首页 理论教育 重庆大学建筑城规学院研究生学位论文概要集-建筑设计及理论研究


时间:2023-11-27 理论教育 版权反馈




学生:褚冬竹ADT2012D001  导师:戴志中教授

专业:建筑设计及其理论   年级:2007级












带着上述问题,论文立足建筑师的创作视角,结合可持续发展观念、哲学思辨、科技成果等相关背景展开研究,以建筑(方案)设计过程为基本线索,整体、系统地剖析其中包含的“生成”与“评价”两大主题,并与“可持续效能”(sustainab e performance)概念相关联,通过对“价值”与“效能”这一对同质但不同一关系的辨析,建立起强调“生成”与“评价”集成整合、以IMGESB为内容核心的设计方法论,并逐一回答了上述四个方面的问题。





On the basis of the atest achievements in design thinking science,eva uation study,sustainab e construction theories and techno ogies,this thesis adopts a“design research”approach to ana yze the design mechanism of sustainab e construction and investigates a series of prob ems abouthow to invo ve simu -taneous eva uation in design generation process,and u timate y to estab ishes a design methodo ogy which focuses on“Integration of Design Generation and E-va uation”.

The connotation of sustainab e deve opment embraces three aspects,name y,“environment”,“society”and“economy”.Under the guidance of the sustainab e deve opment idea,construction is no onger simp y themeans for humans to acquire space;its qua ity a so cannotbe judged by the sing e“architectura ”standards(inc uding so idity,uti ity and aesthetics etc.),but be c ose y connected with“resource”,“future”and other microscopic deve opment e ements.

Meanwhi e,China’s moderate economic s owdown wi make higher and more sophisticated requirements on a industries;the construction industry in China is facing the bott eneck of promoting the entire professiona techno ogy eve and is urgent y in need of breakthroughs in theory,method and app iance and so on.The qua ity of construction first y and tight y depends on the scientific version and fore-效、逐层地实现。

通过案例考察、专家访谈、实验性设计等方法,研究将IMGESB理论模型与设计实践的实际状态进行互动反馈、调整优化,最终提出一个较为完善的纲领性框架。作为此设计方法论的关键组成部分,IMGESB可运用于设计项目的个体化操作层面。更重要的是,在建筑设计正快速走向集成化、协同化的趋势下,它作为一种框架性的探索,可以由此引发出多个关于设计研究的新领域、新课题,为“设计研究”学术领域注入新的发展力量,也为未来建筑设计流程的全面协同建立良好的参考基础。sight of the step“Design”.Therefore,the answer to “How tomake better design?”direct y trigger the research of this thesis.

The eva uation and pursuit of“Good”are the centra topics of Axio ogy.Furthermore,the question of“what is the va ue”has to be based on another important basis:Epistemo ogy.According to the order of“Epistemo ogy—Axio ogy—Mthodo ogy”in phi osophy,the research starts from the basis ofa cognitive system considering both rea ity and future in the design wor d.

P aying the chief ro e of directing in architecture,methodo ogy guides the research on design to go from the sha ower to the deeper.In this thesis,assumption,mode and paradigm interact with each other and together form an integrated methodo ogica framework.Based on the anatomy and induction of design practice,this thesis takes“the state of generation and eva uation interming ing and intervening with each other”during the design process as the basic assumption.Through theory study,investigation,interviewing,comparison ana ysis,empirica test and various othermethods,deconstructs a series of prob ems ike idea generation,process appraisement,effectiveness optimization,scientific decisionmaking and puts forward the theory modu e of“Integration Mechanism of Generation-Eva uation for Sustainab e Bui ding”(IMGESB)to form the design research paradigm of targeting the design process as study object,thus u timate y estab ishing a sustainab e construction designmethodo ogy system.

Research in this thesis abides by the techno ogy roadmap of“phenomenon ana ysis—prob em identification—target construction—theoretica deduction —practice feedback”,and tight y focuses on the four issues as fo ows:

(1)On“Sustainabi ity”:What does architectura sustainabi itymean?How to set for design an appropriate sustainab e goa and to gradua y achieve the goa in the process?

(2)On“Generation”:How to interpret and describe the design generation process and whatare the characteristics?How are its subjectivity,ambiguity,individua ism combined with the re ative y objective goa of sustainabi ity and integration,scientific design requirement?

(3)On“Eva uation”:What is the foundation of eva uation?How is the eva uation mechanism in the design generation process imp emented and how does it support the design deve opment?How can the postdesign eva uation be integrated in design process and ensure the right direction of design?

(4)On“Integration”:How to understand the interactive status of design generation and eva uation?How do the eva uations intervene in the design process in different phases?

With the above issues,this thesis stands on the architect viewpoint and combines the re ating backgrounds ike sustainab e deve opment,phi osophy thinking,scientific achievements;setting the construction(b ue print)design process as the e ementary c ue,it both comprehensive y and systematica y ana yzes the two contained themes,“generation”and “eva uation”,and c ose y connects itse f with“Sustainab e Performance”,and through ana yzing the homogeneous but different pair of“va ue”and“efficiency”to estab ishes the“generation”and“eva uation”—stressed integration and the IMGESB—centered design methodo ogy;and thus,this thesis provides so utions to the four issues one by one.

IMGESB contains four executionmodu es,namey,“Information Importation and Management Modu e,IIM”,“Concept Generation and Deve opment Modu e,CGD”,“Strategy Test and Optimization Modu e,STO”and“Decision Making and Integration Modu e,DMI”.The fourmodu es are c ose y reated,coherent but a so re ative y independent with each other.According to the thinkingmode of differentmodu es and the objectives and requirements of various eve s,the design generation and eva uation methods are organica y integrated into one.By drawing on the indicator framework and eva uationmethod of the existing representative“green bui ding rating system”,the expected goa s of construction resu ts are broken down to the executionmodu es,and bui d the convergence node between neighboringmodu es,to u timate y archive the overa goa in an effective ayer-by- ayer way.

As a design methodo ogy direct y targeted for sustainabi ity,IMGESB is not on y app ied to individua operation of design projects and,more importanty,with the architectura design is rapid y deve oping towards integration;it,as an exp oratory framework of design innovation,can create severa new areas and new issues of design research,introduce into the traditiona academic area of“Design Research”new deve opment efforts,and a so estab ish a good reference to the fu co aboration in future construction design.

Key Words:

Sustainab e architecture;Designmethodo ogy;Generation;Eva uation;Integration

