指导教师:李宏 教授
作 者:王凤
专 业:旅游管理
学 号:2015220789
In recent years,with the popularity of reality TV shows,the scene has been welcomed in the tourism market,and the academic community has been concerned about the impact of reality TV on tourism activities and tourism marketing.The perception and shaping of tourism image is the primary research area of tourist destination marketing,however,there is not much research on how reality TV can shape and infl uence visitors perceived image perception in the existing studys,and only a few of them take tourists as a whole to study the infl uence of reality TV.In fact,the reality TV audience includes the potential tourists and real tourists of the scene,these two groups of people in the reality TV stimulation conditions,for the scene of the destination image perception will be different,is the problem to be solved in this paper.
Therefore,this paper further subdivided tourists into potential tourists and real tourists,in order to obtain a comparative study of the impact of reality TV on the image perception of the two groups of tourists,in order to further enrich the existing theory,and to provide advice for tourism marketing.
Based on the existing literature and related mature scales,this paper uses quantitative methods of principal component analysis and variance analysis,taking“Dear Inn 2”as an example,compares and analyzes the cognitive image and emotional image between potential tourists and real tourists on the Aer mountain of Inner Mongolia in the scene under the stimulation of the same TV program.
The conclusions are as follows:
(1)There was no significant difference in image perception between the two groups,which showed that reality TV show had the same degree of infl uence,related tourism marketing work should pay attention to the strengths and weaknesses.
(2)The overall image of the Aershan area is well perceived,especially natural resources occupy a natural advantage in the tourism market.
(3)The reality show will enlarge the advantages and shortcomings of the tourist destination at the same time.Relevant tourism marketing should focus on strengths and weaknesses.
Key Words:reality show;potential tourists;real tourists;destination image