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【摘要】:(三)城市规划及其理论学位论文题目:山地人居环境空间信息图谱——理论与实证学生:汪洋UPD2012D001导师:赵万民教授专业:城市规划与设计 年级:2005级摘要:人居环境研究,尤其是完整的山地区域人居环境研究,是一项庞大的系统性工程,在语义层面几乎涉及了人类知识系统的各个方面。现把主要内容分述如下:理论建构研究——探讨山地人居环境信息图谱的理论基础进而构建其理论框架。



学生:汪洋UPD2012D001  导师:赵万民教授

专业:城市规划与设计   年级:2005级











Study on Human Sett ements,especia y a comp ete one on regiona human sett ements is a huge systematic project,which is a most re ated with a fie ds of humankind know edge from the semantic perspective.As for human sett ements,how to scientifica y define the semantic objects,to exp ore the interna contradictions,to construct the systematic cognitivemodu e and then to carry out the case verification,is the great task to rea y estab ish the human sett ements science.This thesis embarks two basic academic guidance,name y,trinity of theory,techno ogy and empirica test and trinity of nature,society and manua work.Theoretica y based on the fu integration by“human sett ements science”and “Geographic Information At as”,this thesis puts forward the basic human sett ements at as theoretic framework and according y bui ds the techno ogy system to empirica y test the region of Chongqing.Under the guidance ofhuman sett ements science system perspective,this thesis ana yzes the interna contradictions,exhibits the externa recognition by setting the spatia information at as as the cognitivemodu e,va idates the feasibi ity of human sett ements system simu ation through numerica mode ing and spatia ana ysis and tests the effectiveness of information at as via the empirica researchmodu e.Bymeans of theory construction and case va idation,human sett ements information at as deduces and deve ops into a systematic method for human sett ements research.This thesis inc udes eight chapters.The first four are theory studies,the next three are empirica research and the ast one is a conc usion on theories.The main contents are as fo ows.

(1)Theoretica construction study:discussing the basic theory foundation and constructing the theory framework for Human Sett ements Spatia Information At as(chapter 2 to 4).The foca points of this section inc ude:discussing the theoretica foundation and describing the semantic object of Human Sett ements Spatia Information At as(what’s the symbo meaning of Human Sett ements?),discovering the interna contradictions of Human Sett ements(what determines the state of Human Sett ements?),proposing a technica so ution for Human Sett ements systematic recognition and simu ation(how to express the connotation and epitaxia information of Human Sett ements?).According y,a series of techno ogy mode s are estab ished,which are comprised by (mountainous)Human Sett ements semantic mode (Human Sett ements Spatia Information At as,chapter 2),(mountainous)Human Sett ements systematic adaptation condition mode (chapter 3),and (mountainous)Human Sett ements Spatia Information At asmode (chapter 4).Depending on above mode s,this thesis proposes the theory framework for Human Sett ements Spatia Information At as mode (chapter 4).Theoretica study revea s:the symbo meaning of Human Sett ements is a kind of genera -ized human habitatspace in certain scope of time and space,which are over aid by nature environment,socia environment,artificia environment and dynamic network of socia humans.Furthermore,the mountainous Human Sett ements is a subtype of Human Sett ements,whose space sca e and syntax is not restricted butorganization ogic and nature factors index range is restricted;the state of Human Sett ements is determined by binary adaptation re ation contro ed by its subject and object,which is the main contradiction of Human Sett ements.The theoretica framework of Human Sett ements Spatia Information At as is comprised of threemodu es(naturemodu e,societymodu e and artificia modu e),three eve s(macro eve ,medium eve and micro eve ),three types (symptom,diagnosis and imp ement)and three dimensions(time,space and time-space integrated).

(2)Techno ogy and methodo ogy study:estabishing the technica methodo ogy for Human Sett ements Spatia Information At as’s numerica ana yzing process(chapter 4 to 7).Depending on GIS (Geographic Information System)techno ogy,he ping with a series ofmethods such as Remote Sensing(RS),spatia ana ysis and statistics,numerica mode ing etc,this part rea ized the prototype designing and case study of Human Sett ements Spatia Information At as(Human Sett ements Spatia Information At as is a subtype of Human Sett ements Information At as).Concrete y,a series of subtypemode of Human Sett ements Spatia Information At as are estab ished,which inc ude Human Sett ements Spatia Information At as(chapter 5),Human Sett ements Diagnosis Information At as(chapter 6)and Human Sett ements Imp ement Information At as(chapter 7),according y index system and a gorithm had been created,too.The technica process revea s:the opening spatia ana ysis technica methodo ogy represented by GIS and RS is a va id technica p atform,which can bring in a series of numerica ana ysis mode s such as Human Sett ements adaptation diagnosismethodo ogy and Human Sett ements sustainab e diagnosismethodo ogy convenient y;the shape of Human Sett ements Spatia Information At as,Human Sett ements Diagnosis Information At as and Human Sett ements Imp ement Information At as show a regressive pattern,which can be ca ed a“imagegraph-image”circ e;in the process of estab ishing Human Sett ements Spatia Information At as,the main function of GIS ana yzes and visua izes the spatia data,whi e the RSmain y functions on extracting spatia information.

(3)Empirica va idation study:taking typica mountainous region as an examp e,systematica y verifying the effectiveness of the above framework and methodo ogy(chapter 5 to 7).Case studying Chongqing Municipa ity,this part depends on Human Sett ements Semantic Mode ,Human Sett ements Systematic Adaptation Condition Mode and Human Sett ements Information At asMode ,app ying the prototype of Human Sett ements Symptom Spatia Information At as,Human Sett ements Diagnosis Spatia Information At as and Human Sett ements Imp ement Information At as as temp ate,estab ished the Human Sett ements Spatia Information At as(chapter 5),Human Sett ements Diagnosis Spatia Information Atas(chapter 6)and Human Sett ements Imp ement Information At as(chapter 7)for Chongqingmunici-pa ity.Information At as revea s:the Human Sett ements system of Chongqing Municipa ity shows the significant adaptation phenomenon:the eve of topographica suitabi ity index(TSI)had the dominant inf uence on the socia and artificia environment factors deve opment,but some p ace with high TSI did not according y have big human sett ements sca e and density,thus constituting a spatia antithesis pattern and generating the po arization tendency;in China’s southwestern mountainous region,the inner mechanism for this can be exp ained as“two guiding powers ba ancing princip e”,“two powers”means the topo ogy resistance force and the socia ocation motive force;the artificia factor’s deve oping sca e and density is the ba ancing resu t of the“two powers”;if the former power is stronger,the artificia environment factors cannot deve op,the space wi express more natura characteristic;on the contrary,if the former power is weaker,then the artificia environment factors cou d deve op,the space wi exhibit more artificia characteristic.As for human sett ements types,the former casewou d evo ve into nature space or agricu ture space,yet the atter case wou d evo ve into town or city space;otherwise,the space wou d keep the existing stabi ity.

(4)Based on above discussion,basic ru es for (mountainous)human sett ements research is conc uded.Furthermore,a new methodo ogy pattern for mountainous human sett ements construction and p anning are a so presented(chapter 7 and 8).In this part,in accordance with human sett ements symptom spatia information at as and human sett ements diagnosis spatia information at as,depending on the human sett ements adaptation hypothesis,a specia mode for human sett ements spatia p anning is proposed,which can be expressed as“regionpoint-axis-be t”spatia p anningmode (RPABSPM)(chapter 7).To sum up,depending on a regiona case study,this thesis conc udes the theory framework and re evant technica methodo ogy.Ten basic discip ines concerning mountainous human sett ements research and construction are a so genera ized (chapter 8).

In genera ,Information At as is a systematic recognition mode showing the externa recognition;the(mountainous)human sett ement is the object for Information At as.To sum up,the theory is the recognition of human sett ements;the techno ogy is the mechanism of constructing the information at as;the method is the ana ysis and synthesis of the theory and techno ogy:these three are actua y integrate as a who e,that is,the human sett ements information atas.

Key Words:

Human sett ements inmountainous region;Spatia Information At as;Spatia p anning;Geographica Information System(GIS);Chongqing Municipa ity


学生:周学红UPD2012D002  导师:赵万民教授

专业:城市规划与设计    年级:2005级(www.xing528.com)













As human society instant y advances and the process of urbanization speeds up,humans’ iving environment conditions keep deteriorating under continua pressure from the fast growing popu ation;human sett ements prob ems have aroused more and more pub ic attention Therewith,the content and the depth of human sett ements science are unceasing y expanding.As a fraction of human sett ements science research system and being guided by its scientific research paradigm,basin human sett ements construction research combines itse fwith thewho e environmenta sciences research through themedia of hydrographic environment,and focuses on studying the basin natura system,the human system and the coup ing re ationship of the former two,and thus aims to constructing the Trinitarian human sett ement with “architecture, andscape and urban p anning”.

Basin itse f is a hydro geo ogic concept,however,in the system of basin human sett ements research,basin has a ready gone beyond its geographic and hydro geo ogic imp ication;as an important in-率低等问题,研究分析了嘉陵江流域地表环境与水土保持、水环境与水资源保护、流域防洪、河道的生态整治、节水问题及流域水资源开发,提出了水土保持治理措施、明确了流域干流范围内水功能区的划分原则及划分方法,提出了节水减污策略,推进流域内自然保护区、生态示范区、生态功能区和城市生态环境保护建设。强调了通过对行洪区的有效管理来减少损失的防洪策略,并提出了梯级开发的环境保护思路与措施。

结论部分对全文的研究内容进行了总结,进一步阐明本研究验证并构建的有关嘉陵江流域人居环境科学的部分理论框架及本文的创新之处。指出由于研究学科的综合性和复杂性及研究对象的广泛性,有关流域人居环境研究范式的建立尚需进一步完善。gredient of the coordination-of-human-and-naturecentered human sett ements system,basin has extended itse f from a c osed circ e re ated to nature to an open and compound one c ose y re ated to human activities.Basin human sett ements science refers to the science which is bounded by the river catchment areas and targeted on human sett ementson these areas,(inc uding the vi ages,towns and cities etc.),estab ishing the human sett ements construction system using“basin”as its zone unit and emphasizing the discussion of themutua re ation between human and hydrographic environment.

On the basis of conventiona research methods ike the documentarymethod,the investigationmethod and so on,this thesis adopts the coherent y comprehensivemethods and takes advantage of the theoretica research foundation of human sett ements science,moving around the genera goa of bui ding both“a water-conservation type”and“a humanfriend y-sett ement type”;app ying typo ogy to conc ude the core content of basin human sett ements construction research,name y,overa p anning of basin,this thesis a so proposes its theme and framework by earning experiences and essons.Moreover,the pre iminary construction of basin human sett ements science research system based on the bigger human sett ements system provides theoretica supports for its actua research.Taking Jia ing River Basin as the study object,this thesis uses the historica researchmethod and makes a vertica comparison on the evo utionary processes of both the natura and human systems in this area.Aiming at the typica features ike the who e-river-cana ization,and abundance in eco ogica and cu tura resources,this thesis makes its foundation on the feature ana ysis of both Jia ing River’s natura and human system-evo utions,and main y conducts monographic studies and provides corresponding deve opment strategies on the fo -owing five perspectives,name y,respective y overa p anning of basin human sett ements area deve opment,spatia organization and urban-rura deve opment,cu tura tourism,water resource deve opment and management,basin aquatic ecosystem protection;thus to provide reference for the practice of the economic and the urban-rura constructions in Jia ing River Basin Human Sett ements,and to faci itate the further promotion of the system of Basin Human Sett ements Science.

In the part of current situation research,starting with the natura system features of Jia ing River Basin Human Sett ements,this thesis studies the inf uences of Jia ing River Basin natura system over the ocations of human sett ements and makes a summary of the componentswhich form“the entirety ofmountains and waters”on this basin.On the basisof currenturbanization investigation over the Jia ing River Basin,this thesis combs the evo utionary process of basin human sett ements system,presents the different patterns for overa p anning the Jia ing River Basin human sett ements deve opmenton the theoretic foundation of area project research,and u timate y estab ishes the framework for comprehensive basin area arrangements.

Basin space overa p anningmakes the foundation for basin comprehensive deve opment;using the basin urban area space deve opment as its carrier to rea ize the transition from the traditiona agricu tura society to the modern society,this overa p anning rests on the center towns and deve ops itse f a ong the basin axis,thus to bui d the human sett ements region comp ex based on the economic re ations between the towns and their interior regions.On the foundation of summarizing the genera evo utionary patterns for human sett ements space,this thesis a so ana yzes the motivation mechanism of basin human sett ements structure extension and the various reguation and contro ingmodes especiay for the diverse characteristics in structura components evo ution of the Jia ing River Basin human sett ements.

In the basin cu tura system overa p anning part,this thesis defines basin cu ture and basin cu -tura system from differentang esandmakes the carefu study,categorization and resource eva uation over the present Jia ing River Basin cu ture and tourism distribution especia y targeted on the common probems in the basin opening-up;on the basis of probem ana ysis,this part provides the cu ture and tourism overa p anning strategies and points out that in the ong-time deve oping process,basin cu ture wou d reach the saturation condition and have inner osci ation and co ision;if there is no new cu tura e ements integration,this iso ated society system wou d grade into stagnation,interna friction and even dying out.

Being a nature-human compound system,the natura qua ities of basins determine the fact that the resource deve opment and uti ization must abide by the basin system ru es.In the water deve opment and comprehensivemanagement part,based on the integra and segmenta re evance of basin interna water,this thesis indicates that on y overa p anning based on fu consideration of oca human sett ements construction characteristics and the entire basin environment carrying capacity,the sustainab e recyc ing of water resource can be guaranteed.Through comprehensive assessment and supp y-demand ana ysis over Jia ing River Basin water resource,this thesis proposes the foundation and ideas for Jia ingwater deve opment and uti ization and p ans diverse guide ines from perspectives of basin irrigation and water supp y,navigation and hydroe ectric deve opment etc..

Comprehensive arrangements over basin ecosystem p ay a key ro e in sustainab e deve opmentof basin human sett ements.In the basin ecosystem overa p anning research part,this thesis startswith the currenteco ogica prob ems of Jia ing River Basin human sett ements;directing at these prob ems ike argevo ume of sa t,seriouswater oss and soi erosion in the upper andmidd e basin,industria po ution, ow coverage of native vegetation and forest.This part makes ana ysis on Jia ing River Basin surface environmentand conservation ofwater and soi ,conservation of water environment and water resource,f ood contro ,eco ogica exp oitation and regu ation,water saving,water deve opment,and then puts forward themeasures for water and soi conservation and the strategies for water saving and protection from po ution,specifies the assignment princip es and methods in the water functiona areas and advances the construction of basin nature reserves,eco-demonstration zones,eco-function regions and urban eco ogica environment protection.This part a so emphasizes the f ood contro through effectivemanagement over f ood f owing zones and proposes the environment-protection thought and measure of cascade deve opment.

The conc usion part summarizes thewho e thesis and further i uminates the partia theoretic framework and the innovations in this research of Jia ing River Basin human sett ements.This parta so suggests that because of the comprehensiveness and comp exity of research science and the universa ity of study objects,the estab ishment of research paradigm for basin human sett ements sti needs further improvement.

Key Words:

Jia ing River Basin;Basin Human Sett ements;Construction;Overa p anning of basin

