首页 理论教育 增补形式图式建构活动-教材二次开发实践


时间:2023-11-23 理论教育 版权反馈


阅读过程本来就应该是一个图式建构过程。即使我们熟悉文体,仍旧可能遇到新的逻辑、谋篇布局,阅读教学也因此必须帮助学生将新的形式图式同化到其已有图式之中,或者通过提供支架帮助学生建构新的图式。为此,在教材二次开发中教师有必要分析文章所包含的形式图式,不管是听力材料还是阅读文本,设计活动帮助学生理解提取相关结构、逻辑、文体特征等,而示意图就是一种比较有效的手段。比如下面的示意图清晰地展示了《大学英语精读2》Unit 6 The Making of a Surgeon的篇章结构。

图2—8 The Making of a Surgeon 篇章结构示意图

但是,我们所说的形式图式不等同于篇章结构,属于文章逻辑类、结构类、体裁类范畴的都属于文章的形式图式范畴。比如《大英语精读1》Unit 1中下面一段文字,我们用简单的一个问题可以引导学生关注逻辑,因为要回答这个问题学生必须清楚逻辑层次。

Q:How many ways are suggested for practicing speaking?

It is true that there are few situations at school whereyou have to communicate in English,but you can seek out opportunities to practice speaking the language.Talking with your classmates,for example,can be an easy and enjoyable way to get some practice.Also try to find native speakers on your campus and feel free to talk with them.Perhaps the easiest way to practice speaking is to rehearse aloud,since this can be done at any time,in any place,and without a partner.For instance,you can look at pictures or objects around you and try to describe them in detail.You can also rehearse everyday situations.After you have made a purchase in a shop or finished a meal in a restaurant and paid the check,pretend that all this happened in an English-speaking country and try to act it out in English.


How many ways are suggested for practicing speaking?

■Paragraph 6

■You can seek opportunities to practice speaking the language.

➢1)...,for example,...

➢2)Also try to...(www.xing528.com)

➢3)Perhaps the easiest way is...

○For instance,...

○You can also...

➢After you...,pretend...

但是,形式图式的建构必须通过训练应用方能达成。教材二次开发时,我们还应该设计训练或应用活动。比如结合《大学英语精读2》Unit 2 Lessons from Jefferson的第一段和第二段,我们可以设计评价如下活动:

Activity 1 Read the text and judge whether the following is the same in logic with the first two paragraphs.

Xu Sanduo is an invented character in the TV series “The Soldier Sortie”. He may not be so famous as Jay and Coco. But most people love him. Most people remember the words he said: Don’t abandon. Don’t give up.

Although Sanduo didn’t live in our true life,there is much that we can learn from him today. Many of his ideas are especially wonderful and meaningful.


Thomas Jefferson,the third president of the United States,may be less famous than George Washington and Abraham Lincoln,but most people remember at least one fact about him:He wrote the Declaration of Independence,

Although Jefferson lived more than 200 years ago,there is much that we can learn from him today.Many of his ideas are especially interesting to modern youth.Here are some of the things he said and wrote.

