首页 理论教育 五步拳:图解步骤,8个动作,强身健体


时间:2023-11-21 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:全套共有8个动作。Move your center of gravity forward.Kick forward the right leg and meanwhile punch the left fist and draw the right fist back,eyes looking straight ahead.马步架打Strike Out One Fist with the Other Upheld in Horse-ride Step图1-5上身左转90°,下蹲成马步,同时左拳变掌,屈左臂上架,冲右拳,目视右拳。


Section I Movement Names of Five-step Boxing

(一)起势 Commencing Form

1.弓步冲拳 Brush Hand and Punch Fist in Bow Step

2.弹腿冲拳 Spring Leg and Punch Fist

3.马步架打 Strike Out One Fist with the Other Upheld in Horse-ride Step

4.歇步盖打 Thump Down and Punch Fist in Seated Step(www.xing528.com)

5.提膝穿掌 Lift Knee and Penetrate Palm

6.仆步插掌 Thrust Palm in Crouch Step

7.虚步挑掌 Stick Up Palm in Empty Step

8.并步抱拳 Join Feet with Fists at the Waist

(二)收势 Closing Form

