【摘要】:雀形目,燕科体长:14~19厘米;体重:14~22克家燕是最亲近人类的鸟儿,和人类世代友好相处。它们在飞行中捕食各种鳞翅目、膜翅目、直翅目、同翅目的昆虫,是庄稼的保护神。它们爱在农村木结构的建筑中筑巢,与人为邻。古代就有描述燕子亲人而居场景的诗句:“几处早莺争暖树,谁家新燕啄春泥”。Hirundo rustica lives in close association with humans,and it is its insect-eating habit that makes it widely and historically adored and protected by humans in China.They normally use man-made structures to build their cup nest from mud pellets in early summer,providing their young birds a firm and comfortable nest.
Hirundo rustica lives in close association with humans,and it is its insect-eating habit that makes it widely and historically adored and protected by humans in China.They normally use man-made structures to build their cup nest from mud pellets in early summer,providing their young birds a firm and comfortable nest.