首页 理论教育 五笔速成练习及键录入方法小结


时间:2023-11-20 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:按照手指分工练习下列英文字母(10遍)a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z按照手指分工练习基本键录入(10遍)fff jjj ggg hhh ddd kkk sss lll aaa;;;按照手指分工练习上排键录入(10遍)ttt yyy rrr uuu eee iii www ooo qqq ppp按照手指分工练习下排键录入(10遍)bbb nnn vvv mmm ccc,,,xxx…



a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z


fff jjj ggg hhh ddd kkk sss lll aaa;;;


ttt yyy rrr uuu eee iii www ooo qqq ppp


bbb nnn vvv mmm ccc,,,xxx…zzz///





An Interesting Veterinarian

The hard - working veterinarian came home late all worn out.No sooner had he retired than the phone beside the bed rang.He nudged his wife.“Please,dear,see who it is and you expect me soon.”

His wife answered the phone in a sleepy voice.“The doctor in not at home,”she said.

“Well,this is Mrs.Smith,”came the voice over the wire.“My horse has a bad case of pinkeye,and I want the doctor to come over as soon as possible.”

Only half - awake,the vet mumbled some instructions to his wife,which she repeated to the caller.“Do that and I’m sure your horse will feel better,”she suggested.

“Thank you,”Mrs.Smith replied crisply,“but before I fol-low your instructions,tell me—is that gentleman with you qualified to advised me?”

A Clever Professor

Once a professor at Glasgow University put up a notice,which read:“Professor Black will meet his class tomorrow.”This means that he was going to give his students a lecture the next day.

One naughty boy of the class saw the notice and wiped away the first letter of the word“class”in the notice.Then the sentence became “ Professor Black will meet his lass tomorrow”,which means the professor would meet his girl friend. Seeing this,theProfessor didn’t take it seriously.He then,simply leaves out an-other letter of the word.Finally,the word“class” was turned into“ass”,which means,as we all know,“a stupid donkey.”Over all,the student hadn’t surpassed the teacher.

