首页 理论教育 蟋蟀唧唧,黑乎乎的吟游小歌手,昆虫的故事


时间:2023-11-21 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:And Gryl Cricket was happy,even though he did not listen to the bird or look at the river.He was singing,too,the only song he knew.A funny sort of song it was,with all the words in the verse alike,and every verse just like the one before,and not much change in the tune.But although it was the same music over and over again,it had different sounds for all that.When near by,it was something like"Gr-gryl-1,grgryl-1,gr-gryl-1,"tinkled oh,so quickly on a tiny bell;and when it was far off,it was more like"Cri-cricri-cri."虽然蟋蟀唧唧没有侧耳聆听鸟儿的欢叫,也没有举目朝水里张望,可是,他很开心。唧唧有一个音乐盒,和你的


A little bird with a blue back was going in and out of a round hole in an old tree near the river.Now and then he would stop and say"Tru-i-lee,tru-i-lee,"very softly to his mate.He sang as if he liked the hole,and perhaps he did;for was this not the place where he and his mate had nested in the spring?And now,before they flew far off to the south,had he not come back again to sit near the old doorway and sing to her?


One tree on the river-bank was red and one was yellow,for it was an October day and their leaves were no longer green.Under them the quiet water seemed red and yellow,too,as if a big looking-glass lay there for the trees to see themselves in.


With a bluebird singing his good-bye song and the gay leaves making bright places in the water,it was a day to be happy in.


There he sat,the happy little fellow.

And Gryl Cricket was happy,even though he did not listen to the bird or look at the river.He was singing,too,the only song he knew.A funny sort of song it was,with all the words in the verse alike,and every verse just like the one before,and not much change in the tune.But although it was the same music over and over again,it had different sounds for all that.When near by,it was something like"Gr-gryl-1,grgryl-1,gr-gryl-1,"tinkled oh,so quickly on a tiny bell;and when it was far off,it was more like"Cri-cricri-cri."


Whether far or near,it was very good music for an October day.Anyway,Gryl liked to make it:you may be sure of that,for he kept at it,off and on,all the warm sunny part of the day.And in the summer,before the nights were so cool,he sang in the dark,too.


With so much singing day after day,does his little black throat ache and his voice grow hoarse?


Not a bit of it;for Gryl's music-box is not like yours and the birds'.It is not in his throat at all!He wears a fiddle on his back and sings,not through his throat,but with his wings.


There he sat,the happy little fellow,before his open door,and fiddled.He lifted two wings and rubbed them together so that the row of tiny hard ridges on the under side of his right wing hit against the hard wrinkles on the upper side of his left wing,and that is the way he made music for himself.


His"Cri-cri-cri"just now seemed to be a song of thankfulness,as hungry people often say"grace"before they eat.Gryl had been too cold to get up for his breakfast,and now it was dinner-time and he was sitting before a feast and fiddling as he ate."I have meat and I can eat,"he seemed to be saying over and over to himself.


If he was glad,it was no wonder;he had found,when he went hunting,a nice fresh leg of grasshopper which a blackbird had dropped near his home.Now Gryl liked a grasshopper-leg as surely as you like a turkey's drumstick for Thanksgiving dinner.So he munched and munched all by himself,and fiddled as he ate.


Sometimes at parties,or in lunch-rooms,we have someone play to us during dinner.But we have to hire our meal-time music.A man can not play a fiddle on his back and eat at the same time.Funny little Gryl could do just that,and it would make you laugh right out loud to see him do it.


The longer Gryl nibbled and fiddled,the more restless Taffy grew.Taffy Cricket,I forgot to say,was Gryl's neighbor,and he lived so near that he could smell Gryl's marrow-bone;and,like his namesake in the old verse,Taffy was a thief.


Perhaps if Taffy's home had been where the sun warmed it earlier than it did Gryl's,Taffy would have wakened in time to find the bone first.But as it was,he had been too cold and lazy to start out until Gryl was half through his dinner.And the more he smelled that bone,the more he wanted it.So before long he crept out from under the slanting stone that covered his cave,and slipped very quietly in under the old piece of flat tin that made a roof for Gryl's dining-room.


While Gryl was making a merry,noisy tune over his meal,could Taffy come very softly and join the feast?


Gryl and Taffy

He tried,and what happened to him was something like what would happen to you if you tried to take away a dog's bone.For wherever a dog has found his bone,he feels very,very sure,in his own mind,that it belongs to him,and no one except his master must go near him while he is eating.If we do,and get hurt,then it is our own fault and we must not blame the dog.


Perhaps Gryl felt that way,for he ran right up to Taffy and scared him off.The funny part of it was that he didn't stop fiddling while he ran!He just lifted his wings higher and fiddled louder,and this time he was not playing gently,"I have meat and I can eat,"to himself:he was playing a threat to Taffy which meant,"Taffy Cricket this is my bone.I hunted for it.I found it.I brought it home.You lazy thing,you just go out and hunt for your own dinner.Go away!Go away!Go away!"


Taffy must have understood him,even though what he said sounded like“cre-ek,cre-ek,cre-ek!”He understood so well that he did not even stop to turn round.He just stepped out backward and left Gryl,as he had found him,fiddling over his dinner.


When Gryl had eaten plenty of food,he washed one of his front feet by putting it into his mouth.Then he pulled one of his long feelers down with his foot,until he could wash that,too.After that he brushed his shiny black sides with his hind-legs;for this was Gryl's wedding-day and of course he must be clean as well as happy.(www.xing528.com)


In the afternoon he went for a walk in the sunshine.He was merry as could be,except when a man happened to come that way and shake the ground with his heavy foot.Then Gryl stopped fiddling and sat so still that even his feelers did not move.He stayed still a long,long time,and then crept off under some fallen leaves,to hide until the steps passed far away.He could never fly even when danger was near.His front wings were a fiddle and his hind ones weak,little folded things that were too feeble to carry him an inch.But he knew how to slip away and hide,as you would find if you tried to catch him for a pet.


Toward night he played a soft tune to Lucy Cricket,who lived under a bit of bark near his own little dug-out.


Now Lucy was black as a piece of coal,and her head was so bald and shiny that not a hair could be seen on it anywhere,and she was dumb.


But she was not deaf,and she could hear Gryl's song and liked it.And what do you suppose she did?Do you think she painted her little black cheeks and put on a wig?Oh,no;she was an honest cricket and went out to her mate just as she was.As he was black as a piece of coal,too,and just as bald as she was,they really looked very much alike,except that her wings had no fiddles,and he had no long slender tail,but only two tail-feathers.


Lucy and Gryl Cricket

Well,Gryl went right on fiddling,and this time it was their wedding march.For a wedding supper they had a wild-lettuce salad,with some apple-sauce for dessert;for there was a wild apple tree on the bank,and the apples that had dropped down were nice and soft.


Then Lucy went back to her cave under the bark and Gryl found his way to his own little dug-out.


After all,he did not need any one to help him about his meals.He rather liked going out to hunt for them himself.And he needed no one to show him how to finish his dug-out.He knew just how to pick up the hard little bit of dirt or stone in his mouth and carry it off out of the way,and just how to scratch out the soft places with his head and feet.


It was well that he felt that way about it,for Lucy was far too busy with her own task to help Gryl or any one else.It took her all her time for a while to take care of her eggs.For these must be put down so that they would keep all winter.


What better could she do with them than trust them to good old Mother Earth,who broods over the tiniest seeds that are left in her care?And Lucy's eggs were something like wee seeds.She planted them in the earth with the long slender back part of her body,that looked like a tail but was really a tool to put eggs into the ground with.


So while Lucy tended her eggs like a good little mother,Gryl finished his dug-out,making it deeper and deeper,until the days grew very cold and he fell asleep in his bedroom in the same earth that sheltered Lucy's eggs.


One day,a long time after that,the trees,which had dropped their red and yellow leaves on the riverbank,unfolded some very fresh green ones.A bird with a blue back,who had flown far,far to the south,and north again,was hopping in and out of the hole in the old tree near by and whispering"Tru-i-lee,tru-i-lee"sweetly to his mate.


It was spring,and time for Gryl to waken from his long nap and begin fiddling again.For there are always some crickets to welcome the spring—their songs do not belong just to the summer and fall.


As Gryl sat and fiddled before his open door,his little sons and daughters hatched in their egg-shells and climbed up out of the ground.


They were wee midgets who looked much like old Daddy Gryl,with their bald black heads and hopping hind-legs.For a cricket is a cricket all the days of his life except while he is an egg.He isn't one thing first and then another afterward,like a caterpillar turning into a butterfly.


All a small cricket has to change to is a larger cricket.So there was not a great deal of difference between Gryl and one of his little sons except size and wings.For a baby cricket is like all other baby insects,who must eat and grow up before they can have any wings.


While he is growing,he must throw off his little black skin when it gets too tight,and from time to time his wing-pads will get bigger.Then,when he changes his skin the last time,there will be wings on his back instead of pads—not wings to fly with,but to fiddle with.


So,long before the bluebird will come to say good-bye to his nest next October,Daddy Gryl's sons will be fiddling near their open doors,merrily,oh merrily,as crickets should.


