首页 理论教育 昆虫的故事:OldBumble黄蜂老奔奔


时间:2023-11-21 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:Candlemas Day was bright and fair.Perhaps the ground-hog came out of his hole and was scared by his shadow and went back to bed again.I do not know.But I know Old Bumble didn't come out of her hole that day.Her legs were all cramped up with the cold,and even her pretty black and yellow fur couldn't keep her warm.圣烛节那天风和日丽。(Christmas是圣诞节,这里的Candlemas由candle与mas和二为一,表示蜜蜂世界里的节日,也是指12月25日。可是,我知道那天老奔奔没有出洞。土拨鼠并没有这么做,所以,老奔奔还在那里睡着。Old Bumble's long nap. 老奔奔睡了个长长的午觉。She not only slept through Candlemas Day,but St.Valentine's Day came,with its pretty shower of cards and letters,and she didn't wake up then.George Washington's birthday found her sleeping still;and she di


Candlemas Day was bright and fair.

Perhaps the ground-hog came out of his hole and was scared by his shadow and went back to bed again.I do not know.

But I know Old Bumble didn't come out of her hole that day.Her legs were all cramped up with the cold,and even her pretty black and yellow fur couldn't keep her warm.




You see,she had chosen to make her winter bedroom in a little cave on the north side of a dry bank,and the sunshine did not touch it.This did very well last August when she went to bed.If she had been in a sunny place then,it might have been too hot for her.It didn't take much to disturb her when she first went to sleep.If anything had got into her bedroom then and touched her,she would have shaken herself and gone away and found or made a new place.In August she was what is called"a very light sleeper"and couldn't bear to be touched.


In winter she was different.If the ground-hog had pawed her cave open and rolled her out of bed on Candlemas Day,she would not have known anything about it!


He didn't,so there she slept,though she had been napping for six months already and would very likely keep at it for two or three more.Isn't that pretty lazy for a bee?


Old Bumble's long nap.

She had not done one bit of work before she went to bed either—that is,nothing except to straighten out her bedroom a little;and as that was hardly more than a hole in the ground,the process did not take her long.She had not even hunted for her own dinner,which was to last her all winter.She helped herself to some fresh honey that her older sisters had put into a honeymug,and drank enough to fill her honey-sack,and then went off and crept into bed.Pretty lazy for a bee,wasn't she?


She not only slept through Candlemas Day,but St.Valentine's Day came,with its pretty shower of cards and letters,and she didn't wake up then.George Washington's birthday found her sleeping still;and she didn't even dream while people were putting green ribbons in their buttonholes on St.Patrick's Day.


It was not,I think,until April that she first roused herself and poked her sleepy head out of doors.Perhaps she was a little April Fool,for there was not much that she could do so early in the spring.


Maybe,though,she could find something to drink,to make her feel better after her nap of many months.Yes,the cool wind brought her a sweet smell from the trailing arbutus,the loveliest blossom that grows in the spring.For Old Bumble lived in a land where people had not yet robbed the woods of this dear flower,which used to be very common in the days of your grandfathers,and is getting to be so rare that,unless you and the rest of us are careful,there will not be any left at all for your grandchildren to see.


Well,Old Bumble found a few of the very earliest pink sprays in the sunny places,and she sang a happy humming song as she sipped at the tiny sweet cups.


She did not stay up very long that day,for the sun soon went under a cloud and she felt like going to bed again.Then for a week or so it rained,so she took a nap until the weather was fine.After that,she got up and sipped from the different spring flowers as they blossomed,but still slept through the colder days.


Did anyone ever tell you that a bee is a busy little thing?

Well,you see how Old Bumble spent the greater part of the year just dozing the time away.But wait and see what she did the rest of her days!



As soon as the weather was warm enough she started out on a hunting trip.She buzzed slowly along near the ground,but this time it wasn't flowers she was after.She was house-hunting.Just bedrooms no longer suited her.She was done with sleeping day after day.What she wanted now was a nursery.She must find a place where she could bring up a family of children.


So here and there,and there and here,she flew,singing her slow hunting song as she went.Now and then she stopped and peeped into a hole,to see if she liked it;and if it was not good enough for her home,she came out and hunted still farther.


At last she found a place that would do nicely for her nursery.It was a home a field-mouse had lived in once upon a time,and a field-mouse has very good taste about underground houses.Any way,Old Bumble liked the same kind.


Of course it needed tidying up a bit after being empty so long.So she went right to housecleaning as if she knew all about it.She had never done such a thing in her life before,but she was not so stupid that she had to be shown how to do everything.She had a way of getting things right the first time she tried.She had saved her strength for many months,and now she was going to use it.


How Bumble's nest looked inside?

Her nursery must be just exactly right!For one thing,it should be dry;and this empty mouse-hole had grown damp.So she worked about in the part she was going to use,and dried it out with the warmth of her body.She found the softest bits the mother mouse had left there,and shook them up with her jaws and piled them in a heap.Right in the very middle of this she hollowed out a little room,which covered her up,top and all,except a hole at one side which she kept for a doorway into her snug little nursery.


Then off she flew to the flowers for yellow pollen,which she gathered and packed into her pollen baskets on her hind legs.She brought back her load and put a lump of this yellow stuff,made moist and sweet with honey,right on the floor of her nursery.Next she brushed some wax off her body and made a little nest of it big enough for a few eggs.


Before night came on,she brushed off some more wax,and this she made into a honey-mug just inside her doorway,and into this she put what honey she had had time to gather.


Old Bumble and a son and daughter bee.

But she must not fly too late,for her eggs must not get cold.If they did,it would take them longer to hatch,and she needed her daughters to help her as soon as could be.She sat on the little wax nest to keep it warm,and left it only long enough to fill her honeymug,so that she could eat from it in the night or on stormy days.For,though she could sleep all winter without eating,she needed food now to give her strength.(www.xing528.com)


In a few days her eggs hatched,and then she was busy as a mother robin feeding her young.They were white little babies without hair or legs,and you never could guess to look at one that it would some day be a black-and-yellow furry bee.You could not take a peep at them,though,as you can at little birds,because their nest had a tight wax cover,and the nest was in the nursery,and the nursery was in a hole,and the hole was in the ground.


Now,how could Old Bumble feed her little ones if she kept them shut up tight in bag of wax?Well,for part of their food they ate up the pollen paste she kept bringing and sticking close against their nest.


But that was n't all they had to eat.Their mother mixed some pollen with honey until it was thin,and then bit a hole in the top of the nest and dropped it from her mouth.Every time she did this,she mended with wax the hole she made,for her babies had to be kept shut up tight.


You can see that,with getting pollen and nectar from the flowers,and making pollen-paste and honey for the children,and brushing wax from her body to use in keeping the nest and honey-mug mended,and storing honey in the honey-mug for nights and stormy days,the mother bee was not so lazy as she seemed at first.We might call her a very busy Old Bumble indeed.A happy one,too,humming her cheerful song as she flew about on her out-door errands.


In eleven or twelve days the little ones stopped eating and each one spun a thin cocoon about herself,for she must still be covered up.This would seem to give their mother a chance to rest.But no!It only meant new duties.She must clean away the wax and pollen from the cocoons,and make new wax nests and lay more eggs.Besides,she must keep the cocoons warm.So she spread her furry body out as big as she could make it stretch,like a mother biddy covering her little ones under her feathers.


After about two weeks,or maybe it was not quite so long,the young bees began to bite holes in the caps of their cocoons,which might make you think of chickens pipping their shells.They had had enough of being shut up.They were now coming out into the world.This time Old Bumble did not try to wax them in.She helped them out.She might well be glad to see her daughters,even though they were queer and feeble little things.Their fur was as wet as a chicken's down when it first comes out of the shell.Their legs were so weak they could hardly toddle over to the honey-mug for their breakfast.After they had eaten,they crept back and cuddled down under their mother,until their fur was dry and fluffy and they felt strong.


Only a few days more,and Old Bumble's daughters were ready to help her.Good,faithful,cheery Old Bumble,her pretty wings had grown tattered and torn with her flying for food.Her fur coat,that was so fresh and fine,was now looking ragged.But the little daughters that snuggled up close to her soon began to do her flying,and she could stay at home and keep house and rest her tired wings.


What was this stir and bustle about the nursery?Why,Hum and Buzz were ready to start out on their first journey.And little Flyaway was going,too.They looked much as their mother did when she left her bedroom,only much,much smaller.As their sisters were not quite ready yet to fly,they stayed at home and helped Hum and Buzz and Flyaway,when they came back,to feed the baby sisters that hatched from the eggs Old Bumble laid while they were spinning their cocoons.

Hum and Buzz were ready to start out on their journey and Flyawaw was going too.


Now that the mother bee did not have to fly out of doors for the food,she laid eggs and eggs and still more eggs,so that the nursery was full of baby sisters of all sizes,from the egg to the cocoon age.As soon as the older ones came out of their cocoons,and had eaten and grown strong,they helped care for the growing babies.If they did not fly off to bring home fresh food,they stayed with their mother to help her with the nursery work.


So the happy,busy Old Bumble and the daughters spent the days,doing together all the hard though pleasant tasks of bringing up a large family of children.Each day seemed much like another,and each new sister that crept out of her cocoon looked like her oldest sisters,only some were larger.Not one was as big as Old Bumble,though.Not one!


Much of their work was flying from flower to flower for nectar to make honey out of,and to gather pollen to take home in the baskets on their legs.And while they were doing this for themselves and their younger sisters,they carried pollen from flower to flower,which helped make the seeds grow.So we can have the big red clovers and many other flowers they visit,so long as we do not destroy the bumblebees.


Time passed in this way until about the first of August.Then something different came to pass in this wonderful home.Some sisters crept out of their cocoons,who were as big as their mother—every bit as big as Old Bumble!And what is more,about the same time,some brother bees crept out of their cocoons:the very first brothers that Buzz and Hum and Flyaway ever had—Old Bumble's very first sons!


These brothers did nothing to help their sisters who had tended them while they were growing up.These sons of the family did nothing to help their mother.But the sisters and their mother could do for themselves and each other,so it made little difference to them what the gay bumblebee lads did if they kept out of the way.And they did this for the most part,having a fine time of it,flying from flower to flower,eating as much as they liked,but taking nothing home for the others.


And those August sisters,those big ones who looked like their mother—what did they,who were strongest of all,do in the home where they had grown up?Well,they sipped at the honey-mugs their smaller,older sisters had filled;and then,when they were strong,they sipped again.Some went to flowers,too;but some went only to the mugs in the nursery.They drank long,until their honey-sacks were filled.They needed food to last a long,long time,as a camel needs water enough to last him during a whole trip across the desert.It was their good-bye feast,and when it was done they went out through the doorway of that wonderful nursery.And they never came back again.



They flew about a little while,and then,when they were ready,they crept into their bedrooms,each one by herself,and fell into their August doze.



Ah me,the lazy things!There was clover yet,and many a sweet flower that needed its pollen carried for it,that it might have seeds.The smaller sisters,not nearly so strong,were still cheerfully at work,though their wings were tattered and torn and their fine fur coats were ragged.And these so fresh and big,with whole wings and new coats,weren't they ashamed to sleep the summer days away?


No,they were not ashamed.It was not for them to tear their wings and spoil their clothes.Not yet!They had nothing to do in the world but to rest and save their strength.That is what their mother did the year before.


So we will not call them lazy any more even if they did sleep so long.They rested while the hot August sun shone over the earth,and kept it all so warm that they did not sleep soundly,but moved now and then,as if they were dozing before a fire and just taking naps.


They rested while the red and yellow leaves fell to the ground like a gay and beautiful shower!They rested while the snow followed after the leaves,and the cold made them numb in their beds.


It was time enough to be up and doing when Spring called again.And shall we hope that when they wakened,brave and beautiful as their mother had been the year before—shall we hope that,when they flew low,humming their happy hunting song,the children of men had left spring flowers enough for the children of Old Bumble?


