1945 年1 月24 日,中印公路通车。据不完全统计,中印公路从动工到通车共牺牲三万多人(不含前方作战阵亡将士),因而中印公路是一条浸泡着鲜血的道路!中印公路通车半年,共运进汽车一万多辆,军用物资五万多吨,有力地支持了中、美、英盟军反攻缅甸的战役。在抗日战争中功不可没。
Bridge on the Ledo Road(Photographed by Winston Way,reserved in the library of the University of Chicago)
温斯顿·维军士(Sgt Winston Way)曾是H & S 公司第九三○航空工程兵团的供水主管。1943 年至1944 年,他曾在卡哈拉格普尔待过一段时间,负责把当地的井水送到柯蒂斯·李梅将军驻印度卡莱昆达的第二十轰炸机指挥部。
The First Convoy started out after the Ledo Road reopened.(Photographed by Winston Way,reserved in the library of the University of Chicago)
The convoy passed by the rock formation on the Ledo Road.(Photographed by Winston Way,reserved in the library of the University of Chicago)
Tanks crossed the Irrawaddy River in Burma.
Combat Headquarters and Ledo Road.
Army camp at midway.
卡车车队经过Loglai 的汽油供给点,此处距离利多铁路终点55 英里。所有卡车的轮子上都装了便于在泥泞道路上行走的链条
Truck convoy moved through gasoline dump(left rear)at Loglai, 55 miles from Ledo railhead. All trucks were equipped with tire chains for traction in mud.
In morass of mud one jeep labored to pull out another mired up to the axles.Road passeed through Hukawng-Mogaung Valley,where the jungle was thickest.(www.xing528.com)
When there wasn't room on the mountainside, engineers made overharging rock formation.
Rare color photograph showed cut through jungle and heavy traffic on the road.
在高达4000 英尺的崇山峻岭之间的之字形道路。山顶弯道内是长条形的军营。这些军营设在山坡上是为了避免山谷中逼人的湿热
Road zigzags in sweeping stages to climb over range of 4,000-ft.mountains. Inside upper big bend were long buildings of an Army camp.This and other settlements below were built on slope to escape oppressive heat and dampness of the valleys.
New road, two lanes wide along this stretch, cut straight through jungle toward hazy horizon.Narrow trail of old road might be faintly seen at right as it wandered among trees.Aerial pictures were made on a rare sunny day.
Ledo & Bazaar on Ledo Road.
丛林中蜿蜒的利多公路在天气干燥时,就像一条长长的灰尘烟云,公路上的卡车在灰尘中完全无法看清。越接近战斗前线,卡车的速度越慢,为了防止被敌人发现,速度必须低于每小时10 英里
Winding through jungle, road was visible in dry weather as long, wooly cloud of dust.Trucks on the road were completely obscured.Closer to the battlefront,trucks would have to travel less than 10 m/ph to prevent enemy observation.
Climbing over mountain the road made a hairpin turn.At bottom center trucks were parked next to gasoline depot.Inside curve was tent of roadcontrol station.Old road curved tortuously farther down the slope.
Shell holes along road were made by Allied artillery when Japanese held town partly hidden in trees by river.Squares marked by hummocks were rice paddies.This was one of infrequent large clearings in north Burma.