首页 理论教育 川西林盘文化要义研究


时间:2023-11-27 理论教育 版权反馈




学生:方志戎AHT2013D001  导师:李先逵教授

专业:建筑历史与理论    年级:2008级








Now in the fastprocessof China’surbanization,the rura communities and sett ements are undergoing amassive transformation.Yet in contrastwith the urban sett ement,the researches on the grass-roots rura sett ements seem to have drawn inadequate attention and been acking in profound ana ysis,particu-目的和意义。第2章从区域角度分析川西平原聚落的自然环境和人文环境,研究川西平原聚落体系和林盘体系的结构与特征,以及川西林盘的地域分布状况。第3章分析川西林盘历史沿革和清代林盘聚落体系的形成过程,研究林盘文化成因机制。第4章研究林盘的类型、空间形态与特色,剖析林盘聚落模式,并将川西林盘与川东“林团”、风水林村落进行比较。第5章从建筑基本型制、外观造型、空间环境、装饰装修、营建技术几方面研究林盘民居乡土特色。第6章研究林盘的植栽和水系,绿化生态环境,以及发达的林盘经济。第7章从宏观、中观、微观三个层面对林盘家园景观艺术进行研究。第8章总结林盘文化的价值和本质特征。第9章研究林盘文化当前的变化趋势,提出林盘文化保护的意义、指导思想、原则和措施。第10章论述林盘文化是川西新农村建设的有机组成部分,进一步研究林盘聚落体系重构、林盘人居环境建设、林盘经济产业现代化转型和绿色多功能集约化新林盘聚居模式等,探索林盘文化的可持续发展之路。ar y in terms of the breadth of expanses,variety of forms,exquisiteness of sca es,and magnitude of numbers,which exact y constitute a base for China’s native-soi environment,and are important parts of China’s eco-security patterns in the nationa territory as we as a spectac e of oca cu ture,henceforth maintaining a comprehensive carrier for the fo k cu -ture.Therefore,it is of vita importance thatexp oration be conducted of the rura sett ements in the bui ding up of eco-nature,socio-economic growth,traditiona cu ture,human habitation,and other va -uab e aspects,and meanwhi e,with the focusmain y on specific areas.

This dissertation is intended to furnish an array of experience and strategies for thosewhomake academic study of China’s rura sett ement,i.e.innovativemode ing in the construction of the new countryside.Meanwhi e,oriented by the sustainab e deve opment of rura sett ements,ita so is an integrated research for usefu reference,either theoretica or practica ,as it is c ose y knit,hence presenting its ideas in a c ear, ogica way;in addition,it is performed in mu tip e perspectives,especia y with the Western Sichuan P ain as a setting,where it describes in fu detai the regiona eco-nature, andscape,history, ive ihood,production,socio-economic growth,and more important y,the system and cu ture of the Linpan,a kind of bamboo-grove courtyard dwe ing typica y in the region’s rura areas.

In a ,the dissertation comprises ten chapters.The introduction of ite aborateson the objective,significance and the background in the research.In the second chapter,an ana ysis is a somade,from a regiona perspective,on sett ements of the Western Sichuan P ain in terms of the natura environment as we as the historic,cu tura and economic surroundings with the research focus on the system of the structure and features and distribution of such sett ements,and particu ar y on those of the Lipan system.The third chapter is a conc usion of the formation mechanism togetherwith an ana ysis on how the Linpan sett ement system came into being and the way it forms in the process,especia y in the Qing Dynasty.The fourth chapter makes a comparison and contrast between the Linpan in Western Sichuan and the “Lintuan”of the Eastern Sichuan,and a so between the vi age neighborhoods against the fengshui woods of geomancy;and a study is a somade on the Lipan in its types,space forms,sa ient features and sett ementmode .In the fifth chapter,there is e aboration on the Linpan residence and its native-soi ha mark,which is worked out from the architectura ang e of the basic system,mode ing,space surroundings with an aura,decorating and fixing-up,and bui ding techno ogies at that.Meanwhi e,the sixth chapter ooks into the Linpan p anting and its water system,its green eco-environment,its deve oped and rich economy of the Linpan.What the seventh chapter dea s with is the research that is conducted at the macro-,meso-and micro- eve s as regards the art of Linpan gardening and compound spectac e.The eighth chapter is a conc usion of the Linpan in terms of its va ue,inherent feature.A current trend,concerning the Linpan sett ement,is e aborated in the ninth chapter,whi e a few measures,princip es and guide ines are put forward here.In the ast chapter,there are discussions on the Linpan cu ture,deemed as an organic component in the construction of the new countryside in the Western Sichuan,with an ana ysismade on its system restructuring and bui ding of the dwe ing surroundings,makes exp oration into the road of the sustained deve opment in the Linpan cu ture,and a so from the viewpoint of the transformation in themodern age,further into the Linpan economy togetherwith its industry and its sett ingmode origina ity a ike.

Key Words:

Linpan;Sett ement;Human habitation environment;Humanistic va ues;Protection and inheritance


学生:童淑媛AHT2013D002  导师:龙彬教授

专业:建筑历史与理论    年级:2006级(www.xing528.com)











Specu ation about Chinese traditiona architectura characteristics has for a ong time,yet through ook back upon previous research achievements of an immense number of books,we can obvious y find an important factor ofmissing,that is“time”.Through systematica y and comprehensive y to investigate the Chinese traditiona architectura history,the author thinks that the idea of high fusion with“time”and “space”is one of important cu tura roots to form the Chinese traditiona architectura features,and with concept of spatia -tempora fusion to examine the traditiona architecture is not on y a new research perspective buta so a scientific attitude.

Therefore,the paper estab ished the target to exp ore the cu tura characteristics of traditiona ar-chitecture from the ang e of time and space,and in the first chapter in the ightof the conceptof the time and space to choose the ancient ormodern and it attributes,and to framing the concept and categories re ated traditiona architecture,and used many kinds ofmethods combined with historica materia s,discussion,phenomenon and the essence,and then put forward to research on this topic from three aspects that is concept of spatia -tempora fusion and its cu -tura inf uence,the spatia -tempora phenomenon of traditiona architecture,the spatia -tempora characteristics of traditiona architecture.

First,in the upper partwith chapter 2 and 3 the paper research on background of spatia -tempora fusion,and account concept of traditiona y spatia -tempora fusion and its inf uence to cu ture re ated to the traditiona construction.Through these studieswe may know overa ogic process of the concept of Chinese spatia -tempora fusion,which provides a who e cu tura background to understand the feature of spatia -tempora fusion in Chinese traditiona architecture.

Then,in the intermediate partwith chapter 4,5 and 6 the thesis respective y combs the performance of“the spatia -tempora who e”,“the passage and change of time and space”,“the significance and truth of space and time”in the traditiona architecture.This part of the research is exp oratory reviewing to Chinese traditiona architectura phenomenon from ang e of time and space,whose purpose for demonstrating that Chinese traditiona architecture is a rich image system contained the phenomenon of fusion of time and space.

And then,in the fo owing part with chapter 7 this paper revea s the characteristics of traditiona architecture with spatia -tempora fusion from severa aspects of the performance of traditiona architectura characteristic,characteristic e ements,composition of features and means of characteristics and so on.The author thinks that the Chinese traditiona architecture based on Chinese origin thought of“time the most important”and ref ected four specific characteristics of overa ,phenomeno ogica ,sensibi ity and va ue of time consistentwith spatia -tempora characteristics.Through themutua connection and organic union between two kinds of e ements of the“phenomenon”of time and“entity”of space,the traditiona architecture et the peop e in process of the experience fee the dynamic and static watch,sequence of time and space each other,artistica y interchange and image simu ate each other formed by time and space.Fina it guide the traditiona architecture to the u timate target of harmony between man and nature with some kind of harmonious consciousness,and form the most idea poetic occupation rea m to Chinese iving environment.This partof the research innovative put forward that Chinese traditiona architecture has the characteristics of fusion of space and time,expect to fu y exp oit the potentia traditiona essence that can inherit and carry forward.

Fina y,the paper summative discusses to gain the reve ation about activation inheritance of Chinese traditiona architectura cu ture from spatia -tempora perspective,at the same time,a so has a objective assessment to study the innovation points and imitations,and ooking to the subsequent research from the ang e of view of time and space,point out that the concept of spatia -tempora fusion may be one of the newmethod and used for reference for so ving the prob em of China bui ding and city.

Key Words:

Concept of spatia -tempora fusion;Phenomenon of Chinese traditiona architecture;Characteristics of Chinese traditiona architecture;The traditiona essence;Cu ture inheritance

