首页 理论教育 昆虫的故事:AnnGusti的马戏表演与假死虫


时间:2023-11-21 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:Ann Gusti was chewing a buttercup-leaf.If you did such a thing yourself,I dare say it would make your tongue smart a bit.But Ann Gusti belonged to a family of blister beetles,and a peppery salad tasted very good to her.In fact,she liked it better than any other food.For this reason some people name her Buttercup Beetle.Besides that,she is often called Oil Beetle,because she can drop oil out of her joints.And when she was a baby,just hatched from an egg,she was so funny that people said she was a Tri-un-gu-lin,and every time she changed her clothes somebody gave her a new name.So you see that by the time she was grown up she had plenty of them;but I like Ann Gusti best of all.假死虫安妮正嚼着一片毛茛叶。不过,假死虫安妮是斑蝥家族的成员,对她来说,辣乎乎的色拉味道很不错。所以,可怜的假死虫安妮!


Ann Gusti was chewing a buttercup-leaf.If you did such a thing yourself,I dare say it would make your tongue smart a bit.But Ann Gusti belonged to a family of blister beetles,and a peppery salad tasted very good to her.In fact,she liked it better than any other food.For this reason some people name her Buttercup Beetle.Besides that,she is often called Oil Beetle,because she can drop oil out of her joints.And when she was a baby,just hatched from an egg,she was so funny that people said she was a Tri-un-gu-lin,and every time she changed her clothes somebody gave her a new name.So you see that by the time she was grown up she had plenty of them;but I like Ann Gusti best of all.


Before she climbed up the buttercup-stem she put on the very last dress she was ever going to have,and a pretty one it was,too.It fitted her nicely,for,of course,like all beetle dresses,it grew on her body inside the dress she Wore before;and when it was ready for her to use,she crept out through a rip in the old one;and there she was,all spick-and-span!


It was a lovely dark-blue color,with some broad black stripes that were as shiny as satin.And on the back were two wing-covers that did very well for trimming,though they were not of much use,for there were no wings under them.


No,poor Ann Gusti never had a ride with her own wings in her life.But perhaps we need not be sorry for her,because she had one good ride through the air for all that,one day when she was a baby and her name was Tri-un-gu-lin.As it was one of the most wonderful rides in the world,that was enough to last her a lifetime.

Before she climbed up the buttercup stem she put on her last dress.


This was the way it happened.When Ann Gusti hatched out of an egg,she was hungry.Of course she was.All babies are hungry,or else they wouldn't eat and grow up;and most insect babies can find something to eat very near at hand.


But Ann Gusti couldn't.That was before she learned to eat buttercup-leaves!


In fact,there was only one sort of food in the whole wide world that would agree with her when she was wee and wore her first baby clothes.Now that food was way,way off in a bee's nest,and she didn't know where the nest was.Most babies in a fix like that would have starved to death.

But Ann Gusti didn't!Oh,no!She just climbed up into a flower and waited.



By-and-by a bee came buzzing to the flower,and then,quick as a flash,wee Ann Gusti grabbed hold of the hairs on Mother Bee's leg;and that is how she got her ride and that is how she got her breakfast.For she clung tightly to the hairs,and off she rode wherever Mother Bee went,from pretty flower to pretty flower,and at last right into the bee's nest,where she made herself at home and liked the food and stayed.


If you know a smarter baby than Ann Gusti,or a stranger ride to take before the first breakfast,I hope you'll write a story about it.


So with a ride like that to start life with,it is no wonder that Ann Gusti grew up to be a clown in a circus.


Did you think that a circus had to be under a cloth tent,with tigers and lions in cages,and trained horses and dogs there to do tricks?


Well,Jack and Jane liked that kind,too;but they went to a different sort of circus with Uncle David one day as a special treat,and they both said his kind is the best there is.


The top of the tent was the prettiest blue you can ever see,and at one side there were trees with the earliest ripe apples on them,and at another there was a river with a rocky bank and a great flat stone with a bonfire burning on it;and at a third side there was a meadow;but neither Jack nor Jane could tell what was on the fourth side,because Ann Gusti was playing her funny tricks in the meadow;and so that was as far as they got.


As I said to begin with,Ann Gusti was chewing a buttercup-leaf.She was right in plain sight at first,but the minute the toe of Uncle David's boot hit the buttercup-stem she was gone.Now you know she couldn't fly,because she had no wings under her wing-covers;and if a bee had come along just then it would have done no good,for by this time she was grown up and much,much bigger than a bee;so she couldn't have ridden off that way,either.


After a hunt among the leaves she was found on the ground,lying on one side with her head held so close to her body that her yellow neck did not show.Her little feelers were reaching up,but they were still;and her legs looked limp,and there were oily drops coming out at the joints.


"Oh!"said Jane,"she's dropped down dead!"


That shows how Ann Gusti fooled them!That shows how well she could do her trick!No trained dog could have looked deader if he had practiced a year!


The children lay down on the ground with their chins in their hands,and waited and waited and waited.Just before their necks ached so that they couldn't wait another minute,Ann Gusti wiggled her toes.Then she moved her feelers the least little bit.Then after a while,as everything was quiet,she got up on her feet and climbed the buttercup-stem and went on chewing a leaf as if there was nothing at all the matter with her.And there wasn't.She was just fooling them.That was Ann Gusti's trick.

Ann Gusti wiggled her toes.


"She's a clown!"said Jack.

And that is how it happened that Ann Gusti had a circus on Labor Day before school began,when the friends of Jack and Jane could come.



The children played the woodshed as a tent.Beside the tent door there was a sign made by cutting big letters out of a newspaper and pasting them on card-board to make the words:—












Inside there were three cages for the animals.Ann Gusti was in the middle one,chewing buttercup-leaves.And when Jack touched her and said,"Now,you are a dead beetle,"she would tumble down to the bottom of the cage and play she was dead—every single time.Good Ann Gusti—she knew her trick and did it,just as her mother and father and all the Gusti family had done as far back as any one can remember!They were all clowns,those Gustis.


The minute they hatched out of their eggs they were ready for their bee-riding trick;and then late in life,when they wore wing-covers that didn't cover any wings,they played they were dead before they were.In fact they had all saved their lives many a time by playing they were dead.


The thinnest living skeleton

So,being used to this trick,Ann Gusti could do it just as well with everybody watching her as she could out in the field when some bird or little animal came too near.


In the cage to the right of Ann Gusti was the"Thinnest Living Skeleton,"whose body looked like one little twig and her six thin legs like six others.She was a sort of distant cousin to Carol and Gryl,but you would never think it to look at her.They both had large thick strong jumping hind-legs to hop with,and if the"skeleton"had ever tried to hop,it would have made anybody laugh to see her.But I don't think she ever tried.


As she had no wings or wing-covers whatever,she couldn't fly like Carol and she couldn't fiddle like Gryl.


In fact,there wasn't much she could do but look like a twig.But she did that perfectly!If a person can do just one thing very well indeed,she gets along pretty well in this world.The"skeleton"had always been in a little oak tree before she came to the circus;and if you had tried to see her there,you would have found out that she could hide herself in plain sight on an oak-branch as well as Carol could hide herself in plain sight on the sand.Maybe that's how she came to look so like a twig that people call her a"walkingstick."


In the cage to the left of Ann Gusti was a beetle who had a queer spring on the under side of his body;and whenever he found himself on his back,he had the funniest way of getting on his feet you ever thought of.He would jerk his spring with a"click"sound,and that would throw him way up in the air,and then he would come down right-side up.If he didn't do it the first time trying,he would keep on clicking and jumping until he did.

So altogether Ann Gusti's side-show pleased the children and did the little animals no harm.


A beetle who had a queer spring


By the next day,though,she became tired of her cage and tried her best to get out.She climbed up to the top and clung with her six little feet at the crack,and pushed and poked and bumped with her head,trying to find a place where she could squeeze through.If Jack lifted the top,she would stop just where she was as if frightened,and keep still without moving a feeler or toe.When the cover was put down,she would wait a long time,and then begin all over again,creeping round and round and round the top of the cage,clinging at the crack with her feet,and pushing,pushing,pushing,with her hard little head.


That made both Jack and Jane so sorry for her that they gave her back to Uncle David,who took her home to her own wide meadow.And the last that was ever known of Ann Gusti,she had the great big beautiful sky for a circus-tent,and the little clown was chewing a buttercup-leaf whenever she felt hungry.


