the o d city reserves the space and functiona characteristicswhich are appropriate to pedestrian ife,the street environment is gradua y di apidated for it is ack of se f-renewa mechanisms,and the features of pedestrian ife are a so weakening itt e by itt e.With the increasing prominence of practica contradictions between space needs for rapid urban deve -opment and the shortage of and resources,the imited resources urgent y require the city changing the current sing e and extensive deve opment pattern;one way is the organic update and intensive use of the o d city.As one of the urban renewa ways with a mi d and gradua mode ,streetscape renovation has become the way of transforming and renovating o d streets in Chongqing as we as themajority cities in our country.

The current streetscape renovation has improved environmenta qua ity of o d streets and,to some extent,promoted the urban pedestrian construction.However,streetscape renovation movement,whose starting point is to improve the image of the city,has a so exposed many prob ems,in which themost important one is the ack of“ itt e individua care”.Therefore,it is an impending issue of rea izing the va ue of o d street revonation on street pedestrian construction and arousing the consciousness of streetscape renovation on street pedestrian demand.

Three typica streets are taken from Chongqing as examp es.The three streets are Shabei-Shazheng-Shanan Street,Huangjueping Graffiti Street and Zhongsansi Street.Combining the re evant urban pedestrian construction theories,this thesismakes a detai ed investigation of spatia characteristics,renovation ways and effects of the research objects through fie d research,fie d observation,data statistics and map ana ysis,etc.Spatia characteristic study of the street has been ana yzed from two aspects of pedestrian and shared va ues,and contradictory coexistence of prosperity and rundown;remediation manner and effect study have been ana yzed from four aspects of spatia carrier of street pedestrian,pedestrian scenery,pedestrian faci ities and pedestian functions.Meanwhi e,the eva uation of streetscape renovation resu t for every streethas beenmade from the fo owing five hierarchy of needs of patency,safety,convenience,comfort,p aceness of pedestrian space.Last y,the thesismakes a comprehensive and comparative study of se ected three cases of streetscape renovation with different features and makes a comprehensive eva uation of some genera ities and the pros and cons impact of individua practices on street pedestrian construction in current streetscape renovation in Chongqing.

The thesis fo ows the ogica order of“study review-investigation and ana ysis-comprehensive assessment”to organize themain content,and it can be divided into three parts:

The first part,inc uding the first two chapters,is the basic theory study;the first chapter brief y describes the study background and origin,study purpose and significance,study scope,study content and method,and framework.It a so defines the re evant concepts invo ved in the thesis.The second chapter e aborates the deve opment history,stage characteristics and theoretica research about two aspects of improving pedestrian environment and city beautifu movement.

The second part,inc uding chapter three,chapter four and chapter five,is the survey and ana ysis parts of the thesis.On the basis of the fami iar re evant theory,the part further c arifies themain object and contentof the thesis and deve ops p ans and procedures of the actua investigation.It hasmade a rea -time and fo ow-up survey about the se ected three streets and ana yzedmerits and demerits,and significance in renovation from the aspects of the street spatia characteristics,street renovation efforts andmethods,etc.Meanwhi e,it has eva uated the renovation of three streets on the perspective of pedestrians’spatia requirements.

The third part is chapter six,which is the conc usion part of the thesis.By comprehensive and comparative study of the cases,ithasmade a overa eva uation of streetscape renovation and pointed out some genera ities and the pros and cons impactof individua practices on streetpedestrian construction in current streetscape renovation in Chongqing.Fina -y,this study appropriate y extends and puts forwards some imp ications for future urban construction.

The ast part summarizes the thesis,and makes a prospect for the future research.

Key Words:

Case study;Streetscape renovation;Pedestrian system


学生:孙爱庐UPD2013M012  导师:赵万民教授

专业:城市规划与设计    年级:2010级











The rapid deve opment of g oba economy and industria ization promotes the rapid deve opment of urbanization in thewor d.However,the fast industria ization and urbanization process usua y eads to the deterioration of the urban environment and ignores the qua ity of the urban space,which serious y affects the human iving environment and qua ity.With the improvement of peop e’s iving standard,there is more and more demand for urban ivabi ity.Western countries began to focus on the construction of urban space qua ity since the 1950swhich is far behind the process of industria ization and went a ot of detours in the construction of urban space qua ity.China is at the stage of rapid deve opmentofurbanization and industria ization rightnow.And the urban space qua ity sti has many prob ems.Therefore,it is a good method to focus on the construction of the urban space qua ity as soon as possib e to promote hea thy and rapid urban deve opment.(www.xing528.com)

Based on this background and ana yzing the domestic and foreign re evant theories about urban space,this thesis summarizes urban space qua ity and the re evant concepts.At the same time,this thesis genera izes the components of urban space qua ity,finds out the eva uationmethods and e ement indicator system ofurban space qua ity,and puts forward the imp ementation framework of urban space assessment.On the basis of this and combining the specific urban space of Chaotianmen in Chongqing,the thesis c assifies the urban space of Chaotianmen according to e ements,makes use of e ement indicator system to eva uate it and ana yze its contradictions,and fina y puts forward the improving strategy of urban space qua ity of Chaotianmen by combining domestic and foreign case studies and the practice of urban space qua ity improvement.

The first part of this thesis(chapters 1 and 2)proposes the overa framework of the research,research content,gives the definitions of urban space and urban space qua ity and puts forward eva uation methods and indicator system of urban space qua ity.There are a ot of theoretica achievements about urban space,but there is no exp icit distinction between the definition and the e ement of urban space qua ity.Based on summarizing the research resu ts and theoretica systems,this thesis teases out the definition of urban space qua ity from the comprehensive perspective.Combining with theoretica research on eva uation system of urban pub ic space,this part proposes an eva uation indicator system of urban space qua ity with three broad categories,twe vemedium categories and fifty-seven sub categories from three aspects of physica space eve ,cognition and cu ture,and operation guarantee.And then,this partputs forward an eva uationmethod ofurban space qua ity by adoptingmathematica ca cu ationmodesof AHP,geometricmean,non inear functions,etc.

The second part(chapter 3)sorts out evo ution course and dynamic of urban space in Chaotianmen and ana yzes its current e ements.This part a so makes a descriptive ana ysis of the urban space deve opment in Chaotianmen from the feuda period,modern period to contemporary period.And then,it summarizes the historica evo ution motivation of urban space in Chaotianmen,which provides a reference for the study of urban center space deve opment.In addition,another focus of this chapter is to sort out the system constitution of urban space in Chaotianmen,make descriptive ana ysis of its e ements and summarize its characteristics,which provides a foundation for the eva uation and study of urban space qua ity in Chaotianmen.

Exerting urban space eva uation e ement system and framework of imp ementation and combining with questionnaires and fie d research,the third part (chapter 4)makes an eva uation ana ysis of the individua e ements of urban space qua ity in Chaotianmen.Apart from this,this partmakes a comprehensive uti ization of AHP and the re ated mathematica methods to carry out a comprehensive eva uation about the various broad and medium categories of urban space qua ity in Chaotianmen,which conc udes that“urban space qua ity in Chaotianmen is genera ”.Then it ana yzes its current situation and contradiction,which provides the foundation for strategy exp oration of enhancing the urban space qua ity in the regions.

The fourth part(chapter 5)proposes adaptive methods and strategies that improve urban space qua ity in Chaotianmen.Through case studies of Hamburg,Barce ona,Yokohama abroad and Shanghai Xintiandi and Pudong ujiazui at home,this part proposes the enhancing methods and strategies for various urban space.At the same time,it puts forward the corresponding strategies for enhancing urban space qua ity in Chaotianmen by combing the specific issues and contradictions in chapter 3 and chapter 4.

Key Words:

Urban space;Space qua ity;Eva uationmethod;Chaotianmen in Chongqing


学生:李大平UPD2013M013  导师:赵万民教授

专业:城市规划与设计    年级:2010级











This study originates from the author’s concerns about the rapid deve opment of current urban business circ e in China aswe as the concomitant probems and contradictions.Through on-site researches,prob ems ana yses,p anning of future business circ e deve opment and a series of comp ete research activities,a otofmateria s and perceptua know edge have been accumu ated about Jiangbei District.Taking this favorab e opportunity,the author exp ores the gain and oss of the spatia qua ity of centra urban business circ e in Jiangbei systematica y and comp ete y with a hope of providing references for the deve opment of the simi ar urban spaces in China.

Taking empirica researches as the predominant features andmeans,this study starts from themu tieve and mu ti-faceted ana ysis of the pub ic space rea ity of centra urban business circ e of Jiangbei District,and main y eva uates the actua effect of the urban space in the city.Then it ana yzes the causes of the prob ems from mu ti-dimensiona perspectives,earns from the theories and practica resu ts at home and abroad,and fina y proposes some p anning assumptions,specific imp ementationmeasures and detai ed design of oca sites so as to so ve the objective and practica prob ems on the operationa eve and guide the business circ e to enhance its urban spatia qua ity in the process ofse f-improvementand hea thy deve opment.

The overa structure of this study rough y fo -ows the basic thinking and deductive method of “Raising questions,ana yzing questions and so ving questions”,which main y covers the fo owing three eve s:the first eve uses its research background to c arify the purpose and significance of this study;In the second eve ,it bui ds a space qua ity eva uation system through the description of the re evant concepts and the ana ysis of the theoretica basis in this thesis and then eva uates the spatia qua ity of centra urban business circ e in Jiangbei district to identify questions comprehensive y and systematica y;In the third eve ,it proposes some improvement strategies for the spatia qua ity of centra urban business circ e in Jiangbei district on the basis of eva uation resu ts.

The first eve is the introduction of this thesis,which states the research purpose and significance of the spatia qua ity of centra urban business circ e in Jiangbei district through describing the existing probems in domestic business districts,introduces the researchmethods and framework and specifies the study objects and scope.

The second eve is the core part of this thesis,inc uding chapters 2,3 and 4.In this part,an eva -uation system is bui t after describing the re evant theoretica researches and concepts so as to make comprehensive ana yses and eva uation of the current situation of the spatia qua ity of centra urban business circ e in Jiangbei district.Besides being comprehensive,the eva uation system a so strives to be objective.Through a ot of meticu ous on-site research resu ts,this part disp ays the effects and the essons of the current status of this business circ e from mu ti-faceted,mu ti-ang e and a -round perspectives so as to find out the rea causes as we as the nature of the prob ems.

The third eve covers chapter 5,which proposes some improvement strategies for the spatia qua ity of centra urban business circ e in Jiangbeidistrict.The content of this part is inspired by the previous two eve s.On the one hand,it eads out the genera p anning idea of the districts.Furthermore,the thinking and guide ines of overa transformation make thep anning and design more systematica and instructive.On th?e other hand,as for the prob ems summarized on the previous eve ,it puts forward some transformation strategies and methods to improve the spatia qua ity of centra urban business circ e in Jiangbei district.This part is the practice of the p anning thought content,which not on y imp ements the guiding theory into practice,buta so vividy and specifica y disp ays the ideo ogica core and the guidancementioned in this thesis.

Key Words:

Centra urban business circ e;Urban spatia qua ity;Eva uation system


学生:陈惠斐UPD2013M014  导师:杨培峰教授

专业:城市规划与设计    年级:2010级














Under the macro-background of painfu experience that g oba c imate change brings to human sett ement,many practices of ow-carbon urban construction activities have carried out at home and abroad.But the ow-carbon urban constructions of mountainous cities ack of ow-carbon p anningmethods that can adapt to itsmountainous features.There-fore,it is urgent and important to exp ore the owcarbon p anning research methods to adapt to the mountainous city,which is a so the research background of this thesis.

Under the princip es of energy saving,carbon emission reducing,carbon cyc ic uti ization promoting,the research of urban carbon cyc e aims at achieving a ow-carbon-city or even no-carbon-city and fina y s owing down g oba warming by exp oring the direction,sca e and mechanism of carbon f ux and putting forward the practica and effective approaches of carbonmanagement.Due to its impacton resident trave modes and transportation demands, ayout of urban and use further affects the urban space uti ization efficiency and urban carbon cyc e and emission.Therefore,it is of great theoretica significance to study the inf uencing mechanism of ayout of urban and use on carbon cyc e.Taking this as the starting point,this thesismakes introspections of ayout features and p anning strategies of mountainous urban and use from the perspective of“carbon cyc e”for the purpose of exp oring ow-carbon ayout strategies of and use that are appropriate tomountainous city.

The thesis inc udes six part.Partone introduces the research background,purpose and significance as we as research contents and research methods.Part two summaries the basic concepts and theories invo ved in the thesis.It first y c arifies the research methods and directions by ana yzing the tit e of this thesis,then summarizes the re ated theories of urban carbon cyc e and ow-carbon space p anning,fina y makes review of the re ated researchesand practice at home and abroad to finds out the progress and shortcoming of present research.Part three constructs the e ement eva uation framework of ayout of urban and use based on“carbon cyc e”optimization.This part first y ana yzes the re ationship e ements:it c arifies and summarizes the ana ysis of carbon cyc e process,proposes thaturban carbon cyc e process invo ves the steps of“inputting carbon f ux—carbon poo —outputting carbon f ux”,and fina ymakes a discussion of the re ations among“carbon f ux”,“carbon poo ”and ayoutof urban and use.Second y,this partana yzes the carbon cyc e process of ayout e ements of two- eve urban and use,and defines the idea ayout mode under“carbon cyc e”optimization.Fina y,it estab ishes the e ementeva uation framework of ayout of urban and use based on“carbon cyc e”optimization.

Part four and part five ana yze the“carbon cyc e”of ayout of mountainous urban and use.Part fourmakes a comprehensive eva uation on the ayout features of mountainous city from the perspective of carbon cyc e.First of a ,on the basis of summing up the ayout features,this thesis eva uates the ayout features ofmountainous urban and use and ana yzes the carbon cyc e process of and use e ements.Then,it draws out that the genera ayout features ofmountainous cities is conducive to urban carbon cyc e optimization.Therefore,it is of great significance to summarize its ayoutstrategy.Part five focuses on the eva uation and integration of p anning strategies of mountainous cities.Based on the eva uation framework of urban and use ayoutof carbon cyc e optimization,iteva uates the genera and use ayoutstrategies ofmountainous cities,ana yzes and summarizes the strategies combiningwith its own features,and at ast,comprehensive y proposes the ow-carbon strategies of and use ayout strategies inmountainous cities with using the re ated successfu cases as evidences.

Part six is the conc usion,which makes a brief summary of the research achievements and imitations,then proposes a prospect for ow-carbon space p anning ofmountainous cities in the future.

Key Words:

Carbon cyc e;Layoutof urban and use;Mountainous city;Land ayout strategies


学生:张卫丽UPD2013M015  导师:徐煜辉副教授

专业:城市规划与设计    年级:2010级















With rapid urbanization,the g oba c imatic issues become more and more serious,which makes ow-carbon techno ogy the subject of present ow-carbon urban deve opment.In recent years, arge amount of greenhouse gases(main y carbon dioxide)is produced because of the resource consumption caused by urban construction and operation,which eads to the issuesofg oba warming,me ting g aciers in the two po es,sea eve rising and other c imate is-sues.The carbon emission of transportation industry is the wor d’s second- argest one.Low-carbonization of transportation has become the research targets at home and abroad and“ ow carbon traffic”arises at the historic moment.

As the deve oping city with the biggest potentia -ity in the southwest,Chongqing is faced with the rapid urbanization process and rapid economic deve opment and its urban space deve opmentmeets unprecedented opportunities and severe tests.The c ose integration of ow-carbon transportation construction and urban space eco ogica expansion can we so ve the contradiction between the organic deve opment of urban space and eco ogica environment protection,transportation energy saving.Facing the new round of urban and use expansion,it is of great theoretica and practica significance how Chongqing improves and use from ow-carbon transportation strategic eve to guide urban space expansion reasonab e and ordery,and support the urban space structurewith groups and the optimization of urban space ayout,etc.to reduce carbon emissions and improve the urban space structure.

Based on the re ated theoretica researches of ow-carbon transportation and urban space eco ogica expansion,the thesismakes a deep research on the urban space deve opment history and the facing issues.Through the coup ing re ationship between urban transportation and urban space eco ogica expansion,the thesis constructs a kind of expansion mode of urban space eco ogica expansion based on owcarbon transportation,active y guides the urban space to ow-carbonization and eco ogica ization in Chongqing and promotes the harmony and unity between city and natura eco ogy.

The thesis inc udes six chapters.The first chaptermain y discusses the research background,significance,content,basic concepts and connotation,research scopes,research thought and basic approaches,and frameworks of the thesis.

Chapter 2 isa study on basic theory,which sorts out the genera situation of the re ated theories and practica research at home and abroad,and summarizes the re ated theoretica bases of ow-carbon transportation and urban space eco ogica expansion.

Chapter 3 introduces the present situation.Through sorting out the course of urban space expansion and form evo ution in main urban area of Chongqing,it summarizes characteristics and trends of urban space expansion,and ana yzes the prob ems and inf uencing factors of urban space expansion in Chongqing.

Chapter 4 is the part of exp oratory research,and a so the core part of this thesis.By coup ing the ow-carbon transportation and urban space eco ogica expansion for their interna re ations,the thesis puts forward themode of urban space eco ogica expansion and makes exp oratory research on thismode from the aspects of contents,objectives and princip es,characteristic and imp ementation strategy,etc.

In chapter 5,the author studies the specific contents of urban space eco ogica expansion modes in themain urban area of Chongqing.First y,the author proposes a ow-carbon transport system.Then,based on the inf uence of two kinds of ow-carbon transportations on urban space expansion,the author estab ishes the fo owing two modes:“pub ic transport-urban space incrementa deve opment”and “non-motorized traffic-urban space capabi ity deve -opment”,and exp ores their specific modes of action.

In the ast chapter,the author summarizes the main conc usions of this thesis and makes a prospect for the post-research on the urban space eco ogica expansion based on ow-carbon transportation strategy in Chongqing.

Key Words:

Low-carbon transportation;Main urban area of Chongqing;Urban space;Eco ogica expansion;Land use


学生:陈渝UPD2013M016  导师:龙彬教授

专业:城市规划与设计   年级:2010级










Famous historica and cu tura towns have the doub e features of“historica and cu tura heritage”and the“rura sett ements”.Therefore,in their hea thy deve opment,attention must be paid to cu -tura heritage protection aswe as urban and rura overa deve opment.China’s urbanization deve opment is in the critica period.Especia y our country unprecedented y attaches great importance to urban and rura overa deve opment,whichmakes“ancient town tourism”,“rura tourism”and“eco ogica tourism”a new tourism hot spot.Under the deve opment difficu ties of famous historica and cu tura town protection and deve opment,it is just at the right time to set up the comprehensive,coordinated and sustainab e scientific deve opment.

In order to expand the study view of hea thy urbanization deve opmentaswe as provide usefu princip es andmethods for the scientific protection and uti ization of historic and cu tura town,the thesis aunches a series of study on the academic dynamic and construction practice of urban and rura overa deve opment,famous historica and cu tura town,and tourist town.Through the theoretica induction and practica ref ection,the thesis tries to answer why choose the perspectives(study view)of urban and rura overa deve opment;what is the famous historica and cu tura towns under this perspective (va ues);how to rea ize the scientific deve opment (methodo ogy)of famous historica and cu tura towns under this perspective.

First of a ,based on the traditiona protection p an of these towns as we as the doub e features of them,this thesis proposes that the iso ated,static,technica -oriented protection and uti ization methods of traditiona heritage conservation are unab e tomeet the comprehensive,coordinated and sustainab e deve opment requirements under the macro-direction of urban and rura overa deve opment.Therefore,this thesis puts forward that famous historica and cu tura town not on y shou d change themind from“protection for protection”to“coordinating of protection and deve opment”,buta so shou d rea ize protection concept update of historica and cu tura heritage invo -ving the three aspects of“overa recognition of“va -ue characteristics”,“deve oping view”,“higher strategic base points”under the perspectives of urban and rura overa deve opment.

Second y,considering the deve opmentof famous historica and cu tura towns is affected by two factors of urban and rura overa deve opment and boom of ancient town tourism,the thesis makes systematica study on nationa strategic po icies in the new period and construction practice of sma tourism town.On the basisof this,the thesis conc udes six big construction goa s:regiona p anning and coordination,synchronous deve opment between urban and rura areas,interaction and integration of industry,spatia strategic coordination,mutua support of socia environment,and government administrative cooperation.

Fina y,considering urban construction goa as the guidance and combining with severa examp es,this thesis discusses the regiona symbiosis theory which pays attention to ho d the direction of urban deve opment from the two dimensions of vertica and horizonta region.Itproposes that the urban and rura coordination theory is importantsince it regards active protection and scientific uti ization of historica and cu tura heritage as the activator to promote the overa configuration of resources between urban and rura areas in the range of town.It points out the importance of industria convergence theory which pays attention to bui d a trinity system ofnon-agricu tura industries constituted of tourism industry,modern agricu ture,as we as characteristic industry of vi ages and towns.Another important theory is the space coordination theory which pays attention to coordinate spatia deve opment strategy guided by the tourism features,industry ayout,and and conso idation.Another important theory,the context inheritance and creation theory,pays attention to incorporate historica and cu tura heritage into urban construction by the form of context in series,which can demonstrate its socia ,cu tura ,eco ogica and other comprehensive va ues.System guarantee of famous historica and cu tura town protection and uti ization p anning is discussed from two aspects of p anning and administrative guidance in the end.

Key Words:

Urban and rura overa deve opment;Famous historica and cu tura towns;Positive protection;Scientific uti ization;Comprehensive benefits


学生:杨斌UPD2013M017  导师:段炼副教授

专业:城市规划与设计   年级:2010级















Ba ancing urban and rura deve opment is the basic task currenty faced by our country,and is a -so a high unity of China’s current economic,socia and cu tura deve opment goa s.Since China’s reform and opening-up po icy,the process ofurbanization in our country has been entering into the phase of rapid deve opment.Overa economic eve has been significant y improved.Our country gradua y embarks on the deve opment road with a target of bui ding a we -off society.However,with the expansion of city and the comp ication of its functiona composition,a pent contradiction is dramatica y expanding behind the appearance of stab e growth of nationa economy.

At p anned economy period,the a ocation of a important factors of production took the city as the center.Urban and rura re ationship has been ti ting serious y since industria deve opmentbecame the top priority ofnationa economy growth,from which probems arose.Itwasmain y demonstrated in the severe dua istic deve opment trend between urban and rura areas.For examp e,the income gap between urban and rura areas increased with years,urban and rura deve opment benefits ost its ba ance,and a variety of socia and environmenta prob ems came one after another.Up to this day,this opposition has become a huge obstac e to economic and socia deve opment in our country.

Therefore,the CPC Centra Committee time y proposed the strategy of ba ancing urban and rura deve opment,trying to ease the contradictions and conf icts caused by opposition through integrated a ocation of resource factors,rationa distribution of urban and rura industries and active guidance of bui ding a coordination integration mechanism.At the same time,the Centra Committee a so appea ed to a areas of society to brainstorm and try their best to exp ore new ideas of the integration of urban and rura deve opment.

The study of urban and rura space reconstruction in this thesis is unfo ded under this background.Itmakes fu use of the guidance and contro ro e of urban p anning fie d to urban and rura space,proposing so utions to copewith the dua structure ofurban and rura space.In the course of study,this thesis systematica y sums up the objective aw ofurban and rura space evo ution from the routines of traditiona space study,on the basis ofwhich bui ds the basic ideas of the study.Meanwhi e,it expands its study horizons to the current hot fie ds of urban p anning.Combining with the advantage properties of greenway space,this thesis creative y puts forward the space reconstructionmode of organic venation which refers to greenway entities.

The space reconstructionmode of organic venation derives from two ideas.

On one hand,starting from the objective features and dynamics of the evo ution of urban-rura reations,the thesis ana yzes the characteristics demonstrated in space of different periods in the process of urban-rura re ation changing.On this basis,it predicts and proves the structura re ationship of future urban and rura space,and compares the resu t with the present structure.Then it puts forward that the best way to successfu y achieve the transition between the two is to introducemedia space into the opposite urban and rura space,which wi p ay amedia ro e of“a connecting ink between the preceding and the fo owing”and bui d c ose corre ation between them.At the same time,in order to ensure the specia functioning of thismedia space,it puts forward five functiona modu es of its space functiona structure,and makes it qua itative.

On the other hand,aiming at the basis of theoretica constitution ofmedia space,it ooks for a cor-responding spatia mapping entity,which is regarded as a reference to the spatia form and features of media space,to spatia y stereotype themedia space.The thesis se ects the greenway entity as a reference,extracting the objective aws of greenways which remain unchanged in the process of functiona expansion and morpho ogica evo ution,summing up three connotations of form of the greenways“gene”,which correspond to the three attributes of greenway in the points of spacemorpho ogy,spatia composition and spacemechanism,which are regarded as a reference to spatia y stereotype themedia space.Meanwhi e,it ana yzes and proves the re iabi ity and the feasibi ity of transp anting.

Through integration of the coro ary of the above two ideas,that is theoretica qua itative and spatia shape of the media space,the thesis puts forward a new concept ofmedia space,name y,the concept of organic venation.Fina y,based on the idea of reconstruction of urban and rura space,the core resu ts of this thesis are raised,inc uding the space reconstruction mode of organic venation,and then eaboration on the theoretica constitution and the spatia mechanism of themode respective y.

The construction of the organic venation mode not on y fo ows the objective aw of urban and rura space evo ution,but a so integrates the essentia characteristics and functiona advantagesof the greenway.The idea is c ear with fu of creativity and practica instructiveness.It is a good supp ementand perfection for the theoretica system of the urban and rura space evo ution of our country.Meanwhi e,it excavates a new derivative fie d of the functioning of greenway from another perspective,which benefits the deve opment and inheritance of the theoretica system of greenway.

Key Words:

Urban and rura space;Space reconstruction;Greenway;Greenway gene;Organic venationmode


学生:朱竞UPD2013M018  导师:龙彬教授

专业:城市规划与设计   年级:2010级













This thesis focuses on p anning strategies for decentra ized group ayout in the rapid deve opment stage ofmountainous city,specifica y from the ana -ysis of decentra ization and formation mechanism of dynamic factors in the background of rapid urbanization ofmountainous city.By drawing the conso idated resu ts of re evant research of mountainous city and sorting the practica cha enges and di emmas,we fina y get the ayout p anning strategies of decentra -ized groups of mountainous city through drawing on re evant theoretica and ana ytica p anning practices.The course of the study fo ows the methodo ogy of “status survey—cause ana ysis—so ution proposition”,which aims atexp oring the p anning strategies of decentra ized group deve opment in mountainous city,guiding mountainous city to be consistent with the objective aws of the current urban deve opment and a so with the effective spatia structure of the citieswhich is different from the p ain city forms in order to improve the qua ity of themountainous urbanization,add and optimize the mountainous urbanization theory and fina y promote rapid and sustainab e deve opment of themountainous city.

This thesis contains five main parts.In part one,by studying the dynamic factors and formation mechanism ofmountainous city decentra ization,this thesis draws the conc usion of the origin ofurban spatia structure decentra ized deve opment under the mutua coup ing ro e from the interna and externa part of urban system,which can provide study perspective for decentra ized group deve opment theory and p anning strategy study.

In part two,we study on the composition and types of spatia structure ofmountainous city.On the basis of this,the thesis takes specific urban deve opment cases as examp es,discusses the rea istic prospects of decentra ized group ayout of mountainous city at period of rapid urbanization so as to undertake this study resu ts and draw the significance of this argument.

In the third part,we derive ayout cha enges and deve opment difficu ties from mu ti-aspects of the rea ity deve opment,such as and space,transportation,infrastructure and pub ic service faci ities,urban eco ogica environment destruction,urban safety and disaster prevention and mitigation,and urban sty e and characteristics of crisis,which wi verify the theoretica reference and strategy.

In part four,based on the theory ofmountainous city,and through mixing smart growth,TOD,ecocity,CIS,urban management and other theoretica methods and concepts,we get the decentra ized group theory ofmountainous city,which wi be the theoretica support for ayout p anning strategies and research basis.

In the fifth part,the thesis high ights the ayout p anning strategies of decentra ized groups of mountainous city.Based on prob em-oriented and theoretica research,these p anning strategies wi be used for guiding the mountainous urban p anning in the stage of rapid urbanization deve opment.

In the fina part,the thesis sums up the key findings,organizes the structura context of this thesis,and makes out ooks and expectations for the future study of decentra ized group spatia structure in mountainous city.

Key Words:

Mountainous city;Decentra ized group;P anning strategy


学生:黎海霞UPD2013M019  导师:魏皓严教授

专业:城市规划与设计    年级:2010级

















Water is one of themost va uab e factors constituting the urban natura environment,and the riverside andscape is the pub ic resources and andscape of the urban residents.Under the specia historica background in China,Chongqing is undergoing a period of dramatic revo ution in urban functiona structure and spatia andscape.In this speeding and surrea process of urbanization,rea estate deve opment has no doubt become the industry with the argest needs and fastest deve opment.Facingwith the rapid trend of the rea estatemarket deve opmentand occupying riverfront area,aswe as the extensive deve -opmentmode that riverside rea estate construction brings severe damage to the riverside visua andscape,urban p anning and design practitioners shou d think how to p an for the riverside pub ic andscape resource strategies that benefit the sustainab e deve opment of human beings and themaintenance of urban beauty in the construction of riverside residence.The thesis tries to pursue the answers from the perspective ofmaking the empirica research.

In the introduction section,the thesis first y introduces the study background,significance,re ated concepts,study objects andmethods, iterature overview and study framework,then it proposes the study question——the inf uence of riverside rea estate on riverside visua andscape in main urban area of Chongqing.

Chapter 2,chapter 3 and chapter 4 be ong to the para e study chapters,and they are a so the basis of the ana ysis part of this thesis,being divided into three parts.In chapter 2,the thesis focuses on the re evant theories and practice of the urban riverfront visua andscape contro .First y,it introduces three theories—the urban image theory,the visua design e ements of andscape and its organization theory and the over ooking andscape protection theory.Second y,it introduces the riverside andscape contro experience of the fo owing cities:Chicago,New York,Boston,Pittsburgh,San Francisco,St.Louis; Paris,London,and Hong Kong.Fina y,it summarizes the main points of riverside visua andscape contro e ements ormeasures in the re evant theories and practice.

Chapter 3 main y discusses the construction of riverside visua andscape contro system,which inc udes the introductions and exp anations of va ue composition,va ue standards,contro e ements,contro methods.Based on this,it further puts forward four core contents:visua permeabi ity,depth-offie d hierarchy,contour f uctuation and three-dimensiona perception to prepare for the fo owing study.

Chapter 4main y expounds the deve opmenthistory of riverside rea estate in main urban area of Chongqing and summarizes the existing prob ems,especia y discussing the inf uence of riverside rea estate on riverside visua andscape.The end of this chaptermakes a brief description of the 21 representative rea estate that is under empirica research,inc uding ocations,deve opers,opening year,major economic indicators,as we as the combination of bui ding stories.

Chapter 5,chapter 6,chapter 7,chapter 8 are the core sections,main y making a study on the inf uence of riverside rea estate on riverside visua andscape from four aspects—visua permeabi ity,depth-of-fie d hierarchy,contour and f uctuation,three-dimensiona perception.In addition,these chapters use visua area ana ytica method,co or ump brightnessmethod,contour purification method and three-dimension construction method to make ana ysis.

Chapter 5 makes comparative ana ysis in groups,inc uding the changing ru es of the bui ding storey number,the spacing distance of the high-rise bui ding,the ayout of the bui ding,the width of the bui ding,the inf uence of visua corridor on visua permeabi ity and makes joint ana ysis on them with graphs,tab es and anguage.

Chapter 6 makes comparative ana ysis in groups,inc uding the site treatmentmanners,the re-ationships between the bui ding and the background mountain,the re ationships between bui dings and urban bui ding group,bui ding height changes and bui ding ayoutand the inf uence of through river corridor on the depth-of-fie d hierarchy,and makes joint ana ysis on them with graphs,tab es and anguage.

Chapter 7 makes comparative ana ysis in group,inc uding the changing ru es of the riverside rea estate height(rhythm sensation mou d),and the vo -ume mass of the bui ding,the distance between bui dings,the re ationships among bui ding height/vo ume mass/distance(rhythmica sensation mou d),and the inf uence of visua center construction on contour f uctuation,and makes joint ana ysis on them with graphs,tab es and anguage.

Chapter 8 ana yzes the inf uence of bui ding height and bui ding density on three-dimensiona perception.

The ninth chapter is the conc usionsof this study.Three points are conc uded from the former study:First y,this thesis makes orders of the inf uence of visua permeabi ity,depth-of-fie d hierarchy,contour f uctuation and three-dimensiona perception on the rea estate from the good to the bad;Second y,it summarizes the re ationships of physica form e ements of riverside rea estate and the above four visua andscape images;third y,itmakes ob igatory provisions and encouraging suggestion for the construction of riverside rea estate in themain urban area of Chongqing.

Key Words:

Riverside rea estate;Riverside visua andscape;Visua permeabi ity;Depth-of-fie d hierarchy;Contour f uctuation


学生:杜莉莉UPD2013M020  导师:李泽新副教授

专业:城市规划与设计    年级:2010级














As the wor d is marching from“the century of urbanization”into“the century of the city”,the city has grown into the most significant iving space for human beings.However,themajor cities around the wor d are facing the“surviva crisis”of popu ation exp osion,shortage of resources,environmenta po -ution and eco ogica degradation in varying degrees.The conf icts between functiona requirements of the modern city and the spatia form of the traditiona urban space have become increasing y acute,which show concentrated expressions in the urban centre area.The underground space is increasing y favored by a growing number of peop e for itsunique superiority.It shows in practice that the deve opment and uti ization of underground space can not on y effective y a -eviate various urban conf icts due to the shortage of and resources,buta so becomes an importantway to achieve sustainab e deve opment of the city.

The deve opment and uti ization of underground space in main urban area of Chongqing has a ong history.There came various contradictions and probems due to the ack of theoretica guidance and practica experience.Its direction of deve opmentand utiization has not yet formed a unified and c ear framework.This thesis aims to draw on the experience of deve oped countries in this fie d,exp oring how to effective y integrate the current underground space resources according to the characteristics ofmain urban area in Chongqing and find out the suitab emethods and deve opment strategies of underground space p anning for Chongqing oca conditions in order to ead a scientific ayout for the underground space in main urban area and promote its hea thy deve opment.

This thesis inc udes five parts based on the above prob ems.

Part one:Asking questions,introducing the background,significance and the methods,making brief y reviews and comments on the theoretica study and practice of the urban underground space abroad.

Part two:Starting from the basic cognitive theory,itmakes deep ana ysis of the c assifications,deve opment intensity,uti ization forms,deve opment mode s and deve opment tendency of the underground space of urban center district.

Part three discusses the p anningmethods of the underground space of urban center district.It first y points out its contents,and then proposes its princip es.On this basis,this part discusses the externa coordination p anning and the noumena spatia p anning ofunderground space.The externa coordination p anning of itmust coordinate the underground space and its externa urban environment on amacroscopic sca e so as to make the coordinated deve opment of the two in the spatia sca e,urban functionsand ocation forms.The noumena spatia p anning of itmainy ana yzes the basic forms and features,and summarizes the ayoutmethods of underground space,proposing reasonab e space vertica eve s and their appropriate functiona ayouts.

Part four i ustrates with examp es.First y,it makes a review of the deve opment history of the underground space in main urban area of Chongqing,studying a the avai ab e types of it.Based on the above studies,it puts forward the deve opment demands of urban underground space from the spatia expansion,urban traffic,urban greening,historica cu tura city preservation,civi air defense system pub icity and other aspects,pointing out that Chongqing center district has the deve opment conditions of underground space,it shou d jump outof the o dmode for awider range of underground space deve opment.Fina y,itsummarizes the deve opmentof underground space inmain urban area of Chongqing,introduces the achievements in the deve opment process,such as the effective uti ization of origina underground faci ities,featured deve opment re ying on themountain terrain,beneficia attempts in space system and so on.At the same time,it a so points outmany prob ems that the future underground space deve opment shou d so ve,such as the deve opment ratio,management and design.

Part fivemakes respective study of underground space p anning and deve opment strategy in themain urban area of Chongqing,corresponding to the fifth chapter and the sixth chapter.The fifth chapter makes a study on the typica underground space—Jiefangbei,Yuzhong district.First y,it ana yzes the status quo of ground and underground space,and uses quantitative research,getting the underground space demand of study district through the support of the tota bui ding quantity and ground environment;Second y,it expounds how to integrate the resources of underground space from the functiona p anning,form p anning and entrance and exit design,and makes initia envisage of the overa structure and ayout of the underground space in the study district.The sixth chapter formu ates the deve opment strategies of underground space in the fo owing three aspects of deve opment,operation,management and ega regu ations of underground space in the centra district,which are favorab e to support the deve opment of it.

At present,the underground space p anning in Chongqing is sti in the stage of rapid deve opment,and the theoretica study on the underground space of the center district in China has just started,expecting for deep investigating and exp oring.Therefore,the thesis hopes this study can promote the deve opment and construction of underground space inmain urban area of Chongqing in a certain period in the future.

Key Words:

The underground space of centre district;Chongqing;Deve opment and uti ization


学生:马杰UPD2013M021  导师:谭少华教授

专业:城市规划与设计   年级:2010级














Human sett ement environment construction taking human construction activities as the main body not on y brings a kinds of“positive”effects such as more adequate iving space,higher qua ity of ife and more convenient transportation,but a so brings some “negative”effects such as environmenta po ution and eco ogica threat.In recent years,these“negative”effects becomemore and more serious.Therefore,it is particu ar y important to find a hea thy deve opmentmode that can promote the positive effect and restrain the negative effect,and make a ba ance between them.At this time,the thought of sustainab e deve opment is a good choice to reso ve the conf icts.It becomes more and more important to do study on the sustainab e deve opmentof human sett ement environment construction.How to make scientific eva uation of the sustainabi ity of human sett ement construction and confirm its condition of sustainab e deve opment becomes the study hotspot.There are severa drawbacks in recent studies:Firsty,it is difficu t to quantify the natura resources,pub ic goods and human services.Second y,it is hard to unite dimension.Third y,it is difficu t to make comprehensive eva uation on the“positive and negative”effects.Fourth y,there are insufficient studies of eva uation thresho d.

Based on above ana ysis,this thesis tries to break through some disadvantages in regu ar eva uation,and adopts the emergymethod tomake quantitative eva uation on the sustainabi ity of human sett ementenvironment construction.Estab ishing the eva -uation indicator of emergy method and exp oring its critica thresho d can judgewhether the system enters into the critica va ue of sustainab e deve opment condition.The thesis takes Chongqing as the study object to eva uate the sustainabi ity of its human sett ement environment construction since it became the municipa ity direct y contro ed by the centra government,and then puts forward some proposa s on its sustainab e deve opment in the future.In practice,it can offer some references for the re evant managements and po icy practice;in theory,it can enrich the re evant study as we .This thesis achieves the fo owing study resu ts:

First y,this thesis comprehensive y summarizes the existing study resu ts about the variousmethods of sustainab e eva uation,and the study and practice conditions of eva uation thresho d,genera izing their respective features and existing advantage and drawbacks at home and abroad.In particu ar,itmakes detai ed summary of the study on the emergy eva uationmethod at home and abroad.

Second y,this thesis puts forward the judgment standard of sustainab e deve opment critica state of human sett ement construction that can ref ect the deve opment type, imit type and synthesizing type of “the positive and negative”effects.Then,it adopts the emergymethod to setup the corresponding eva uation indicator of deve opment type, imit type and synthesizing type and judges the thresho d according to the critica quantization of criterion study indicator.

Third y,this thesis app ies the estab ished eva -uation method,indicator and thresho d to human sett ement environment construction system in Chongqing as an examp e,ana yzing the f owing conditions of materia f ow,the energy f ow and the information f ow in the targeted districts.Itmakes judging eva uation and deve oping trend ana ysis of human sett ement construction sustainabi ity in the targeted districts from genera and partia aspects from 1997 to 2011.According to the ana ysis and conc usion of the targeted districts,this thesis further proposes the deve opment strategies of enhancing sustainab e deve -opment degree.

The conc usion is as fo ows:

(1)Chongqing’s ESIwith the sustainabi ity of comprehensive eva uation system increases from 0.58 in 1997 to 1.18 in 2011 year by year.In 2004,this index breaks through the critica thresho d va ue of 1.00.Therefore,it ref ects that sustainab e deve op-ment degree of human sett ement environment construction in Chongqing is in a steady enhancing condition.From 1997 to 2011,the system changes from the unsustainab e deve opment state to sustainab e deve opment state in the overa macroscopic eve ,among which the year of 2004 is the turning point.

(2)From 1997 to2011,the eva uation indicator of imit type and deve opment type and the ca cu ation resu ts of their thresho ds show that there sti exist some unsustainab e parts in some oca eve s of human sett ement environment construction in Chongqing:greenhouse gas emission and the cyc ic deve opment of recyc ing have been in unsustainab e deve opment state.

(3)Based on above research and conc usion,this thesis puts forward the corresponding improvement suggestion and countermeasures for sustainab e deve opment in p anning and managing aspects.

Key Words:

Human sett ement construction;Sustainab e deve opment;Sustainab e eva uation;Eva uation thresho d,Emergy ana ysis


学生:黎丽UPD2013M022  导师:徐煜辉副教授

专业:城市规划与设计   年级:2010级








Based on time order,taking the humanism thought of urban p anning theory and ideo ogy in east and west as the study objects,this thesis divides the deve oping stages and historica periods of humanism p anning thought with combining historica background and features ofurban p anning theory deve opment.Via ana yzing the deve oping conditions of different stages of humanism p anning thought,summarizing the thought kerne and major theories,and revea ing the re ations between theories and practices of urban p anning,this thesis systematica y expounds the evo utionary sequences and ru es of humanism p anning thought in east and west;Through comparative studies,this thesis ana yzes the consistency and otherness of the thought evo ution of humanism p anning,revea s the promotion and deve opment tracks of urban p anning theory and practice in rea izing the nature and va ue appea of urban p anning,and constructs a overa study framework of the deve opment of humanism p anning thought.

This thesis is composed of six chapters.The first chapter is the introduction,which e aborates the origin,purpose and significance,methods and techniques of this study aswe defines themain concepts invo ved in the study subject.The second chapter brief y introduces the study status of urban p anning theory and deve opment at home and abroad,focusing on summarizing the study status that scho ars havemade abouthumanism p anning thoughtand humanism p anning in east and west from different perspectives.The third and fourth chapters use the time as the c ue to comprehensive y introduce the emergence and deve opment of western and Chinese humanism thoughts from the time of ancient Greek to 21th century and the Western Zhou Dynasty to the 21th century.Combining with the socia ,economic and cu tura backgrounds in specific times,these two chaptersmain y introduce the phase features of humanism p anning thought deve opment in different periods,and induce its theoretica origins,thought kerne and representative theories.By reviewing the urban practica activities and typica cases,these two chapters further revea the ru es that the theory is used to guide the practice and be perfected gradua y in practice,and then summarize the evo utionary ru es of humanism p anning thought.Based on the above two chapters,chapter 5 makes a comparative study on the evo utionary sequences and ru es of humanism p anning thought in east and west,summarizes the existing conformity and otherness,and ana yzes themain reasons from the background.The sixth chapter is conc usion.

Through investigating the evo utionary processes and ru es of Chinese-western humanism p anning thoughts,this thesis aims to revea cognitiona revo ution and promotion of urban p anning theory and thoughton the nature and socia effectsofurban p anning,enriches the urban p anning views,and provides reference and en ightenment for modern urban p anning and construction,which make the study practica ymeaningfu .

Key Words:

Humanism;Thought evo ution;Urban p anning theory;Comparative study;East and west


学生:李廷君UPD2013M023  导师:扈万泰教授

专业:城市规划与设计    年级:2010级








The process of urbanization in our country is gradua y speeding up,among which the ro es of sma towns can’tbe ignored.According to the experience of deve oped countries,contributions of sma towns to the promotion of overa urbanization cou d eventua y reach more than 70%.Therefore,the constructions of sma towns in China have arge space for improvement.At the same time,such probems as urbanization,environmenta po ution,poor farmers,etc occur in the process of sma -town construction.The under-deve opment towns in the southwestmountainousarea havemore urbanization issues.In the present trend of internationa deve opment of sma towns,how to effective y uti ize regiona resources,promote the urban and rura overa deve opment,and ensure the sustainab e deve opment of urban and rura integration are the urbanization issues that these towns have to face.Starting from the administrative hierarchy in china,district and county is the effective regiona environment to promote the sma -town deve opment.At the same time,the southwestmountainous towns share simi arities in the under-deve opment areas.In order to systematica y construct the featured sma -town deve opmentmode s from the district and county eve ,the thesis takes Qijiang,a second- eve district of Chongqing,as an examp e and starts from the regiona eve of Qijiang,doing research on the sma -town deve opmentmode s under the idea of featured urbanization.It is hoped that themethodo ogy of“deve opmentmode sof sma towns based on the idea of featured urbanization”can effective y promote the positive deve opment of sma towns in the southwest under-deve opment areas.

Targeting at the studies of sma -town deve opmentmode s of Qijiang in the typica southwest under-deve opment district and county,the thesis starts with systematics,combining with the mu tidiscip inary know edge of sma -town deve opment,such as ekistics,socio ogy,economics and geography.Based on the existing re evant theories and study materia s of sma -town deve opmentmode s,it sums up the innovative app ications of sma -town deve opmentmode s—doub e app ication mode s with themacroscopic district and county eve and the microcosmic town eve .Through the fie d investigation,information consu ting of the sma towns in Qijiang,the thesis c assifies and conc udes the characteristics of popu ation,economy,space construction and the basic deve opment types of sma towns there.It a so summarizes dynamic mechanism and deve opment constraints of sma towns,shows the significance of featured urbanization,and expounds its basic features and eva uation princip es.In order to rea ize the featured urbanization,deve opment mode s of sma towns become the core.The characteristic spatia pattern construction in regiona eve is the spatia basis for sma -town deve opment mode s.The thesis ana yzes the urbanization of Qijiang from 2002 to 2011,and conc udes the urbanization rate,GDP,three categories of spatia distribution as we as the deve opment trend of urbanization of 17 sma towns in Qijiang,which ays the spatia characteristics of basic e ements for the featured spatia pattern.Then by AHP ana ytic hierarchy process(AHP),the thesis makes comprehensive division of the 17 sma towns from the four traditiona types of ocation,industry,resource and cu ture,conc uding the four categories of towns:“urban function group type,regiona joint deve opment type,specia resource support type and po icy advantage guidance type”.In addition,it eva uates the four categories of towns from the aspect of featured urbanization,points out the deve opment focus of each category,and combines the spatia featuresof each town to construct the spatia pattern of featured urbanization.Differentiated guidance is carried on for each category so as to put forward the appropriate deve opmentmode s of sma towns ike urban function group mode —constructing the urban and town dockingmode of TODmode ,regiona joint deve opmentmode —exp oring themu ticore urban c uster deve opmentmode of“dumbbe ”structure,specia resource support deve opmentmode —using“RM-EE”strategy-oriented deve opment pattern,po icy advantage guidance deve opmentmode —deve opment mode based on the strategy of “doub e moving”.Dominated by urban industries,the thesis proposes the reasonab e industry configura-tion for each category of towns as we as the corresponding construction requirements by taking urban space construction and peop e’s ive ihood construction as the safeguardmeasures of deve opmentmode .Fina y,through the study on the sma -town deve opmentmode s under the idea of featured urbanization,the methodo ogy promotes the urban deve opment qua ity of sma towns in Qijiang.

As typica under-deve opment district and county in the south of Chongqing,the sma towns in Qijiang have comparabi ity and reference with other types of district and county.Therefore,the thesis studies on the deve opmentmode of sma towns under the idea of featured urbanization for the purpose of providing a referentia deve opmentmode for these sma towns.It is hoped that the methodo ogy of sma -town deve opment mode can effective y promote the hea thy deve opment of the simi ar sma towns so as to rea y improve the qua ity of urbanization.

Key Words:

Sma towns;Featured urbanization;Qijiang;Deve opmentmode s

