首页 理论教育 常见海关发票与汉英外贸单证实务


时间:2023-08-22 理论教育 版权反馈


1.加拿大海关发票(Canada Customs Invoice)。

2.美国海关发票(Special Customs Invoice)。美国现有5520、5523海关发票格式,但近些年少见使用,如信用证未要求提供,可不必出具。

3.新西兰海关发票(Certificate of Origin for Exports to New Zealand Form 59A)。

4.西非海关发票(Combined Certificate of Value and of Origin and Invoice of Goods for Exportation to West Africa, Form C),适用于塞内冈比亚(Senegambia)、塞拉利昂(Sierra Leone)、利比里亚(Liberia)等国家。

5.牙买加海关发票(Invoice and Declaration of Value Required for Shipment to Jamaica,Form C 23)。适用于牙买加(Jamaica)、洪都拉斯(Honduras)、多米尼加共和国(The Dominican Republic)等国。

6.加勒比海共同体海关发票(Caricom (Caribbean Common Market)Invoice)。本格式适用于加勒比共同市场15个成员国:牙买加(Jamaica)、圭亚那(Guyana)、安提瓜(Antigua)、伯利兹(Belize)、圣卢西亚(St.Lucia)、圣文森特(St.Vincent)、巴巴多斯(Barbados)、格林纳达(Grenada)、蒙特塞拉特(Montserrat)、圣基茨和尼维斯(St.Kitts and Nevis)、特立尼达和多巴哥(Trinidad and Tobago)、多米尼克(The Commonwealth of Dominica)、海地(Haiti)、苏里南(Suriname)、巴哈马(The Barhamas)。(www.xing528.com)

7.赞比亚海关发票(Invoice and Certificate of Value for Exports to Zambia)。



例:“I declare that the final process of manufacture of the goods for which special rates are claimed has been performed in China and that not less than one-half of the factory cost of the goods is represented by the value of labour and material of China.”

