首页 理论教育 奇妙的噪鹃鸟-奇妙的鸟类


时间:2023-11-20 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:Eudynamys scolopacea is not a social bird,instead,it prefers to live alone.The male and female differs in their plumage color,but both have a diet varying from insects to figs and fruits.Eudynamys scolopacea lays eggs in the nests of Sturnus,Pica pica or Urocissa erythroryncha,yet unlike other species in the Cuculidae,the young will not push other baby birds out.知识链接翠鸟科Alcedididae本科鸟类多为一些颜色艳丽,体型小巧的鸟类。Alcedinidae,is a family of small to medium-sized,brightly colored birds mainly feeding on fish.They are most famous for hunting and eating fish with great skills and patience.Most species in this family have bright plumage,with green and blue being the most common colors.In most species,no overt differences between the sexes exist.






Eudynamys scolopacea is not a social bird,instead,it prefers to live alone.The male and female differs in their plumage color,but both have a diet varying from insects to figs and fruits.Eudynamys scolopacea lays eggs in the nests of Sturnus,Pica pica or Urocissa erythroryncha,yet unlike other species in the Cuculidae,the young will not push other baby birds out.(www.xing528.com)




Alcedinidae,is a family of small to medium-sized,brightly colored birds mainly feeding on fish.They are most famous for hunting and eating fish with great skills and patience.Most species in this family have bright plumage,with green and blue being the most common colors.In most species,no overt differences between the sexes exist.

