首页 理论教育 机械加工行业含油乳化液废水处理研究的成果


时间:2023-11-25 理论教育 版权反馈


A Study on the Treatment of Oil-Containing Emulsified Liquid Waste from Mechanical Processing Industry

施 豪1, 3 何航行2 戚雁俊2, 3* (1.博世华域转向系统有限公司,上海 201821;2.上海环科环境认证有限公司,上海 200233;3.同济大学,上海 200092)

Shi Hao1, 3 He Hangxing2, 3 Qi Yanjun2, 3* (1.Bosch HUAYU Steering Systems Co., Ltd., Shanghai 201821;2.Shanghai Huanke Environmental Certification Co., Ltd., Shanghai 200233;3.Tongji University,上海 200092)

摘要 机械加工行业排放的乳化液废水一直是难处理污水。采用酸化、隔油、微电解、高级氧化(AOP)反应、混凝气浮高分子化学絮凝沉淀、缺氧-好氧生化、活性炭过滤吸附的组合工艺对乳化液废水处理后纳管排放效果较好,可达上海市《污水综合排放标准》(DB 31/199-2018)三级标准要求。但经该工艺处理后,废水中化学需氧量和氨氮浓度占标率均超过60%;与生活污水混合后纳管排放,化学需氧量和氨氮浓度占标率均超过65%;在实际运行过程中,应特别注意对这2项排放指标的控制。

关键词:机械加工废水 乳化液 废水处理 纳管排放

Abstract Emulsified liquid waste generated from mechanical processing industry has always been regarded as a kind of wastewater refractory to treat.Using the combination of various available processes such as acidification, oil separation, micro electrolysis, advanced oxidation processes (AOP), polymeric chemical flocculation and precipitation with coagulation and air floatation, anoxic/oxic (A/O) biochemical process, and activated carbon filtration/adsorption to treat the emulsified liquid waste could be effective in meeting the requirement for Grade III specified by Shanghai local integrated wastewater discharge standard (DB 31/199-2018).As the contents of both COD and ammonia nitrogen in the effluent could account to over 60% of the standard limits, and could be over 65% when mixed with domestic sewage and then discharged into sewerage system, a special attention should be paid to the control of those two variables in the practical operation.(www.xing528.com)

Key words:Mechanical processing wastewater Emulsified liquid Wastewater treatment Discharge into sewerage system





