首页 理论教育 蓝翡翠Halcyonpileata:奇妙鸟类的发现!


时间:2023-11-20 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:它们以鱼为食,也吃虾、螃蟹和各种昆虫,常在水域附近的电线或树枝上歇息,伺机猎取食物。蓝翡翠胆子小,发现有人接近就立即贴着水面,惊叫着飞离,所以对观鸟者来说,发现蓝翡翠并不难,难的是靠近观察和拍摄它们。Halcyon pileata has a distinctive bright plumage color.It nests in soil caves and usually perches on electric wires or branches near water areas,waiting for its preys such as fishes and crabs showing up.Halcyon pileata is very timid,so that as soon as people approaches,it will fly away immediately.U pupa epops is the sole species of the Upupidae family with curved and long bill.It is widespread around China,and can adapt to its environment very soon.With the black-brown and smelly secretion,it can protect itself very well.The diet of U pupa epops is mostly composed of insects,such as earthworm,mole cricket and wireworm.






Halcyon pileata has a distinctive bright plumage color.It nests in soil caves and usually perches on electric wires or branches near water areas,waiting for its preys such as fishes and crabs showing up.Halcyon pileata is very timid,so that as soon as people approaches,it will fly away immediately.

U pupa epops is the sole species of the Upupidae family with curved and long bill.It is widespread around China,and can adapt to its environment very soon.With the black-brown and smelly secretion,it can protect itself very well.The diet of U pupa epops is mostly composed of insects,such as earthworm,mole cricket and wireworm.

