首页 理论教育 南锣鼓巷转型管理实践:北京城市规划新成果


时间:2023-11-26 理论教育 版权反馈


指导老师:唐鸣镝 讲师

作 者:陈莺莺


专 业:旅游管理

学 号:2015220801






Nanluogu xiang is one of the earliest 25 piece of history and culture of protected areas in Beijing,in the new Beijing city master plan of urban development strategic transformation,the old town and the functions and protection of historic blocks,some changes have taken place in the Nanluogu xiang as a new row 13 piece of the most important part of cultural essence area,belongs to the Shichahai lake-Nanluogu xiang culture essence,has always been the focus of the government management area,as a historical block transformation and management has the very high research value and research representative.In this paper,by the methods of literature and field surveys,through combing Nanluogu xiang in different periods of management development course,summarizes the management of the PSR(pressure-state-response)reaction evolution model,and according to the fi eld survey and the interview content and related policy management fi les,the operation of the analysis of present Nanluogu xiang management structure and mechanism of the status quo,from the perspective of relationship development and policy Nanluogu xiang carding the transformation of south gong management summary,in order to in the new period of urban historical blocks protection for reference.

Key words:Historical block;The transformation of management;Nanluogu xiang;The new Beijing master plan

