在教材二次开发时,教师应该针对学生水平设计输出任务,以促进学生对输入内容的理解和掌握。因为根据Swain的输出假设,学习者只有在自己进行表达时才能注意到想要表达的与能够表达的之间存在的差距,从而激发他们学习新语言知识或巩固现有的语言知识。但是目前大部分教材课后配备的习题都是简单的问答或词汇题,这些题目无法有效地促进对文章内容的理解,这就要求教师设计相应的输出活动。以《新时代交互英语读写译1》Unit 7 The Youth Market Just Keeps on Growing为例。可以采取总结填空的方式训练输出活动:
Activity Fill in the blanks with the words you have learned in this text.
In North America,young people have g_______buying power in today’s economy. This has an effect on the m______and on many c______that expect this market to increase their p_______.
First,the amount of money teens receive for their a______is large and growing. In addition,today many children i______their parents’ decisions about family p______,such as home e_______items and other t_______items.
Many companies are now m______directly to young teens. Major c______and clothing m______are producing brands to attract a youth market. The music and entertainment i_______have traditionally marketed their p______to the young. Even the oldest i______-banks are p______their special a______and programs to children to teach them about savings and checking.
The internet is another important part of the youth market. The p______of kids online,the amount of money they spend v______the internet,and the amount of time they spend online are large. Kids can look at the latest f_______and p_______them by changing the size,color,or style to s______their taste. Some companies have Internet-only d______accounts for their young c______to use.
教师还可以针对教材内容,采取图表和问题结合的方式,让学生掌握语言知识的同时,也能理解文章的结构。如在《大学英语精读3》Unit 3 Why I Teach中,可以采取以下教学设计:
Activity Work on the author’s personal file.
Step 1:Assign the learning task.
Work individually to finish the following personal file for the author.
以《新时代交互英语3》Unit 4 Food Additives为例。可以模拟一个新闻发布会的场景,教师展示关于食物添加剂的三幅图片,包括甜味剂、亚硝酸钠、人造色素。让两个学生到台上分别扮演主持人和专家,其他同学为记者,可以针对食品安全问题进行提问,台上两人针对图片进行回答。回答问题之后,还可以要求台下学生将采访内容写成采访稿,进一步锻炼输出。这样的形式新颖有趣,讨论的又是学生比较关注的话题,还能很好地和课文内容结合,激发学生准备和学习的积极性。
图5—2 Food Additives 配图示例
再以《大学英语精读3》Unit 71为例。这篇课文可以采取图片描述的方式辅助学生输出[1]:
Talk according to the pictures.(www.xing528.com)
Step 1 Assign the learning task.
Step 2 Students prepare to tell the story with the help of the pictures.
图5—3 活动配图示例
Step 3 Group retelling of the story.Students work in groups,each talking about one picture and the others following the former according to the following ones.
教师在设计输出活动时,应该按照层层递进的方式。比如《新时代交互英语读写译2》Unit 5 Twelve-year-old Spelling Champ课文阅读。教师在设计输出活动时,可以采取以下形式:
Activity 1 Writing a News Report
Step 1 Assign the task
Ask the studnets to reread the text,and remind them to notice every detail in the contest.After that,ask students to describe the event by writing a news report according to the time order.
Step 2 Students discuss in groups the structure,logic and language in the text and clear the event by time order.
Step 3 Students report their answers and the teacher summarizes the principles of describing an event.
Step 4 Students work individually to write a diary to describe the event.
Activity 2 Role play
Step 1 Assign the task
The whole class is to hold a mini spelling bee in class(about 10 mins).The teacher projects the picture onto the screen to create a lively atmosphere of competition.Each group is to recommend one speller and one spelling bee official(who is responsible to pronounce and explain the word).Then,the spellers prepare and enter the contest on behalf of his or her own group,while the spelling officials construct the spelling word list and sit in the first row to host the spelling bee contest.(All the words on the list should be from the text.)
Step 2 Students hold the mini spelling bee in class,and the speller who wins in the last round will get the spelling champ.
Step 3 Invite some students to interview the spelling champ about his or her feelings of success and advice to others.
这个活动是对阅读信息以及语言的运用,通过现场举办拼词大赛,以及进行赛后采访,营造出赛场的真实氛围,使学生自然而然地进一步强化并应用文章中有关拼词比赛的信息。由于Activity 1中,学生已经对拼词大赛的相关知识有了一定的掌握,在Activity 2中学生就不会因内容、语言或话题不熟悉而焦虑。