【摘要】:它们体型较大,通身主要呈烟褐色,这就使得其颈后的大片白色斑块十分醒目,如同围在颈部的白领。Yuhina diademata is marked by a large white patch behind its neck,which looks like a white collar.This species mainly has fruits and seeds as its food,but insects are also included into its diet.知识链接鸦雀科Paradoxornithidae此科鸟类我国有20种。它们多为小型鸟类,嘴短而粗厚,尾长且多呈凸状,鸣声低弱。均为杂食性鸟类,既吃昆虫,也吃植物的果实和种子。Paradoxornithidae includes 20 species which have short and thick bills.These small and long-tailed birds sing at a low voice and feed not only on insects but on fruits and seeds.
栖息在海拔1 500~3 000米的森林中。它们体型较大,通身主要呈烟褐色,这就使得其颈后的大片白色斑块十分醒目,如同围在颈部的白领。同其他凤鹛类鸟儿一样,其头顶蓬松的羽冠在兴奋时会立起来形成一个小凤头。除繁殖期外多成对或结小群活动,嘈嘈杂杂,十分热闹。它们不挑食,昆虫和植物果实、种子都吃,但更喜植物,是消费食用浆果的大户。
Yuhina diademata is marked by a large white patch behind its neck,which looks like a white collar.This species mainly has fruits and seeds as its food,but insects are also included into its diet.
Paradoxornithidae includes 20 species which have short and thick bills.These small and long-tailed birds sing at a low voice and feed not only on insects but on fruits and seeds.