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[22]席居哲、左志宏、WU Wei:《心理韧性研究诸进路》,载《心理科学进展》2012年第9期。
[1]Masten A S.Ordinary Magic:Resilience Processes in Development.American Psychologist,2001(56):227-238.
[2]Werner E E.Risk,Resilience,and Recovery:Perspectives from the Kauai Longitudinal Study.Development and Psychopathology,1993(5):503-515.
[3]Garmezy N.Stress-resistant Children:The Search for Protective Factors.In J.Stevens(Ed.),Recent research in developmental psychopathology.Oxford,England:Pergamon Press,1985:213-233.
[4]Rutter M.Psychosocial Resilience and Protective Mechanisms//In Rolf J,Masten A S,Cicchetti D,Nuechterlein K H,Weintraub S(Eds.),Risk and Protective Factors in the Development of Psychopathology.Cambridge,UK:Cambridge University Press,1990:181-214.
[5]Kumpfer K L.Factors and Processes Contributing to Resilience:The Resilience Framework.In Glantz M D,Johnson J L(Eds.),Resiliency and Development:Positive Life Adaptations.New York:Kluwer Academic,1999:179-224.
[6]Gore S,Eckenrode J.Context and Process in Research on Risk and Resilience.In:Haggerty R J,et al ed.Stress,Risk,and Resilience in Children and Adolescents,NY:Cambridge University Press,1994:19.
[7]Elder G H Jr..Historical Change in Life Patterns and Personality,In:Baltes P B,Brim O G ed.Life span development and behavior.NY:Academic Press,1979(2):117.
[11]席居哲、左志宏、WU Wei:《心理韧性研究诸进路》,载《心理科学进展》2012年第9期。