首页 理论教育 中国教育改革:认识论和方法论问题


时间:2023-10-19 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:On Epistemology and Methodology of Decision making in China Educational Reform Wang Weilian王伟廉王伟廉,男,湖南长沙人;厦门大学高等教育科学研究所、高等教育发展研究中心教授,博士生导师;主要研究领域:高等教育学。教育改革实践需要教育理论指导,更需要认识论和方法论的指导。文章还就当前在认识论和方法论上存在的误区进行了描述和揭示。对这些问题作出回答,必然要涉及到哲学认识论和方法论。从哲学高度来反思我们的教育实践,对我们今后的教育决策的科学化具有重要意义。


On Epistemology and Methodology of Decision making in China Educational Reform Wang Weilian

【作 者】王伟廉



【英文摘要】The practice of educational reform needs the guidance of educational theory,and also uses epistemology and methodology as the guide.This paper,in view of epistemology and methodology in educational decision-making,by illustration with examples,studies the significance of adhering to Marxist epistemology and methodology in the educational decision-making,and reflects the problems of our educational decision-making,And with how to comprehend and abide by educational law,how to solve the contradictions in the education,it explores approaches to apply the weapons epistemology and methodology in the educational practice to solve the practical problems.The paper also narrates and exposes some mistaken points in the present epistemology and methodology.


