首页 理论教育 认识十二只小六脚节足小昆虫


时间:2023-11-21 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:The Hexapods are funny folk who have six feet.That is they have six when they are grown up,though some of the children have none at all,and some have as many as twenty-two.You can tell from this that they are strange people,and you may call them fairies if you like!you can see nothing at all;for she disappears from sight even though she is near enough to touch.Carol wears her wings neatly folded like a fan,except when she is using them.And Gryl,the little black minstrel—oh,Gryl fiddles with his wings.Van was ready to enjoy a New Year's dinner. 蝴蝶帆儿准备享用一顿新年大餐。


The Hexapods are funny folk who have six feet.That is they have six when they are grown up,though some of the children have none at all,and some have as many as twenty-two.You can tell from this that they are strange people,and you may call them fairies if you like!

They have wings,—the grown-up ones do,—wonderful wings of many shapes and colors.Luna's wings are green,—pale,pale green,—and very lovely,with a purple border on them.Perhaps there is nothing more beautiful in the world than Luna's wings.When Van flies,you can see the yellow edge of her brown wings;and when she alights—hesto!presto!you can see nothing at all;for she disappears from sight even though she is near enough to touch.Carol wears her wings neatly folded like a fan,except when she is using them.And Gryl,the little black minstrel—oh,Gryl fiddles with his wings.

Van was ready to enjoy a New Year's dinner.

They do queer things that we could not do if we tried.Old Bumble sleeps for more than half a year,and then wakes,thinking nothing of it at all,as if that were the most natural way to take a nap.Keti starts to build himself a log cabin before he is a day old;and finishes it,too,in time,with no one to show him how.And Cecid bewitches the willow with a magic no one else can learn.

Yes,you may call the Hexapods fairies,if you like;but you must never,never forget that they are every bit as real and true as you are,even if they are so very different.

They are not far away,not farther than the flowers or the trees or the nearest brook.And there are so many millions of them that every child in the world might have some for pets and they would never be missed.

And let me tell you this,for this is very important:although Hexapods are common and easy to find,there is not one among them all that does not have a story about his life so strange and interesting that he is worth watching just to find out what his story is.

Are you pleased to know that,whether you are in the country or in the city,and whether it is summer or winter,you are living right in the midst of Hexapod Land,where you have these most wonderful fairies for next-door neighbors?

EDITH M.PATCH(www.xing528.com)









