首页 理论教育 中医药院校生理学教学:应用和推广双语教学


时间:2023-11-08 理论教育 版权反馈


[摘要]目的 了解在中医药院校开展生理学双语教学的适应性和可行性。方法选取2014级、2015级4个班,共265名学生进行研究,分别采用传统教学法和双语教学法进行生理学教学,于学期中期考察学生的生理学成绩和专业英语成绩。结果 不管是不同生源班级之间,还是不同专业班级之间进行比较,实施双语教学法班级的生理学成绩和专业英语成绩均优于实施传统教学法的班级(P<0.05)。结论 双语教学不受文理科生源的限制,也不受学生所学专业的影响,均可提高学生的专业英语成绩和生理学总成绩。因此,中医药院校生理学教学应推行双语教学法。


Bilingual teaching should be applied and popularized in physiology in the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine

[Abstract]Objective To explore the adaptability and feasibility of bilingual teaching in physiology in the university of Traditional Chinese Medicine.Methods 265 students from four classes of grade 2014 and grade 2015 were taught in bilingual teaching and traditional teaching in physiology respectively,physiology and professional English were tested in the midterm.Results No matter classes between different background or no matter classes between different major,physiological achievements and professional English scores in the class taught in bilingual teaching were better than those in the class taught in traditional teaching(P<0.05).Conclusion Bilingual teaching in Physiology is not restricted by the students with different background,and it is not affected by the students'major.It can improve both professional English achievements and total physiological scores.Therefore,the bilingual teaching in physiology should be applied in the university of Traditional Chinese Medicine.(www.xing528.com)

Key words:Physiology; Bilingual teaching; University of Traditional Chinese Medicine


