学生:许东风AHD2012D001 导师:李先逵教授
专业:建筑历史及其理论 年级:2004级
Nowadays,the study on the conservation of industria heritage has become a new hot topic because of its arge-sca e appearance and destruction.By i -ustrating the case of Chongqing—a famous o d industria city in China,and from various aspects ike cu -tura heritage,history,architecture,urban p anning etc.,this thesis discusses both the theories and practicemethods on how to protect Chongqing’s industria heritage and expects to provide guidance in the conservation and uti ization work of Chongqing’s industria heritage.
The rising and deve opment ofmodern industry has great significance on Chongqing’s deve opment,and it a so witnesses that the industria heritage in Chongqing’s industria ization is va uab e resource of history and cu ture.The industria heritage during the period of Chongqing Anti-Japanese War and Three Lines Construction has a unique meaning for the who e country,whi e the industria heritage of the mi itary industry and the heavy industry has the typica character of the nationwide.Chongqing’s industria heritage a so features thewho e Chinese industry deve opment process re ative y intact;additiona y,this hi y-area type of industry heritage is specia amongmany other types.
To protect the integrity is the basic guiding thought.The procedura ,continuity and integrity characters in the industria production decide the requirements of integra conversation.The basic theoretica framework of industria heritage is a techno ogy-oriented,cu tura -va ue-based five- ayer conversation system inc uding the construction of an industria ,historica and cu tura city,the historica area,andmarks,historica architecture and sty e and feature bui dings,thus to bring the seven protection steps into force.
To assess progressive y from entirety to segment, name y,fo owing the order“industria city—typica enterprises—architectura heritage”can ref ect the genera characteristics of the urban industria deve -opment.It is the first time to put forward the conversation suggestion ist of Chongqing’smore than sixty industria heritages ascertaining the positions and scopes of these historica industria areas and bui dings,stressing the importance of specia conversation projects,i ustrating the significance of o d industria areas’updates and conversation through both detai ed and who e urban p anning,and emphasizing the key ro e of conversation e ements and urban specific integration projects in practice.
The uti ization shou d not on y obey the conversation requests but a so connects with the o d industria districts’genera updating p anning,to adopt the po icies and strategies ike the government eading the conversation project conduction of industria heritage uti ization,giving priority to environment improvement,mixing various functions and sma -sca e progressive practice and so on.Recyc ing of industria heritage shou d a so be combined with the service industry ike cu tura creative industry and industria tourism,to integrate itse f into urban function system and have effective protection.Its conversation and uti ization wou d genera y promote the urban sustainab e deve opment,the revita ization of o d industria districts,and strengthen the urban industria features and advance the transition from an industria city to a cu tura one.
Themain innovations of this thesis inc udes the fo owing.
(1)Fi ing in the b ank of theory research of Chongqing’s industria heritage system.It is the first time investigation of the current industria heritage statutes and constructs the progressive assessment of industria heritage from the who e to the part;it a so puts forward the conversation directory of more than sixty industria heritages which are inc uded into the we -known cities protection and urban p anning systems.
(2)Setting up a basic theory framework of Chongqing’s oca industria heritage.At present,Chongqing does nothave any thorough industria heritage conversation theory system yet.However,with a view to Chongqing and its rea ity and characteristics,this research proposes the guiding thought,princip e ru es,work direction,theoretic framework,work mechanism and operationa procedure etc.,proving to be a certain degree of theoretica depth and imp ement abi ity.
(3)Putting forward the idea that the integrity conservation and uti ization exerts a great significance on the industria city revita ization.It states the theories and methods of how to integra y protect the industria heritage,emphasizing the techno ogy va ue uniqueness of industria heritage,specifying the key points of industria heritage conversation and urban p anning uti ization,and fina y indicating that industria heritage conversation and recyc ing must map out together with updates of the o d industria districts.
Key Words:
Industria heritage;Va ue assessment;Conservation program;Recyc ing;Urban revita ization