首页 理论教育 Laniustigrinus:一只奇妙的虎纹伯劳


更新时间:2025-01-19 工作计划 版权反馈
【摘要】:雀形目,伯劳科体长:16~19厘米;体重:23~38克Lanius tigrinus is named after its black spots which look like that of the tigers’and dot in the scapular and other feathers.During its reproducing period from May to July,the male is responsible for collecting food and keeping a close watch against predators while the female incubates.Each time a clutch of 4 to 7 eggs are laid,and they are brought up by both parents.Nestlings usually stay in nest for 13 to 15 days.虎纹伯劳因肩羽和覆羽具形似虎斑的黑色斑纹而得名,但除了独特的虎纹迷彩,它们通身的其他色彩也十分美丽:从前额到后颈呈蓝灰色,从颈部到腹部为白色,有宽阔的黑色眼罩。



Lanius tigrinus is named after its black spots which look like that of the tigers’and dot in the scapular and other feathers.During its reproducing period from May to July,the male is responsible for collecting food and keeping a close watch against predators while the female incubates.Each time a clutch of 4 to 7 eggs are laid,and they are brought up by both parents.Nestlings usually stay in nest for 13 to 15 days.





Sturnidae birds have long and curved bills,and they can make various callings.Their feet are strong,contributing to capturing insects a lot.Artificial nests are built by humans to attract these birds,as they are good assistants in catching pests.

