首页 理论教育 中国日常文化:教育-中国日常文化


更新时间:2025-01-17 工作计划 版权反馈
【摘要】:中国的教育主要包括学前教育、初等教育、中等教育、高等教育等阶段。中国从1986年起,开始实行九年义务教育。Kindergarten education does not fall within the scope of compulsory education.However, because there are a large proportion of families in which both parents work,urban children generally attend kindergarten. As living standards are improving and people put more value on children's education, most rural children attend kindergarten as well.幼儿园 Kindergarten在中国,孩子上幼儿园的年龄一般是3周岁。


Education in China mainly consists of preschool education, primary education,secondary education and higher education. The nine-year compulsory education policy(six years for primary school and three years for junior middle school) was started in 1986. After over 30 years of hard work, great achievements have been made. According to statistics, in 2018, the net enrollment rate of primary school-age children was nearly 100%, and the gross enrollment rate of junior middle schools reached 100.9%.





The lengths of schooling in China are basically identical to those in other parts of the world, i.e.

Primary school: six years (starting school age: 6-7)

Middle school: six years (three years for junior students and three years for senior students)

College or university: bachelor's degree education (4-year program), specialist education (2- to 3-year program)


Kindergarten education does not fall within the scope of compulsory education.However, because there are a large proportion of families in which both parents work,urban children generally attend kindergarten. As living standards are improving and people put more value on children's education, most rural children attend kindergarten as well.

幼儿园 Kindergarten


In China, children generally start kindergarten when they are three years old.The kindergarten is divided into three grades: nursery for 3- to 4-year-olds, lower kindergarten for 4- to 5-year-olds and upper kindergarten for 5- to 6-year-olds. The educational approach is based on singing, drawing, counting, reading, as well as self-care and social interaction. In general, kindergartens offer full-time education,i.e. from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The children have lunch and an afternoon nap at the kindergarten.



Chinese children start school generally at the age of 6 or 7. In 2018, there were altogether 161,811 primary schools with an enrollment of 103.393 million pupils.

The length of primary schooling is six years. The range of subjects offered includes Chinese, math, English, science, morality and rule of law, music, art, and physical education. Class periods in primary school usually last 40 minutes each, with a 10-minute break in between.




Chinese middle schooling is divided into two phases: junior middle school and senior middle school, with students spending three years at each. In 2018, there were altogether 51,982 junior middle schools, with an enrollment of 46.526 million students.

There are three grades known as Grade One, Grade Two and Grade Three in junior middle school (also called Grade Seven, Grade Eight and Grade Nine with the sequence of primary school). The range of subjects includes Chinese,math, English, politics, history, geography, physics, chemistry, biology, music, art,information technology, and physical education.

When they finish junior middle school, the students need to take the senior middle school entrance examination. From there, their scores decide whether they can enter a senior middle school and as well, which particular school they can be accepted into.Because of this, everyone hopes to get a high score to enroll in his/her ideal senior middle school.




Senior middle school education in China mainly includes general middle school and secondary vocational education. In 2018, there were 24,077 general middle schools and secondary vocational education schools nationwide, with 39.272 million students.

There are three grades—Grade One, Grade Two and Grade Three—in the senior middle school, which offers subjects similar to those offered in the junior middle school.

According to a survey, the student retention rate of adolescents aged 15 to 17 was 82.8% in 2015 (72.4% in rural areas and 93.9% in urban areas).



In order to be awarded a place to study at college or university, Chinese senior middle school graduates need to take the national college entrance exam, commonly known in China as the gaokao. Students' admission into higher education is dependent on their performance in this test.(www.xing528.com)

Chinese, math and English are the three subjects required for the test. Liberal arts students have to take a comprehensive liberal arts test and science/engineering students a comprehensive science test. Due to the different levels of education in the provinces and regions, the examination questions and admission scores of the provinces and regions vary.




Higher education is divided into bachelor's degree education (usu. 4-year program) and specialist education (2- to 3-year program). In 2018, there were altogether 2,663 general higher education institutions, with 28.310 million enrollments in total.

The four grades of undergraduate education are called freshman year, sophomore year, junior year and senior year respectively.

Postgraduate education, including the master's level and doctoral level, is also common in China. The master's degree programs last two to three years and the doctoral degree programs generally last three to four years.



In general, Chinese college students live in college dormitories, for which an accommodation fee is charged. On campus, there are students' canteens, where food is provided at a low price. Almost all students live on campus, which is usually very large. There are fairly large living quarters besides teaching buildings. Therefore, the college campus is, as it were, a small society.

Today, college students have to pay tuition fees. Different amounts of tuition are charged for different majors. The annual tuition for public universities varies from several thousand yuan to ten thousand yuan. Students from poor families can apply for student subsidies. Fellowships and scholarships are available to encourage students to study hard.

上海·同济大学图书馆 Shanghai·The Library of Tongji University


In China, an academic year is divided into two semesters. The first semester starts in September and ends in January next year. The second semester starts in March (or mid-to-late February) and ends in early July.


There are two long vacations a year, one in winter and one in summer.There are no national regulations on the length of the vacations. In general,the winter vacation runs from a day in January to a day in February and lasts four to six weeks; the summer vacation runs from a day in July to a day in August and lasts six to seven weeks.


There used to be a requirement that the candidates for the gaokao(College Entrance Examination) be under the age of 25 and remain single.This restriction was lifted in 2001, which means people at any age can take this examination.




National Bureau of Statistics of China, China Statistical Abstract 2019, China Statistics Press, 2019, p.179.

Note: Here, the enrollment rate refers to the gross enrollment rate, that is, the ratio of the total number of students in schools at that level to the total number of school-age population stipulated by the government.


National Bureau of Statistics of China, China Statistical Abstract 2019, China Statistics Press, 2019, p.173, 176.


National Bureau of Statistics of China, China Statistical Abstract 2019, China Statistics Press, 2019, p.173, 176.


National Bureau of Statistics of China, China Statistical Abstract 2019, China Statistics Press, 2019, p.176.


Department of Family Planning and Development, National Health and Family Planning Commission, China Family Development Report 2015, China Population Publishing House, 2015, p.79.


National Bureau of Statistics of China, China Statistical Abstract 2019, China Statistics Press, 2019, p.173, 176.

