首页 理论教育 普通鸬鹚-奇妙的鸟类


更新时间:2025-01-19 工作计划 版权反馈
【摘要】:鹈形目,鸬鹚科体长:约75厘米体重:约2 000克俗称“水老鸹”或“鱼鹰”。鸬鹚属于大型游禽,周身有很浓的腥臭味。鸬鹚天敌少,数量一年比一年多,对渔业资源损耗很大。青海湖的鸟岛现为著名的鸬鹚繁殖地。Phalacrocorax carbo is a large bird with stench all around the body due to defective uropygial gland.Birds of this species are good divers,so they are utilized as assistants of the fishermen for better fishing.But due to a lack of natural enemies,there is an increasing number of Phalacrocorax carbo which brings potential harms to the fishery resources.



体重:约2 000克(www.xing528.com)


Phalacrocorax carbo is a large bird with stench all around the body due to defective uropygial gland.Birds of this species are good divers,so they are utilized as assistants of the fishermen for better fishing.But due to a lack of natural enemies,there is an increasing number of Phalacrocorax carbo which brings potential harms to the fishery resources.

