Neal Bunn,a friend in signal service.We were on the same ship to Calcutta.He used to be a DJ who played music in a radio station.He was transferred to Armed Forces Radio and became a disc jockey,with his own secretary.(Photographed by Joe Day)
尼尔·邦恩的工作室,及其广播设施(约瑟夫·德 / 摄)
Neal Bunn ’s studio.(Photographed by Joe Day)
尼尔·邦恩正在播报通知(约瑟夫·德 / 摄)
Neal Bunn was announcing.(Photographed by Joe Day)
我与尼尔·邦恩的工作助手(约瑟夫·德 / 提供)
Neal Bunn’s secretary and I.(Provided by Joe Day)
尼尔·邦恩和他的助手(约瑟夫·德 / 摄)
Neal Bunn and his secretary.(Photographed by Joe Day)(www.xing528.com)
我正在户外使用6L6无线电发报机(约瑟夫·德 / 提供)
6L6 ham radio.(Provided by Joe Day)
我正在发摩尔斯电码(约瑟夫·德 / 提供)
Joe day at the key.(Provided by Joe Day)
我们使用的XICI 交换机(约瑟夫·德 / 摄)
XICI transmitter.(Photographed by Joe Day)
尼尔·邦恩在工作室(约瑟夫·德 / 摄)
Neal Bunn in his studio.(Photographed by Joe Day)
罗伊·布朗内尔在解码(约瑟夫·德 / 摄)
Roy Brownell was decoding.(Photographed by Joe Day)