首页 理论教育 中国的猛禽保护现状:隼形目和鸮形目


时间:2023-11-20 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:隼形目鸮形目猛禽是指鸟纲中隼形目和鸮形目的鸟类。我国将所有猛禽列为国家保护动物。隼形目有鹰、隼、、雕、鹫、鸢、鹞等。Raptors,or birds of prey,refer to birds that fall into the order of Strigiformes or Falconiformes.All raptors are predatory,at the top of the food chain,that’s why the number of them is less than other bird groups in the ecosystem.They play a key role in maintaining ecological balance.All raptors in China have been listed as national protected animals.Their huge wings,keen eyesight,long powerful legs,curved strong yet sharp beaks and talons are characteristic traits of these diurnal and solitary Falconiformes birds.In China,order Strigiformes covers more than 30 species of birds,most of which are nocturnal and carnivorous.知识链接鹰科Accipitridae分为鸢、、鹞、鹫、雕类,大多体型较大,长着勾嘴和利爪,以捕食其他动物为生。






Raptors,or birds of prey,refer to birds that fall into the order of Strigiformes or Falconiformes.All raptors are predatory,at the top of the food chain,that’s why the number of them is less than other bird groups in the ecosystem.They play a key role in maintaining ecological balance.All raptors in China have been listed as national protected animals.

Their huge wings,keen eyesight,long powerful legs,curved strong yet sharp beaks and talons are characteristic traits of these diurnal and solitary Falconiformes birds.In China,order Strigiformes covers more than 30 species of birds,most of which are nocturnal and carnivorous.(www.xing528.com)




Accipitridae birds are listed as first- or second-class national protected animals in China.They are large-sized raptors preying on other animals for life with strongly hooked beak,sharply curved talon and excellent eyesight,living in mountains,grasslands and forests.Accipitridae birds are scarce in number and of low reproductive capacity.

