首页 理论教育 暗绿绣眼鸟Zosteropsjaponicus:奇妙的鸟类


更新时间:2025-01-19 工作计划 版权反馈
【摘要】:雀形目,绣眼鸟科体长:约10厘米;体重:8~12克俗称“粉燕”。Zosterops japonicus has a small population but is widely distributed in cool forests breeding at an altitude of about 1 kilometer in summer.It can also be found in winter flocking in small groups in plains.This lively species feeds mainly on such plant food as nectar and seeds,but it also has insects for food while reproducing.知识链接戴菊科Regulidae本科鸟类全国只有2种,一种为戴菊,另一种是台湾戴菊。台湾戴菊羽冠较大,前段橙红,外形较美。The family Regulidae includes only two species in China,Regulus regulus and Regulus goodfellowi.The latter is beautiful and has bigger crest with the forepart being orangeyellow.



俗称“粉燕”。它们数量不多,分布广,夏天多在海拔1 000多米的凉爽林地中育雏,冬天会集群到平原地区活动。它们活泼可爱,非繁殖期时常结成小群在灌丛与杂草间活动,主食花蜜、草籽等植物性食物,繁殖期则主食昆虫。

Zosterops japonicus has a small population but is widely distributed in cool forests breeding at an altitude of about 1 kilometer in summer.It can also be found in winter flocking in small groups in plains.This lively species feeds mainly on such plant food as nectar and seeds,but it also has insects for food while reproducing.




The family Regulidae includes only two species in China,Regulus regulus and Regulus goodfellowi.The latter is beautiful and has bigger crest with the forepart being orangeyellow.

