首页 理论教育 奇妙的灰胸竹鸡鸟-奇妙的鸟类


时间:2023-11-20 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:Bambusicola thoracica is Galliformes of small size,peculiar to China.They are omnivorous,feeding on a variety of plants,insects and crops,and perch in bamboo groves or on branches in flocks.They lay nearly 10 eggs every time in their nest built on ground,spending 17-18 days to incubate.知识链接鸠鸽科Columbidae多为中型鸟类,身体较胖,善飞行,爱集群活动。雌雄配对后总是成双活动,还不时互相“接吻”。“接吻”时雌鸽可以从雄鸽口中取食鸽乳,以利于产蛋。Columbidae refers to birds that are somewhat fat and of medium size.They are good at flying and usually flock together.Parent birds feed nestlings with pigeon’s milk,which is partly why the survival rate of Columbidae birds exceeds that of other birds.Among Columbidae is the domestic pigeon.Through selecting and breeding over thousands of years,domestic pigeons are utilized for communication,performance,enjoyment or just for their meat.Besides,pigeons with an olive branch in their beaks are considered a symbol of peace.山斑鸠





Bambusicola thoracica is Galliformes of small size,peculiar to China.They are omnivorous,feeding on a variety of plants,insects and crops,and perch in bamboo groves or on branches in flocks.They lay nearly 10 eggs every time in their nest built on ground,spending 17-18 days to incubate.





Columbidae refers to birds that are somewhat fat and of medium size.They are good at flying and usually flock together.Parent birds feed nestlings with pigeon’s milk,which is partly why the survival rate of Columbidae birds exceeds that of other birds.Among Columbidae is the domestic pigeon.Through selecting and breeding over thousands of years,domestic pigeons are utilized for communication,performance,enjoyment or just for their meat.Besides,pigeons with an olive branch in their beaks are considered a symbol of peace.


