首页 理论教育 红交嘴雀:奇妙的鸟类


时间:2023-11-20 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:雀形目,燕雀科体长:15~17厘米;体重:28~48克一种广泛分布于全世界的鸟类,有许多亚种,在都江堰生活的是青藏亚种。红交嘴雀只吃种仁,算得上是个美食家。如果那年松杉结果多,红交嘴雀会产5~6枚卵,如果欠收就只产2~3枚卵,甚至不产卵。Loxia curvirostra is a widely distributed species with light-colored plumage and small build.It occurs and nests in pine trees and cedars at an altitude of 3 to 4.5 kilometers,laying a clutch of 2 to 6 eggs each time.Loxia curvirostra is characterized by the mandible crossing at the tip,which gives rise to its English name as crossbill and helps with husking pine nuts.




一种广泛分布于全世界的鸟类,有许多亚种,在都江堰生活的是青藏亚种。其体色暗,个头也小。夏天它们在海拔3 000~4 500米地区的松杉上活动,将落叶松冷杉的球果啄开,踩在球果上取食。红交嘴雀只吃种仁,算得上是个美食家。上下错开的嘴,是剥食各种松子的专用工具,可以灵巧夹开种壳。它们的巢筑在高大松、杉的侧枝上。如果那年松杉结果多,红交嘴雀会产5~6枚卵,如果欠收就只产2~3枚卵,甚至不产卵。刚孵出的小鸟,嘴是正常的,等离巢需要自己取食时,嘴部上下就交错开了。(www.xing528.com)

Loxia curvirostra is a widely distributed species with light-colored plumage and small build.It occurs and nests in pine trees and cedars at an altitude of 3 to 4.5 kilometers,laying a clutch of 2 to 6 eggs each time.Loxia curvirostra is characterized by the mandible crossing at the tip,which gives rise to its English name as crossbill and helps with husking pine nuts.

