首页 理论教育 奇妙的红腹锦鸡:观赏鸟类介绍


更新时间:2025-01-19 工作计划 版权反馈
【摘要】:红腹锦鸡生活在四川省海拔2 500米以下的山地、森林。红腹锦鸡的巢一般筑在地上,位置隐蔽,难以发现,而一旦发现有人靠近,哪怕距离还很远,它们也会急速奔跑,远远避开。古人创造的鸟中之王“凤凰”,其原型可能就是红腹锦鸡。Chrysolophus pictus,second-class national protected animal,is peculiar to China.They are very alert,living in mountainous regions and forests in flocks,and their nests are built on the ground.Polygamy is common among them with one male bird having 2-4 female mates at the same time.5-9 eggs are laid at a time and are incubated by female birds.



国家二级保护动物,我国的特有鸟种,俗名“金鸡”或“金鸡子”。红腹锦鸡生活在四川省海拔2 500米以下的山地、森林。红腹锦鸡的巢一般筑在地上,位置隐蔽,难以发现,而一旦发现有人靠近,哪怕距离还很远,它们也会急速奔跑,远远避开。(www.xing528.com)


Chrysolophus pictus,second-class national protected animal,is peculiar to China.They are very alert,living in mountainous regions and forests in flocks,and their nests are built on the ground.Polygamy is common among them with one male bird having 2-4 female mates at the same time.5-9 eggs are laid at a time and are incubated by female birds.

