首页 理论教育 昆虫的故事:Carol蚱蜢的喜悦


时间:2023-11-21 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:Her real name was Carolina Grasshopper,but we will call her Carol for short.Carol was sitting in the sandy path,so near the road that,when any one passed,she had to move out of the way.This did not matter at all,for one place in the sand was as good as another to Carol.她的真名是蚱蜢卡罗琳娜,但是,为了简便,我们叫她欢欢。欢欢正坐在一条沙土小路上。不过,欢欢一点儿也不介意,对她来说,只要是在沙地上,哪里都一样。可是,欢欢连帽子都没戴。欢欢完全可以离开滚烫的沙地,去小溪里蹚水乘凉呀。


Her real name was Carolina Grasshopper,but we will call her Carol for short.

Carol was sitting in the sandy path,so near the road that,when any one passed,she had to move out of the way.This did not matter at all,for one place in the sand was as good as another to Carol.



It was noon-time of the hottest day of the summer,and the sun shone down on her back and head,and the sand she was sitting on was almost hot enough to hurt your hand.It was the sort of day,in fact,when a person,if he does not put a damp cloth under his hat,is likely to have a sunstroke.

But Carol did not even have a hat on.



As for leaving that hot sand and having a nice cool wade in the little brook that sang"Bip-po bap-po"down through the shady woods to the river not far away—why Carol would never have done such a thing in the world!Had her mother not sat in the sand by the side of the road one year ago;and had not her two grand-mothers done the same thing two years ago?And had her father and her two grandfathers ever found any better place than sand in the sun on a hot summer day?What was good enough for them was good enough for her.

It was noontide of the hottest day of the summer.


So there she sat,looking about the color of a tiny heap of sand,just as her mother and grandmother and great-grandmother and great-great-grandmother,and all the rest as far back as you can count,had sat and looked before her.You might say it was a habit of her family.


Now Carol had two little fans,tucked down,one on each side of her.They were pretty when they were spread out—dull soft black,with yellow borders.


I once knew a girl who made one the same size out of black and yellow tissue-paper for her Doll Jane,and it was as cunning a fan as you could wish to see at a doll party.


But Carol was not at a party,and she was not using her fans.She had them all folded neatly under their brown covers,which kept them from getting worn and torn.She never once fanned herself with either of them!


Now Carol had two little fans.

With these thin black-and-yellow dainty things tucked out of sight beneath the tough covers that made a sort of roof over her back,there was nothing to show where Carol sat.A little sand-colored grasshopper sitting on the sand—that was all.


Why,you could have stepped on her easily and never have known it!That is,you could,if she had not seen you coming;for Carol's eyes were very quick to see anything that moved toward her.If things stood still like trees,she did not bother about them,for nothing could catch her unless it came nearer and nearer and nearer.But if old Rover pattered down the road,or a bird flew close overhead and made a shadow,or a child ran by,then quick as a flash Carol would lift her fan-covers out of the way and spread her fans like little sails and fly off with them.For her black-andyellow fans were wings!


And when you saw her fly away,perhaps you thought she was a butterfly.Maybe you thought she was a butterfly like Van,with dark wings and yellow borders.Maybe you were the little girl or boy who chased after her along the road,and looked right at her and didn't see her at all;for you were trying to find something with black-and-yellow wings,and Carol was just a sand-colored grasshopper sitting in the sand.


Well,if it was not you,it was some other girl and boy;and Carol led them half a mile along the roadside,fooling them time after time by showing them her broad wings in flight and then quickly hiding them under their covers,when she stopped to rest.And byand-by the children grew so tired that they went off into the woods and found the brook,and waded there until they were cool.


On and on flew Carol,a little way at a time,now this way and now that,as dogs and children and horses and men sometimes came up the road and sometimes down.And once Carol was scared into the woods by a funny old cow with a crumpled horn,and the first thing she knew,she was sitting on some pretty leaves on the cool damp ground.But her brown sand-colored body showed very plainly on the green,and she didn't like the shady woods,and when she started for the roadside,she bumped up against some bent grass-stems and fell down.Then she tried jumping out,for—two of her legs were big and strong for hopping;but she kept blundering against stems that were in the way.At last,she crept along more slowly without trying to fly or jump,and so got back to the roadside,where,although many things passed by,none could see her in the sand;and where,although she had often to hop and fly,there were no grass-stems above her to get tangled in.(www.xing528.com)

Perhaps you thought she was a butterfly.


But you mustn't laugh too much at little Carol,baking herself in the sunshine.If you had spent the winter where she did,perhaps it would take you all summer to get warm,too.


For Carol's mother—just think of it!—poked every egg she had down as far as she could reach into the ground,and poured over them a sort of froth that hardened about them.Carol herself was the very last egg her mother pushed down,so that she was on top of her brother and sister eggs,which lay under her in slanting rows.But even if she was on top,she had to stay there all winter long,and the ground froze as solid as a cake of ice,and part of the time the weather was colder than zero;and though the snow lay over her like a thick blanket,it was a cold bed for all that,and it is no wonder that Carol didn't hatch for months and months.


When she did,poor little baby,she was buried alive under ground,and had a hard time of it pushing and pushing and pushing up;for she was the top of the brood and had to open up the way for her brothers and sisters as well as for herself.


But the world she found when she crept out of that hole was worth working to get into,for it was spring-time and the sun shone and there were some warm stones near by;and so Baby Carol hopped about and ate whatever she wanted,and was,so far as anyone could see,quite happy.


All that,of course,was long before she could fly;for a grasshopper never has any wings until she is grown up,though every time she moults her brown skin,the little pads,that will some day be fans and fancovers,grow bigger and bigger.

Yes,that was all many weeks ago,and Carol was now grown up and old enough to have a mate.



So we must not be surprised to see Carl Grasshopper talking pleasantly with her one day when they met on a large rocky place in the sun.But you may be surprised to know where he kept his voice,for though Carl had a throat and a mouth and lips,he used them to eat with and never spoke a word through them in his life.No,when Carl talked to Carol he did it by rubbing his great hind-legs against his sides;and this seemed to her the most natural way in all the world to be spoken to,for it was the way her father had talked to her mother.It was a gentle scraping sort of sound,and you would have to be near to notice it.But Carol was sitting on the same stone,and her ears,which she kept in as queer a place as Carl did his voice,could no doubt hear him very well.


Carl could sing,too,and his song was louder than his talking,and he had such a pretty way of doing it,that poets,who love pretty things,have sometimes sung about Carl's song in their verses.That makes a sort of double song,doesn't it?


When Carl wanted to sing,he would spring into the air about three feet,and hover almost in one place,with his wings spread and fluttering so fast that they made a clacking sound where the edge of the fans clicked against the edge of the covers.


And if poets have liked his song,is it strange if Carol was pleased?


But Carol could not spend all summer listening to music.She must hurry and get her eggs all buried before cold weather came.Carl did not help his mate dig a single hole;but you must not blame him for this,for his father had never dug a hole nor his grandfather nor his great grandfather nor his great-great-grandfather,nor any father as far back as you can count.So you see it was not the fashion in Carl's family to dig holes for their mates to lay their eggs in.


And,after all,Carol had plenty of time to do it herself,and the tip of her body was all fitted up with the nicest little tool for boring into the ground—the four parts of it pushed down just right,and I think she really liked to use this little boring tool.And of course she really liked to put her precious eggs there in slanting rows in the soft froth that soon hardened about them,keeping them clean and safe all winter.


So her own queer little nest was left in the earth just as her mother's had been—that good old Earth that takes care of what is planted in her,—the same good old Earth to whom we owe,in many ways,our own life,just as surely as Carol's babies owe theirs to her:even those of us who are far from her,in a city flat way up in the air,instead of down by the country roadside,like a grasshopper in the sun.


