首页 理论教育 奇妙的鸟类:游禽Natatores


更新时间:2025-01-19 工作计划 版权反馈
【摘要】:雁形目目鹈形目鸥形目游禽包括鸟纲中雁形目、目、鹈形目、鸥形目的鸟类。游禽能在各种类型的水域活动,善于游泳、潜水和在水中淘取食物,大多数不善于在陆地上行走,但飞行很快。游禽多喜群居,经常成群活动。Natatores,also known as swimming birds,refer to social birds of Anseriformes,Podicipediformes,Procellariiformes and Lariformes with flat or hooked beak.They have their webbed feet placed far back on the body,so it is difficult for them to walk on the land.However,Natatores become more active in water areas.They are by nature excellent swimmers and divers who depend on a diet ranging from aquatic plants to fishes and invertebrate creatures.






Natatores,also known as swimming birds,refer to social birds of Anseriformes,Podicipediformes,Procellariiformes and Lariformes with flat or hooked beak.They have their webbed feet placed far back on the body,so it is difficult for them to walk on the land.However,Natatores become more active in water areas.They are by nature excellent swimmers and divers who depend on a diet ranging from aquatic plants to fishes and invertebrate creatures.

