首页 理论教育 萤火虫小亮亮的国庆节:昆虫的故事


时间:2023-11-21 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:No one had ever given Lampy so much as a penny.He had never earned any money.He had never found any.Here it was the Fourth o'July,and he couldn't buy even one fire-cracker!Not any of his little gang of Will-o'-the-Wisps had fire-crackers either,so you might think that they were going to have a dull time of it that night.谁也没给过小亮亮钱,一分钱都没给过。Lampy could not miss the night.Not that he listened to Gryl's music,or smelled the evening primrose,or watched the beautiful Luna,or even looked at the sky!But the night was good to him even without these joys.He was a part of it,and,besides,the whole gang of Will-o'-the-Wisps would be out for a Fourth-o'-July dance.噢,不!小亮亮可不能错过美妙的夜晚!


No one had ever given Lampy so much as a penny.He had never earned any money.He had never found any.Here it was the Fourth o'July,and he couldn't buy even one fire-cracker!Not any of his little gang of Will-o'-the-Wisps had fire-crackers either,so you might think that they were going to have a dull time of it that night.


For the Will-o'-the-Wisps had a habit,during the summer,of meeting every evening about the time the stars came out,and having a frolic together.They never did any harm in the world.If the policeman saw them darting about after the curfew rang,he just smiled and never thought of such a thing as sending them to bed.


Why,indeed,should Lampy go to bed by night?He rested all day,like a little owl.Of course it is all right for some folk to sleep while it is dark.Van and Poly and Jack and Nata and Carol are awake all day,and so they need to rest at night.They are made that way,just as chickadees and robins are.Some flowers are like that,too,and shut up their pretty eyes as soon as it grows dark.


But Lampy!My,no!Miss the night-time?Sleep while the Big Dipper in the sky whirled slowly around the steady North Star?Doze while the evening primrose opened its lovely yellow cups of nectar and filled the air with sweet smells?Nap while the new moon sailed the skies like a little boat?


Why,even the bat,the cunning flying mouse,came out to enjoy the night air.Gryl was fiddling merrily in the fields.Luna was floating,like a fairy robed in white and green,through the woodland.


Oh,no!Lampy could not miss the night.Not that he listened to Gryl's music,or smelled the evening primrose,or watched the beautiful Luna,or even looked at the sky!But the night was good to him even without these joys.He was a part of it,and,besides,the whole gang of Will-o'-the-Wisps would be out for a Fourth-o'-July dance.


Oho!Here was Lampy.

And the dance,just think of it,the dance was going to be in the air!

A Fourth-o'-July dance without fireworks,though—dearie,dearie,me!



Oho!Here was Lampy!He had crept out of bed at dusk,had lifted his upper wings,which covered the ones he used for flying,had shaken the wrinkles out of his thin under ones,and here he was,ready for the dance.And here was Jack-o'-Lantern,and here was Wah-wah-taysee,and here were Tinker Bell and Star-Light and Eye-Bright and Ray and Beam and Flash and Gleam-here were,indeed,the whole gang of Will-o'-the-Wisps!And every one of them carried a candle.


Over the marsh the mist is white,

The owl is calling through the night;

While,like a flock of dancing stars,

The Will-o'-the-Wisps are taking flight.





It was a dance to be happy about,for there was a time when none of these Will-o'-the-Wisps had any wings;and,as their six little tiptoes were not made for dancing,they had kept very close to the ground.So close,indeed,that they had lived right in it all the while they were growing up.


No,Lampy had not always been flying through the air at night and resting wherever he happened to be by day.He had stayed where his mother had put him.


His mother,whose name was Firefly,wore over her head something that looked like a flat red-andblack hat,and her eyes were hidden under the broad yellow brim.She had a candle very much like Lampy's,only not quite the same in shape;and her wings were dark,with a light yellow edge all round.Like Lampy,she had rested by day,and had flown with her kind at night.


Her candle,it is thought,was a signal to other firefly beetles to come and join the dance,for they flew in large flocks near the swamps and over the low meadows.Her bright light did not give a steady glow like the North Star,but flashed and then went out and flashed again;as you can make a little pocket-light do by pressing it.So she could give"wig-wag"signals to her friends;and,as it was night,of course a flashing candle was better than a flag.


It is thought,too,that her candle was a warning to the night birds.It showed them just where she was,and they needn't swallow her up if they didn't like the taste of fireflies;just as Poly's bright dress showed the day folk where she was,so that they need not meet her unless they wished to.


Well,Firefly did not spend all the time in dancing at night and in resting when it was day.She had some eggs to take care of,and no matter how they may have looked to others,they were as good as gold to her.

She buried her treasure—Lampy and the other little eggs.So their cradles were right in the dirt.



That was a handy place to be in,as Lampy found when he hatched and crept out of the egg,for he was born a hunter,and had to catch every bit of his own food.


Underground there were as many little things that Lampy liked to eat as there are on top of the ground for Biddy and her chicks,when they go hunting,or in the air for Nata,when she is grown up and flies about,or in the water for her,when she is a nymph and hides at the bottom of the pond.


Like a flock of dancing stars the Will-o'-the-Wisps are taking flight.

Food enough in the world for everybody,if everybody goes about getting it in the right way;and the right way for Lampy was hunting in the ground!


So he dug little holes wherever he went,and made little caves and crept through them,and hunted and hunted and hunted all the time he was growing up.There,too,underground in his own dark hole,he changed his clothes when they felt too tight.


He was a queer-looking little thing,with a small head,and then a lot of joints for the rest of his body that were very much alike,except that the tail one had a little tool on it,and the three nearest his head had each a pair of short legs.


But one day he stopped looking like that.This was after he slipped out of his last suit of jointed clothes and went to sleep as soon as they were off.For little Lampy had grown to the time when he was to hunt no more through holes in the ground.He was going to sleep,and then he was going to waken and have wings to fly with and a candle to flash in the night-air.Think of that!


So he slept in the earth,and his bed under him was good clean dirt,and his blanket over him was good clean dirt,too.

Then,when it was the right time in the summer,he climbed up out of the ground.And that evening he flew over the low meadow to the marsh.There he found Jack-o'-Lantern and Wah-wah-taysee and Tinker Bell and Star-Light and Eye-Bright and Ray and Beam and Flash and Gleam.



They all danced in the air with their wings;and their candles,twinkling in the dark,were more beautiful than any other lights that could be seen—except the stars.


Oh,is it,then,a fairy sprite,

That frolics with the elves at night?

The Will-o'-the-Wisps,on dancing wings,

But wake the dark with their delight.





Way,way off over the city,the sky-rockets and other fireworks showed where a crowd of men were having their Fourth o'July,too;but,do you know,with all their money,they had not been able to buy anything so lovely as the dance of the Will-o'-the-Wisps over the marsh!


For Lampy's candle was a secret,and no man has ever been able to make one like it.Not in this country or way over on the other side of the world in China,or anywhere,has any man ever made a candle such as Lampy and the other Willo'-the-Wisps carried that night as they danced in the air above the marsh.


The most wonderful thing about it was that it was a cool light.You know that you cannot put your hand into the flame in the fireplace without getting burned.The rays of the sun are warm even when they have come many miles to us.You know that the light from kerosene or alcohol is hot enough to cook your dinner with,if there is an oven over it.


And every one of them carried a candle.

But Lampy's candle was pure light,with no heat.It was ten times as good a light as electricity makes,and fifty times as good as gas;and it was so cool that it did not burn his wings when they were folded right over it.It did not even make the end of his body,where he carried it,one bit warmer than his head.


Think of a light like that for a hot summer night!Think of Lampy,without a penny in the bank,owning a candle such as the richest man in the world cannot buy!Think of having a secret that the wisest man never has guessed!


Mind,I do not say that no one ever will find out the secret of Lampy's candle.Maybe you will yourself,when you are grown up.Who knows?Just because no man or woman ever has,there is no reason to say that no one ever can.


If you ever do learn how to make a pure light that is not hot or even warm,what will you do with it?Will you keep your secret all your days?Will you sell it and be very rich?Will you give it to poor people in hot cities,that they may have a light that is cool?Will you give it to the sick,who should not have a warm light near their heads while they read?Or will you take it as Lampy did,and dance in the night with your friends,making the dark earth beautiful with your candles as the dark sky is beautiful with stars?And will you sing as you go:—


"The flowers of dusk are gleaming bright,

And give their sweetness to the night;

While day-folk sleep the dark away,

We dance by pretty candle-light!"





