首页 理论教育 蹦蹦跳跳的角蝉杰克:昆虫的故事


时间:2023-11-21 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:You would never have thought,to see Jack,that he could jump.He looked as if he had grown on the bitter-sweet vine.He looked like a thorn that would stay there even in winter,like the bright red berries.看到杰克,你绝对想不到他会跳。For Jack can fly,and so can Jill,his little mate;but they will both come back again to drink the sap of the bitter-sweet vine.杰克会飞了,他的小伙伴吉尔自然也会了。Jack and Jill 杰克和吉尔Do you think Jack and Jill look like little birds?But there were some others just like them on bitter-sweet then.你觉得杰克和吉尔长得像小鸟?可别以为杰克和吉尔已经七十岁了。


You would never have thought,to see Jack,that he could jump.He looked as if he had grown on the bitter-sweet vine.He looked like a thorn that would stay there even in winter,like the bright red berries.


When you stop to think about it you remember that a bitter-sweet vine does not have thorns.

But when you stopped to think about it,you would remember that a bitter-sweet vine does not have thorns—not real ones.Then you would point your finger at Jack and say,"You can't fool me,sir!You are not a thorn";and before you got through telling him that,Jack would be gone.


He wouldn't jump,though.Not that time!He would just slip around to the other side of the branch,where you could not see him,and sit there looking as if he had not moved,and as if that were the place he had always grown in.So you would play hide-andseek with him for a long time:Jack would hide and you would seek.


But if Jack is touched too hard,then he is nimble and he is quick and he will jump off with a snap and spread his four wings and fly a little way.


For Jack can fly,and so can Jill,his little mate;but they will both come back again to drink the sap of the bitter-sweet vine.


There they sit now,with their sharp slender beaks stuck right down through the bark,and drawing the juice up through the hollow tube,as you suck lemonade through a straw.They find it pleasant to sit there all the summer day and sip the juice of the vine.


Jack and Jill

Do you think Jack and Jill look like little birds?Well,that is just what a man who watched them nearly seventy years ago thought,too.Not that Jack and Jill are seventy years old.Oh my,no!But there were some others just like them on bitter-sweet then.


Our own little Jack and Jill hatched out of their eggs in May.They had stayed in their nests all winter without hatching.Just think of it!It didn't hurt them one bit.I don't know why;but it didn't.The nests they lived in while they were eggs were holes their mothers cut in the stem of the vine and tucked full of eggs,in little rows.Jack had twelve brother-and sistereggs in the nest with him,and Jill had even more.


Jack was the last egg his mother put through the hole in the bark into the nest.When he was safely poked down at the end of the row,she covered the hole with something that looked like the nice sticky frosting that is dripped from a spoon to the top of a cake.It wasn't sweet,so it couldn't have been frosting;but that is the way it looked,and it was in a wavy heap almost as big as Jack's mother.


Now wasn't that a good way of tucking her eggs in—to plaster them down with a sticky white blanket?Jill's mother made her nest just the same way.So there they were,snug as could be,little Jack and Jill and all their brother-and sister-eggs.


Think of the things that were to happen before they could hatch!Ann Gusti was still playing her clown tricks in the meadow,with the big blue sky for a tent,several weeks after Jack and Jill were tucked into their beds.Gryl sat before his open door,and fiddled a happy lullaby of"Cri-cri-cri."Luna,brown as a nut,lay on the ground in her own silk bedroom,fast asleep,too.


Cold weather came,when the ice did not melt even in the daytime and when the chilly earth was wrapped in a deep blanket of snow,as white as the cover Jack's mother had put over him and much thicker.


There were a few days in January when the snow thawed,and Van wakened in the hollow tree,and came out,and flew about the sunny places in the lane,and drank at the edge of a little pool.


Candlemas Day came,and Old Bumble was so sound asleep she never even buzzed.


And all this time Jack slept under his blanket,that was wrapped so closely to the twig that the snow could not sift in,and stuck down so tightly that the wind could not lift the corners.

Even when the willow pussies crept out along the twigs to warm their fur in the March sun—even then Jack was asleep.



Some pretty blue lilies blossomed for Easter Day,but Jack was still a tiny Easter egg himself,and it was not yet time for him to hatch.


And then at last May came and woke him.How did she call him when he had slept so long and so soundly?Perhaps with her sunshine,which brooded the nest of eggs in the bittersweet vine with its warmth,as a mother hen broods over her nest of eggs in the hay with her cozy feathers.


And here he was—a feeble baby,so wee you would need a magnifying glass to see him with!What was he to do with that heavy blanket over him?If his mother had stuck it down so tightly that even the strong north wind could not move it,how was Jack to get out of bed?Poor little Jack with his twelve brothers and sisters!Whatever were they to do?


Well,here he comes,like a tiny Jack-in-a-box,poking his head right up through the white blanket.He does not try to lift it;he just sticks up his yellow head and red eyes,and pushes himself out of bed.


Of course Jack is thirsty,and of course a baby who can get out of his nest all by himself the first day can feed himself,too.So out he creeps to the tender leaf,and digs his little beak down into it,and takes his first drink of sap.


He likes it!Oh my!my!how he likes it!He likes it so well that for seven whole days he hardly stops drinking.(www.xing528.com)


By that time his first baby clothes are so tight that he can not swallow another drop.What is the greedy youngster to do about that?His clothes are grown on him,too!Think of it!


Never mind.Baby Jack is so strong now,after taking a drink that is seven days long,that all he has to do is to stretch himself;and this rips his clothes in a little seam near the back of his head and tears his baby cap.Now he can pull his head out of the old cap and then get out of his first baby clothes through the torn place.


His first dress had long hairs on it,but his second one,which grew on him under the old one,does not have these hairs.Instead,it has six lumps in a row on the middle of his back.You would think that the second dress,growing under the first one,would be even smaller and tighter.


But as it stretches as Jack grows,he can take another long drink before his second dress is stretched as big as it can be.So he puts down his beak again and drinks for six more days.Then he needs a third dress,which he gets in just the same way as before—he creeps out through a torn place at the back.

Jack's foreign cousins


This time he still has the six lumps in a row in the middle of his back,and,besides,a hump has begun to grow at the back of his head.While he looks like that,he takes his third drink of bitter-sweet sap,and this lasts about six days,too.


After that he gets his fourth suit of clothes—much like the third one,lumps and all;only the hump on his shoulders is bigger,and there are two little flaps below on each side.These clothes keep on stretching for two whole weeks,so that Jack has a chance to drink for fourteen days without stopping for his next dress.


But dear,dear!When he creeps out of his fourth dress,what a hump he does have!It has grown way up over his head.Yes,Jack is a hump-back,and all the doctors in the world can not cure him.And the two flaps on each side are much,much bigger.


Well,never mind!The six lumps down the middle of his back and the hump on his shoulders and the flaps on his sides do not bother him a bit.He is as healthy and as thirsty as ever.By this time he is strong enough to dig his beak right down into the stem of the vine,where the sap is running freely.All his clothes are pale at first,but grow darker as they get older,when they are gray or brown,and trimmed with red and sometimes with a little white.


Jack sits and sips and grows in his fifth dress just as he did in all the other four;and at last this one becomes too tight just as the others did,one after another.That does no harm,for he can still have one more suit of clothes.So when these get too tight,he stretches and stretches inside of them,until they rip open and he can crawl out.


When he is all out and has rested a bit,he puts his beak down into the bitter-sweet vine and goes on drinking as if nothing much had happened.


Why Jack,don't you know that a wonderful change has come to you?Don't you know that the hump on your shoulders is so big that it makes you almost twice as tall as you would be without it?Don't you know that four of your legs now look something like tiny leaves?Don't you know that your two hind legs are longer than they were before,and that you can jump?Oh,how nimble and quick you can be when you jump!And don't you know,you funny Jack,oh,don't you know that the flaps on your sides have changed into wings and that you can fly away and back again?Don't you know—don't you even know that you are no longer a growing baby but a grown-up treehopper?

No matter how much you may drink now,you cannot be any bigger,for this is the last suit of clothes you can ever have—the very,very last!



How much of all this do you suppose the queer little chap really understands,as he sits on the vine looking like a thorn?Well,just as much as Jill knows,who hatched on a May day,too,and grew up in the very same way,humped back and all.

But while Jack can only sit and sip and jump and fly and play hide-and-seek with you as the summer days go by,Jill finds something else to do before the weather gets cold.



Jill has a neat little tool at the end of her body,and it would be a pity not to use it.For one thing,it is a cunning knife,and with it she cuts a hole in the twig and digs out a nest for her eggs.For another thing,it is a sort of bubble-blower,and with it she stirs up her foam that looks like frosting.And last,it is a little spoon that she uses to drip the pretty white sticky stuff down over the nest of eggs.Slowly,back and forth and down under and up over,she moves her spoon,standing all the time on tiptoe to make the wavy rows of foam so very,very carefully.


For this is the foam that stiffens into a blanket to cover her eggs;and as she can not stay on the cold twig to take care of them through the winter days that will be coming,she must do what she can to make the blanket just right.


This is the foam that stiffens into a blanket to cover her eggs.

She makes a good one,little Jill does:one so like the one that her mother put over her and the one that Jack's mother put over him when they were eggs in a nest,themselves,that you could not tell which of the three was the best.


So there they will stay,tucked in snug and safe.Jack Frost will be about when the cold nights come,but he will not harm them.North Wind will whistle through the bittersweet vine and shake the red berries,but he can not lift the blanket Jill stuck down.And many other strange and wonderful things will happen during the days of fall and winter and early spring.


But,after all,nothing will be stranger and more wonderful than when May calls Jill's babies,and each little yellow head with bright red eyes comes popping up through the white fluff like a Jack-in-a-box.

A May day is a pleasant time,when things like that are happening out on the bitter-sweet vine!



