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时间:2023-11-23 理论教育 版权反馈






例如,在《大学英语精读3》Unit 3 Why I Teach的教学中,要求学生找出the names of his students that offer the reasons why the author Peter G.Beidler teaches的活动就是知识类活动。阅读者快速阅读课文,在1分钟之内就能够找到问题的答案。



Activity(《全新版大学英语综合教程1》Unit 1)

Find evidence for the followings.

Step 1 Assign the learning task.

Work in groups of four to find evidence for the followings.

—Baker was unwilling to write the essay at first.

—All the English courses were dull.

—The author’s expectation was right.

—Baker had a strong desire to write for himself.

—Baker had thought he would be punished for not having submitted an essay as required.

Step 2 Students work individually.

Step 3 Students work in groups to share their work with each other.

Step 4 Call on an individual pair for feedback.

领会同样包括文学性欣赏和文化内涵的理解。比如在学习《大学英语精读3》Unit 6 A Day’s Wait这篇文章时,教师可以特别提醒学生,为什么惜字如金的海明威会用两个段落描写主人公的父亲外出打猎的内容?


At first glance,the hunting scene may seem to have little to do with the plot.However,the author has reasons to describe it.What are the reasons?


1)It diverts the readers so that the boy’s real thoughts will be a greater surprise when they are revealed.

2)It creates a sense of time passing so that we know it is close to evening by the time the father gets home.

3)It brings out a contrast between the father’s robust activities outside and the boy’s terrible tension inside.

通过阅读打猎这个段落,阅读者可以体会海明威作为“迷惘”中走出的“硬汉”在作品中不间断地进行“硬汉式”的探索,始终抱有希望,永不放弃,永不言败,也让阅读者进一步理解海明威的那句名言:Man is not made for defeat.A man can be destroyed but not defeated(人并非为败而生。人可以被消灭,但不能被击败。)海明威被称为“迷惘的一代”的代表。在海明威的作品中,我们不难体会一种世事无常的悲哀和悲观厌世的态度。但是,我们又能在他的作品中发现他对不完美人生中自我救赎的追求。这就是所谓的“硬汉”精神。




Activity 1 Inserting punctuation

Step 1 Assign the task

Just now we have analyzed the sentences in the text and get to know the functions of some punctuation.Now please read the following sentences and insert proper punctuation.

—The elected officers are Tommy president John vice president Morrell general secretary and Susan dean of office.

—The subjects he has been teaching are algebra geometry art and football.

—He was puzzled by his fame people wanted to meet him strangers stared at him on the street scientists statesmen students and housewives wrote him letters.

—His brother is a driver his sister a film actress.

—It is present in the atmosphere in so small a quantity only 0.034 percent that it does us no harm.

—I still dread errors would do my best to avoid them but I knew they were part of a surgeon’s life.

Step 2 Students work in groups to finish the task.

Step 3 Group report.

本活动根据《大学英语精读2》My First Job设计,通过分析活动学生了解到冒号、分号和破折号的作用。本活动要求学生运用分析活动中所学给所给句子添加标点符号,属于标点符号的应用。


Activity 4 Encouraging friends[1]

Step 1 Assign the task

One of your friends is now suffering from his or her failure on exams.He feels quite depressed and discouraged.You know his problem.Now please talk to your friend to encourage him to walk out of the shadow by citing Jody Anne’s success as an example.

Step 2 Students work in pairs to complete the dialogue.




分析可以是要素分析、逻辑分析、结构分析,甚至是功能分析。例如《大学英语精读3》Unit 6 A Day’s Wait就可以设计如下表格填充活动,帮助学生分析文章的要求。

Assign the reading task.

Read the passage for the 1st time,and within 10 minutes find out the related information and fill in the blank.

Protagonist(main character):________________________


Settings(time and place):__________________________





对句子之间的逻辑关系的理解也属于分析类活动。以《大学英语精读2》Unit 4 The Professor and the Yoyo为例。文章类似于人物传记,分别从爱因斯坦的工作、生活社会名望等诸多角度介绍了主人公的性格特色,可设计如下分析活动:(www.xing528.com)

Analysis of coherence.

Step 1 Assign the learning task.

Read the following pair of sentences,and tell the relationshipbetween sentences.

(1)As a boy and then as an adult,I never lost my wonder at the personality that was Einstein.(2)He was the only person I knew who had come to term with himself and the world around him.(3)He knew what he wanted and he wanted only this:to understand within his limits as a human being the nature of the universe and the logic and simplicity in its functioning.(4)He knew there were answers beyond his intellectual reach.(5)But this did not frustrate him.(6)He was content to go as far as he could.

Step 2 Students work in groups of four to discuss their understanding.

Step 3 Students report and explain.

根据具体文章的特点,我们还可以让学生分析场景、景物描述、声音的运用等。以《全新版大学英语1》Unit 7 Emergency为例,故事中作者采用不同的方式描述声音,如:

the distant cry of a locomotive horn.(line 3)

the sounds of the train apparently drew the boy’s attention to the track.(line 19)

the two men laughed.(line 33)

Anthony’s words exploded.(line 41)

Anthony...shouted.(line 48)

as the sound became thunderous..(line 53)

she cried.(line 63)

she screamed.(line 81)

his voice calm.(line 82)

Anthony spoke...sharply.(line 84)


Analysis of sound effect[2]

Step 1 Assign learning task.

This is a moving story and well-written one.One typical feature of this story is the use of sound.Read the text again and discuss with your neighbors to share your understanding.

Step 2 Students discuss in groups.

Step 3 Call one student from each group to answer and explain.



以《大学英语精读3》Unit 5 The Day Mother Cried为例。该文中作者第一次见到坚强的母亲流泪,第一次认识到母亲也有脆弱的一面。但坚强的母亲坚持了下来,并不断拓宽自己的道路,取得了最后的胜利。教师可以设计一个活动,假设本文的作者在某方面取得了一定的成就,当记者采访他并询问他的成功秘诀时,他告诉记者那完全是因为母亲的影响。要求学生分析母亲的性格,了解关于母亲的重要的细节,然后按照一定的逻辑组织语言。

Interview report[3]

Step 1 Assign the learning task.

Suppose you were a reporter.You have just interviewed a person,who has made some great achievements.Now you are to write a report about him and his mother’s great influence on his great success,to be published in tomorrow’s newspaper.Please write a report of your interview.

Step 2 Students work individually on the task.

Step 3 Ask students to assess each other’s writing according to the followings:

Is there a general statement?

Does it contain all the main information?

Does it state the characteristics of the mother?

Is the purpose of the writing clear?



外部参照评价来自于阅读材料之外,其内容较为广泛,可以指评价者自身的标准,可以指评价者所处的社会环境中通用的标准。就阅读而言,一般情况下What do you think of the author?What do you think of his argument?What would you do if you were...?等属于利用评价者自身的标准进行评价。因为每个人的评价标准不同,对作者的评价以及对其观点的评价也就不同,所选择的行为方式也不同,这种设计有利于同学之间的讨论和协商。

内部参照评价常采用对比评价、质疑作者等方式,而外部参照评价可采用换位思考、概括类推等方式。以《全新版大学英语综合教程1》Unit 7 Kids on the Track为例。教师可设计概括类推的评价活动,要求学生根据自己的经历分析在中国是否也有像Kate一样沉着冷静的母亲,是否也会存在类似的现象。

Similar cases.

Step 1 Assign the learning task.

This story describes a careless mother and an emergency case on the railway.Do you think there are such mothers in China?Do such things happen on our railway?Discuss with your partner and report your ideas.

Step 2 Students discuss in pairs.

Step 3 Call on students by pair to demonstrate their argument.



要培养学生的元认知能力,学生首先必须掌握认知策略,然后才能根据具体的任务要求选择策略,管理自己的学习。其实,不管视听说还是读写,任何单元都可以开展策略训练。比如《大学英语精读1》Unit 3 Text B The Young and the Old一文的阅读可以用于训练学生的目的性阅读策略。


Text reading

Step 1 Assign the learning task.

Read the text by yourself for five minutes and then answer my questions.

Step 2 Students discuss in groups.

Step 3 Ask individual students to answer questions.


Step 1 Assign the learning task.

Read the text again for one minute,and find out the theme of your reading material.

Step 2 Students discuss in groups.

Step 3 Ask individual students to explain what strategies they have applied so as to find the theme of the passage.


