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时间:2023-11-20 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:主要以昆虫等动物性食物为食。Hypsipetes madagascariensis nests and forages for insects in montane areas at an altitude of about 1km.Birds of this species can be divided into two groups according to their plumage color: one with black plumage,and the other with their heads to breasts being white.知识链接伯劳科Laniidae本科均为中等体型的鸟类。捕食时,伯劳科鸟类大多将捉住的猎物挂在带刺的树上,然后慢慢享用,所以被称为“屠夫鸟”。Laniidae is a family composed of medium-sized birds with big bill and rounded wings.Their toes are strong and shaped like sharp hooks,which helps with capturing large-sized insects,lizards and small-sized animals as well as birds.Most Laniidae birds live in forests and perch on the top of trees.Their cup-shaped nests are built among shrubs and trees.




它们喜欢在海拔1 000米左右的山地森林中筑巢、栖息。主要以昆虫等动物性食物为食。其体色有两种:一种头颈至胸均为白色,俗名“山白头”“孝头拐”,白色的头,黑色的身子配上红嘴红脚,十分美丽;另一种则周身全黑,简称“黑鹎”。

Hypsipetes madagascariensis nests and forages for insects in montane areas at an altitude of about 1km.Birds of this species can be divided into two groups according to their plumage color: one with black plumage,and the other with their heads to breasts being white.




Laniidae is a family composed of medium-sized birds with big bill and rounded wings.Their toes are strong and shaped like sharp hooks,which helps with capturing large-sized insects,lizards and small-sized animals as well as birds.Most Laniidae birds live in forests and perch on the top of trees.Their cup-shaped nests are built among shrubs and trees.

